static void Main() { const string sourceFileName = "sample.doc"; //TODO: Put the source filename here const string resultFileName = "result.pdf"; //TODO: Put the result filename here // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { CachePath = "cache", StoragePath = "." }; conversionConfig.SetUseCache(true); var inputDataHandler = new AmazonInputDataHandler(); var cacheDataHandler = new AmazonCacheDataHandler(conversionConfig); var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig, inputDataHandler, cacheDataHandler); var resultStream = conversionHandler.Convert <Stream>(sourceFileName, new PdfSaveOptions()); WriteStreamToFile(resultStream, resultFileName); resultStream.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("The conversion finished. Press <<ENTER>> to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
// Advanced example public static void ToSlidesAdvance() { // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { StoragePath = storagePath, CachePath = cachePath }; conversionConfig.SetUseCache(true); //instantiating the conversion handler var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); //Set password to unprotect protected document during loading LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions { Password = "******" }; // convert file to Ppt, starting from page 2 and convert 2 pages, // use DPI 300, image width 1024, image height 768 SaveOptions saveOptions = new SlidesSaveOptions { ConvertFileType = SlidesSaveOptions.SlidesFileType.Ppt, PageNumber = 2, NumPagesToConvert = 2, }; var convertedDocumentStream = conversionHandler.Convert <Stream>(inputGUIDFile, loadOptions, saveOptions); }
// Advanced example public static void ToCellsAdvance() { // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { StoragePath = storagePath, CachePath = cachePath }; conversionConfig.SetUseCache(true); //instantiating the conversion handler var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); //Set password to unprotect protected document during loading LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions { Password = "******" }; // convert file to Xls, starting from page 2 and convert 2 pages SaveOptions saveOptions = new CellsSaveOptions { ConvertFileType = CellsSaveOptions.CellsFileType.Xls, PageNumber = 2, NumPagesToConvert = 2 }; var convertedDocumentStream = conversionHandler.Convert <Stream>(inputGUIDFile, loadOptions, saveOptions); }
private void CreateConversion(ConversionConfig config) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(obj => { Conversion conv; try { conv = _conversionClient.CreateConversion(config); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Failed to create new conversion", e); Program.Invoke(this, () => { statusLabel.Image = Images.StaticImages._000_error_h32bit_16; statusLabel.Text = Messages.CONVERSION_CREATE_FAILURE; statusLinkLabel.Reset(); }); return; } FetchConversionDetails(conv); }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var storagePath = Path.Combine(RootFolder, "TestFiles"); // Set license License license = new License(); license.SetLicense(""); // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { StoragePath = storagePath, OutputPath = ResultPath, UseCache = false }; var inputDataHandler = new GoogleInputHandler(conversionConfig); var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig, inputDataHandler); var resultStream = conversionHandler.Convert <Stream>("document.gdoc", new WordsSaveOptions()); WriteStreamToFile(resultStream, "result.docx"); resultStream.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("The conversion finished. Press <<ENTER>> to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
// Result as Stream public static void ToCellsAsStream() { // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { StoragePath = storagePath, CachePath = cachePath }; //instantiating the conversion handler var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); var convertedDocumentStream = conversionHandler.Convert <Stream>(inputGUIDFile, new CellsSaveOptions()); }
