public void GetCallsCallIdTest() { // TODO: add unit test for the method 'GetCallsCallId' string callId = null; // TODO: replace null with proper value var response = instance.GetCallsCallId(callId); Assert.IsInstanceOf <CallConversation> (response, "response is CallConversation"); }
private void ProcessVoicemail() { // Check Voicemail var vmApi = new VoicemailApi(); var convApi = new ConversationsApi(); var vms = vmApi.GetMessages(); VoicemailMediaInfo vmMedia; foreach (VoicemailMessage vm in vms.Entities.Where(x => !(x.Read ?? false))) // Unread VMs only { DateTime vmDate = vm.CreatedDate != null ? ((DateTime)vm.CreatedDate).ToLocalTime() : DateTime.Now; Log("VM from " + vm.CallerAddress + " at " + vmDate); // Check for Group attribute so we know where to send it (use default if nothing found) string group = "unknown"; string groupEmail = DefaultRecipientEmail; var call = convApi.GetCallsCallId(vm.Conversation.Id); CallMediaParticipant participant = null; try { participant = call.Participants.First(x => x.Attributes != null && x.Attributes.ContainsKey("Group")); } catch { } if (participant != null) { group = participant.Attributes["Group"]; // Try to look up the email for this group in Settings. If it's not found, just move on with the default try { groupEmail = Properties.Settings.Default[group].ToString(); } catch { } } else { participant = call.Participants[0]; } // Download the WAV file string fileName; vmMedia = vmApi.GetMessagesMessageIdMedia(vm.Id, "WAV"); using (var client = new WebClient()) { fileName = Path.GetTempPath() + "PureCloud_VM_" + group + "_" + vmDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + ".wav"; client.DownloadFile(vmMedia.MediaFileUri, fileName); } // Email to the proper group string callerName = (vm.CallerName ?? participant.Name ?? vm.CallerAddress); string subject = "Voicemail from " + callerName; string body = ComposeVoicemailEmail(vmDate, group, vm.CallerAddress, callerName); SendEmail(groupEmail, EmailFromAddress, body, subject, fileName); Log(" Sent to " + group + ": " + groupEmail); // Mark the VM as read so it won't get sent again next time vm.Read = true; vmApi.PutMessagesMessageId(vm.Id, vm); } }