public override void Process(HttpRequestArgs args) { // NOTE - no error handling added. Failed requests are expected to result in an unhandled exception, which should show friendly error page. // Only act on unauthenticated requests against the sign-in callback URL if (Context.User == null || Context.User.IsAuthenticated || Context.User.Identity.GetType() == typeof(UserProfile) || !args.Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith(Settings.SignInCallbackUrl)) { return; } // Validate token and obtain claims //var tempCookie = args.Context.Request.Cookies[Settings.TempCookieName]; var tempCookie = new CookieHelper(Settings.TempCookieName, args.Context); var tempHttpCookie = tempCookie.GetCookie(); var claims = ValidateCodeAndGetClaims(args.Context.Request.QueryString["code"], args.Context.Request.QueryString["state"], tempHttpCookie).ToList(); var userData = new UserIdamData(claims); _userDataService.SaveUserIdamDataToCookie(claims, args.Context); // Build sitecore user and log in - this will persist until log out or session ends. var user = BuildVirtualUser(userData); AuthenticationManager.LoginVirtualUser(user); var targetUrl = tempCookie.GetValue("returnUrl") ?? "/"; tempCookie.Delete(); WebUtil.Redirect(targetUrl); }
public void Delete_CookieDoesNotExistOnRequest_DoesNothing() { // Act CookieHelper.Delete("myKey"); // Assert _context.Response.Cookies["myKey"].Should().BeNull(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { CookieHelper.Delete(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ManageDomain"]); Response.Redirect("admin_login.aspx"); } }
public void Delete_CookieExistsOnRequest_ReaddsCookieToResponse_WithExpirationDateSetToYesterday() { // Arrange _context.Request.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("myKey") { Value = "myValue" }); // Act CookieHelper.Delete("myKey"); // Assert var cookie = _context.Response.Cookies["myKey"]; cookie.Expires.Should().BeCloseTo(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)); }
public static User GetCurrentUser() { if (HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionKeys.User] == null) { long uid; if (long.TryParse(CookieHelper.Get(CookieKeys.UserId), out uid)) { var user = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService <IUserService>().GetById(uid); if (user != null && user.IsActive == true) { Login(user); } else { CookieHelper.Delete(uid.ToString()); } } } return((User)HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionKeys.User]); }
private void EnsureLoggedOut() { // If the request is (still) marked as authenticated we send the user to the logout action if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { // First we clean the authentication ticket like always //required NameSpace: using System.Web.Security; FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); // Second we clear the principal to ensure the user does not retain any authentication //required NameSpace: using System.Security.Principal; HttpContext.User = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(string.Empty), null); Session.Clear(); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.RemoveAll(); } //Remove cookie CookieHelper.Delete(StaticValues.SessionFullName); CookieHelper.Delete(StaticValues.SessionProfileImg); CookieHelper.Delete(StaticValues.SessionRoleId); CookieHelper.Delete(StaticValues.SessionUserId); }
public void Delete(CookieType CookieName) { cookie.Delete(CookieName.ToString()); }
public ActionResult Matriz(int WorkzoneID, bool catchValueFromOficial = true) { CookieHelper.Delete("userId"); var workzone = _workzone.GetWorkzoneById(WorkzoneID); try { //Veriica se o cara possui permissão para acessar a matriz de acordo com o CC //if (!AllowCC(workzone.idCC)) //{ // //Response.Write("<script>alert('Sem acesso a esta tela. Verificar CC cadastrado no AutSis');</script>"); // //Thread.Sleep(3000); // return RedirectToAction("Index", new { error = true }); //} // DESCOMENTA ESSA LINHA DE CIMAAAAAAAAAAAAA DEPOIS SetImage(); var exits = _matrizService.GetMatrizByWZId(WorkzoneID); var matrizWz = new tblMatrizWorkzone(); var matrizWzTemp = new tblMatrizWorkzoneTemp(); matrizWz.idMatrizWZ = 0; matrizWzTemp.idMatrizWZTemp = 0; //VERIFICA SE A