internal void SetConversionFactors() { if (!ConversionFactorsSet) { DegreesFactor = new ConversionFactor(Degrees.HalfTurn, HalfTurn); RadiansFactor = new ConversionFactor(Radians.HalfTurn, HalfTurn); GradiansFactor = new ConversionFactor(Gradians.HalfTurn, HalfTurn); ConversionFactorsSet = true; } }
public UserUnit(string name, ConversionFactor numeratorPrefixes, ConversionFactor denominatorPrefixes, decimal multiplier, decimal offset, DimensionVector dv) { NumeratorName = name; Numerator.Add(this); NumeratorPrefix = numeratorPrefixes; DenominatorPrefix = denominatorPrefixes; Multiplier = multiplier; Offset = offset; DimensionVector = dv; }
public override string GetStepParameters() { var parameters = new List <string>(); parameters.Add(Dimensions != null ? Dimensions.ToStepValue() : "$"); parameters.Add(UnitType.ToStepValue()); parameters.Add(Name != null ? Name.ToStepValue() : "$"); parameters.Add(ConversionFactor != null ? ConversionFactor.ToStepValue() : "$"); return(string.Join(", ", parameters.ToArray())); }
// default for % Crude Protien = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * 0.625 [N to protien conversion] * 0.5 [unit conversion] public decimal GetCrudeProtienByCropId(int cropid) { ConversionFactor _cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); Crop crop = _sd.GetCrop(cropid); decimal crfN; decimal.TryParse(crop.CropRemovalFactorNitrogen.ToString(), out crfN); decimal cp = crfN * _cf.NitrogenProteinConversion * _cf.UnitConversion; return(cp); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { int hashCode = Value.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ EqualityComparer <TUnit> .Default.GetHashCode(Unit); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ConversionFactor.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Abbreviation != null ? Abbreviation.GetHashCode() : 0); return(hashCode); } }
// default for % Crude Protien = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * 0.625 [N to protien conversion] * 0.5 [unit conversion] public decimal GetCrudeProtienByCropId(int _cropid) { ConversionFactor _cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); decimal cp = 0; decimal crfN = 0; Crop crop = _sd.GetCrop(_cropid); decimal.TryParse(crop.cropremovalfactor_N.ToString(), out crfN); cp = crfN * _cf.n_protein_conversion * _cf.unit_conversion; return(cp); }
public ActionResult FieldDetail(string name, string target, string cntl, string actn, string currFld) { FieldDetailViewModel fvm = new FieldDetailViewModel(); ConversionFactor cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); fvm.selPrevYrManureOptions = _sd.GetPrevManureApplicationInPrevYears(); = target; fvm.actn = actn; fvm.cntl = cntl; fvm.currFld = currFld; fvm.placehldr = _sd.GetUserPrompt("fieldcommentplaceholder"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { Field fld = _ud.GetFieldDetails(name); fvm.currFieldName = fld.fieldName; fvm.fieldName = fld.fieldName; fvm.fieldArea = fld.area.ToString("G29"); fvm.fieldComment = fld.comment; fvm.fieldId =; // retrofit old saved NMP files if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fld.prevYearManureApplicationFrequency)) { // set to default (no manure applied in the last two years) fvm.selPrevYrManureOption = cf.DefaultApplicationOfManureInPrevYears; } else { fvm.selPrevYrManureOption = fld.prevYearManureApplicationFrequency; } fvm.act = "Edit"; } else { fvm.act = "Add"; } return(PartialView("FieldDetail", fvm)); }
CrearListaFactores() { var listaMonedasOrigen = CrearListaMonedas(); var listaMonedasDestino = CrearListaMonedas(); var listaFactores = new List <ConversionFactor>(); foreach (var monedaOrigen in listaMonedasOrigen) { foreach (var monedaDestino in listaMonedasDestino) { if (monedaOrigen.Abreviatura == monedaDestino.Abreviatura) { continue; } var factor = new ConversionFactor(monedaOrigen.Id, monedaDestino.Id, ObtenerAleatorio()); listaFactores.Add(factor); } } return(null); }
