private async Task LoadContext() { ContextDatabaseAccess contextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); await contextDB.InitializeAsync(); try { CurrentContext = contextDB.GetContextAsync().Result; } // Can't find definitions for SQLiteNetExtensions exceptions, so catch generic Exception e and assume there is no context. catch (Exception e) { CurrentContext = null; } // If context doesn't exist, create it, save it, and populate milestones databases. if (CurrentContext == null) { CurrentContext = new Context(); // Exception probably broke the synchronous connection. //contextDB.InitializeSync(); ContextDatabaseAccess newContextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); await newContextDB.InitializeAsync(); newContextDB.SaveFirstContextAsync(CurrentContext); } }
async private Task <Boolean> getCurrentContext() { ContextDatabaseAccess contextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); await contextDB.InitializeAsync(); try { CurrentContext = contextDB.GetContextAsync().Result; } // Can't find definitions for SQLiteNetExtensions exceptions, so catch generic Exception e and assume there is no context. catch (Exception e) { CurrentContext = null; } // If context doesn't exist, create it and pass child selected with default units. if (CurrentContext == null) { CurrentContext = new Context(); // Exception probably broke the synchronous connection. //contextDB.InitializeSync(); ContextDatabaseAccess newContextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); await newContextDB.InitializeAsync(); newContextDB.SaveFirstContextAsync(CurrentContext); //newContextDB.CloseSyncConnection(); } return(true); }
async Task setUnits(Units u) { ContextDatabaseAccess database = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); await database.InitializeAsync(); CurrentContext.CurrentUnits = u; await database.SaveContextAsync(CurrentContext); }
public MainPageViewModel() { ContextDatabaseAccess currentContext = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); currentContext.InitializeSync(); Context currSettings = currentContext.GetContextSync(); Child currChild = currSettings.GetSelectedChild(); currentContext.CloseSyncConnection(); if (currChild == null) { return; } List <Milestone> milestonesDue = currChild.GetListOfDueMilestones(); items.Clear(); items.Add(new CardStackView.Item() { Name = "Swipe to see Milestones", Photo = new Uri(""), Description = "Click Yes or No", ID = -1, firstDesc = " ", firstDesc2 = " " }); items.Add(new CardStackView.Item() { Name = "Click Yes or No to Track Progress", Photo = new Uri(""), Description = "Click Yes or No", ID = -2, firstDesc = " ", firstDesc2 = " " }); if (milestonesDue == null) { return; } foreach (Milestone m in milestonesDue) { try { items.Add(new CardStackView.Item() { Name = m.Category, Photo = new Uri(m.Media), Description = m.QuestionText, ID = m.ID, firstDesc = " ", firstDesc2 = " " }); } catch (Exception e) { string current = m.Media; } } }
async private Task <Boolean> UpdateChild(Child child) { Context CurrentContext; ContextDatabaseAccess contextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); contextDB.InitializeSync(); try { CurrentContext = contextDB.GetContextSync(); } // Can't find definitions for SQLiteNetExtensions exceptions, so catch generic Exception e and assume there is no context. catch (Exception e) { CurrentContext = null; } if (CurrentContext == null) { if (child == null) { CurrentContext = new Context(-1, Language.ENGLISH, new Units(DistanceUnits.IN, WeightUnits.OZ)); } else { CurrentContext = new Context(child.GetID(), Language.ENGLISH, new Units(DistanceUnits.IN, WeightUnits.OZ)); } NotifyPagesOfChildUpdate(child); contextDB.SaveContextSync(CurrentContext); contextDB.CloseSyncConnection(); return(true); } else { if (child == null) { CurrentContext.ChildId = -1; } else { CurrentContext.ChildId = child.GetID(); } NotifyPagesOfChildUpdate(child); contextDB.SaveContextSync(CurrentContext); contextDB.CloseSyncConnection(); return(true); } }
public static Context LoadCurrentContext() { ContextDatabaseAccess contextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); contextDB.InitializeSync(); Context CurrentContext; try { CurrentContext = contextDB.GetContextSync(); } // Can't find definitions for SQLiteNetExtensions exceptions, so catch generic Exception e and assume there is no context. catch (Exception e) { CurrentContext = null; //contextDB.CloseSyncConnection(); } // If context doesn't exist, create it, save it, and populate vaccine/milestones databases. if (CurrentContext == null) { CurrentContext = new Context(); // Exception probably broke the synchronous connection. //contextDB.InitializeSync(); ContextDatabaseAccess newContextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); newContextDB.InitializeSync(); newContextDB.SaveFirstContextSync(CurrentContext); newContextDB.CloseSyncConnection(); Task tVaccine = Task.Run(async() => { await VaccineTableConstructor.ConstructVaccineTable(); }); tVaccine.Wait(); Task tMilestone = Task.Run(async() => { MilestonesTableConstructor.ConstructMilestonesTable(); }); tMilestone.Wait(); return(CurrentContext); } else { return(CurrentContext); } }
async private Task SetContext() { ContextDatabaseAccess contextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); await contextDB.InitializeAsync(); try { CurrentContext = contextDB.GetContextAsync().Result; } // Can't find definitions for SQLiteNetExtensions exceptions, so catch generic Exception e and assume there is no context. catch (Exception e) { CurrentContext = null; } if (CurrentContext == null) { CurrentContext = new Context(-1, Language.ENGLISH, new Units(DistanceUnits.IN, WeightUnits.OZ)); } await contextDB.SaveContextAsync(CurrentContext); }
async Task setLanguage(Language l) { ContextDatabaseAccess database = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); await database.InitializeAsync(); if (CurrentContext == null) { CurrentContext = Context.LoadCurrentContext(); } CurrentContext.CurrentLanguage = l; await database.SaveContextAsync(CurrentContext); try { MasterPage.UpdateLanguage(l); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: } }