//public static string inputGUIDFile = "Slidessample.Pdf"; // Result as file path public static void ToSlidesAsPath() { // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { StoragePath = storagePath, CachePath = cachePath }; //instantiating the conversion handler var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); var convertedDocumentPath = conversionHandler.Convert <string>(inputGUIDFile, new SlidesSaveOptions()); }
public BoneLookup([NotNull] ConversionConfig conversionConfig) { switch (conversionConfig.SkeletonFormat) { case SkeletonFormat.Mmd: _bonePathMap = _bonePathMapMmd; break; case SkeletonFormat.Mltd: _bonePathMap = _bonePathMapMltd; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("You must choose a skeleton format."); } var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var kv in _bonePathMap) { string boneName; if (kv.Key.Contains(BoneNamePart_BodyScale)) { boneName = kv.Key.Replace(BoneNamePart_BodyScale, string.Empty); } else { boneName = kv.Key; } dict.Add(boneName, kv.Value); } dict.AssertAllValuesUnique(); _boneNameMap = dict; { var d = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var kv in dict) { d.Add(kv.Value, kv.Key); } _boneNameMapInversion = d; } _conversionConfig = conversionConfig; _scalingConfig = new ScalingConfig(conversionConfig); }
//public static string inputGUIDFile = "PDFsample.pdf"; // Result as file path public static void ToImageAsPath() { // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { StoragePath = storagePath, CachePath = cachePath }; //instantiating the conversion handler var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); var convertedDocumentPath = conversionHandler.Convert <IList <string> >(inputGUIDFile, new ImageSaveOptions { ConvertFileType = ImageSaveOptions.ImageFileType.Jpg }); }
int GetSqlCommandTimeOut() { try { string configValue = ConversionConfig.GetValue("SqlCommand:CommandTimeOut"); var timeout = 0; if (int.TryParse(configValue, out timeout)) { return(timeout > 0 ? timeout : SqlCommandDefaultTimeOut); } return(SqlCommandDefaultTimeOut); } catch (Exception) { return(SqlCommandDefaultTimeOut); } }
protected void lnkbtn_Convert_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* * CONVERT ALL THE FILES TO PDF FORMAT & STORE IN OUTPUT_DIRECTORY */ foreach (ListItem files in lst_SourceFiles.Items) { //SET UPLOAD FOLDER filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/"); //SET CACHE FOLDER WHERE THE CONVERSION TEMPORARY FILES ARE RUNNING cachePath = Server.MapPath("~/Cache/"); //SET OUTPUT FOLDER WHERE THE ACTUAL FILES WILL BE PLACED AFTER CONVERSION outputPath = Server.MapPath("~/OutputDir/"); //ORIGINAL FILE NAME WITH EXTENSION e.g SAMPLEFILE1.DOC string file = files.Text; //CONVERSION CONFIGURATION FOR DEFAULT ConversionConfig _conConfg = new ConversionConfig { StoragePath = filePath, CachePath = cachePath, OutputPath = outputPath }; ConversionHandler conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(_conConfg); //CONVERSION TO PDF VIA FILE PATH var convertedPDF = conversionHandler.Convert <string>(file, new PdfSaveOptions { ConvertFileType = PdfSaveOptions.PdfFileType.Pdf, OutputType = OutputType.String }); } //GETS ALL THE CONVERTED FILES FROM OUTPUT FOLDER string[] myOutputFiles = Directory.GetFiles(outputPath); foreach (var items in myOutputFiles) { lst_DestinationFiles.Items.Add(new ListItem(Path.GetFileName(items), items)); } lbl_destinationFiles.Text = @"All " + myOutputFiles.Length + " have been successfully synced!"; }
private static ConversionConfig PrepareConversionConfig([NotNull] MainWorkerInputParams ip) { var cc = new ConversionConfig(); cc.MotionFormat = ip.MotionSource; cc.ScaleToPmxSize = ip.ScalePmx; cc.ApplyPmxCharacterHeight = ip.ConsiderIdolHeight; cc.TranslateBoneNamesToMmd = ip.TranslateBoneNames; cc.AppendIKBones = ip.AppendLegIkBones; cc.FixMmdCenterBones = ip.FixCenterBones; cc.FixTdaBindingPose = ip.ConvertBindingPose; cc.AppendEyeBones = ip.AppendEyeBones; cc.HideUnityGeneratedBones = ip.HideUnityGeneratedBones; cc.SkeletonFormat = ip.MotionSource == MotionFormat.Mltd ? SkeletonFormat.Mltd : SkeletonFormat.Mmd; cc.TranslateFacialExpressionNamesToMmd = ip.TranslateFacialExpressionNames; cc.ImportPhysics = ip.ImportPhysics; cc.AddHairHighlights = ip.AddHairHighlights; cc.AddEyesHighlights = ip.AddEyesHighlights; cc.Transform60FpsTo30Fps = ip.TransformTo30Fps; cc.ScaleToVmdSize = ip.ScaleVmd; { var mappingsJson = File.ReadAllText(ip.FacialExpressionMappingFilePath, Encoding.UTF8); var mappingsObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FacialConfig>(mappingsJson); var dict = new Dictionary <int, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, float> >(); foreach (var expr in mappingsObj.Expressions) { var d2 = new Dictionary <string, float>(); foreach (var kv in expr.Data) { d2[kv.Key] = kv.Value; } dict[expr.Key] = d2; } cc.FacialExpressionMappings = dict; } return(cc); }
