コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadConversationToStack Loads the users conversation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stack"> the parent stack</param>
        /// <param name="RecepientID"> the ID of the receiver</param>
        public static async Task LoadConversationToStack(StackLayout Stack, int RecepientID, bool IsLocalLoaded, Grid ChatControlGrid, int LastID = 0)
            int LastMessageID = LastID;

            JObject ConversationDecodedJson  = new JObject();
            String  ConversationResponseJson = "";

            //if false, then local db is empty else info is loaded from local db
            if (!IsLocalLoaded)
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(delegate { Stack.Children.Clear(); });

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("IN IF, Old Last Server " + LastServerChatId);

                ConversationResponseJson = await ChatModel.Chat(Utilities.PostDataEncoder(new Dictionary <int, string[]>
                    { 0, new String[] { "sender", Utilities.ID.ToString() } },
                    { 1, new String[] { "receiver", RecepientID.ToString() } },
                }), "chat/conversations");

                ConversationDecodedJson = JObject.Parse(ConversationResponseJson);

                LastMessageID = (int)ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["id"];

                var LastMessageDate = DateTime.Parse(ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["time"].ToString());

                if ((DateTime.Now.Day - LastMessageDate.Day) >= 7)///one week since last chat disabled messaging
                        ChatControlGrid.IsVisible = false;

                await Utilities.RunTask(async delegate
                    foreach (var conversation in ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"])
                        await ChatHandler.InsertMessage(conversation["message"].ToString(), conversation["time"].ToString(), (bool)conversation["sent"], RecepientID, MessageType.Text, true, (int)conversation["id"], Utilities.ID.ToString() + "-" + RecepientID);

                        if (conversation["message"].ToString() == "{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}")
                            var ChildStack = new Grid {
                                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Padding = new Thickness(10, 2, 10, 2)

                            ChildStack.Children.Add(new Label
                                Text                    = conversation["message"].ToString().Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""),
                                BackgroundColor         = (Color)App.Current.Resources["_MedAppBlack"],
                                TextColor               = Color.White,
                                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                                VerticalTextAlignment   = TextAlignment.Center,
                                HeightRequest           = 30,
                                HorizontalOptions       = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(Stack, conversation["id"].ToString());
                            DateTime MessageTime     = DateTime.Parse(conversation["time"].ToString());
                            String MessageTimeString = "";
                            if (MessageTime.Day != DateTime.Now.Day && MessageTime.Month == DateTime.Now.Month)
                                MessageTimeString = MessageTime.ToString("");
                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                Stack.Children.Add(SingleMessageTemplate.CreateMessage01((Convert.ToBoolean(conversation["sent"]) ? 1 : 0), conversation["message"].ToString(), Utilities.GetValidatedTime(MessageTime, ChatSectionType.Chat)));
                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(Stack, conversation["id"].ToString());

            ///Update chat in Background
            while (ListenForNewConversation)
                ConversationResponseJson = await ChatModel.Chat(Utilities.PostDataEncoder(new Dictionary <int, string[]>
                    { 0, new String[] { "sender", Utilities.ID.ToString() } },
                    { 1, new String[] { "receiver", RecepientID.ToString() } },
                }), "chat/conversations");

                ConversationDecodedJson = JObject.Parse(ConversationResponseJson);

                if (LastMessageID < (int)ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["id"])
                    await Utilities.RunTask(async delegate
                        foreach (var conversation in ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"])
                            if ((int)conversation["id"] > LastMessageID)
                                LastServerChatId = (int)conversation["id"];

                                ///save updates locally
                                await ChatHandler.InsertMessage(conversation["message"].ToString(), conversation["time"].ToString(), (bool)conversation["sent"], RecepientID, MessageType.Text, true, (int)conversation["id"], Utilities.ID + "-" + RecepientID);

                                if (conversation["message"].ToString() == "{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}")
                                    var ChildStack = new Grid {
                                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Padding = new Thickness(10, 2, 10, 2)