// Load context and set value for current child if it exists. private async Task <Boolean> LoadContext() { ContextDatabaseAccess contextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); await contextDB.InitializeAsync(); try { CurrentContext = contextDB.GetContextAsync().Result; } // Can't find definitions for SQLiteNetExtensions exceptions, so catch generic Exception e and assume there is no context. catch (Exception e) { CurrentContext = null; //contextDB.CloseSyncConnection(); } // If context doesn't exist, create it, save it, and populate vaccine/milestones databases. if (CurrentContext == null) { CurrentContext = new Context(); // Exception probably broke the synchronous connection. //contextDB.InitializeSync(); ContextDatabaseAccess newContextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); await newContextDB.InitializeAsync(); newContextDB.SaveFirstContextAsync(CurrentContext); //newContextDB.CloseSyncConnection(); _currentChild = null; CurrentChildBirthday = DateTime.Today; Task tVaccine = VaccineTableConstructor.ConstructVaccineTable(); Task tMilestone = MilestonesTableConstructor.ConstructMilestonesTable(); await tVaccine; await tMilestone; return(true); } else { CurrentChild = CurrentContext.GetSelectedChild(); return(true); } }
async void AddChildButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { string nameEntered = nameEntry.Text; DateTime birthdayEntered = birthdayEntry.Date; Gender genderSelected = newChildGender; Boolean missingInfo = false; int index = SexEntry.SelectedIndex; string sex; if (nameEntered == null || nameEntered == "") { await DisplayAlert("Failed", "Please Enter your child's Name", "OK"); missingInfo = true; } else if (birthdayEntered == null) { await DisplayAlert("Failed", "Please Enter your child's birthday.", "OK"); missingInfo = true; } else if (SexEntry.SelectedIndex == -1) { await DisplayAlert("Failed", "Please Enter your child's sex.", "OK"); missingInfo = true; } if (missingInfo) { return; } else { sex = (string)SexEntry.ItemsSource[index]; if (sex == "Male") { newChildGender = Gender.MALE; } else { newChildGender = Gender.FEMALE; } ChildDatabaseAccess childDatabase = new ChildDatabaseAccess(); childDatabase.InitializeSync(); Child newChild = new Child(nameEntered, birthdayEntered, newChildGender); childDatabase.SaveUserChildSync(newChild); childDatabase.CloseSyncConnection(); ContextDatabaseAccess contextDB = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); contextDB.InitializeSync(); Context context = contextDB.GetContextSync(); context.ChildId = newChild.ID; contextDB.SaveContextSync(context); contextDB.CloseSyncConnection(); } await Navigation.PopModalAsync(); }
internal void GenerateBookInfo() { milestonesInfo = new ObservableCollection <MilestonesInfo>(); ContextDatabaseAccess currentContext = new ContextDatabaseAccess(); currentContext.InitializeSync(); Context currSettings = currentContext.GetContextSync(); Child currChild = currSettings.GetSelectedChild(); currentContext.CloseSyncConnection(); if (currChild == null) { return; } Dictionary <MilestoneCategory, List <MilestoneWithResponse> > milestonesDict = currChild.GetMilestoneHistory(); foreach (MilestoneCategory key in milestonesDict.Keys) { List <MilestoneWithResponse> responseList; milestonesDict.TryGetValue(key, out responseList); foreach (MilestoneWithResponse item in responseList) { Milestone m = item.Milestone; milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { ID = m.ID, MonthDue = m.MilestoneDueDate, CategoryName = MilestoneCategoryStringConverter.GetStringForCategoryString(m.Category), CategoryDescription = m.QuestionText, ImageURL = m.Media, Answer = item.Answer }); } } //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 2, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Begins to smile at people", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 2, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Can briefly calm herself (may bring hands to mouth and suck on hand)", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 2, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Tries to look at parent", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 2, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Coos, makes gurgling sounds", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 2, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Turns head toward sounds", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 2, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Pays attention to faces", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 2, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Begins to follow things with eyes and recognize people at a distance", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 2, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Begins to act bored (cries, fussy) if activity doesn’t change", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 2, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Can hold head up and begins to push up when lying on tummy", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 2, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Makes smoother movements with arms and legs", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Smiles spontaneously, especially at people", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Likes to play with people and might cry when playing stops", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Copies some movements and facial expressions, like smiling or frowning", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Begins to babble", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Babbles with expression and copies sounds he hears", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Cries in different ways to show hunger, pain, or being tired", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Lets you know if he is happy or sad", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Responds to affection", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Reaches for toy with one hand", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Uses hands and eyes together, such as seeing a toy and reaching for it", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Follows moving things with eyes from side to side", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Watches faces closely", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Recognizes familiar people and things at a distance", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Holds head steady, unsupported", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Pushes down on legs when feet are on a hard surface", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "May be able to roll over from tummy to back", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Can hold a toy and shake it and swing at dangling toys", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Brings hands to mouth", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 4, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "When lying on stomach, pushes up to elbows", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Knows familiar faces and begins to know if someone is a stranger", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Likes to play with