static void Main() { var storagePath = Path.Combine(RootFolder, "TestFiles"); var cachePath = Path.Combine(RootFolder, "Cache"); // Set license License license = new License(); license.SetLicense(""); // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { StoragePath = storagePath, OutputPath = ResultPath, CachePath = cachePath, UseCache = false }; _conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); // Convert Pdf To Html ConvertPdfToHtml(); // Convert Doc to Pdf ConvertDocToPdf(); // Convert Doc From Stream to PDf ConvertDocFromStreamToPdf(); // Convert Doc to Jpg ConvertDocToJpg(); // Convert Doc to Jpg with custom options ConvertDocToPngWithCustomOptions(); // Convert Doc to Bmp through Pdf ConvertDocToBmpThroughPdf(); //Convert Doc to PDF and return the path of the converted file ConvertDocToPdfReturnPath(); Console.WriteLine("Conversion complete. Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public GoogleInputHandler(ConversionConfig conversionConfig) { _conversionConfig = conversionConfig; var credential = GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync( new ClientSecrets { ClientId = ClientId, ClientSecret = ClientSecret }, new[] { DriveService.Scope.DriveReadonly }, "user", CancellationToken.None, new FileDataStore("GoogleAuth", true)); _dataService = new DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential.Result }); }
protected override void FinishWizard() { ConversionConfigs = new List <ConversionConfig>(); foreach (var vm in pageVmSelection.SelectedVms) { ConversionConfigs.Add(new ConversionConfig { SourceVmName = vm.Name, SourceVmUUID = vm.UUID, PreserveMAC = pageNetworkOptions.PreserveMAC, NetworkMappings = ConversionConfig.DictionaryToStruct(pageNetworkOptions.RawMappings), SourceServer = pageCredentials.VmwareCredInfo, StorageMapping = new StorageMapping { SRuuid = pageSrSelection.SelectedSR.uuid } }); } base.FinishWizard(); }
public BoneLookup([NotNull] ConversionConfig conversionConfig) { switch (conversionConfig.SkeletonFormat) { case SkeletonFormat.Mmd: _bonePathMap = BonePathMapMmd; break; case SkeletonFormat.Mltd: _bonePathMap = BonePathMapMltd; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("You must choose a skeleton format."); } var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var kv in _bonePathMap) { string boneName; if (kv.Key.Contains("BODY_SCALE/")) { boneName = kv.Key.Replace("BODY_SCALE/", String.Empty); } else { boneName = kv.Key; } dict.Add(boneName, kv.Value); } _boneNameMap = dict; _conversionConfig = conversionConfig; _scalingConfig = new ScalingConfig(conversionConfig); }
private static void ConvertPdfToImage(string fileName, ImageSaveOptions.ImageFileType outputFileType) { String sourcePath = @"C:\"; String targetPath = @"D:\"; var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { StoragePath = sourcePath, OutputPath = targetPath }; var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); var saveOptions = new ImageSaveOptions { ConvertFileType = outputFileType }; var convertedDocumentPath = conversionHandler.Convert(sourcePath + fileName, saveOptions); for (int pageNum = 1; pageNum < convertedDocumentPath.PageCount; pageNum++) { convertedDocumentPath.Save("Output-" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + pageNum.ToString() + "." + outputFileType, pageNum); } }