                                    ChildStack.Children.Add(new Label
                                        Text                    = conversation["message"].ToString().Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""),
                                        BackgroundColor         = (Color)App.Current.Resources["_MedAppBlack"],
                                        TextColor               = Color.White,
                                        HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                                        VerticalTextAlignment   = TextAlignment.Center,
                                        HeightRequest           = 30,
                                        HorizontalOptions       = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                        ControlTagger <int> .SetTag(Stack, (int)conversation["id"]);
                                    DateTime MessageTime     = DateTime.Parse(conversation["time"].ToString());
                                    String MessageTimeString = "";
                                    if (MessageTime.Day != DateTime.Now.Day && MessageTime.Month == DateTime.Now.Month)
                                        MessageTimeString = MessageTime.ToString("");
                                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                        Stack.Children.Add(SingleMessageTemplate.CreateMessage01((Convert.ToBoolean(conversation["sent"]) ? 1 : 0), conversation["message"].ToString(), Utilities.GetValidatedTime(MessageTime, ChatSectionType.Chat)));
                                        ControlTagger <int> .SetTag(Stack, (int)conversation["id"]);

                    LastMessageID = (int)ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["id"];
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// ChatsListToStack loads all the users conversation onto the specified stacklayout from the local DB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stack"></param>
        /// <param name="Con"></param>
        public static async Task <bool> LocalChatsListToStack(StackLayout Stack, ContentPage Con)
            Dictionary <int, String[]>       ChatData      = new Dictionary <int, string[]>();
            Dictionary <int, List <Object> > ReceiversData = new Dictionary <int, List <Object> >();

            //gather the last ConversationID to be used for sorting the data
            Dictionary <int, int> LastConversationID = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            bool MadeChanges = false;

            ///for chatlist get all the people user has conversed with
            ///receiverlist gets the information of all the people the current user has conversed with
            var ReceiversList = await ReceiverHandler.GetReceiversInfo();

            ///check if the current users chats is empty, if it is do not load into stack
            int MyChatCounter = await ChatHandler.MyChatCounter();

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MyChatCounter " + MyChatCounter);

            if (ReceiversList.Count > 0 && MyChatCounter > 0)

                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>

                ///1) get all conversations for the chat list all stack
                int ccc = 0;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <object> > ReceiverInfo in ReceiversList)
                        //var LastMessageInfo = await ChatHandler.GetLastConversation((int)ReceiverInfo.Value[2]);
                        int ID = (int)ReceiverInfo.Value[2];
                        ID = (Utilities.ID == ID) ? (int)ReceiverInfo.Value[4] : ID;
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Receiver INfo " + ReceiverInfo.Value.Count + "["+ Utilities.ID + "-" + ID +"]");
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Receiver INfo Dets " + ReceiverInfo.Value[0] + ", " + ReceiverInfo.Value[1] + ", " + ReceiverInfo.Value[2] + ", " + ReceiverInfo.Value[3] + ", " + ReceiverInfo.Value[4] + " ");
                        var LastMessageInfo = await ChatHandler.GetLastUniqueConversation(ID);

                        ccc = LastMessageInfo.Count;

                        if (ReceiversData.Count == 0 || (!ReceiversData.ContainsKey(ID)))
                            ReceiversData.Add(ID, LastMessageInfo);
                        ///add the last server chat id to a different dictionary for sorting
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Last MEssage INfo " + LastMessageInfo.Count);
                        if (LastConversationID.Count == 0 || (!LastConversationID.ContainsKey(ID)))
                            LastConversationID.Add(ID, (int)LastMessageInfo[7]);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Alert", "1st \n" + ex.Message + " : " + ccc, "Ok");


                ///2) sort conversations desc
                List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > SortedList = new List <KeyValuePair <int, int> >();
                    SortedList = new List <KeyValuePair <int, int> >(LastConversationID);

                    SortedList.Sort(delegate(KeyValuePair <int, int> FirstPair, KeyValuePair <int, int> SecondPair)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Alert", "2nd \n" + ex.Message, "Ok");

                ///3) populate stack based on sortedlist
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> Pair in SortedList)
                        int ReceiversID = (Utilities.ID == (int)ReceiversData[Pair.Key][4]) ? (int)ReceiversData[Pair.Key][6] : (int)ReceiversData[Pair.Key][4];
                        var MedicID     = await ReceiverHandler.GetMedicID(ReceiversID);

