コード例 #1
        public async Task Should_recreate_deleted_content_with_upsert(bool permanent)
            // STEP 1: Create a new item.
            var content_1 = await _.Contents.CreateAsync(new TestEntityData { Number = 2 }, ContentCreateOptions.AsPublish);

            // STEP 2: Delete the item.
            var deleteOptions = new ContentDeleteOptions {
                Permanent = permanent

            await _.Contents.DeleteAsync(content_1.Id, deleteOptions);

            // STEP 3: Recreate the item with the same id.
            var content_2 = await _.Contents.UpsertAsync(content_1.Id, new TestEntityData { Number = 2 }, ContentUpsertOptions.AsPublish);

            Assert.Equal(Status.Published, content_2.Status);

            // STEP 4: Check if we can find it again with a query.
            var contents_4 = await _.Contents.GetAsync(new ContentQuery { Filter = $"id eq '{content_1.Id}'" });

            Assert.NotNull(contents_4.Items.Find(x => x.Id == content_1.Id));
コード例 #2
        public async Task Should_not_delete_when_referenced()
            // STEP 1: Create a referenced content.
            var dataA = new TestEntityWithReferencesData();

            var contentA_1 = await _.Contents.CreateAsync(dataA, ContentCreateOptions.AsPublish);

            // STEP 2: Create a content with a reference.
            var dataB = new TestEntityWithReferencesData {
                References = new[] { contentA_1.Id }

            await _.Contents.CreateAsync(dataB, ContentCreateOptions.AsPublish);

            // STEP 3: Try to delete with referrer check.
            var options = new ContentDeleteOptions {
                CheckReferrers = true

            await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <SquidexException>(() =>
                return(_.Contents.DeleteAsync(contentA_1.Id, options));

            // STEP 4: Delete without referrer check
            await _.Contents.DeleteAsync(contentA_1.Id);