// This processing detemines the N P K values in lb per acre for the fertilizer select and appricatio rate/density etc. public FertilizerNutrients GetFertilizerNutrients() { FertilizerNutrients fn = new FertilizerNutrients(); // get the fertilizer N P K % values from fertlizer look up // for dry fertilizers // N (lb/ac) = Application rate converted to lb/ac * N % // P and K same as above // for wet fertilizers // N (lb/ac) = Application rate converted to lb/ac * N% * Density converted to lb / imp gallons // decimal applicationRateConversion = 0; decimal densityInSelectedUnit = 0; decimal densityUnitConversion = 0; Fertilizer _fertilizer = _sd.GetFertilizer(FertilizerId.ToString()); if ((CustomFertilizer && FertilizerType == "dry") || (!CustomFertilizer && _fertilizer.dry_liquid == "dry")) { densityUnitConversion = 1; switch (ApplicationRateUnits) { case 1: // application rate in lb/ac no conversion required applicationRateConversion = 1; break; case 2: // application rate in kg/ha, convert to lb/ac ConversionFactor _cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); applicationRateConversion = _cf.kgperha_lbperac_conversion; break; case 7: // application rate in lb/100 ft squared, convert to lb/ac ConversionFactor _cf1 = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); applicationRateConversion = _cf1.lbper1000ftsquared_lbperac_conversion; break; } } else //use liquid fertilizer { FertilizerUnit _fU = _sd.GetFertilizerUnit(ApplicationRateUnits); applicationRateConversion = _fU.conv_to_impgalperac; if (CustomFertilizer) { densityInSelectedUnit = Density; } else { LiquidFertilizerDensity _lfd = _sd.GetLiquidFertilizerDensity(FertilizerId, DensityUnits); densityInSelectedUnit = _lfd.value; } DensityUnit _du = _sd.GetDensityUnit(DensityUnits); densityUnitConversion = _du.convfactor * densityInSelectedUnit; } fn.fertilizer_N = ApplicationRate * decimal.Divide(userN, 100) * applicationRateConversion * densityUnitConversion; fn.fertilizer_P2O5 = ApplicationRate * decimal.Divide(userP2o5, 100) * applicationRateConversion * densityUnitConversion; fn.fertilizer_K2O = ApplicationRate * decimal.Divide(userK2o, 100) * applicationRateConversion * densityUnitConversion; return(fn); }
public List <BalanceMessages> DetermineBalanceMessages(string fieldName) { List <BalanceMessages> messages = new List <BalanceMessages>(); bool legume = false; string message = string.Empty; BalanceMessages bm = new BalanceMessages(); //get soil test values ConversionFactor _cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); //get the chemical balances ChemicalBalances cb = GetChemicalBalances(fieldName); //determine if a legume is included in the crops List <FieldCrop> fieldCrops = _ud.GetFieldCrops(fieldName); if (fieldCrops.Count > 0) { foreach (var _crop in fieldCrops) { Crop crop = _sd.GetCrop(Convert.ToInt16(_crop.cropId)); if (crop.n_recommcd == 1) //is a legume { legume = true; } } if (legume) { // get sum of agronomic N for manure, fertilizer and other for field // sum the above number with the crop removal N // use the resulting number to determine message int LegumeAgronomicN = GetLegumeAgronomicN(fieldName); int LegumeRemovalN = GetLegumeRemovalN(fieldName); bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("AgrN", LegumeAgronomicN + LegumeRemovalN, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } } else { bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("AgrN", chemicalBalances.balance_AgrN, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("AgrP2O5", chemicalBalances.balance_AgrP2O5, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("AgrK2O", chemicalBalances.balance_AgrK2O, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("CropN", chemicalBalances.balance_CropN, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("CropP2O5", chemicalBalances.balance_CropP2O5, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("CropK2O", chemicalBalances.balance_CropK2O, legume); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bm.Chemical)) { messages.Add(bm); } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("AgrP2O5CropP2O5", chemicalBalances.balance_AgrP2O5, chemicalBalances.balance_CropP2O5, "CropP2O5"); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } } return(messages); }
internal override void SetXML(XmlElement xml, BaseClassIfc host, Dictionary <int, XmlElement> processed) { base.SetXML(xml, host, processed); xml.SetAttribute("Name", Name); xml.AppendChild(ConversionFactor.GetXML(xml.OwnerDocument, "ConversionFactor", this, processed)); }