                        var ReceiverInfo = await ReceiverHandler.GetReceiverInfoById(ReceiversID);

                        await Utilities.RunTask(delegate
                            StackLayout ChildStack;

                            //{Appointment Accepted, Default Message} is the default sent message, create different view for it
                            if (ReceiversData[Pair.Key][1].Equals("{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}"))
                                /// create notification to show the appointment has been accepted
                                List <Object> ListForNotification = new List <object>();
                                ListForNotification.Add(ReceiversData[Pair.Key][1].ToString().Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + " - " + ReceiverInfo[0].ReceiverName); //index 0 message
                                ListForNotification.Add(ReceiversData[Pair.Key][2]);                                                                                                                      //index 1 time
                                ListForNotification.Add(NotificationType.Appointment);                                                                                                                    //index 2 notificationtype
                                ListForNotification.Add(ReceiversID);                                                                                                                                     // index 3 id

                                NotificationPage.NotificationData.Add(NotificationPage.NotificationData.Count, ListForNotification);

                                ReceiversData[Pair.Key][1] = ReceiversData[Pair.Key][1].ToString().Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                ChildStack = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ReceiverInfo[0].ReceiverName, "", ((bool)ReceiversData[Pair.Key][5]) ? "You: " + ReceiversData[Pair.Key][1].ToString() : ReceiversData[Pair.Key][1].ToString(), Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ReceiversData[Pair.Key][2].ToString()), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, ReceiversID, 0, MedicID);

                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + Pair.Key + "-" + ReceiversData[Pair.Key][7] + "-0");
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Utilities.ID + "-" + Pair.Key + "-" + ReceiversData[Pair.Key][7] + "-0");
                                ChildStack = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ReceiverInfo[0].ReceiverName, "", ((bool)ReceiversData[Pair.Key][5]) ? "You: " + ReceiversData[Pair.Key][1].ToString() : ReceiversData[Pair.Key][1].ToString(), Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ReceiversData[Pair.Key][2].ToString()), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, ReceiversID, 0, MedicID);

                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Utilities.ID + "-" + Pair.Key + "-" + ReceiversData[Pair.Key][7] + "-0"); ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + Pair.Key + "-" + ReceiversData[Pair.Key][7] + "-0");

                catch (Exception ex)
                    await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Alert", "3rd \n" + ex.Message, "Ok");

                MadeChanges = true;
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                    if (Stack.Children.Count == 0)
                        Stack.Children.Add(new Label {
                            Text = (!Utilities.IsMedic) ? "Chats will appear after booking an appointment." : "Chats will appear after accepting an appointment.", Style = App.Current.Resources["_EmptyLabelTemplate"] as Style
コード例 #3
        /// Local Database Controllers

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stack"></param>
        /// <param name="RecepientID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <Dictionary <String, String> > LocalConversationToStack(StackLayout Stack, int RecepientID)
            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(delegate { Stack.Children.Clear(); });

            Dictionary <String, String> ReturnedResult = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            int  LastServerChatID = 0;
            bool MadeChanges      = false;

            var Result = await ChatHandler.GetConversation(RecepientID);

            if (Result.Count > 0)
                await Utilities.RunTask(delegate
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Object> > Pair in Result)
                        LastServerChatID = (int)Pair.Value[6];

                        if (Pair.Value[0].ToString() == "{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}")
                            var ChildStack = new Grid {
                                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Padding = new Thickness(10, 2, 10, 2)

                            ChildStack.Children.Add(new Label
                                Text                    = Pair.Value[0].ToString().Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""),
                                BackgroundColor         = (Color)App.Current.Resources["_MedAppBlack"],
                                TextColor               = Color.White,
                                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                                VerticalTextAlignment   = TextAlignment.Center,
                                HeightRequest           = 30,
                                HorizontalOptions       = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                            DateTime MessageTime     = DateTime.Parse(Pair.Value[1].ToString());
                            String MessageTimeString = "";
                            if (MessageTime.Day != DateTime.Now.Day && MessageTime.Month == DateTime.Now.Month)
                                MessageTimeString = MessageTime.ToString("");
                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                Stack.Children.Add(SingleMessageTemplate.CreateMessage01((Convert.ToBoolean(Pair.Value[4]) ? 1 : 0), Pair.Value[0].ToString(), Utilities.GetValidatedTime(MessageTime, ChatSectionType.Chat)));
                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(Stack, Pair.Key.ToString());
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Done With Local");
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Last Local ID " + LastServerChatID);