static void Main() { const string sourceFileName = "sample.doc"; //TODO: Put the source filename here // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { OutputPath = "result", StoragePath = "." }; conversionConfig.UseCache = true; var inputDataHandler = new AmazonInputDataHandler(); var outputDataHandler = new AmazonOutputDataHandler(conversionConfig); var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig, inputDataHandler, outputDataHandler); var resultPath = conversionHandler.Convert <string>(sourceFileName, new PdfSaveOptions { OutputType = OutputType.String }); Console.WriteLine("The conversion finished. The result can be located here: {0}. Press <<ENTER>> to exit.", resultPath); Console.ReadLine(); }
internal static BaseDao GetCurrent() { var siteName = ConversionConfig.GetValue("SiteName"); return(GetDao(siteName)); }
private void DoWork(object state) { ConversionConfig PrepareConversionConfig(InputParams ip) { var cc = new ConversionConfig(); cc.MotionFormat = ip.MotionSource; cc.ScaleToPmxSize = ip.ScalePmx; cc.ApplyPmxCharacterHeight = ip.ConsiderIdolHeight; cc.TranslateBoneNamesToMmd = ip.TranslateBoneNames; cc.AppendIKBones = ip.AppendLegIkBones; cc.FixMmdCenterBones = ip.FixCenterBones; cc.FixTdaBindingPose = ip.ConvertBindingPose; cc.AppendEyeBones = ip.AppendEyeBones; cc.HideUnityGeneratedBones = ip.HideUnityGeneratedBones; cc.SkeletonFormat = ip.MotionSource == MotionFormat.Mltd ? SkeletonFormat.Mltd : SkeletonFormat.Mmd; cc.TranslateFacialExpressionNamesToMmd = ip.TranslateFacialExpressionNames; cc.ImportPhysics = ip.ImportPhysics; cc.Transform60FpsTo30Fps = ip.TransformTo30Fps; cc.ScaleToVmdSize = ip.ScaleVmd; { var mappingsJson = File.ReadAllText(ip.FacialExpressionMappingFilePath, Encoding.UTF8); var mappingsObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FacialConfig>(mappingsJson); var dict = new Dictionary <int, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, float> >(); foreach (var expr in mappingsObj.Expressions) { var d2 = new Dictionary <string, float>(); foreach (var kv in expr.Data) { d2[kv.Key] = kv.Value; } dict[expr.Key] = d2; } cc.FacialExpressionMappings = dict; } return(cc); } Debug.Assert(InvokeRequired, "The worker procedure should be running on the worker thread."); Log("Worker started."); try { var p = (InputParams)state; ConversionConfig.Current = PrepareConversionConfig(p); if (p.IdolHeight <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(p.IdolHeight), "Invalid idol height."); } ScalingConfig.CharacterHeight = p.IdolHeight; do { var bodyAvatar = ResourceLoader.LoadBodyAvatar(p.InputBody); if (bodyAvatar == null) { Log("Failed to load body avatar."); break; } var bodyMesh = ResourceLoader.LoadBodyMesh(p.InputBody); if (bodyMesh == null) { Log("Failed to load body mesh."); break; } var headAvatar = ResourceLoader.LoadHeadAvatar(p.InputHead); if (headAvatar == null) { Log("Failed to load head avatar."); break; } var headMesh = ResourceLoader.LoadHeadMesh(p.InputHead); if (headMesh == null) { Log("Failed to load head mesh."); break; } var(bodySway, headSway) = ResourceLoader.LoadSwayControllers(p.InputBody, p.InputHead); if (bodySway == null || headSway == null) { Log("Failed to load sway controllers."); break; } var combinedAvatar = CompositeAvatar.FromAvatars(bodyAvatar, headAvatar); var combinedMesh = CompositeMesh.FromMeshes(bodyMesh, headMesh); CharacterImasMotionAsset dance; ScenarioObject scenario; if (p.GenerateCharacterMotion) { (dance, _, _) = ResourceLoader.LoadDance(p.InputDance, p.SongPosition); if (dance == null) { Log("Failed to load dance data."); break; } scenario = ResourceLoader.LoadScenario(p.InputFacialExpression); if (scenario == null) { Log("Failed to load scenario object."); break; } } else { dance = null; scenario = null; } CharacterImasMotionAsset camera; if (p.GenerateCameraMotion) { camera = ResourceLoader.LoadCamera(p.InputCamera); if (camera == null) { Log("Failed to load camera data."); break; } } else { camera = null; } do { // Now file names are like "ch_pr001_201xxx.unity3d". var avatarName = (new FileInfo(p.InputHead).Name).Substring(3, 12); // ss001_015siz -> 015ss001 // Note: PMD allows max 19 characters in texture file names. // In the format below, textures will be named like: // tex\015ss001_01.png // which is at the limit. var texPrefix = avatarName.Substring(6, 3) + avatarName.Substring(0, 5); texPrefix = @"tex\" + texPrefix + "_"; Log("Generating model..."); var