コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete all records that match a where condition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="where">The expression that determines the records deleted</param>
        /// <param name="optimizer">The optimization object to use for running queries</param>
        /// <param name="startup">The startup options</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The database connection string to use for this access</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows deleted</returns>
        public static int DeleteData(Expression <Func <Gravitybox.GeoLocation.EFDAL.CanadaPostalCodeQuery, bool> > where, QueryOptimizer optimizer, ContextStartup startup, string connectionString)
            if (optimizer == null)
                optimizer = new QueryOptimizer();
            if (startup == null)
                startup = new ContextStartup(null);

            using (var connection = Gravitybox.GeoLocation.EFDAL.DBHelper.GetConnection(Gravitybox.GeoLocation.EFDAL.Util.StripEFCS2Normal(connectionString)))
                using (var dc = new DataContext(connection))
                    var template = dc.GetTable <Gravitybox.GeoLocation.EFDAL.CanadaPostalCodeQuery>();
                    using (var cmd = BusinessEntityQuery.GetCommand <Gravitybox.GeoLocation.EFDAL.CanadaPostalCodeQuery>(dc, template, where))
                        if (!startup.DefaultTimeout && startup.CommandTimeout > 0)
                            cmd.CommandTimeout = startup.CommandTimeout;
                            var cb = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString);
                            cmd.CommandTimeout = cb.ConnectTimeout;

                        var parser = LinqSQLParser.Create(cmd.CommandText, LinqSQLParser.ObjectTypeConstants.Table);
                        var sql    = "CREATE TABLE #t ([RowId] [Int])";
                        sql += "set rowcount " + optimizer.ChunkSize + ";";
                        sql += "INSERT INTO #t ([RowId])";
                        sql += "SELECT [t0].[RowId] #t\r\n";
                        sql += parser.GetFromClause(optimizer) + "\r\n";
                        sql += parser.GetWhereClause();
                        sql += "\r\n";

                        var noLock = string.Empty;
                        noLock          = (optimizer.NoLocking ? "WITH (READUNCOMMITTED) " : string.Empty);
                        sql            += "DELETE [CanadaPostalCode] FROM [dbo].[CanadaPostalCode] " + noLock + "INNER JOIN #t ON [dbo].[CanadaPostalCode].[RowId] = #t.[RowId]\r\n";
                        sql            += ";select @@rowcount";
                        sql             = "set ansi_nulls off;" + sql + ";drop table #t;";
                        cmd.CommandText = sql;
                        var startTime = DateTime.Now;
                        var affected  = 0;
                        var count     = 0;
                            count     = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                            affected += count;
                        } while (count > 0 && optimizer.ChunkSize > 0);
                        var endTime = DateTime.Now;
                        optimizer.TotalMilliseconds = (long)endTime.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete all records that match a where condition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="where">The expression that determines the records deleted</param>
        /// <param name="optimizer">The optimization object to use for running queries</param>
        /// <param name="startup">The startup options</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The database connection string to use for this access</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows deleted</returns>
        public static int DeleteData(Expression <Func <Gravitybox.Datastore.EFDAL.DeleteQueueItemQuery, bool> > where, QueryOptimizer optimizer, ContextStartup startup, string connectionString)
            if (optimizer == null)
                optimizer = new QueryOptimizer();
            if (startup == null)
                startup = new ContextStartup(null);

            using (var connection = Gravitybox.Datastore.EFDAL.DBHelper.GetConnection(Gravitybox.Datastore.EFDAL.Util.StripEFCS2Normal(connectionString)))
                using (var dc = new DataContext(connection))
                    var template = dc.GetTable <Gravitybox.Datastore.EFDAL.DeleteQueueItemQuery>();
                    using (var cmd = BusinessEntityQuery.GetCommand <Gravitybox.Datastore.EFDAL.DeleteQueueItemQuery>(dc, template, where))
                        if (!startup.DefaultTimeout && startup.CommandTimeout > 0)
                            cmd.CommandTimeout = startup.CommandTimeout;
                            var cb = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString);
                            cmd.CommandTimeout = cb.ConnectTimeout;

                        var parser = LinqSQLParser.Create(cmd.CommandText, LinqSQLParser.ObjectTypeConstants.Table);
                        var sb     = new StringBuilder();
                        sb.AppendLine("SET ROWCOUNT " + optimizer.ChunkSize + ";");
                        sb.AppendLine("delete [X] from [dbo].[DeleteQueueItem] [X] inner join (");
                        sb.AppendLine("SELECT [t0].[ParentRowId], [t0].[RecordIdx]");
                        sb.AppendLine(") AS [Extent2]");
                        sb.AppendLine("ON [X].[ParentRowId] = [Extent2].[ParentRowId] AND [X].[RecordIdx] = [Extent2].[RecordIdx]");
                        sb.AppendLine("select @@ROWCOUNT");
                        cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString();
                        var startTime = DateTime.Now;
                        var affected  = 0;
                        var count     = 0;
                            count     = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                            affected += count;
                        } while (count > 0 && optimizer.ChunkSize > 0);
                        var endTime = DateTime.Now;
                        optimizer.TotalMilliseconds = (long)endTime.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the specified field that matches the Where expression with the new data value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="select">The field to update</param>
 /// <param name="where">The expression that determines the records selected</param>
 /// <param name="newValue">The new value to set the specified field in all matching records</param>
 /// <param name="startup">A configuration object</param>
 /// <param name="connectionString">The database connection string</param>
 /// <returns>The number of records affected</returns>
 public static int UpdateData <TSource>(Expression <Func <Gravitybox.Datastore.EFDAL.DeleteQueueItemQuery, TSource> > select, Expression <Func <Gravitybox.Datastore.EFDAL.DeleteQueueItemQuery, bool> > where, TSource newValue, ContextStartup startup, string connectionString)
     return(BusinessObjectQuery <Gravitybox.Datastore.EFDAL.Entity.DeleteQueueItem, Gravitybox.Datastore.EFDAL.DeleteQueueItemQuery, TSource> .UpdateData(select : select, where : where, newValue : newValue, leafTable : "DeleteQueueItem", getField : GetDatabaseFieldName, hasModifyAudit : false, startup : startup, connectionString : connectionString));
コード例 #4
 public TestContext(ContextStartup startup, string connectionString)
     : base(startup, connectionString)
コード例 #5
 public TestContext(ContextStartup startup)
     : base(startup)
コード例 #6
 public DataContext(ContextStartup startup)
     : base(startup)