コード例 #1
        public void No_Access_By_Path()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(9);
            userMock.Setup(u => u.StartContentIds).Returns(new[] { 9876 });
            var user        = userMock.Object;
            var contentMock = new Mock <IContent>();

            contentMock.Setup(c => c.Path).Returns("-1,1234,5678");
            var content            = contentMock.Object;
            var contentServiceMock = new Mock <IContentService>();

            contentServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(1234)).Returns(content);
            var contentService  = contentServiceMock.Object;
            var userServiceMock = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var permissions     = new EntityPermissionCollection();
            var permissionSet   = new EntityPermissionSet(1234, permissions);

            userServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionsForPath(user, "-1,1234")).Returns(permissionSet);
            var userService       = userServiceMock.Object;
            var entityServiceMock = new Mock <IEntityService>();

            entityServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetAllPaths(It.IsAny <UmbracoObjectTypes>(), It.IsAny <int[]>()))
            .Returns(new[] { Mock.Of <EntityPath>(entity => entity.Id == 9876 && entity.Path == "-1,9876") });
            var entityService = entityServiceMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, userService, contentService, entityService, 1234, new[] { 'F' });

コード例 #2
        public void No_Access_To_Recycle_Bin_By_Permission()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(0);
            var user = userMock.Object;

            var userServiceMock = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var permissions     = new EntityPermissionCollection
                new EntityPermission(9876, 1234, new string[] { "A" })
            var permissionSet = new EntityPermissionSet(1234, permissions);

            userServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionsForPath(user, "-20")).Returns(permissionSet);
            var userService        = userServiceMock.Object;
            var entityServiceMock  = new Mock <IEntityService>();
            var entityService      = entityServiceMock.Object;
            var contentServiceMock = new Mock <IContentService>();
            var contentService     = contentServiceMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, userService, contentService, entityService, -20, new[] { 'B' });

コード例 #3
        public void Throws_Exception_When_No_Content_Found()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(9);
            var user        = userMock.Object;
            var contentMock = new Mock <IContent>();

            contentMock.Setup(c => c.Path).Returns("-1,1234,5678");
            var content            = contentMock.Object;
            var contentServiceMock = new Mock <IContentService>();

            contentServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(0)).Returns(content);
            var contentService  = contentServiceMock.Object;
            var userServiceMock = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var permissions     = new EntityPermissionCollection();
            var permissionSet   = new EntityPermissionSet(1234, permissions);

            userServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionsForPath(user, "-1,1234,5678")).Returns(permissionSet);
            var userService       = userServiceMock.Object;
            var entityServiceMock = new Mock <IEntityService>();
            var entityService     = entityServiceMock.Object;

            Assert.Throws <HttpResponseException>(() => ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, userService, contentService, entityService, 1234, new[] { 'F' }));
コード例 #4
        public void Access_Allowed_By_Path()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(9);
            userMock.Setup(u => u.Groups).Returns(new[] { new ReadOnlyUserGroup(1, "admin", "", -1, -1, "admin", new string[0], new List <string>()) });
            var user        = userMock.Object;
            var contentMock = new Mock <IContent>();

            contentMock.Setup(c => c.Path).Returns("-1,1234,5678");
            var content            = contentMock.Object;
            var contentServiceMock = new Mock <IContentService>();

            contentServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(1234)).Returns(content);
            var contentService    = contentServiceMock.Object;
            var entityServiceMock = new Mock <IEntityService>();
            var entityService     = entityServiceMock.Object;
            var userServiceMock   = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var userService       = userServiceMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, userService, contentService, entityService, 1234);

コード例 #5
        public void Access_To_Recycle_Bin_By_Permission()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(0);
            userMock.Setup(u => u.Groups).Returns(new[] { new ReadOnlyUserGroup(1, "admin", "", -1, -1, "admin", new string[0], new List <string>()) });
            var user = userMock.Object;

            var userServiceMock = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var permissions     = new EntityPermissionCollection
                new EntityPermission(9876, 1234, new string[] { "A" })
            var permissionSet = new EntityPermissionSet(-20, permissions);

            userServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionsForPath(user, "-20")).Returns(permissionSet);
            var userService        = userServiceMock.Object;
            var entityServiceMock  = new Mock <IEntityService>();
            var entityService      = entityServiceMock.Object;
            var contentServiceMock = new Mock <IContentService>();
            var contentService     = contentServiceMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, userService, contentService, entityService, -20, new[] { 'A' });