public CropRequirementRemoval GetCropRequirementRemoval( int cropid, decimal yield, decimal?crudeProtien, bool?coverCropHarvested, int nCredit, int regionId, Field field) { ConversionFactor _cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); var crr = new CropRequirementRemoval(); Crop crop = _sd.GetCrop(cropid); decimal n_removal; // For testing we're using Soil Test Kelowna of 65ppm, should actually by 100+ (say 101) // // Nutrient removal // P2O5 = crop.cropremovalfactor_P2O5 * yield // K2O = crop.cropremovalfactor_K2O * yield // N = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * yield // if crude_protien exists and is not default // crop.cropremovalfactor_N = (crude protien / (0.625 * 0.5)) // N = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * yield // else // N = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * yield // // Note for Cover crops (only) // if Cover Crop harvested // don't change numbers // if Cover crop not harvested // set all removal amts to zero if (!crudeProtien.HasValue || crudeProtien.HasValue && crudeProtien.Value == 0) { decimal tmpDec; if (decimal.TryParse(crop.CropRemovalFactorNitrogen.ToString(), out tmpDec)) { n_removal = tmpDec * yield; } else { n_removal = 0; } } else { n_removal = decimal.Divide(Convert.ToDecimal(crudeProtien), _cf.NitrogenProteinConversion * _cf.UnitConversion) * yield; } crr.P2O5_Removal = Convert.ToInt32(crop.CropRemovalFactorP2O5 * yield); crr.K2O_Removal = Convert.ToInt32(crop.CropRemovalFactorK2O * yield); crr.N_Removal = Convert.ToInt32(n_removal); if (coverCropHarvested.HasValue && coverCropHarvested.Value == false) { crr.P2O5_Removal = 0; crr.K2O_Removal = 0; crr.N_Removal = 0; } // Crop Requirement // P205 // get region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd // get phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd = crop_stp_regioncd(cropid, region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd) // get usign default ST Kelowna (65) between range_low and range_high // get P2O5 recommedation = stp_recommend(, region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd, phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd) // // same as above for K2O // // For N // Look up crop.n_recommcd // if 0 or 1 // N = crop.n_recomm_lbperac // if 2 // same as N removal // if 3 // get default yield = cropyield(cropid, locationid) // N = (yield / default yield) * crop.n_recomm_lbperac var region = _sd.GetRegion(regionId); if (field.SoilTest == null) { field.SoilTest = new SoilTest(); var dt = _sd.GetDefaultSoilTest(); field.SoilTest.valNO3H = dt.Nitrogen; field.SoilTest.ValP = dt.Phosphorous; field.SoilTest.valK = dt.Potassium; field.SoilTest.valPH = dt.pH; field.SoilTest.ConvertedKelownaK = dt.ConvertedKelownaK; field.SoilTest.ConvertedKelownaP = dt.ConvertedKelownaP; } int _STP = field.SoilTest.ConvertedKelownaP; if (_STP == 0) { _STP = _cf.DefaultSoilTestKelownaPhosphorous; } int _STK = field.SoilTest.ConvertedKelownaK; if (field.SoilTest.ConvertedKelownaK == 0) { _STK = _cf.DefaultSoilTestKelownaPotassium; } // p2o5 recommend calculations CropSoilTestPhosphorousRegion cropSTPRegionCd = _sd.GetCropSTPRegionCd(cropid, region.SoilTestPhosphorousRegionCd); int?phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd = cropSTPRegionCd.PhosphorousCropGroupRegionCode; SoilTestPhosphorousKelownaRange sTPKelownaRange = _sd.GetSTPKelownaRangeByPpm(_STP); int stp_kelowna_range_id = sTPKelownaRange.Id; if (phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd == null) { crr.P2O5_Requirement = 0; } else { SoilTestPhosphorousRecommendation sTPRecommend = _sd.GetSTPRecommend(stp_kelowna_range_id, region.SoilTestPhosphorousRegionCd, Convert.ToInt16(phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd)); crr.P2O5_Requirement = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(sTPRecommend.P2O5RecommendationKilogramPerHectare) * _cf.KilogramPerHectareToPoundPerAcreConversion); } // k2o recommend calculations CropSoilTestPotassiumRegion cropSTKRegionCd = _sd.GetCropSTKRegionCd(cropid, region.SoilTestPotassiumRegionCd); int?potassium_crop_group_region_cd = cropSTKRegionCd?.PotassiumCropGroupRegionCode; SoilTestPotassiumKelownaRange sTKKelownaRange = _sd.GetSTKKelownaRangeByPpm(_STK); int stk_kelowna_range_id = sTKKelownaRange.Id; if (potassium_crop_group_region_cd == null) { crr.K2O_Requirement = 0; } else { SoilTestPotassiumRecommendation sTKRecommend = _sd.GetSTKRecommend(stk_kelowna_range_id, region.SoilTestPotassiumRegionCd, Convert.ToInt16(potassium_crop_group_region_cd)); crr.K2O_Requirement = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(sTKRecommend.K2ORecommendationKilogramPerHectare) * _cf.KilogramPerHectareToPoundPerAcreConversion); } // n recommend calculations -note the excel n_recommd are zero based, the static data is 1 based switch (crop.NitrogenRecommendationId) { case 1: crr.N_Requirement = Convert.ToInt16(crop.NitrogenRecommendationPoundPerAcre); break; case 2: crr.N_Requirement = Convert.ToInt16(crop.NitrogenRecommendationPoundPerAcre); break; case 3: crr.N_Requirement = crr.N_Removal; break; case 4: CropYield cropYield = _sd.GetCropYield(cropid, region.LocationId); if (cropYield?.Amount != null) { crr.N_Requirement = Convert.ToInt16(decimal.Divide(yield, Convert.ToDecimal(cropYield.Amount)) * crop.NitrogenRecommendationPoundPerAcre); } else { crr.N_Requirement = 0; } break; } // if a previous crop has been ploughed dowm account for the N in the field (passed in as a credit) crr.N_Requirement = crr.N_Requirement - nCredit; // only reduce to 0 crr.N_Requirement = crr.N_Requirement < 0 ? 0 : crr.N_Requirement; return(crr); }
public bool Equals(CalcLoadTypeDto other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return(_lti.Equals(other._lti) && Name == other.Name && UnitOfPower == other.UnitOfPower && UnitOfSum == other.UnitOfSum && ConversionFactor.Equals(other.ConversionFactor) && ShowInCharts == other.ShowInCharts && Guid == other.Guid && FileName == other.FileName); }
public Dictionary <string, string> ToStringDict() { Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string cropYear; if (CropYear == 0) { cropYear = "0"; } else { cropYear = CropYear.ToString(); } dict.Add("cropYear", cropYear); string crop; if (Crop == null) { crop = string.Empty; } else { crop = Crop.ToString(); } dict.Add("crop", crop); string grainHeight; if (GrainHeight == 0) { grainHeight = "0"; } else { grainHeight = GrainHeight.ToString(); } dict.Add("grainHeight", grainHeight); string grainHopperHeight; if (GrainHopperHeight == 0) { grainHopperHeight = "0"; } else { grainHopperHeight = GrainHopperHeight.ToString(); } dict.Add("grainHopperHeight", grainHopperHeight); string coneHeight; if (ConeHeight == 0) { coneHeight = "0"; } else { coneHeight = ConeHeight.ToString(); } dict.Add("coneHeight", coneHeight); string totalVolume; if (TotalVolume == 0) { totalVolume = "0"; } else { totalVolume = TotalVolume.ToString("#,###.##"); } dict.Add("totalVolume", totalVolume); string moistureOfGrain; if (MoistureOfGrain == 0) { moistureOfGrain = "0"; } else { moistureOfGrain = MoistureOfGrain.ToString(); } dict.Add("moistureOfGrain", moistureOfGrain); string moistureFactor; if (MoistureFactor == 0) { moistureFactor = "0"; } else { moistureFactor = MoistureFactor.ToString(); } dict.Add("moistureFactor", moistureFactor); string testWeight; if (TestWeight == 0) { testWeight = "0"; } else { testWeight = TestWeight.ToString(); } dict.Add("testWeight", testWeight); string packFactor; if (PackFactor == 0) { packFactor = "0"; } else { packFactor = PackFactor.ToString(); } dict.Add("packFactor", packFactor); string dockagePercent; if (DockagePercent == 0) { dockagePercent = "0"; } else { dockagePercent = DockagePercent.ToString(); } dict.Add("dockagePercent", dockagePercent); string dockageFactor; if (DockageFactor == 0) { dockageFactor = "0"; } else { dockageFactor = DockageFactor.ToString(); } dict.Add("dockageFactor", dockageFactor); string conversionFactor; if (ConversionFactor == 0) { conversionFactor = "0"; } else { conversionFactor = ConversionFactor.ToString(); } dict.Add("conversionFactor", conversionFactor); string shellFactor; if (ShellFactor == 0) { shellFactor = "0"; } else { shellFactor = ShellFactor.ToString(); } dict.Add("shellFactor", shellFactor); string totalDeductionVolume; if (TotalDeductionVolume == 0) { totalDeductionVolume = "0"; } else { totalDeductionVolume = TotalDeductionVolume.ToString(); } dict.Add("totalDeductionVolume", totalDeductionVolume); string notes; if (Notes == null) { notes = string.Empty; } else { notes = Notes.ToString(); } dict.Add("notes", notes); return(dict); }
