protected async override void OnAppearing() { ContentGlobal.loadListRequest(); var dataEEProgess = ContentGlobal.allldata["timeoff"]["timeoff"]; if (dataEEProgess != null) { Debug.WriteLine("dataEE-------------------------------------------------------------" + dataEEProgess); if ((float)dataEEProgess["dayoff"]["total"] > 0.0) { float dateoff = (float)dataEEProgess["dayoff"]["timecout"] / (float)dataEEProgess["dayoff"]["total"]; await progessPer.ProgressTo(dateoff, 250, Easing.Linear); } lbDateoff.Text = (string)dataEEProgess["dayoff"]["timecout"]; lbTotalDateoff.Text = "(Tiêu chuẩn: " + (string)dataEEProgess["dayoff"]["total"] + " ngày)"; lboffPertotal.Text = (string)dataEEProgess["dayoff"]["timecout"] + " /" + (string)dataEEProgess["dayoff"]["total"] + "n"; } /*string companyId = (string)ContentGlobal.allldata["info"]["company"]["id"]; * string strParam = @"{""companyId"":""" + companyId + @""",""type"":1}"; * Debug.WriteLine("strParam---------------------" + strParam); * * var getid = await ContentGlobal.FirebasePOSTFunctions("GetIdLetter", strParam); * Debug.WriteLine("getid---------------------" + getid); * * string id = (string)getid["ID"]; * //lbNumberId.Text = "LR" + id; * * * string People_AssignName = ""; * var dataEE = ContentGlobal.allldata["info"]["managed"]; * * Debug.WriteLine("dataEE-----------------------------" + dataEE); * * var dict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, JContainer>>(dataEE.ToString()); * foreach (var kv in dict) * { * Debug.WriteLine("key :--------" + kv.Key + "value-----------------" + kv.Value); * if ((int)kv.Value["state"] == 1) * { * //People_AssignId = kv.Key; * People_AssignName = (string)kv.Value["name"]; * } * } * * //lbPeopleAssign.Text = People_AssignName;*/ }
async void OnRefresh(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContentGlobal.allldata = await ContentGlobal.GetAllOfPersonal(); ContentGlobal.loadListRequest(); var list = (ListView)sender; //put your refreshing logic here /*var itemList = Iitem.Reverse().ToList(); * Iitem.Clear(); * foreach (var s in itemList) * { * Iitem.Add(s); * }*/ Iitem.Clear(); Iitem = loadAppeal(); lvSearch.ItemsSource = Iitem; //make sure to end the refresh state list.IsRefreshing = false; }
async void OnRefresh(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ContentGlobal.statusNetwork().Equals("Connected") != false) { try { ContentGlobal.allldata = await ContentGlobal.GetAllOfPersonal(); ContentGlobal.loadListRequest(); var list = (ListView)sender; //put your refreshing logic here /*var itemList = Iitem.Reverse().ToList(); * Iitem.Clear(); * foreach (var s in itemList) * { * Iitem.Add(s); * }*/ Iitem.Clear(); Iitem = loadRequests(); lvSearch.ItemsSource = Iitem; //make sure to end the refresh state list.IsRefreshing = false; } catch (Exception ex) { await DisplayAlert("Thông báo", "Có lỗi đã sảy ra, thử lại sau!", "OK"); Debug.WriteLine("Er PersionPage Sync---------------------------------------" + ex); } } else { await DisplayAlert("Cảnh báo", "Kiểm tra lại kết nối mạng của bạn và thử lại sau", "OK"); } }
protected async override void OnAppearing() { var properties = Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.Properties; if (properties.ContainsKey("uId") && properties["uId"].ToString().Length > 0) { Debug.WriteLine("uId------------------------------------" + properties["uId"].ToString()); stkMain.IsVisible = false; stkLoad.IsVisible = true; if (ContentGlobal.statusNetwork().Equals("Connected") != false) { try { ContentGlobal.allldata = await ContentGlobal.GetAllOfPersonal(); if ((int)ContentGlobal.allldata["info"]["active"] == 0) { App.Current.MainPage = new