コード例 #6
        public void No_Access_By_Permission()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(9);
            var user        = userMock.Object;
            var contentMock = new Mock <IContent>();

            contentMock.Setup(c => c.Path).Returns("-1,1234,5678");
            var content            = contentMock.Object;
            var contentServiceMock = new Mock <IContentService>();

            contentServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(1234)).Returns(content);
            var contentService  = contentServiceMock.Object;
            var userServiceMock = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var permissions     = new EntityPermissionCollection
                new EntityPermission(9876, 1234, new string[] { "A", "B", "C" })
            var permissionSet = new EntityPermissionSet(1234, permissions);

            userServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionsForPath(user, "-1,1234,5678")).Returns(permissionSet);
            var userService       = userServiceMock.Object;
            var entityServiceMock = new Mock <IEntityService>();
            var entityService     = entityServiceMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, userService, contentService, entityService, 1234, new[] { 'F' });

コード例 #7
        public void No_Access_By_Path()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(9);
            userMock.Setup(u => u.StartContentId).Returns(9876);
            var user        = userMock.Object;
            var contentMock = new Mock <IContent>();

            contentMock.Setup(c => c.Path).Returns("-1,1234,5678");
            var content            = contentMock.Object;
            var contentServiceMock = new Mock <IContentService>();

            contentServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(1234)).Returns(content);
            var contentService  = contentServiceMock.Object;
            var userServiceMock = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var permissions     = new List <EntityPermission>();

            userServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetPermissions(user, 1234)).Returns(permissions);
            var userService = userServiceMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, userService, contentService, 1234, new[] { 'F' });

コード例 #8
        public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
            if (UmbracoContext.Current.Security.CurrentUser == null)
                //not logged in
                throw new HttpResponseException(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);

            int nodeId;

            if (_nodeId.HasValue == false)
                var parts = _paramName.Split(new char[] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (actionContext.ActionArguments[parts[0]] == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No argument found for the current action with the name: " + _paramName);

                if (parts.Length == 1)
                    nodeId = (int)actionContext.ActionArguments[parts[0]];
                    //now we need to see if we can get the property of whatever object it is
                    var pType = actionContext.ActionArguments[parts[0]].GetType();
                    var prop  = pType.GetProperty(parts[1]);
                    if (prop == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("No argument found for the current action with the name: " + _paramName);
                    nodeId = (int)prop.GetValue(actionContext.ActionArguments[parts[0]]);
                nodeId = _nodeId.Value;

            if (ContentController.CheckPermissions(
                    nodeId, _permissionToCheck.HasValue ? new[] { _permissionToCheck.Value }: null))
                throw new HttpResponseException(actionContext.Request.CreateUserNoAccessResponse());
コード例 #9
        public void No_Access_To_Root_By_Path()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(0);
            userMock.Setup(u => u.StartContentId).Returns(1234);
            var user = userMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, null, null, -1);

コード例 #10
        public void Access_To_Recycle_Bin_By_Path()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(0);
            userMock.Setup(u => u.Groups).Returns(new[] { new ReadOnlyUserGroup(1, "admin", "", -1, -1, "admin", new string[0], new List <string>()) });
            var user = userMock.Object;
            var contentServiceMock = new Mock <IContentService>();
            var contentService     = contentServiceMock.Object;
            var userServiceMock    = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var userService        = userServiceMock.Object;
            var entityServiceMock  = new Mock <IEntityService>();
            var entityService      = entityServiceMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, userService, contentService, entityService, -20);

コード例 #11
        public void Access_Allowed_By_Path()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(9);
            userMock.Setup(u => u.StartContentId).Returns(-1);
            var user        = userMock.Object;
            var contentMock = new Mock <IContent>();

            contentMock.Setup(c => c.Path).Returns("-1,1234,5678");
            var content            = contentMock.Object;
            var contentServiceMock = new Mock <IContentService>();

            contentServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(1234)).Returns(content);
            var contentService = contentServiceMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, null, contentService, 1234);

コード例 #12
        public void No_Access_To_Root_By_Path()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(0);
            userMock.Setup(u => u.StartContentIds).Returns(new [] { 1234 });
            var user = userMock.Object;
            var contentServiceMock = new Mock <IContentService>();
            var contentService     = contentServiceMock.Object;
            var userServiceMock    = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var userService        = userServiceMock.Object;
            var entityServiceMock  = new Mock <IEntityService>();

            entityServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetAllPaths(It.IsAny <UmbracoObjectTypes>(), It.IsAny <int[]>()))
            .Returns(new[] { Mock.Of <EntityPath>(entity => entity.Id == 1234 && entity.Path == "-1,1234") });
            var entityService = entityServiceMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, userService, contentService, entityService, -1);

コード例 #13
        public void No_Access_To_Recycle_Bin_By_Permission()
            var userMock = new Mock <IUser>();

            userMock.Setup(u => u.Id).Returns(0);
            userMock.Setup(u => u.StartContentId).Returns(-1);
            var user = userMock.Object;

            var userServiceMock = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var permissions     = new List <EntityPermission>
                new EntityPermission(9, 1234, new string[] { "A" })

            userServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetPermissions(user, -20)).Returns(permissions);
            var userService = userServiceMock.Object;

            var result = ContentController.CheckPermissions(new Dictionary <string, object>(), user, userService, null, -20, new[] { 'B' });