public NutrientInputs GetNutrientInputs(NutrientInputs nutrientInputs) { FarmManure mymanure = _ud.GetFarmManure(Convert.ToInt32(manure)); ConversionFactor _cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); decimal potassiumAvailabilityFirstYear = _cf.potassiumAvailabilityFirstYear; decimal potassiumAvailabilityLongTerm = _cf.potassiumAvailabilityLongTerm; decimal potassiumKtoK2Oconversion = _cf.potassiumKtoK2Oconversion; decimal phosphorousAvailabilityFirstYear = _cf.phosphorousAvailabilityFirstYear; decimal phosphorousAvailabilityLongTerm = _cf.phosphorousAvailabilityLongTerm; decimal phosphorousPtoP2O5Kconversion = _cf.phosphorousPtoP2O5Kconversion; decimal lbPerTonConversion = _cf.lbPerTonConversion; decimal tenThousand = 10000; // get conversion factor for selected units to lb/ac Unit myunit = _sd.GetUnit(applicationRateUnits); decimal conversion = myunit.conversion_lbton; // for solid manures specified in cubic yards per ac, convert application rate to tons/ac if ( == 6 && mymanure.solid_liquid.ToUpper() == "SOLID") { Manure manure = _sd.GetManure(mymanure.manureId.ToString()); applicationRate = applicationRate * manure.cubic_Yard_Conversion; } // get potassium first year nutrientInputs.K2O_FirstYear = Convert.ToInt32(decimal.Multiply(applicationRate, mymanure.potassium) * lbPerTonConversion * potassiumKtoK2Oconversion * potassiumAvailabilityFirstYear * conversion); // get potassium long term nutrientInputs.K2O_LongTerm = Convert.ToInt32(decimal.Multiply(applicationRate, mymanure.potassium) * lbPerTonConversion * potassiumKtoK2Oconversion * potassiumAvailabilityLongTerm * conversion); // get phosphorous first year nutrientInputs.P2O5_FirstYear = Convert.ToInt32(decimal.Multiply(applicationRate, mymanure.phosphorous) * lbPerTonConversion * phosphorousPtoP2O5Kconversion * phosphorousAvailabilityFirstYear * conversion); // get phosphorous long term nutrientInputs.P2O5_LongTerm = Convert.ToInt32(decimal.Multiply(applicationRate, mymanure.phosphorous) * lbPerTonConversion * phosphorousPtoP2O5Kconversion * phosphorousAvailabilityLongTerm * conversion); // get N values // Organic N% = Total N% - NH4-N ppm / 10,000 decimal organicN = mymanure.nitrogen - (Convert.ToDecimal(mymanure.ammonia) / tenThousand); NOrganicMineralizations nOrganicMineralizations = new NOrganicMineralizations(); int regionid = _ud.FarmDetails().farmRegion.Value; Region region = _sd.GetRegion(regionid); nOrganicMineralizations = GetNMineralization(, region.locationid); nOrganicMineralizations.OrganicN_FirstYear = firstYearOrganicNAvailablityPct / 100; // get data from screen //decimal ammoniaRetention = GetAmmoniaRetention(, Convert.ToInt32(applicationSeason)); decimal ammoniaRetention = ammoniaNRetentionPct / 100; // get data from screen // N 1st year lb/ton = [NH4-N ppm/10,000 * NH4 retention + NO3-N/10,000 + Organic N % * 1st yr Mineralization] * 20 decimal a = decimal.Divide(mymanure.ammonia, tenThousand) * ammoniaRetention; decimal b1 = decimal.Multiply(organicN, nOrganicMineralizations.OrganicN_FirstYear); //E07US20 decimal c1 = a + b1 + Convert.ToDecimal(mymanure.nitrate) / tenThousand; decimal N_Firstyear = decimal.Multiply(c1, lbPerTonConversion); nutrientInputs.N_FirstYear = Convert.ToInt32(applicationRate * N_Firstyear * conversion); // same for long term decimal b2 = decimal.Multiply(organicN, nOrganicMineralizations.OrganicN_LongTerm); //E07US20 decimal c2 = a + b2 + Convert.ToDecimal(mymanure.nitrate) / tenThousand; decimal N_LongTerm = decimal.Multiply(c2, lbPerTonConversion); nutrientInputs.N_LongTerm = Convert.ToInt32(applicationRate * N_LongTerm * conversion); return(nutrientInputs); }
public List <BalanceMessages> DetermineBalanceMessages(Field field, int farmRegionId, string year) { List <BalanceMessages> messages = new List <BalanceMessages>(); bool legume = false; string message = string.Empty; BalanceMessages bm = new BalanceMessages(); //get soil test values ConversionFactor cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); //get the chemical balances ChemicalBalances cb = GetChemicalBalances(field, farmRegionId, year); //determine if a legume is included in the crops var fieldCrops = field.Crops; if (fieldCrops.Count > 0) { foreach (var _crop in fieldCrops) { Crop crop = _sd.GetCrop(Convert.ToInt16(_crop.cropId)); if (crop.NitrogenRecommendationId == 1) // no nitrogen need to be added { legume = true; } } if (legume) { // get sum of agronomic N for manure, fertilizer and other for field // sum the above number with the crop removal N // use the resulting number to determine message long LegumeAgronomicN = GetLegumeAgronomicN(field); int LegumeRemovalN = GetLegumeRemovalN(field); bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("AgrN", LegumeAgronomicN + LegumeRemovalN, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } } else { bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("AgrN", chemicalBalances.balance_AgrN, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("AgrP2O5", chemicalBalances.balance_AgrP2O5, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("AgrK2O", chemicalBalances.balance_AgrK2O, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("CropN", chemicalBalances.balance_CropN, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("CropP2O5", chemicalBalances.balance_CropP2O5, legume); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("CropK2O", chemicalBalances.balance_CropK2O, legume); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bm?.Chemical)) { messages.Add(bm); } bm = _sd.GetMessageByChemicalBalance("AgrP2O5CropP2O5", chemicalBalances.balance_AgrP2O5, chemicalBalances.balance_CropP2O5, "CropP2O5"); if (bm != null) { messages.Add(bm); } } return(messages); }
// This processing detemines the N P K values in lb per acre for the fertilizer select and appricatio rate/density etc. public FertilizerNutrients GetFertilizerNutrients(int FertilizerId, string fertilizerType, decimal applicationRate, int applicationRateUnits, decimal density, int densityUnits, decimal userN, decimal userP2o5, decimal userK2o, bool customFertilizer) { var fn = new FertilizerNutrients(); // get the fertilizer N P K % values from fertlizer look up // for dry fertilizers // N (lb/ac) = Application rate converted to lb/ac * N % // P and K same as above // for wet fertilizers // N (lb/ac) = Application rate converted to lb/ac * N% * Density converted to lb / imp gallons // decimal applicationRateConversion = 0; decimal densityInSelectedUnit = 0; decimal densityUnitConversion = 0; Fertilizer _fertilizer = _sd.GetFertilizer(FertilizerId.ToString()); if (customFertilizer && fertilizerType == "dry" || !customFertilizer && _fertilizer.DryLiquid == "dry") { densityUnitConversion = 1; switch (applicationRateUnits) { case 1: // application rate in lb/ac no conversion required applicationRateConversion = 1; break; case 2: // application rate in kg/ha, convert to lb/ac ConversionFactor _cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); applicationRateConversion = _cf.KilogramPerHectareToPoundPerAcreConversion; break; case 7: // application rate in lb/100 ft squared, convert to lb/ac ConversionFactor _cf1 = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); applicationRateConversion = _cf1.PoundPer1000FtSquaredToPoundPerAcreConversion; break; } } else //use liquid fertilizer { FertilizerUnit _fU = _sd.GetFertilizerUnit(applicationRateUnits); applicationRateConversion = _fU.ConversionToImperialGallonsPerAcre; if (customFertilizer) { densityInSelectedUnit = density; } else { LiquidFertilizerDensity _lfd = _sd.GetLiquidFertilizerDensity(FertilizerId, densityUnits); densityInSelectedUnit = _lfd.Value; } DensityUnit _du = _sd.GetDensityUnit(densityUnits); densityUnitConversion = _du.ConvFactor * densityInSelectedUnit; } fn.fertilizer_N = applicationRate * decimal.Divide(userN, 100) * applicationRateConversion * densityUnitConversion; fn.fertilizer_P2O5 = applicationRate * decimal.Divide(userP2o5, 100) * applicationRateConversion * densityUnitConversion; fn.fertilizer_K2O = applicationRate * decimal.Divide(userK2o, 100) * applicationRateConversion * densityUnitConversion; return(fn); }
protected override void setJSON(JObject obj, BaseClassIfc host, SetJsonOptions options) { base.setJSON(obj, host, options); base.setAttribute(obj, "Name", Name); obj["ConversionFactor"] = ConversionFactor.getJson(this, options); }