                MadeChanges = true;

            ReturnedResult.Add("MadeChanges", MadeChanges.ToString());
            ReturnedResult.Add("LastID", LastServerChatID.ToString());

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// ChatsListToStack loads all the users conversation onto the specified stacklayout
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stack"></param>
        /// <param name="Con"></param>
        public static async Task ChatsListToStack(StackLayout Stack, ContentPage Con, bool IsLocalLoaded = false)
            if (!IsLocalLoaded)
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Stack.Children.Clear(); });

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Stack Child COunt" + Stack.Children.Count);
                    Dictionary <int, String[]> ChatData = new Dictionary <int, string[]>();

                    Dictionary <int, String[]> Data = new Dictionary <int, string[]>
                        { 0, new String[] { "sender", Utilities.ID.ToString() } },

                    String ChatListResponseJson = await ChatModel.Chat(Utilities.PostDataEncoder(Data), "chat/get-list");

                    var ChatListDecodedJson = JObject.Parse(ChatListResponseJson);

                    foreach (var Contact in ChatListDecodedJson["contacts"])
                        ChatData.Add((int)Contact["info"]["id"], new string[5]);                      // key = receivers id
                        ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][0] = Contact["info"]["name"].ToString(); //index 0 = name

                        String ConversationResponseJson = await ChatModel.Chat(Utilities.PostDataEncoder(new Dictionary <int, string[]>
                            { 0, new String[] { "sender", Utilities.ID.ToString() } },
                            { 1, new String[] { "receiver", Contact["info"]["id"].ToString() } },
                        }), "chat/conversations");


                        var ConversationDecodedJson = JObject.Parse(ConversationResponseJson);

                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("JSON" + ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last);
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("JSON" + ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["message"]);

                        if (ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["message"].ToString() == "{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}")
                            ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][1] = ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["message"].ToString();//index 1 = message
                            ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][1]  = ((bool)ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["sent"] ? "You: " : "");
                            ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][1] += ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["message"].ToString();

                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("DICT" + ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][1]);

                        ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][2] = ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["time"].ToString(); // index 2 = date

                            ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][3] = Contact["info"]["medic_id"].ToString(); //index 3 = medic id
                            ///exception thrown and caught as the current receiver doesnt have a medic id since he/she is a normal user(patient)
                            ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][3] = "0";

                        //last conversation id, index 4 = id of the last message for the current convo on the online db
                        ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][4] = ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["id"].ToString();

                        ///if local receiver doesnt exist, add to local db
                        int Result = await ReceiverHandler.CheckReceiver((int)Contact["info"]["id"]);

                        if (Result == 0)
                            await ReceiverHandler.NewReceiver(ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][0], (int)Contact["info"]["id"], "", Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][3]));

                    await Utilities.RunTask(delegate
                        if (ChatData.Count > 0)
                            foreach (int key in ChatData.Keys)
                                if (Stack.Children.Count >= 4)
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Count " + ChatData.Count + " [0] " + ChatData[key][0] + " [1] " + ChatData[key][1] + " [2] " + ChatData[key][2] + " [3] " + ChatData[key][3] + " [4] " + ChatData[key][4]);

                                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                                    StackLayout ChildStack;

                                    if (Stack.Children.Count > 0 && Stack.Children[0].GetType() == typeof(Label))
                                        ///clear message stack if default 'no chat message is shown'

                                    if (Stack.Children.Count > 0)
                                        ///IsNewConversation is true by default,  the value is changed if the conversation exists on the chat list stack
                                        bool IsNewConversation = true;

                                        for (int i = 0; i < Stack.Children.Count; i++)
                                            var child = Stack.Children[i];

