protected void grvwContract_RowDataBound(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { //Add Exception handilng try catch change by vishal 21-05-2012 try { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { // Hndling GridView RowDataBound Event for Binding vendorid to Vendor name int vendorid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells[5].Text); objVendor = objVendor.Get_By_id(vendorid); e.Row.Cells[5].Text = objVendor.Vendorname.ToString(); int contractid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells[1].Text); objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid); int TotalSpentTimeInMins = objContract.Get_Contract_Status(objContract.Activeto); Label lbl = ((Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblActive")); if (TotalSpentTimeInMins > 0) { lbl.Text = "Active"; } else { lbl.Text = "Not Active"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { string myScript; myScript = "<script language=javascript>alert('Exception - '" + ex + "');</script>"; Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript); return; } }
protected void BindContractData() { int contractid = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString[0]); objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid); if (objContract != null) { txtContractName.Text = objContract.Contractname + " " + "Renewed"; txtdesc.Text = objContract.Description; drpVendor.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objContract.Vendorid); colContractToAssetMapping = objContractToAsset.Get_All_By_contractid(objContract.Contractid); foreach (ContractToAssetMapping obj in colContractToAssetMapping) { Asset_mst objA = new Asset_mst(); objA = objA.Get_By_id(obj.Assetid); colAsset.Add(objA); } ListAsset.DataTextField = "computername"; ListAsset.DataValueField = "Assetid"; ListAsset.DataSource = colAsset; ListAsset.DataBind(); } objContractNotfy = objContractNotfy.Get_By_id(contractid); if (objContractNotfy.Contractid != 0) { EscalateEmail_mst objEscalateEmail = new EscalateEmail_mst(); chkLevel1.Checked = true; txtBeforeDays.Text = objContractNotfy.Beforedays.ToString(); string varEmail = objContractNotfy.Sentto; string[] arrEmail = varEmail.Split((",").ToCharArray()); for (int i = 0; i < arrEmail.Length - 1; i++) { if (arrEmail[i] != "," && arrEmail[i] != " ") { objEscalateEmail = objEscalateEmail.Get_By_Emailid(arrEmail[i]); for (int j = listLevel1.Items.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (Convert.ToInt16(listLevel1.Items[j].Value) == objEscalateEmail.Id) { listLevel1.Items[j].Selected = true; } } } } } }
protected void BindContract() { int contractid = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString[0]); objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid); if (objContract!=null ) { lblContractName.Text = objContract.Contractname; lblContractId.Text = objContract.Contractid.ToString(); lblActiveFrom.Text = objContract.Activefrom.ToString(); lblActiveTo.Text = objContract.Activeto.ToString(); objVendor = objVendor.Get_By_id(objContract.Vendorid); lblVendorname.Text = objVendor.Vendorname.ToString(); lblDesc.Text = objContract.Description.ToString(); colContractToAssetMapping = objContractToAsset.Get_All_By_contractid(objContract.Contractid); foreach (ContractToAssetMapping obj in colContractToAssetMapping) { Asset_mst objA = new Asset_mst(); objA = objA.Get_By_id(obj.Assetid); colAsset.Add(objA); } grdvwViewAsset.DataSource = colAsset; grdvwViewAsset.DataBind(); } objConRenewed = objConRenewed.Get_By_id(contractid); if (objConRenewed.Contractid!=0) { lblRen.Visible = true; Contract_mst obj = new Contract_mst(); obj = obj.Get_By_id(objConRenewed.Contractid); lblRenInfo.Text = obj.Contractname; lblRenInfo.Visible = true; } objContractNotfy = objContractNotfy.Get_By_id(contractid); if (objContractNotfy.Contractid != 0) { lblUsers.Text = objContractNotfy.Sentto; lblDays.Text = Convert.ToString(objContractNotfy.Beforedays); } else { lblUsers.Text = "-"; lblDays.Text = "-"; } }