public CropRequirementRemoval GetCropRequirementRemoval() { decimal n_removal = 0; ConversionFactor _cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor(); CropRequirementRemoval crr = new CropRequirementRemoval(); Crop crop = _sd.GetCrop(cropid); // For testing we're using Soil Test Kelowna of 65ppm, should actually by 100+ (say 101) // // Nutrient removal // P2O5 = crop.cropremovalfactor_P2O5 * yield // K2O = crop.cropremovalfactor_K2O * yield // N = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * yield // if crude_protien exists and is not default // crop.cropremovalfactor_N = (crude protien / (0.625 * 0.5)) // N = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * yield // else // N = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * yield // // Note for Cover crops (only) // if Cover Crop harvested // don't change numbers // if Cover crop not harvested // set all removal amts to zero if (!crudeProtien.HasValue || (crudeProtien.HasValue && crudeProtien.Value == 0)) { decimal tmpDec; if (decimal.TryParse(crop.cropremovalfactor_N.ToString(), out tmpDec)) { n_removal = tmpDec * yield; } else { n_removal = 0; } } else { n_removal = decimal.Divide(Convert.ToDecimal(crudeProtien), (_cf.n_protein_conversion * _cf.unit_conversion)) * yield; } crr.P2O5_Removal = Convert.ToInt32(crop.cropremovalfactor_P2O5 * yield); crr.K2O_Removal = Convert.ToInt32(crop.cropremovalfactor_K2O * yield); crr.N_Removal = Convert.ToInt32(n_removal); if (coverCropHarvested.HasValue && coverCropHarvested.Value == false) { crr.P2O5_Removal = 0; crr.K2O_Removal = 0; crr.N_Removal = 0; } // Crop Requirement // P205 // get region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd // get phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd = crop_stp_regioncd(cropid, region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd) // get usign default ST Kelowna (65) between range_low and range_high // get P2O5 recommedation = stp_recommend(, region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd, phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd) // // same as above for K2O // // For N // Look up crop.n_recommcd // if 0 or 1 // N = crop.n_recomm_lbperac // if 2 // same as N removal // if 3 // get default yield = cropyield(cropid, locationid) // N = (yield / default yield) * crop.n_recomm_lbperac int regionid = _ud.FarmDetails().farmRegion.Value; Region region = _sd.GetRegion(regionid); Field fld = _ud.GetFieldDetails(fieldName); if (fld.soilTest == null) { fld.soilTest = new SoilTest(); DefaultSoilTest dt = _sd.GetDefaultSoilTest(); fld.soilTest.valNO3H = dt.nitrogen; fld.soilTest.ValP = dt.phosphorous; fld.soilTest.valK = dt.potassium; fld.soilTest.valPH = dt.pH; fld.soilTest.ConvertedKelownaK = dt.convertedKelownaK; fld.soilTest.ConvertedKelownaP = dt.convertedKelownaP; } int _STP = fld.soilTest.ConvertedKelownaP; if (_STP == 0) { _STP = _cf.defaultSoilTestKelownaP; } int _STK = fld.soilTest.ConvertedKelownaK; if (fld.soilTest.ConvertedKelownaK == 0) { _STK = _cf.defaultSoilTestKelownaK; } // p2o5 recommend calculations CropSTPRegionCd cropSTPRegionCd = _sd.GetCropSTPRegionCd(cropid, region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd); int? phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd = cropSTPRegionCd.phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd; STPKelownaRange sTPKelownaRange = _sd.GetSTPKelownaRangeByPpm(_STP); int stp_kelowna_range_id =; if (phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd == null) { crr.P2O5_Requirement = 0; } else { STPRecommend sTPRecommend = _sd.GetSTPRecommend(stp_kelowna_range_id, region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd, Convert.ToInt16(phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd)); crr.P2O5_Requirement = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(sTPRecommend.p2o5_recommend_kgperha) * _cf.kgperha_lbperac_conversion); } // k2o recommend calculations CropSTKRegionCd cropSTKRegionCd = _sd.GetCropSTKRegionCd(cropid, region.soil_test_potassium_region_cd); int? potassium_crop_group_region_cd = cropSTKRegionCd.potassium_crop_group_region_cd; STKKelownaRange sTKKelownaRange = _sd.GetSTKKelownaRangeByPpm(_STK); int stk_kelowna_range_id =; if (potassium_crop_group_region_cd == null) { crr.K2O_Requirement = 0; } else { STKRecommend sTKRecommend = _sd.GetSTKRecommend(stk_kelowna_range_id, region.soil_test_potassium_region_cd, Convert.ToInt16(potassium_crop_group_region_cd)); crr.K2O_Requirement = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(sTKRecommend.k2o_recommend_kgperha) * _cf.kgperha_lbperac_conversion); } // n recommend calculations -note the excel n_recommd are zero based, the static data is 1 based switch (crop.n_recommcd) { case 1: crr.N_Requirement = Convert.ToInt16(crop.n_recomm_lbperac); break; case 2: crr.N_Requirement = Convert.ToInt16(crop.n_recomm_lbperac); break; case 3: crr.N_Requirement = crr.N_Removal; break; case 4: CropYield cropYield = _sd.GetCropYield(cropid, region.locationid); if (cropYield.amt != null) { crr.N_Requirement = Convert.ToInt16(decimal.Divide(yield, Convert.ToDecimal(cropYield.amt)) * crop.n_recomm_lbperac); } else { crr.N_Requirement = 0; } break; } // if a previous crop has been ploughed dowm account for the N in the field (passed in as a credit) crr.N_Requirement = crr.N_Requirement - nCredit; // only reduce to 0 crr.N_Requirement = (crr.N_Requirement < 0) ? 0 : crr.N_Requirement; return(crr); }
protected override void setJSON(JObject obj, BaseClassIfc host, HashSet <int> processed) { base.setJSON(obj, host, processed); base.setAttribute(obj, "Name", Name); obj["ConversionFactor"] = ConversionFactor.getJson(this, processed); }
}//beforeDeleteNode() protected override void afterPopulateProps() { ConversionFactor.SetOnPropChange(OnConversionFactorPropChange); Aliases.SetOnPropChange(onAliasesPropChange); Name.SetOnPropChange(OnNamePropChange); }//afterPopulateProps()
public List <string> ToStringList() { List <string> list = new List <string>(); string cropYear; if (CropYear == 0) { cropYear = "0"; } else { cropYear = CropYear.ToString(); } list.Add("CropYear: " + cropYear); string crop; if (Crop == null) { crop = string.Empty; } else { crop = Crop.ToString(); } list.Add("Crop: " + crop); string grainHeight; if (GrainHeight == 0) { grainHeight = "0"; } else { grainHeight = GrainHeight.ToString(); } list.Add("Grain Height: " + grainHeight); string hopperHeight; if (GrainHopperHeight == 0) { hopperHeight = "0"; } else { hopperHeight = GrainHopperHeight.ToString(); } list.Add("Grain Hopper Height: " + hopperHeight.ToString()); string coneHeight; if (ConeHeight == 0) { coneHeight = "0"; } else { coneHeight = ConeHeight.ToString(); } list.Add("Cone Height: " + coneHeight); string totalVolume; if (TotalVolume == 0) { totalVolume = "0"; } else { totalVolume = TotalVolume.ToString("#,###.##"); } list.Add("Total Volume: " + totalVolume); string moistureOfGrain; if (MoistureOfGrain == 0) { moistureOfGrain = "0"; } else { moistureOfGrain = MoistureOfGrain.ToString(); } list.Add("Moisture Of Grain: " + moistureOfGrain); string moistureFactor; if (MoistureFactor == 0) { moistureFactor = "0"; } else { moistureFactor = MoistureFactor.ToString(); } list.Add("Moisture Factor: " + moistureFactor); string testWeight; if (TestWeight == 0) { testWeight = "0"; } else { testWeight = TestWeight.ToString(); } list.Add("Test Weight: " + testWeight); string packFactor; if (PackFactor == 0) { packFactor = "0"; } else { packFactor = PackFactor.ToString(); } list.Add("Pack Factor: " + packFactor); string dockagePercent; if (DockagePercent == 0) { dockagePercent = "0"; } else { dockagePercent = DockagePercent.ToString(); } list.Add("Dockage Percent: " + dockagePercent); string dockageFactor; if (DockageFactor == 0) { dockageFactor = "0"; } else { dockageFactor = DockageFactor.ToString(); } list.Add("Dockage Factor: " + dockageFactor); string conversionFactor; if (ConversionFactor == 0) { conversionFactor = "0"; } else { conversionFactor = ConversionFactor.ToString(); } list.Add("Conversion Factor: " + conversionFactor); string shellFactor; if (ShellFactor == 0) { shellFactor = "0"; } else { shellFactor = ShellFactor.ToString(); } list.Add("Shell Factor: " + shellFactor); string totalDeductionVolume; if (TotalDeductionVolume == 0) { totalDeductionVolume = "0"; } else { totalDeductionVolume = TotalDeductionVolume.ToString(); } list.Add("Total Deduction Volume: " + totalDeductionVolume); string notes; if (Notes == null) { notes = string.Empty; } else { notes = Notes.ToString(); } list.Add("Notes: " + notes); return(list); }
protected bool Equals(NumericValue <TUnit> other) { return(Value.Equals(other.Value) && (Unit.GetType() == other.Unit.GetType()) && ConversionFactor.Equals(other.ConversionFactor) && string.Equals(Abbreviation, other.Abbreviation)); }