static void Main(string[] args) { log.Info("Starting editor..."); ThreadAsserts.IsMainThread(); #if DEBUG WinFormExceptionHelper.AddUnhandledExceptionHooks(); #endif Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); // Check for a valid path to the development content if (ContentPaths.Dev == null) { const string errmsg = @"Could not find the path to the development content (ContentPaths.Dev). The file containing this path should be located at: \Content\Data\devpath.txt The path to the development content is required by the editor. See the file mentioned above for details."; MessageBox.Show(errmsg, "Error finding content path", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } // Ensure the content is copied over if (!ContentPaths.TryCopyContent(userArgs: CommonConfig.TryCopyContentArgs)) { const string errmsg = "Failed to copy the content from the dev to build path." + " Content in the build path will likely not update to reflect changes made in the content in the dev path."; if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.ErrorFormat(errmsg); } Debug.Fail(errmsg); } // Initialize stuff EngineSettingsInitializer.Initialize(); try { GlobalState.Initialize(); // Get the command-line switches var switches = CommandLineSwitchHelper.GetCommandsUsingEnum <CommandLineSwitch>(args).ToArray(); var showEditor = !HandleSwitches(switches); if (showEditor) { // Start up the application Application.Run(new MainForm()); } } finally { GlobalState.Destroy(); } }
static void CopyContent() { if (ContentPaths.TryCopyContent(userArgs: CommonConfig.TryCopyContentArgs)) { if (log.IsInfoEnabled) { log.Info("TryCopyContent succeeded"); } } else { if (log.IsInfoEnabled) { log.Info("TryCopyContent failed"); } } }