コード例 #1
        public async Task Handle_ValidCommand_ShouldLoginSuccessfully(LoginOutput loginOutput)
            // Arrange
            _mapperMock.Setup(m => m.Map <LoginOutput>(It.IsAny <User>())).Returns(loginOutput); // AutoMapper setup

            _appsettingMock.SetReturnsDefault(new AppSettings
                Issuer = "key1",
                Secret = "kesdfaaaaaasffffffffy1"

            var sut = new LoginCommandHandler(_context, _mapperMock.Object, _appsettingMock.Object); // creating system under test

            var temUser = _fixture.Create <User>();

            temUser.PasswordHash = "3pRTT3NlZJrki0wrSlmOjA==";

            // Act
            await ContextOperation.CreateEntity(_context, temUser);

            var password = SecurityHelper.Decrypt(temUser.PasswordHash);

            var output = await sut.Handle(new LoginCommand { Email = temUser.Email, Password = password }, CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert
コード例 #2
        public async Task Handle_ValidCommand_ShouldUpdateEntriesSuccessfully()
            //Create entity to inserted and update
            var entity = _fixture.Create <Domain.Entities.Issue>();

            // Arrange
            var issue = await ContextOperation.CreateEntity(_context, entity);

            // update properties
            issue.Title = _fixture.Create <string>();

            // AutoMapper setup
            _mapperMock.Setup(m => m.Map(It.IsAny <UpdateIssueCommand>(), It.IsAny <Domain.Entities.Issue>())).Returns(issue);

            // creating System Under Test
            var sut = new UpdateIssueCommandHandler(_context, _mapperMock.Object);

            // Act
            await sut.Handle(new UpdateIssueCommand(), CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert
            var dbIssue = _context.Issues.First();

コード例 #3
        [HttpPost] //Always explicitly state the accepted HTTP method
        public IHttpActionResult Sub([FromBody] RootSubRequest rootRequest)
            ContextOperation context      = new ContextOperation();
            RootSubResponse  rootResponse = new RootSubResponse()
                Difference = context.Diff(rootRequest.Minuend, rootRequest.Subtrahend)

            System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders headers = this.Request.Headers;
            string XEviTrackingId = string.Empty;

            if (headers.Contains("XEviTrackingId"))
                XEviTrackingId = headers.GetValues("XEviTrackingId").FirstOrDefault();

                OperationDTO operation = new OperationDTO()
                    Calculation = (rootRequest.Minuend + context.BinaryOperationStrategy.OperatorCode + rootRequest.Subtrahend) + "=" + rootResponse.Difference,
                    Id          = XEviTrackingId,
                    Date        = DateTime.Now,
                    Operation   = context.BinaryOperationStrategy.Name

コード例 #4
        [HttpPost] //Always explicitly state the accepted HTTP method
        public IHttpActionResult Mult([FromBody] RootMultRequest rootRequest)
            ContextOperation context      = new ContextOperation();
            RootMultResponse rootResponse = new RootMultResponse()
                Product = context.Multiply(rootRequest.Factors)

            System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders headers = this.Request.Headers;
            string XEviTrackingId = string.Empty;

            if (headers.Contains("XEviTrackingId"))
                XEviTrackingId = headers.GetValues("XEviTrackingId").FirstOrDefault();

                OperationDTO operation = new OperationDTO()
                    Calculation = String.Join(context.MultipleArgsOperationStrategy.OperatorCode, rootRequest.Factors) + "=" + rootResponse.Product,
                    Id          = XEviTrackingId,
                    Date        = DateTime.Now,
                    Operation   = context.MultipleArgsOperationStrategy.Name


コード例 #5
        [HttpPost] //Always explicitly state the accepted HTTP method
        public IHttpActionResult Div([FromBody] RootDivRequest rootRequest)
            double           remainder    = 0;
            ContextOperation context      = new ContextOperation();
            RootDivResponse  rootResponse = new RootDivResponse()
                Quotient  = context.Division(rootRequest.Dividend, rootRequest.Divisor, out remainder),
                Remainder = remainder

            System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders headers = this.Request.Headers;
            string XEviTrackingId = string.Empty;

            if (headers.Contains("XEviTrackingId"))
                XEviTrackingId = headers.GetValues("XEviTrackingId").FirstOrDefault();

                OperationDTO operation = new OperationDTO()
                    Calculation = (rootRequest.Dividend + context.BinaryOperationStrategy.OperatorCode + rootRequest.Divisor) + "=" + rootResponse.Quotient,
                    Id          = XEviTrackingId,
                    Date        = DateTime.Now,
                    Operation   = context.BinaryOperationStrategy.Name

コード例 #6
        [HttpPost] //Always explicitly state the accepted HTTP method
        public IHttpActionResult Sqrt([FromBody] RootSqrtRequest rootRequest)
            ContextOperation context      = new ContextOperation();
            RootSqrtResponse rootResponse = new RootSqrtResponse()
                Square = context.Square(rootRequest.Number),

            System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders headers = this.Request.Headers;
            string XEviTrackingId = string.Empty;

            if (headers.Contains("XEviTrackingId"))
                XEviTrackingId = headers.GetValues("XEviTrackingId").FirstOrDefault();

                OperationDTO operation = new OperationDTO()
                    Calculation = (context.UnaryOperationStrategy.OperatorCode + rootRequest.Number) + "=" + rootResponse.Square,
                    Id          = XEviTrackingId,
                    Date        = DateTime.Now,
                    Operation   = context.UnaryOperationStrategy.Name