Account.NoAcctivePage(); } else { ContentGlobal.loadListRequest(); if (ContentGlobal.registrationId.Length > 0) { var registrationId = ContentGlobal.allldata["info"]["registrationId"]; if (registrationId != null) { if (registrationId.ToString().Equals(ContentGlobal.registrationId) == false) { string strSubFirebase = "pushData"; string strParam = @"{""uid"" : """ + properties["uId"].ToString() + @""", ""registrationId"" :""" + ContentGlobal.registrationId + @""" }"; Debug.WriteLine("strParam-----------------------------------------------------" + strParam); var rt = ContentGlobal.FirebasePOSTFunctions(strSubFirebase, strParam); } } else { string strSubFirebase = "pushData"; string strParam = @"{""uid"" : """ + properties["uId"].ToString() + @""", ""registrationId"" :""" + ContentGlobal.registrationId + @""" }"; Debug.WriteLine("strParam-----------------------------------------------------" + strParam); var rt = ContentGlobal.FirebasePOSTFunctions(strSubFirebase, strParam); } } if ((int)ContentGlobal.allldata["info"]["acted"] == 1) { ContentGlobal.PeopleWorking = await ContentGlobal.peopleWorkingAsync(); ContentGlobal.Userroot = true; } else { ContentGlobal.Userroot = false; } var month = (int)ContentGlobal.allldata["timeoff"]["period"]; ContentGlobal.INTcountNotiUnread = ContentGlobal.CountNotiUnread("individualistic", month) + ContentGlobal.CountNotiUnread("public", month); Debug.WriteLine("INTcountNotiUnread--------------------------------------------------" + ContentGlobal.INTcountNotiUnread); CrossBadge.Current.SetBadge(ContentGlobal.INTcountNotiUnread); var list_request = ContentGlobal.allldata["info"]["company_rules"]["list_request"]; ContentGlobal.loadListRequest(); Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), () => { Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { try { ContentGlobal.allldata = await ContentGlobal.GetAllOfPersonal(); ContentGlobal.loadListRequest(); } catch (Exception el) { Debug.WriteLine("erorr refesh data" + el.ToString()); } }); return(true); }); Page page = new MainPage(); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(page, false); App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(page); } } catch (Exception ex) { stkMain.IsVisible = true; stkLoad.IsVisible = false; await DisplayAlert("Lỗi", "Có vấn dề đã sảy ra, thử lại sau !", "OK"); Debug.WriteLine("Error OnAppearing--------------------------------", ex); } } else { stkMain.IsVisible = true; stkLoad.IsVisible = false; //await DisplayAlert("thong bao mang", ContentGlobal.statusNetwork(), "OK"); } } else { stkLoad.IsVisible = false; stkMain.IsVisible = true; /*Page page = new SignIn_Page(); * NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(page, false); * App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(page);*/ } }
public async void SignInButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { stkMain.IsVisible = false; stkLoad.IsVisible = true; if (ContentGlobal.statusNetwork().Equals("Connected") == false) { stkMain.IsVisible = true; stkLoad.IsVisible = false; //await DisplayAlert("thong bao mang", ContentGlobal.statusNetwork(), "OK"); } else { try { if (EntryUserName.Text.ToString().Length > 0 && EntryPassword.Text.ToString().Length > 0) { stkMain.IsVisible = false; stkLoad.IsVisible = true; string strSubFirebase = "verifyPassword"; string strParam = @"{ ""email"" : """ + EntryUserName.Text.ToString().ToLower() + @""",""password"" : """ + EntryPassword.Text.ToString() + @""",""returnSecureToken"" : ""true"" } "; Debug.WriteLine("PARAM---------------------------------------------------------------" + strParam); var rtFB = await