others, especially parents", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Responds to other people’s emotions and often seems happy", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Likes to look at self in a mirror", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Responds to sounds by making sounds", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Strings vowels together when babbling (“ah,” “eh,” “oh”) and likes taking turns with parent while making sounds", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Responds to own name", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Makes sounds to show joy and displeasure", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Begins to say consonant sounds (jabbering with “m,” “b”)", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Looks around at things nearby", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Brings things to mouth", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Shows curiosity about things and tries to get things that are out of reach", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Begins to pass things from one hand to the other", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Rolls over in both directions (front to back, back to front)", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Begins to sit without support", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "When standing, supports weight on legs and might bounce", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 6, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Rocks back and forth, sometimes crawling backward before moving forward", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "May be afraid of strangers", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "May be clingy with familiar adults", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Has favorite toys", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Understands “no”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Makes a lot of different sounds like “mamamama” and “bababababa”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Copies sounds and gestures of others", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Uses fingers to point at things", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Watches the path of something as it falls", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Looks for things she sees you hide", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Plays peek-a-boo", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Puts things in his mouth", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Moves things smoothly from one hand to the other", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Picks up things like cereal o’s between thumb and index finger", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Stands, holding on", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Can get into sitting position", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Sits without support", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Pulls to stand", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 9, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Crawls", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Is shy or nervous with strangers", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Cries when mom or dad leaves", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Has favorite things and people", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Shows fear in some situations", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Hands you a book when he wants to hear a story", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Repeats sounds or actions to get attention", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Puts out arm or leg to help with dressing", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Plays games such as “peek-a-boo” and “pat-a-cake”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Responds to simple spoken requests", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Uses simple gestures, like shaking head “no” or waving “bye-bye”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Makes sounds with changes in tone (sounds more like speech)", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Says “mama” and “dada” and exclamations like “uh-oh!”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Tries to say words you say", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Explores things in different ways, like shaking, banging, throwing", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Finds hidden things easily", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Looks at the right picture or thing when it’s named", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Copies gestures", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Starts to use things correctly; for example, drinks from a cup, brushes hair", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Bangs two things together", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Puts things in a container, takes things out of a container", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Lets things go without help", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Pokes with index (pointer) finger", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Follows simple directions like “pick up the toy”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Gets to a sitting position without help", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Pulls up to stand, walks holding on to furniture (“cruising”)", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "May take a few steps without holding on", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 12, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "May stand alone", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Likes to hand things to others as play", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "May have temper tantrums", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "May be afraid of strangers", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Shows affection to familiar people", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Plays simple pretend, such as feeding a doll", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "May cling to caregivers in new situations", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Points to show others something interesting", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Explores alone but with parent close by", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Says several single words", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Says and shakes