protected void BindContract() { int contractid = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString[0]); objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid); if (objContract != null) { lblContractName.Text = objContract.Contractname; lblContractId.Text = objContract.Contractid.ToString(); lblActiveFrom.Text = objContract.Activefrom.ToString(); lblActiveTo.Text = objContract.Activeto.ToString(); objVendor = objVendor.Get_By_id(objContract.Vendorid); lblVendorname.Text = objVendor.Vendorname.ToString(); lblDesc.Text = objContract.Description.ToString(); colContractToAssetMapping = objContractToAsset.Get_All_By_contractid(objContract.Contractid); foreach (ContractToAssetMapping obj in colContractToAssetMapping) { Asset_mst objA = new Asset_mst(); objA = objA.Get_By_id(obj.Assetid); colAsset.Add(objA); } grdvwViewAsset.DataSource = colAsset; grdvwViewAsset.DataBind(); } objConRenewed = objConRenewed.Get_By_id(contractid); if (objConRenewed.Contractid != 0) { lblRen.Visible = true; Contract_mst obj = new Contract_mst(); obj = obj.Get_By_id(objConRenewed.Contractid); lblRenInfo.Text = obj.Contractname; lblRenInfo.Visible = true; } objContractNotfy = objContractNotfy.Get_By_id(contractid); if (objContractNotfy.Contractid != 0) { lblUsers.Text = objContractNotfy.Sentto; lblDays.Text = Convert.ToString(objContractNotfy.Beforedays); } else { lblUsers.Text = "-"; lblDays.Text = "-"; } }
protected void grvwContract_RowDataBound(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { // Hndling GridView RowDataBound Event for Binding vendorid to Vendor name int vendorid = Convert.ToInt16(e.Row.Cells[5].Text); objVendor = objVendor.Get_By_id(vendorid); e.Row.Cells[5].Text = objVendor.Vendorname.ToString(); int contractid = Convert.ToInt16(e.Row.Cells[1].Text); objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid); int TotalSpentTimeInMins = objContract.Get_Contract_Status(objContract.Activeto); Label lbl = ((Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblActive")); if (TotalSpentTimeInMins > 0) { lbl.Text = "Active"; } else { lbl.Text = "Not Active"; } } }
protected void BindContractData() { int contractid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[0]); objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid); if (objContract != null) { string dd; string mm; string yy; txtContractName.Text = objContract.Contractname; txtdesc.Text = objContract.Description.ToString(); string[] tempdate = objContract.Activefrom.ToString().Split(("/").ToCharArray()); string StrData = tempdate[2].ToString(); string[] temp1 = StrData.Split((" ").ToCharArray()); if (Convert.ToInt32(tempdate[1]) < 10) { dd = "0" + tempdate[1]; } else { dd = tempdate[1]; } if (Convert.ToInt32(tempdate[0]) < 10) { mm = "0" + tempdate[0]; } else { mm = tempdate[0]; } string vardateFrom = dd + "/" + mm + "/" + temp1[0]; txtActiveFrom.Text = vardateFrom; string[] tempdate1 = objContract.Activeto.ToString().Split(("/").ToCharArray()); string StrData1 = tempdate1[2].ToString(); string[] temp2 = StrData1.Split((" ").ToCharArray()); if (Convert.ToInt32(tempdate1[1]) < 10) { dd = "0" + tempdate1[1]; } else { dd = tempdate1[1]; } if (Convert.ToInt32(tempdate1[0]) < 10) { mm = "0" + tempdate1[0]; } else { mm = tempdate1[0]; } string vardateTo = dd + "/" + mm + "/" + temp2[0]; txtActiveTo.Text = vardateTo; drpVendor.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objContract.Vendorid); colContractToAssetMapping = objContractToAsset.Get_All_By_contractid(objContract.Contractid); foreach (ContractToAssetMapping obj in colContractToAssetMapping) { Asset_mst objA = new Asset_mst(); objA = objA.Get_By_id(obj.Assetid); colAsset.Add(objA); } ListAsset.DataTextField = "computername"; ListAsset.DataValueField = "Assetid"; ListAsset.DataSource = colAsset; ListAsset.DataBind(); } objContractNotfy = objContractNotfy.Get_By_id(contractid); if (objContractNotfy.Contractid != 0) { EscalateEmail_mst objEscalateEmail = new EscalateEmail_mst(); chkLevel1.Checked = true; txtBeforeDays.Text = objContractNotfy.Beforedays.ToString(); string varEmail = objContractNotfy.Sentto; string[] arrEmail = varEmail.Split((",").ToCharArray()); for (int i = 0; i < arrEmail.Length - 1; i++) { if (arrEmail[i] != "," && arrEmail[i] != " ") { objEscalateEmail = objEscalateEmail.Get_By_Emailid(arrEmail[i]); for (int j = listLevel1.Items.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (Convert.ToInt32(listLevel1.Items[j].Value) == objEscalateEmail.Id) { listLevel1.Items[j].Selected = true; } } } } } }