ContentGlobal.PostAllFirebase_Auth(strSubFirebase, strParam); Debug.WriteLine("rtFB-------------------" + rtFB); string dataFB = (string)rtFB["idToken"]; Debug.WriteLine("idToken---------------------------" + dataFB); if (dataFB != null) { Application.Current.Properties["uId"] = (string)rtFB["localId"]; ContentGlobal.allldata = await ContentGlobal.GetAllOfPersonal(); ContentGlobal.loadListRequest(); Debug.WriteLine("allldata---------------------------" + ContentGlobal.allldata); if ((int)ContentGlobal.allldata["info"]["active"] == 0) { App.Current.MainPage = new Account.NoAcctivePage(); } else { if (ContentGlobal.registrationId.Length > 0) { var registrationId = ContentGlobal.allldata["info"]["registrationId"]; if (registrationId != null) { if (registrationId.ToString().Equals(ContentGlobal.registrationId) == false) { strSubFirebase = "pushData"; strParam = @"{""uid"" : """ + Application.Current.Properties["uId"].ToString() + @""", ""registrationId"" :""" + ContentGlobal.registrationId + @""" }"; Debug.WriteLine("strParam-----------------------------------------------------" + strParam); var rt = ContentGlobal.FirebasePOSTFunctions(strSubFirebase, strParam); } } else { strSubFirebase = "pushData"; strParam = @"{""uid"" : """ + Application.Current.Properties["uId"].ToString() + @""", ""registrationId"" :""" + ContentGlobal.registrationId + @""" }"; Debug.WriteLine("strParam-----------------------------------------------------" + strParam); var rt = ContentGlobal.FirebasePOSTFunctions(strSubFirebase, strParam); } } if ((int)ContentGlobal.allldata["info"]["acted"] == 1) { ContentGlobal.PeopleWorking = await ContentGlobal.peopleWorkingAsync(); ContentGlobal.Userroot = true; } else { ContentGlobal.Userroot = false; } = EntryUserName.Text.ToString().ToLower(); if ((int)ContentGlobal.allldata["info"]["password_safety"] == 0) { //await DisplayAlert("Warring", "Bạn cần thay đổi mật khẩu hiện tại", "OK"); App.Current.MainPage = new Account.FistLoginPage(); } else { var month = (int)ContentGlobal.allldata["timeoff"]["period"]; ContentGlobal.INTcountNotiUnread = ContentGlobal.CountNotiUnread("individualistic", month) + ContentGlobal.CountNotiUnread("public", month); Debug.WriteLine("INTcountNotiUnread--------------------------------------------------" + ContentGlobal.INTcountNotiUnread); CrossBadge.Current.SetBadge(ContentGlobal.INTcountNotiUnread); Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), () => { Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { try { ContentGlobal.allldata = await ContentGlobal.GetAllOfPersonal(); ContentGlobal.loadListRequest(); } catch (Exception el) { Debug.WriteLine("erorr refesh data" + el.ToString()); } }); return(true); }); var page = new MainPage(); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(page, false); App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(page); } } } else { stkMain.IsVisible = true; stkLoad.IsVisible = false; if ((string)rtFB["error"]["message"] == "INVALID_PASSWORD") { EntryPassword.Text = ""; await DisplayAlert("Lỗi", "Mật khẩu bạn vừa nhập không đúng, nhập và thử lại!", "OK"); } else if ((string)rtFB["error"]["message"] == "EMAIL_NOT_FOUND") { EntryUserName.Text = ""; EntryPassword.Text = ""; await DisplayAlert("Lỗi", "Tài khoản đăng nhập không đúng, nhập lại email và password!", "OK"); } else { await DisplayAlert("Lỗi", (string)rtFB["error"]["message"], "OK"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { stkMain.IsVisible = true; stkLoad.IsVisible = false; await DisplayAlert("Lỗi", "Có vấn dề đã sảy ra, thử lại sau !", "OK"); Debug.WriteLine("Error SignInButtonClicked--------------------------------", ex); // throw ex; } } }