head “no”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Points to show someone what he wants", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Knows what ordinary things are for; for example, telephone, brush, spoon", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Points to get the attention of others", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Shows interest in a doll or stuffed animal by pretending to feed", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Points to one body part", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Scribbles on his own", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Can follow 1-step verbal commands without any gestures; for example, sits when you say “sit down”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Walks alone", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "May walk up steps and run", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Pulls toys while walking", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Can help undress himself/herself", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Drinks from a cup", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 18, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Eats with a spoon", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Copies others, especially adults and older children", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Gets excited when with other children", ImageURL = "nan" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Shows more and more independence", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Shows defiant behavior (doing what he has been told not to)", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Plays mainly beside other children, but is beginning to include other children, such as in chase games", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Points to things or pictures when they are named", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Knows names of familiar people and body parts", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Says sentences with 2 to 4 words", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Follows simple instructions", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Repeats words overheard in conversation", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Points to things in a book", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Finds things even when hidden under two or three covers", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Begins to sort shapes and colors", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Completes sentences and rhymes in familiar books", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Plays simple make-believe games", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Builds towers of 4 or more blocks", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Might use one hand more than the other", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Follows two-step instructions such as “Pick up your shoes and put them in the closet.”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Names items in a picture book such as a cat, bird, or dog", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Stands on tiptoe", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Kicks a ball", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Begins to run", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Climbs onto and down from furniture without help", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Walks up and down stairs holding on", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Throws ball overhand", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 24, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Makes or copies straight lines and circles", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Copies adults and friends", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Shows affection for friends without prompting", ImageURL = "nan" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Takes turns in games", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Shows concern for crying friend", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Understands the idea of “mine” and “his” or “hers”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Shows a wide range of emotions", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Separates easily from mom and dad", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "May get upset with major changes in routine", ImageURL = "nan" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Social and Emotional", CategoryDescription = "Dresses and undresses self", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Follows instructions with 2 or 3 steps", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Can name most familiar things", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Understands words like “in,” “on,” and “under”", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Says first name, age, and sex", ImageURL = "#VALUE!" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Names a friend", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Says words like “I,” “me,” “we,” and “you” and some plurals (cars, dogs, cats)", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Talks well enough for strangers to understand most of the time", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Language and Communication", CategoryDescription = "Carries on a conversation using 2 to 3 sentences", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Can work toys with buttons, levers, and moving parts", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Plays make-believe with dolls, animals, and people", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Does puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Understands what “two” means", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Copies a circle with pencil or crayon", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Turns book pages one at a time", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Builds towers of more than 6 blocks", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Cognitive", CategoryDescription = "Screws and unscrews jar lids or turns door handle", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Climbs well", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Runs easily", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Pedals a tricycle (3-wheel bike)", ImageURL = "" }); //milestonesInfo.Add(new MilestonesInfo { MonthDue = 36, CategoryName = "Movement/Physical Development", CategoryDescription = "Walks up and down stairs, one foot on each step", ImageURL = "" }); }