                                            //if the child is already on stack, recreate that child if different values
                                            String[] ChildStackTag = ControlTagger <String> .GetTag(child).Split('-');

                                            ///receiver exists in stack
                                            if (key == Convert.ToInt32(ChildStackTag[1]))
                                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Is Old Convo :- False");

                                                int NewMessageCount = await GetCountOfNewMessages(key, Convert.ToInt32(ChildStackTag[2]));

                                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Child in Stack With Tag [" + ChildStackTag[0] + "-" + ChildStackTag[1] + "-" + ChildStackTag[2] + "-" + ChildStackTag[3] + "] Tag [" + Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + NewMessageCount + "] Last Server ID " + Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][4]));

                                                if ((Convert.ToInt32(ChildStackTag[2]) < Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][4])))
                                                    /// create notification to show mew message
                                                    List <Object> ListForNotification = new List <object>();
                                                    if (ChatData[key][1].Equals("{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}"))
                                                        ListForNotification.Add(ChatData[key][1].Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""));//index 0 message
                                                        //ListForNotification.Add(ChatData[key][1]);//index 0 message
                                                        ListForNotification.Add("" + NewMessageCount + " new messages from " + ChatData[key][0]);//index 0 message

                                                    ListForNotification.Add(ChatData[key][2]);      //index 1 time
                                                    ListForNotification.Add(NotificationType.Chat); //index 2 notificationtype
                                                    ListForNotification.Add(key);                   // index 3 id

                                                    NotificationPage.NotificationData.Add(NotificationPage.NotificationData.Count, ListForNotification);


                                                    ChildStack = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ChatData[key][0], "", ChatData[key][1], Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ChatData[key][2]), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, key, NewMessageCount, Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][3]));
                                                    //ChildStack = new StackLayout { BackgroundColor = Color.Tomato };
                                                    ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + NewMessageCount);

                                                    Stack.Children.Insert(0, ChildStack);

                                                ///IsNewConversation is false as the current key exists in the chat list stack
                                                IsNewConversation = false;
                                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Done, Status :- " + IsNewConversation);
                                        ///If IsNewConversation is true, this key is a new conversaton, create new childstack
                                        if (IsNewConversation)
                                            ///{Appointment Accepted, Default Message} is the default sent message, create different view for it
                                            if (ChatData[key][1].Equals("{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}"))
                                                ChatData[key][1] = ChatData[key][1].Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                                ChildStack       = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ChatData[key][0], "", ChatData[key][1], Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ChatData[key][2]), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, key, 0, Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][3]));
                                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + 0);
                                                Stack.Children.Insert(Stack.Children.Count, ChildStack);
                                                ChildStack = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ChatData[key][0], "", ChatData[key][1], Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ChatData[key][2]), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, key, 0, Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][3]));
                                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + 0);
                                                Stack.Children.Insert(Stack.Children.Count, ChildStack);
                                        ///{Appointment Accepted, Default Message} is the default sent message, create different view for it
                                        if (ChatData[key][1].Equals("{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}"))
                                            /// create notification to show the appointment has been accepted
                                            List <Object> ListForNotification = new List <object>();
                                            ListForNotification.Add(ChatData[key][1].Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "")); //index 0 message
                                            ListForNotification.Add(ChatData[key][2]);                                                                    //index 1 time
                                            ListForNotification.Add(NotificationType.Appointment);                                                        //index 2 notificationtype
                                            ListForNotification.Add(key);                                                                                 // index 3 id

                                            NotificationPage.NotificationData.Add(NotificationPage.NotificationData.Count, ListForNotification);


                                            ChatData[key][1] = ChatData[key][1].Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                            ChildStack       = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ChatData[key][0], "", ChatData[key][1], Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ChatData[key][2]), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, key, 0, Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][3]));
                                            ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + 0);
                                            Stack.Children.Insert(Stack.Children.Count, ChildStack);
                                            ChildStack = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ChatData[key][0], "", ChatData[key][1], Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ChatData[key][2]), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, key, 0, Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][3]));
                                            ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + 0);
                                            Stack.Children.Insert(Stack.Children.Count, ChildStack);
                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                if (Stack.Children.Count == 0)
                                    Stack.Children.Add(new Label {
                                        Text = (!Utilities.IsMedic) ? "Chats will appear after booking an appointment." : "Chats will appear after accepting an appointment.", Style = App.Current.Resources["_EmptyLabelTemplate"] as Style
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Alert", ex.StackTrace, "Ok");
            } while (ListenForChatListUpdate);
コード例 #5
         * summary CreateNewGridType01 creates the Grid display
         * param name="SenderName" is the user's name
         * param name="ImageAddress" is the address of the image file
         * param name="Content" is the message content
         * param name="Time" is the time the message was delivered
         * returns return the new Grid
         * **/

