static void Main(string[] args) { // If using Professional version, put your serial key below. ComponentInfo.SetLicense("FREE-LIMITED-KEY"); DocumentModel document = new DocumentModel(); // Set the content for the whole document document.Content.LoadText("Paragraph 1\nParagraph 2\nParagraph 3\nParagraph 4\nParagraph 5"); var bold = new CharacterFormat() { Bold = true }; // Set the content for the 2nd paragraph document.Sections[0].Blocks[1].Content.LoadText("Bold paragraph 2", bold); // Set the content for 3rd and 4th paragraph to be the same as the content of 1st and 2nd paragraph var para3 = document.Sections[0].Blocks[2]; var para4 = document.Sections[0].Blocks[3]; var destinationRange = new ContentRange(para3.Content.Start, para4.Content.End); var para1 = document.Sections[0].Blocks[0]; var para2 = document.Sections[0].Blocks[1]; var sourceRange = new ContentRange(para1.Content.Start, para2.Content.End); destinationRange.Set(sourceRange); // Set content using HTML tags document.Sections[0].Blocks[4].Content.LoadText("Paragraph 5 <b>(part of this paragraph is bold)</b>", LoadOptions.HtmlDefault); document.Save("Set Content.docx"); }
static void Main() { // If using Professional version, put your serial key below. ComponentInfo.SetLicense("FREE-LIMITED-KEY"); var document = new DocumentModel(); // Set the content for the whole document. document.Content.LoadText("First paragraph.\nSecond paragraph.\nThird paragraph.\nFourth paragraph.\nFifth paragraph."); var section = document.Sections[0]; // Set the content for 1st paragraph using plain text. section.Blocks[0].Content.LoadText("Paragraph with plain text."); // Set the content for 2nd paragraph using specified formatting. section.Blocks[1].Content.LoadText("Paragraph with red and bold text.", new CharacterFormat() { FontColor = Color.Red, Bold = true }); var sourceRange = new ContentRange( section.Blocks[0].Content.Start, section.Blocks[1].Content.End); var destinationRange = new ContentRange( section.Blocks[2].Content.Start, section.Blocks[3].Content.End); // Set the content for 3rd and 4th paragraph to be the same as the content of 1st and 2nd paragraph. destinationRange.Set(sourceRange); // Set the content for 5th paragraph using HTML text. section.Blocks[4].Content.LoadText("<p style='font:11pt Calibri;color:blue;'>Paragraph with blue text that has <i>italic part</i>.</p>", new HtmlLoadOptions()); document.Save("Set Content.docx"); }
/// <summary> /// Создание документа форд /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Массив с данными. для записи в Word</param> /// <param name="paht">paht Путь к файлу. Куда сохранять</param> /// <param name="nameClient">Id имя клиента </param> public void GetBoxCreateWordAndPdf(string[] client, string paht, int IdClient) { string hedstr = @" Касса №1 — сеть центров выдачи займов! Сеть центров по выдаче денежных займов размещает условия предоставления денежных средств частным лицам." + Environment.NewLine; // создание ссылок дирикторий(папок для картинки). Корневая папка // var originalDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format(@"~Archive_Documents\\Uploads")); //Тест переменная string temp; string ext; string tempPahtImag; //Бесплатное Лицензия ComponentInfo.SetLicense("FREE-LIMITED-KEY"); // Создание нового дока. var document = new DocumentModel(); try { //Цикл для записи текста вфайл ворд for (int i = 0; i < client.Length; i++) { hedstr += (client[i] + Environment.NewLine); } ; document.Content.LoadText(hedstr); document.Save(paht + $@"\\Result_Client_{IdClient}.docx"); document.Save(paht + $@"\\Result_Client_{IdClient}.pdf"); //поиск и замена Картинки. ContentRange imagePlaceholder = document.Content.Find("#IMAGE").First(); //дергаем из Бд имя и путь картнки using (DBContext db = new DBContext()) { temp = db.clients.Find(IdClient).imagePathInDoc; } //получаем разширение ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(temp); //Получаем имя файла tempPahtImag = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(temp); //проверка разширения if (ext != "image/jpg" && ext != "image/jpeg" && ext != "image/pjpeg" && ext != "image/gif" && ext != "image/png" && ext != "image/x-png") { } string pathCopy = paht + "\\" + tempPahtImag; File.Copy(temp, pathCopy, true); imagePlaceholder.Set(new Picture(document, paht + $"\\{tempPahtImag}").Content); //создаем документ в 2х форматах. *.docx и *.pdf document.Save(paht + $@"\\Result_Client_{IdClient.ToString()}.docx"); document.Save(paht + $@"\\Result_Client_{IdClient.ToString()}.pdf"); } catch (Exception ex) { JournalLog(ex.ToString()); //для лога ошибок } }