コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets all the tiles in a specified rectangle on this grid to the specified type.
    /// Note that lowerLeft and upperRight MUST have this relationship
    /// (for example, upperRight.y cannot be lower than lowerLeft.y),
    /// or I'm going to crash your program.
    /// If prioritize is false,
    /// this function will only mark tiles which are currently empty.
    /// Also, this function technically can mark single lines,
    /// but it's recommended that you use setTypeLine() instead for that.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="lowerLeft">Lower leftmost point of the desired rectangle</param>
    /// <param name="upperRight">Upper rightmost point of the desired rectangle</param>
    /// <param name="type">Tile type to set this rectangle to</param>
    /// <param name="prioritize">Whether this action should override existing non-empty tiles</param>
    public void setTypeRect(Coord2DObject lowerLeft, Coord2DObject upperRight,
                            TileObject.TileType type, bool prioritize)
        assertBounds(lowerLeft); assertBounds(upperRight);

        Assert.IsTrue(lowerLeft.x <= upperRight.x && lowerLeft.y <= upperRight.y,
                      "Invalid argument order. "
                      + "lowerLeft should be " + upperRight.ToString()
                      + "and upperRight should be " + lowerLeft.ToString());

        // Just setTypeLine if they gave us a line instead of a rectangle
        if (lowerLeft.x == upperRight.x || lowerLeft.y == upperRight.y)
            setTypeLine(lowerLeft, upperRight, type, prioritize);

        // If we're here, then we're marking a non-line rectangle,
        // and the arguments were provided in correct order
        for (int thisY = lowerLeft.y; thisY <= upperRight.y; thisY++)
            // Go row by row
            Coord2DObject thisRowLeft  = new Coord2DObject(lowerLeft.x, thisY);
            Coord2DObject thisRowRight = new Coord2DObject(upperRight.x, thisY);

            setTypeLine(thisRowLeft, thisRowRight, type, prioritize);
コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets all the tiles in a specified line on this grid to the specified type.
    /// Note that point1 and point2 MUST lie on the same line
    /// (i.e. either their x coordinates are equal or their y coordinates are equal),
    /// or I'm going to crash your program.
    /// If prioritize is false,
    /// this function will only mark tiles which are currently empty.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="point1">An endpoint</param>
    /// <param name="point2">Another endpoint</param>
    /// <param name="type">Tile type to set this line to</param>
    /// <param name="prioritize">Whether this method should override existing non-empty tiles</param>
    public void setTypeLine(Coord2DObject point1, Coord2DObject point2,
                            TileObject.TileType type, bool prioritize)
        assertBounds(point1); assertBounds(point2);

        Assert.raiseExceptions = true;
        Assert.IsTrue(point1.x == point2.x || point1.y == point2.y,
                      "point1 " + point1.ToString() + " and point2 " + point2.ToString() + " must lie on a straight line");

        if (point1.Equals(point2) &&
            (prioritize || getTile(point1).type == TileObject.TileType.EMPTY))
            getTile(point1).type = type;

        // If on the same row
        if (point1.y == point2.y)
            // Iterate from least x to greater x,
            // whichever is which
            int biggerX  = (point1.x > point2.x ? point1.x : point2.x);
            int smallerX = (point1.x < point2.x ? point1.x : point2.x);

            for (int i = smallerX; i <= biggerX; i++)
                TileObject thisTile = getTile(new Coord2DObject(i, point1.y));

                if (thisTile == null)
                    Debug.Log("i is " + i + ", point1.y is " + point1.y);

                if (prioritize || thisTile.type == TileObject.TileType.EMPTY)
                    thisTile.type = type;

        // Else, they're on the same column
            // Iterate from least y to greatest y,
            // whichever is which
            int biggerY  = (point1.y > point2.y ? point1.y : point2.y);
            int smallerY = (point1.y < point2.y ? point1.y : point2.y);

            for (int i = smallerY; i <= biggerY; i++)
                TileObject thisTile = getTile(new Coord2DObject(point1.x, i));

                if (prioritize || thisTile.type == TileObject.TileType.EMPTY)
                    thisTile.type = type;
コード例 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets all the tiles in a specified line on this grid to the specified type.
    /// This overload adds the "thickness" parameter.
    /// A single straight line of Tiles is considered a row with layers = 0 (total thickness 1).
    /// layers = 1 surrounds the line on each side with additional rows, for a total thickness of 3.
    /// All other parameters remain the same as the other overload for this method,
    /// including that part about me crashing your program
    /// if point1 and point2 aren't on the same line.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="point1">An endpoint</param>
    /// <param name="point2">Another endpoint</param>
    /// <param name="type">Tile type to set this line to</param>
    /// <param name="layers">Number of layers on each side of this line</param>
    /// <param name="prioritize">Whether this method should override existing non-empty tiles</param>
    public void setTypeLine(Coord2DObject point1, Coord2DObject point2,
                            TileObject.TileType type, int layers, bool prioritize)
        for (int thisLayer = 0; thisLayer <= layers; thisLayer++)
            // Rows (horizontal)
            if (point1.y == point2.y)
                // Do row on top, offset by thisLevel
                Coord2DObject point1Layered = new Coord2DObject(point1.x, point1.y + thisLayer);
                Coord2DObject point2Layered = new Coord2DObject(point2.x, point2.y + thisLayer);

                if (checkBounds(point1Layered) && checkBounds(point2Layered))
                    setTypeLine(point1Layered, point2Layered, type, prioritize);