        public static StackLayout CreateNewStackType01(String SenderName, String ImageAddress, String Content, String Time, ContentPage con, int ReceiversID, int NewMessageCount, int MedicID)
            Grid ParentGrid = new Grid
                HeightRequest = 75

            ColumnDefinition ColDef0 = new ColumnDefinition
                Width = new GridLength(0.3, GridUnitType.Star)

            ColumnDefinition ColDef1 = new ColumnDefinition
                Width = new GridLength(1.7, GridUnitType.Star)


            TapGestureRecognizer ParentGridTapped = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            ParentGridTapped.Tapped += delegate
                if (((AbsoluteLayout)con.FindByName("_UserPopUpGrid")).IsVisible)
                    ((AbsoluteLayout)con.FindByName("_UserPopUpGrid")).IsVisible = false;


            /** Gird0 holds the image and the online offline status **/
            Grid Grid0 = new Grid();

            /** grid1 should be tappable and should send some info to the chatpage**/
            TapGestureRecognizer Grid0Tapped = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            Grid0Tapped.Tapped += delegate
                ((AbsoluteLayout)con.FindByName("_UserPopUpGrid")).IsVisible = true;
                //((AbsoluteLayout)con.FindByName("_UserPopUpGrid")).StyleId = ReceiversID.ToString();
                //((Image)con.FindByName("_PopUpUserImage")).Source = (Source == null) ? Utilities.Source(ImageAddress,typeof(ListAllChatTemplate)): Source;
                ((Image)con.FindByName("_PopUpUserImage")).Source = UserImage.Source;

                /** UserInfoArray holds the information which would be tagged to the control **/
                var UserInfoArray = new Dictionary <String, object>
                    { "ReceiversID", ReceiversID },
                    { "Name", SenderName },
                    { "Image", UserImage.Source },
                    { "MedicID", MedicID }

                ControlTagger <Object> .SetTag(((Image)con.FindByName("_PopUpUserImage")), UserInfoArray);

                //App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new ChatPage());

            /** Set the child grid to appear in grid view with index 0 **/
            Grid.SetColumn(Grid0, 0);

            UserImage = new ImageCircle.Forms.Plugin.Abstractions.CircleImage
                //ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri("https://www.clipartmax.com/png/middle/258-2582267_circled-user-male-skin-type-1-2-icon-male-user-icon.png"))
                Source = Utilities.Source("IMG_5204.JPG", typeof(ListAllChatTemplate)),
                Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit,

            Label OnlineOffline = new Label
                Text                    = "ONLINE",
                TextColor               = Color.Green,
                FontAttributes          = FontAttributes.Bold,
                FontSize                = 12,
                VerticalOptions         = LayoutOptions.End,
                VerticalTextAlignment   = TextAlignment.End,
                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                IsVisible               = false


            /**Grid1 holds the name, time etc**/
            Grid Grid1 = new Grid();

            /** grid1 should be tappable and should send some info to the chatpage**/
            TapGestureRecognizer Grid1Tapped = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            Grid1Tapped.Tapped += delegate
                if (((AbsoluteLayout)con.FindByName("_UserPopUpGrid")).IsVisible)
                    ((AbsoluteLayout)con.FindByName("_UserPopUpGrid")).IsVisible = false;
                    App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new ChatPage(ReceiversID, Utilities.IsMedic, SenderName, MedicID));


            Grid.SetColumn(Grid1, 1);

            /** Grid1 needs 2 rowdefinintions to separate
             * 1 for the toplevel and the other for the lower level
             * **/
            RowDefinition RowDef0 = new RowDefinition
                Height = new GridLength(.3, GridUnitType.Star)

