コード例 #1
 protected IfcBSplineCurve(DatabaseIfc db, IfcBSplineCurve c) : base(db, c)
     mDegree = c.mDegree;
     ControlPointsList.AddRange(c.ControlPointsList.Select(x => db.Factory.Duplicate(x) as IfcCartesianPoint));
     mCurveForm     = c.mCurveForm;
     mClosedCurve   = c.mClosedCurve;
     mSelfIntersect = c.mSelfIntersect;
コード例 #2
 protected IfcBSplineSurface(int uDegree, int vDegree, IEnumerable <IEnumerable <IfcCartesianPoint> > controlPoints) :
     this(controlPoints.First().First().mDatabase, uDegree, vDegree)
     foreach (IEnumerable <IfcCartesianPoint> points in controlPoints)
         ControlPointsList.Add(new LIST <IfcCartesianPoint>(points));
コード例 #3
        internal override void parse(string str, ref int pos, ReleaseVersion release, int len, ConcurrentDictionary <int, BaseClassIfc> dictionary)
            mDegree = int.Parse(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
            ControlPointsList.AddRange(ParserSTEP.StripListLink(str, ref pos, len).Select(x => dictionary[x] as IfcCartesianPoint));
            string s = ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len);

            if (s[0] == '.')
                Enum.TryParse <IfcBSplineCurveForm> (s.Replace(".", ""), true, out mCurveForm);
            mClosedCurve   = ParserIfc.StripLogical(str, ref pos, len);
            mSelfIntersect = ParserIfc.StripLogical(str, ref pos, len);
コード例 #4
        public override string GetStepParameters()
            var parameters = new List <string>();

            parameters.Add(Degree != null ? Degree.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(ControlPointsList != null ? ControlPointsList.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(CurveForm != null ? CurveForm.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(ClosedCurve != null ? ClosedCurve.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(SelfIntersect != null ? SelfIntersect.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(KnotMultiplicities != null ? KnotMultiplicities.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(Knots != null ? Knots.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(KnotSpec != null ? KnotSpec.ToStepValue() : "$");

            return(string.Join(", ", parameters.ToArray()));
コード例 #5
ファイル: StepBSplineCurve.cs プロジェクト: jherink/Step
        internal override IEnumerable <StepSyntax> GetParameters(StepWriter writer)
            foreach (var parameter in base.GetParameters(writer))
                yield return(parameter);

            yield return(new StepIntegerSyntax(Degree));

            yield return(new StepSyntaxList(ControlPointsList.Select(c => writer.GetItemSyntax(c))));

            yield return(new StepEnumerationValueSyntax(GetCurveFormString(CurveForm)));

            yield return(new StepEnumerationValueSyntax(ClosedCurve ? "T" : "F"));

            yield return(new StepEnumerationValueSyntax(SelfIntersect ? "T" : "F"));
コード例 #6
        internal override void parse(string str, ref int pos, ReleaseVersion release, int len, ConcurrentDictionary <int, BaseClassIfc> dictionary)
            mUDegree = int.Parse(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
            mVDegree = int.Parse(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
            foreach (List <int> ids in ParserSTEP.StripListListLink(str, ref pos, len))
                ControlPointsList.Add(new LIST <IfcCartesianPoint>(ids.Select(x => dictionary[x] as IfcCartesianPoint)));
            string s = ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len);

            if (s[0] == '.')
                Enum.TryParse <IfcBSplineSurfaceForm>(s.Replace(".", ""), true, out mSurfaceForm);
            mUClosed       = ParserIfc.StripLogical(str, ref pos, len);
            mVClosed       = ParserIfc.StripLogical(str, ref pos, len);
            mSelfIntersect = ParserIfc.StripLogical(str, ref pos, len);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the express where-clause specified in param 'clause'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clause">The express clause to test</param>
        /// <returns>true if the clause is satisfied.</returns>
        public bool ValidateClause(IfcBSplineCurveClause clause)
            var retVal = false;

                switch (clause)
                case IfcBSplineCurveClause.SameDim:
                    retVal = Functions.SIZEOF(ControlPointsList.Where(Temp => Temp.Dim != ControlPointsList.ItemAt(0).Dim)) == 0;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                var log = Validation.ValidationLogging.CreateLogger <Xbim.Ifc4.GeometryResource.IfcBSplineCurve>();
                log?.LogError(string.Format("Exception thrown evaluating where-clause 'IfcBSplineCurve.{0}' for #{1}.", clause, EntityLabel), ex);
コード例 #8
        public override string GetStepParameters()
            var parameters = new List <string>();

            parameters.Add(UDegree != null ? UDegree.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(VDegree != null ? VDegree.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(ControlPointsList != null ? ControlPointsList.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(SurfaceForm != null ? SurfaceForm.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(UClosed != null ? UClosed.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(VClosed != null ? VClosed.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(SelfIntersect != null ? SelfIntersect.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(UMultiplicities != null ? UMultiplicities.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(VMultiplicities != null ? VMultiplicities.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(UKnots != null ? UKnots.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(VKnots != null ? VKnots.ToStepValue() : "$");
            parameters.Add(KnotSpec != null ? KnotSpec.ToStepValue() : "$");

            return(string.Join(", ", parameters.ToArray()));
コード例 #9
 protected IfcBSplineCurve(int degree, IEnumerable <IfcCartesianPoint> controlPoints)
     : this(controlPoints.First().mDatabase, degree)
コード例 #10
 public StepBSplineCurve(string name, IEnumerable <StepCartesianPoint> controlPoints) : base(name)