コード例 #7
        public async Task Handle_GetAllQuery_ShouldReturnEntriesSuccessfully(List <IssueTypesDto> output)
            // Arrange
            _mapperMock.Setup(m => m.Map <List <IssueTypesDto> >(It.IsAny <List <IssueType> >())).Returns(output); // AutoMapper setup

            var sut = new GetAllIssueTypesQueryHandler(_context, _mapperMock.Object);                              // creating system under test

            var temIssueType = _fixture.Create <IssueType>();

            // Act
            await ContextOperation.CreateEntity(_context, temIssueType);

            var result = await sut.Handle(new GetAllIssueTypesQuery(), CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert
コード例 #8
        public async Task Handle_ValidCommand_ShouldSaveEntriesSuccessfully(Domain.Entities.Issue Issue)
            _fixture.RepeatCount = 0;
            // Arrange
            _mapperMock.Setup(m => m.Map <Domain.Entities.Issue>(It.IsAny <CreateIssueCommand>()))
            .Returns(Issue);                                                       // AutoMapper setup

            var sut = new CreateIssueCommandHandler(_context, _mapperMock.Object); // creating system under test

            var project = await ContextOperation.CreateEntity(_context, _fixture.Create <Project>());

            // Act
            await sut.Handle(new CreateIssueCommand { ProjectId = project.Id }, CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert
コード例 #9
        public async Task Handle_ValidId_EntityShouldNotDeletedBecauseRelatedEntities()
            _fixture.RepeatCount = 1;

            //Create entity to inserted and delete it
            var temProject = _fixture.Create <Project>();

            // Arrange
            var project = await ContextOperation.CreateEntity(_context, temProject);

            var sut = new DeleteProjectCommandHandler(_context);

            // Assert
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <DeleteFailureException>(() => sut.Handle(new DeleteProjectCommand {
                Id = project.Id, OwnerId = project.OwnerId
            }, CancellationToken.None));
コード例 #10
        public async Task Handle_ValidId_EntityShoulDeletedSuccessfully()
            _fixture.RepeatCount = 0;

            //Create entity to inserted and delete it
            var temIssue = _fixture.Create <Domain.Entities.Issue>();

            // Arrange
            var Issue = await ContextOperation.CreateEntity(_context, temIssue);

            var sut = new DeleteIssueCommandHandler(_context);

            // Act
            await sut.Handle(new DeleteIssueCommand { Id = Issue.Id }, CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert
コード例 #11
        public async Task Handle_ValidId_EntityShoulDeletedSuccessfully()
            _fixture.RepeatCount = 0;

            //Create entity to inserted and delete it
            var temproject = _fixture.Create <Project>();

            // Arrange
            var project = await ContextOperation.CreateEntity(_context, temproject);

            var sut = new DeleteProjectCommandHandler(_context);

            // Act
            await sut.Handle(new DeleteProjectCommand { Id = project.Id, OwnerId = project.OwnerId }, CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert
コード例 #12
        public async Task Handle_ValidCommand_ShouldSaveEntriesSuccessfully(Project Project)
            _fixture.RepeatCount = 0;
            // Arrange
            _mapperMock.Setup(m => m.Map <Project>(It.IsAny <CreateProjectCommand>())).Returns(Project); // AutoMapper setup

            _mediatorMock.Setup(m => m.Publish(It.IsAny <CreateProjectParticipantsCommand>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()));

            var sut = new CreateProjectCommandHandler(_context, _mapperMock.Object, _mediatorMock.Object); // creating system under test

            // Act
            var owner = _fixture.Create <User>();
            await ContextOperation.CreateEntity(_context, owner);

            await sut.Handle(new CreateProjectCommand { OwnerId = owner.Id }, CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert
コード例 #13
        public StrategyReturnClass StrategyCalculate([FromBody] JsonStrategyParameter param)
            StrategyReturnClass rtn     = new StrategyReturnClass();
            ContextOperation    context = new ContextOperation(param.oper, param.NumberX, param.NumberY);

                rtn.Message     = "Calculated successfully by strategyPattern!";
                rtn.result      = context.Calculate();
                rtn.ReturnValue = 0;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                rtn.Message     = "error:" + ex.Message;
                rtn.ReturnValue = 100;

コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the column family operation against the connection to the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TResult"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        /// <param name="throwOnError"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TResult ExecuteOperation <TResult>(ContextOperation <TResult> action, bool?throwOnError = null)
            if (!throwOnError.HasValue)
                throwOnError = ThrowErrors;

            CassandraSession _localSession = null;

            if (CassandraSession.Current == null)
                _localSession = new CassandraSession();

                LastError = null;

                TResult result;
                bool    success = action.TryExecute(this, out result);

                if (!success)
                    LastError = action.Error;

                if (!success && (throwOnError ?? ThrowErrors))
                    throw action.Error;

                if (_localSession != null)
コード例 #15
ファイル: Sam.cs プロジェクト: 40a/PowerShell
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new Context object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="operation">
 /// One of the <see cref="ContextOperation"/> enumerations indicating
 /// the type of operation under way.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="objectType">
 /// One of the <see cref="ContextObjectType"/> enumerations indicating
 /// the type of object (user or group) being used.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="objectIdentifier">
 /// A string containing the name of the object. This may be either a
 /// user/group name or a string representation of a SID.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="target">
 /// The target being operated on.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="memberIdentifier">
 /// A string containing the name of the member being added or removed
 /// from a group. Used only in such cases.
 /// </param>
 public Context(ContextOperation operation,
                ContextObjectType objectType,
                string objectIdentifier,
                object target,
                string memberIdentifier = null)
     this.operation = operation;
     this.type = objectType;
     this.objectId = objectIdentifier;
     this.target = target;
     this.memberId = memberIdentifier;