            RowDefinition RowDef1 = new RowDefinition
                Height = new GridLength(.7, GridUnitType.Star)


            /** inside GRID1 , the top layer GRID is used by the name and time
             * while LowerLevel holds the message brief content
             * **/
            Grid TopLevel = new Grid();

            Grid.SetRow(TopLevel, 0);

            /** the top level is dived into two sections the name and the time
             * so we need two columndefinitions
             * **/

            TopLevel.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
            TopLevel.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)

            Label NameLabel = new Label
                Text                    = SenderName,
                FontAttributes          = FontAttributes.Bold,
                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start,

            Grid.SetColumn(NameLabel, 0);

            Label TimeLabel = new Label
                Text     = Time,
                FontSize = 10,
                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.End,
                HorizontalOptions       = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                VerticalOptions         = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            Grid.SetColumn(TimeLabel, 1);


            /**the bottomlevel is made of  a label of content and the new message counter**/
            Grid BottomLevel = new Grid();

            Grid.SetRow(BottomLevel, 1);

            BottomLevel.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                Width = new GridLength(.7, GridUnitType.Star)
            BottomLevel.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                Width = new GridLength(.3, GridUnitType.Star)

            Label ContentLabel = new Label
                Text = (Content.Length > 40) ? Content.Substring(0, 40) + "..." : Content,
                VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start,

            Label MessageCounterLabel = new Label
                Text     = (NewMessageCount == 0) ? "" : NewMessageCount.ToString(),
                FontSize = 10,
                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.End

            Grid.SetColumn(ContentLabel, 0);
            Grid.SetColumn(MessageCounterLabel, 1);




            StackLayout AllStack = new StackLayout {
                Spacing = 0

            AllStack.Children.Add(new BoxView {
                Style = App.Current.Resources["_BoxViewBottomLine"] as Style, BackgroundColor = (Color.White)

コード例 #6
        public static async Task LoadNotifications(Dictionary <int, List <Object> > NotificationData, StackLayout ParentStack)
            //parent stack not empty, update existing views if different
            if (ParentStack.Children.Count > 0)
                if (ParentStack.Children.Count == 1 && ParentStack.Children[0].GetType() == typeof(Label))
                foreach (int Key in NotificationData.Keys)
                    bool MadeChanges = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ParentStack.Children.Count; i++)
                        var      Child    = ParentStack.Children[i];
                        String[] ChildTag = ControlTagger <String> .GetTag(Child).Split('-');

                        if (ChildTag[0] == NotificationData[Key][3].ToString() && ChildTag[1] == NotificationData[Key][1].ToString())

                                var ChildStack = NotificationTemplate.Notification01("", NotificationData[Key][0].ToString(), Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(NotificationData[Key][1].ToString()), ChatSectionType.ChatList), (NotificationType)NotificationData[Key][2], (int)NotificationData[Key][3]);
                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, NotificationData[Key][3].ToString() + "-" + NotificationData[Key][1].ToString());
                            MadeChanges = true;

                    if (!MadeChanges)
                            var ChildStack = NotificationTemplate.Notification01("", NotificationData[Key][0].ToString(), Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(NotificationData[Key][1].ToString()), ChatSectionType.ChatList), (NotificationType)NotificationData[Key][2], (int)NotificationData[Key][3]);
                            ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, NotificationData[Key][3].ToString() + "-" + NotificationData[Key][1].ToString());
                foreach (int Key in NotificationData.Keys)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        var Child = NotificationTemplate.Notification01("", NotificationData[Key][0].ToString(), Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(NotificationData[Key][1].ToString()), ChatSectionType.ChatList), (NotificationType)NotificationData[Key][2], (int)NotificationData[Key][3]);
                        ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(Child, NotificationData[Key][3].ToString() + "-" + NotificationData[Key][1].ToString());

            if (NotificationData.Count == 0 && ParentStack.Children.Count == 0)
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                    ParentStack.Children.Add(new Label {
                        Text = "No recent notifications.", Style = App.Current.Resources["_EmptyLabelTemplate"] as Style