MATRIZ TEMPORÁRIA ESTÁ LIMPA var matrizTemp = _matrizTempService.GetMatrizTempByWZId(WorkzoneID); if (matrizTemp != null) { _matrizFuncActivityTempService.DeleteMatrizTempAll(matrizTemp.idMatrizWZTemp); _matrizFuncTrainingTempService.DeleteMatrizTempAll(matrizTemp.idMatrizWZTemp); _matrizTempService.DeleteMatrizTemp(matrizTemp.idMatrizWZTemp); } if (exits == null) { var username = ""; try { username = AuthorizationHelper.GetSystem().Usuario.ChaveAmericas; } catch { username = ""; } // CRIA MATRIZ OFICIAL SE ELA N EXISTIR tblMatrizWorkzone matrizXworzoneTemp = new tblMatrizWorkzone(); matrizXworzoneTemp.Usuario = username; matrizXworzoneTemp.DataCriacao = DateTime.Now; matrizXworzoneTemp.idWorkzone = WorkzoneID; matrizWz = _matrizService.CreateMatriz(matrizXworzoneTemp); } else { matrizWz = exits; } var exitsMTemp = _matrizTempService.GetMatrizTempByWZId(WorkzoneID); if (exitsMTemp == null) { var username = ""; try { username = AuthorizationHelper.GetSystem().Usuario.ChaveAmericas; } catch { username = ""; } // CRIA MATRIZ TEMPORÁRIA ONDE A EDIÇÃO SERÁ FEITA tblMatrizWorkzoneTemp matrizXworzoneTempTemp = new tblMatrizWorkzoneTemp(); matrizXworzoneTempTemp.Usuario = username; matrizXworzoneTempTemp.DataCriacao = DateTime.Now; matrizXworzoneTempTemp.idWorkzone = WorkzoneID; matrizWzTemp = _matrizTempService.CreateMatrizTemp(matrizXworzoneTempTemp); exitsMTemp = _matrizTempService.GetMatrizTempByWZId(WorkzoneID); // VERIFICA SE A MATRIZ POSSUI AVALIAÇÕES EM ATIVIDADE var avalAtiv = _matrizFuncActivityService.GetMatrizByMWZId(matrizWz.idMatrizWZ); var idsActv = new List <int>(); if (avalAtiv.Count() > 0) { tblMatrizFuncXAtividadesTemp newAvalObj = new tblMatrizFuncXAtividadesTemp(); var existInActivityAssociation = _workzoneXActivity.GetWorzoneXActivityListByIdWz(matrizWz.idWorkzone); foreach (var aval in avalAtiv) { if (existInActivityAssociation.Where(a => a.tblAtividades.idAtividade == aval.idAtividade) != null) { newAvalObj = new tblMatrizFuncXAtividadesTemp(); newAvalObj.idAtividade = aval.idAtividade; newAvalObj.idFuncionario = aval.idFuncionario; newAvalObj.idItemPerfil = aval.idItemPerfil; newAvalObj.idMatrizWorkzoneTemp = matrizWzTemp.idMatrizWZTemp; _matrizFuncActivityTempService.CreateMatrizTemp(newAvalObj); } else { idsActv.Add(aval.idAtividade); } } } // VERIFICA SE A MATRIZ POSSUI AVALIAÇÕES EM TREINAMENTOS var avalTrein = _matrizFuncTrainingService.GetMatrizByIdMWZ(matrizWz.idMatrizWZ); if (avalTrein.Count() > 0) { tblMatrizFuncXTreinamentoTemp newTreinObj = new tblMatrizFuncXTreinamentoTemp(); foreach (var aval in avalTrein) { var training = _training.GetTrainingById(aval.idTreinamento); var existTrainingInAssociation = true; //VERIFICA SE AQUELE TREINAMENTO[N] QUE POSSUI AVALIAÇÃO EXISTE AINDA NA ASSOCIAÇÃO // OU SE FOI DESASSOCIADO foreach (var id in idsActv) { var returned = training.tblAtividadeXTreinamentos.Where(a => a.tblAtividades.idAtividade == id); if (returned.Count() > 0) { existTrainingInAssociation = true; } } if (idsActv.Count == 0) { existTrainingInAssociation = true; } if (existTrainingInAssociation) { newTreinObj = new tblMatrizFuncXTreinamentoTemp(); newTreinObj.idTreinamento = aval.idTreinamento; newTreinObj.idFuncionario = aval.idFuncionario; newTreinObj.idItemPerfil = aval.idItemPerfil; newTreinObj.idMatrizWorkzoneTemp = matrizWzTemp.idMatrizWZTemp; _matrizFuncTrainingTempService.CreateMatrizTemp(newTreinObj); } } } } var activiesList = _workzoneXActivity.SetUpActivitiesList(WorkzoneID); List <tblTreinamento> trainingList = new List <tblTreinamento>(); List <tblTipoTreinamento> ttList = new List <tblTipoTreinamento>(); // OBTER TODAS OS TREINAMENTOS DE TODAS ATIVIDADES DA ZONA // E OS SEUS TIPOS foreach (var aList in activiesList) { //Pega todos IDs de atividades associados a treinamentos DA ZONA foreach (var aXt in aList.tblAtividadeXTreinamentos.OrderBy(t => t.tblTreinamento.idTipoTreinamento)) { var x = aList.tblAtividadeXTreinamentos.OrderBy(t => t.tblTreinamento.idTipoTreinamento); var aux = _training.GetTrainingById(aXt.idTreinamento); //Verifica se o treinamento já existe na Lista if (trainingList.Exists(t => t.IdTreinamento == aux.IdTreinamento) == false) { trainingList.Add(aux); } if (ttList.Exists(t => t.IdTipoTreinamento == aux.tblTipoTreinamento.IdTipoTreinamento) == false) { ttList.Add(aux.tblTipoTreinamento); } } } if (activiesList.Count() > 0 && trainingList.Count() > 0 && workzone.tblWorkzoneXFuncionario.Count() > 0) { = true; } else { = false; } ViewBag.trainingList = trainingList.OrderBy(t => t.idTipoTreinamento); ViewBag.activiesList = activiesList; ViewBag.ttList = ttList.OrderBy(t => t.IdTipoTreinamento); ViewBag.tListCount = trainingList.Count(); ViewBag.activiesCount = activiesList.Count(); ViewBag.ttListCount = ttList.Count(); ViewBag.MWZID = matrizWz.idMatrizWZ; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.Message.ToString()); } return(View("Matriz", workzone)); }
/// <summary> /// 退出 /// </summary> public static void SignOut() { CookieHelper.Delete("member"); HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Session.Abandon(); }
public void LogOff() { CookieHelper.Delete(CookieKeys.UserId); Session.Remove(SessionKeys.User); Response.Redirect("~/Backend/Login", true); }
public JsonResult Checkout(string name, string email, string phone) { try { using (db) { var cookieCart = CookieHelper.Get(StaticValues.CookieNameCartCookie); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cookieCart)) { var contact = new Contact { Name = name, CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Email = email, Mobile = phone, IsProductInquiry = true }; db.Contacts.Add(contact); db.SaveChanges(); var cartDetails = db.CartDetails.Where(s => s.CartCookie == cookieCart).ToList(); if (cartDetails.Any()) { foreach (var item in cartDetails) { item.ContactId = contact.ContactId; db.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } } //Send Email var tabledata = string.Empty; if (cartDetails.Any()) { tabledata = "<table class=\"one-column\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100% \" style=\"border-spacing:0; border-left:1px solid #e8e7e5; border-right:1px solid #e8e7e5; border-bottom:1px solid #e8e7e5; border-top:1px solid #e8e7e5\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"> <tbody>"; double finalTotal = 0; foreach (var item in cartDetails) { var offerApplied = string.Empty; double price = item.Price; price = price * item.Quantity; if (item.Discount > 0) { price = price - item.Discount; offerApplied = "<br / ><label style='color: green; font-weight: 400; display: block; font-size: 12px;'>Discount: Rs " + item.OfferTitle + "</label>"; } double tax = (price * item.TAX) / 100; price += tax; tabledata += "<tr> " + "<td style=\"width: 65%; padding: 8px\"> " + item.Product.ProductName + "" + offerApplied + "</td> " + "<td style=\"width: 10%; padding: 8px;text-align: center\"> " + item.Product.Price + "</td> " + "<td style=\"width: 15%; padding: 8px; text-align: center\">Tax: " + item.TAX + "%</td> " + "<td style=\"width: 10%; padding: 8px; text-align: center\">x " + item.Quantity + "</td> " + "<td style=\"width: 10%; padding: 8px; text-align: right\"><b>Rs " + price + "</b></td> </tr>"; finalTotal += price; } tabledata += "<tr> <td colspan=\"5\" style=\"padding: 8px; text-align: right\"><b>Total Amount : Rs " + finalTotal + "</b></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>"; } var replacement = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "#name#", name }, { "#email#", !string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)?"Email : " + email:"Email : No email provided" }, { "#phone#", "Phone : " + phone }, { "#tabledata#", tabledata } }; var emailTemplete = CommonFunctions.GetEmailTemplete((int)EnumList.EmailTemplete.ContactProduct, true, replacement); if (emailTemplete != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { //Send to user SendEmail.Send(emailTemplete.Subject, emailTemplete.Body, email); } //Send to admin SendEmail.Send(emailTemplete.Subject, emailTemplete.Body, @System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["email"].ToString()); } CookieHelper.Delete(StaticValues.CookieNameCartCookie); } return(Json(new { status = true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet })); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } }
public void DeleteUserIdamDataCookie(HttpContext context) { var cookie = new CookieHelper(Settings.UserDataCookieName, context); cookie.Delete(); }