pmxCreator = new PmxCreator(); var pmx = pmxCreator.CreateFrom(combinedAvatar, combinedMesh, bodyMesh.VertexCount, texPrefix, bodySway, headSway); if (p.GenerateModel) { Log("Saving model..."); using (var w = new PmxWriter(File.Open(p.OutputModel, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write))) { w.Write(pmx); } } if (p.GenerateCharacterMotion) { Log("Generating character motion..."); var creator = new VmdCreator { ProcessBoneFrames = true, ProcessCameraFrames = false, ProcessFacialFrames = true, ProcessLightFrames = false }; var danceVmd = creator.CreateFrom(dance, combinedAvatar, pmx, null, scenario, p.SongPosition); Log("Saving character motion..."); using (var w = new VmdWriter(File.Open(p.OutputCharacterAnimation, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write))) { w.Write(danceVmd); } } if (p.GenerateCameraMotion) { Log("Generating camera motion..."); if (p.UseMvd) { var creator = new MvdCreator { ProcessBoneFrames = false, ProcessCameraFrames = true, ProcessFacialFrames = false, ProcessLightFrames = false }; var motion = creator.CreateFrom(null, null, null, camera, null, p.SongPosition); Log("Writing camera motion..."); using (var w = new MvdWriter(File.Open(p.OutputCamera, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write))) { w.Write(motion); } } else { var creator = new VmdCreator { ProcessBoneFrames = false, ProcessCameraFrames = true, ProcessFacialFrames = false, ProcessLightFrames = false }; var motion = creator.CreateFrom(null, null, null, camera, null, p.SongPosition); Log("Writing camera motion..."); using (var w = new VmdWriter(File.Open(p.OutputCamera, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write))) { w.Write(motion); } } } } while (false); } while (false); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), ApplicationHelper.GetApplicationTitle(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } Log("Done."); Invoke(() => EnableMainControls(true)); }
protected void btnConvertAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // string lblFilesConverted = string.Empty; if (lstSourceFiles.Items.Count > 0) { lblConvStatus.Text = "Conversion started. Please wait...."; lblConvStatus.Visible = true; string outputfilename = string.Empty; foreach (ListItem lstItem in lstSourceFiles.Items) { inputFile = lstItem.Text; outputfilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputFile) + ".pdf"; ListItem item = lstTargetFiles.Items.FindByValue(outputfilename); if (item == null) { try { //one way conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { OutputPath = outputPath, StoragePath = storagePath, CachePath = cachePath }; conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); convertedDocumentPath = conversionHandler.Convert <string>(inputFile, new PdfSaveOptions { OutputType = OutputType.String }); /* // another way * conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig() * { * OutputPath = outputPath, * CachePath = cachePath, * LocalesPath = cachePath, * StoragePath = storagePath, * UseCache = false * }; * * * ConversionHandler conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); * //check whether file suppoted * var availableConversions = conversionHandler.GetSaveOptions(Path.GetExtension(inputFile).Replace(".", "")); * PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions() * { * ConvertFileType = PdfSaveOptions.PdfFileType.Pdf, * PageNumber = 1, * NumPagesToConvert = 1, * CustomName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputFile), * OutputType = OutputType.String * }; * var memStream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(storagePath + "" + inputFile)); * convertedDocumentPath = conversionHandler.Convert<String>(memStream, saveOptions); */ lstTargetFiles.Items.Add(outputfilename); } catch (Exception ex) { lblWrongFormat.Text = inputFile + " issue - " + ex.Message; lblWrongFormat.Visible = true; } } else { lblConvStatus.Text = inputFile + " file already converted."; } } lblConvStatus.Text = "Conversion completed."; } }
public AmazonCacheDataHandler(ConversionConfig conversionConfig) { _conversionConfig = conversionConfig; _client = new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.EUWest1); }