                // Do row on bot, offset by thisLevel
                point1Layered = new Coord2DObject(point1.x, point1.y - thisLayer);
                point2Layered = new Coord2DObject(point2.x, point2.y - thisLayer);

                if (checkBounds(point1Layered) && checkBounds(point2Layered))
                    setTypeLine(point1Layered, point2Layered, type, prioritize);

            // Columns (vertical)
            else if (point1.x == point2.x)
                // Do column on left, offset by thisLevel
                Coord2DObject point1Layered = new Coord2DObject(point1.x - thisLayer, point1.y);
                Coord2DObject point2Layered = new Coord2DObject(point2.x - thisLayer, point2.y);

                if (checkBounds(point1Layered) && checkBounds(point2Layered))
                    setTypeLine(point1Layered, point2Layered, type, prioritize);

                // Do column on right, offset by thisLevel
                point1Layered = new Coord2DObject(point1.x + thisLayer, point1.y);
                point2Layered = new Coord2DObject(point2.x + thisLayer, point2.y);

                if (checkBounds(point1Layered) && checkBounds(point2Layered))
                    setTypeLine(point1Layered, point2Layered, type, prioritize);

                Assert.IsTrue(false, "point1" + point1.ToString() + " and point2 " + point2.ToString() + " not on a line");
コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Populates this Path's "joints" list with the best path between point1 and point2.
    /// This is accomplished by implementing Dijkstra's algorithm.
    /// This path's grid and joints MUST be initialized before this method is called.
    /// Algorithm adopted from the pseudocode found here:
    /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm#Pseudocode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="src">The coordinate that the path should start from</param>
    /// <param name="dest">The coordinate that the path should start from</param>
    private void populateBestPath(Coord2DObject src, Coord2DObject dest)
        Grid2DObject tempGrid = new Grid2DObject(grid); // generate copy, maintaining tile types

        TileObject srcTile  = tempGrid.getTile(src);
        TileObject destTile = tempGrid.getTile(dest);

        srcTile.distance = 0;

        // Do some error checking
        Assert.raiseExceptions = true;
        Assert.IsTrue(!src.Equals(dest), "Attempted autopath to the same tile " + src.ToString());
        Assert.IsTrue(srcTile.type != TileObject.TileType.NON_TRAVERSABLE,
                      "Path attempted on srcTile  non-traversable tile " + srcTile.ToString() + " to destTile " + destTile.ToString());
        Assert.IsTrue(destTile.type != TileObject.TileType.NON_TRAVERSABLE,
                      "Path attempted on destTile non-traversable tile " + destTile.ToString() + " from srcTile " + srcTile.ToString());

        // Populate set Q
        HashSet <TileObject> setQ = new HashSet <TileObject>();

        foreach (TileObject t in tempGrid)
            if (t.type != TileObject.TileType.NON_TRAVERSABLE)
        List <TileObject> listQ = new List <TileObject>(setQ);

        shuffleList <TileObject>(listQ);

        TileObject uTile = null;

        while (listQ.Count > 0)
            // Get tile with minimum distance from setQ
            int runningMin = System.Int32.MaxValue;
            foreach (TileObject t in listQ)
                if (t.distance < runningMin)
                    runningMin = t.distance;
                    uTile      = t;

            // Make sure uTile is properly set,
            // then remove it from setQ
            Assert.IsTrue(uTile != null, "Minimum distance tile uTile not properly set");
            Assert.IsTrue(listQ.Contains(uTile), "setQ doesn't contain uTile " + uTile.ToString());

            // Break out if we've reached the destination,
            // we now need to construct the path via reverse iteration
            if (uTile == destTile)  // check for identity, not just equivalence

            // Update distances of all uTile's current neighbors
            HashSet <TileObject> uNeighbors = tempGrid.getTraversableNeighbors(uTile.location);

            foreach (TileObject thisNeighbor in uNeighbors)
                int currentDist = uTile.distance + 1;

                if (currentDist < thisNeighbor.distance)
                    thisNeighbor.distance = currentDist;
                    thisNeighbor.prev     = uTile;

        // Ensure that uTile is actually usable
        Assert.IsTrue(uTile.prev != null || uTile == srcTile,
                      "Condition specified by Dijkstra's not met");

        // Populate joints by backtracing
        while (uTile != null)
            uTile = uTile.prev;

            // Make sure if we're about to break out,
            // that we have enough joints to do so
            // (i.e. that we have at least 2 joints)
            Assert.IsTrue(!(uTile == null && joints.Count < 2),
                          "Not enough prev's? For sure not enough joints\n"
                          + "Perhaps src and dest are the same?\n"
                          + "src:  " + srcTile.ToString() + '\n'
                          + "dest: " + destTile.ToString() + '\n'
                          + "src.equals(dest)? " + src.Equals(dest));
コード例 #5
 public void assertBounds(Coord2DObject location)
     Assert.raiseExceptions = true;
     Assert.IsTrue(checkBounds(location), "Invalid coordinate " + location.ToString());