public SkeletonItem[] PopulateRoot(IEnumerable<IState> states) { var i = 0; foreach (var s in states) { displayNodes[i++] = new ContainerNode<IDisplayNode>(, x => x, s.Nodes); } return BfsExpand(this); }
private XmlNode AddGroupDefinition(string groupId, IContainer container) { XmlElement newElement = null; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("translate("); builder.Append(XmlConvert.ToString(container.Offset.X)); builder.Append(","); builder.Append(XmlConvert.ToString(container.Offset.Y)); builder.Append(")"); newElement = base.CreateElement("g"); newElement.SetAttribute("id", groupId); newElement.SetAttribute("transform", builder.ToString()); ContainerNode.AppendChild(newElement); return(newElement as XmlNode); }
internal static bool TryParseSet(JinjaEnvironment environment, Lexer lexer, ILookaroundEnumerator <ParsingNode> enumerator, [NotNullWhen(true)] out ASTNode?parsedNode) { parsedNode = default; if (SetParser.StartBlock.TryParse(enumerator.Current) == false) { return(false); } var startParsingNode = enumerator.Current; if (SetParser.StartBlock.TryGetAccumulations(SetParser.SetState.VariableName, out var variableNames) == false) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (variableNames == null || variableNames.Length == 0) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (variableNames.Length != 1) { throw new NotImplementedException(); // Not supported yet } if (SetParser.StartBlock.TryGetAccumulation(SetParser.SetState.AssignmentExpression, 0, out var assignmentExpression)) { parsedNode = new SetNode(startParsingNode, variableNames, assignmentExpression, null); return(true); } enumerator.MoveNext(); var contents = ASTGenerator.ParseUntilFailure(environment, lexer, enumerator).ToArray(); if (SetParser.EndBlock.TryParse(enumerator.Current) == false) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } var contentsNode = new ContainerNode(null, contents, null); parsedNode = new SetNode(startParsingNode, variableNames, contentsNode, enumerator.Current); return(true); }
public Item TryExtractItem(ContainerNode input, NetObjectList <Item> itemList, int index, int flux) { //Exception for multiple thread collisions Item source = itemList[index]; Item tosend = null; if (source is SObject) { SObject obj = (SObject)source; SObject tosendObject = (SObject)tosend; if (input.CanRecieveItem(source) && !IsEmpty()) { if (obj.Stack <= flux) { tosendObject = obj; itemList.RemoveAt(index); } else { obj.stack.Value -= flux; tosendObject = (SObject)obj.getOne(); tosendObject.stack.Value = flux; } Chest.clearNulls(); return(tosendObject); } } else if (source is Tool) { Tool tool = (Tool)source; Tool tosendTool = (Tool)tosend; if (input.CanRecieveItem(tool)) { tosendTool = tool; itemList.RemoveAt(index); } Chest.clearNulls(); return(tosendTool); } return(null); }
void IDirectory.Move(string srcDirectoryName, string destDirectoryName) { srcDirectoryName = _nodeNavigator.GetFullPath(srcDirectoryName); string srcParentFolder = _nodeNavigator.GetParentPath(srcDirectoryName); string src = Path.GetFileName(srcDirectoryName); string destParentFolder = _nodeNavigator.GetParentPath(destDirectoryName); destDirectoryName = _nodeNavigator.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(srcParentFolder, destDirectoryName)); string dest = Path.GetFileName(destDirectoryName); ContainerNode destParent = (ContainerNode)_nodeNavigator.GetOrCreate(_volumes, destParentFolder, false); ContainerNode srcParent = (ContainerNode)_nodeNavigator.Get(_volumes, srcParentFolder); if (ReferenceEquals(srcParent, destParent)) { if (destParent.StringComparer.Equals(src, dest)) { return; // TODO: Throw Exception? } destParent.Directories[src].Name = dest; } else { DirectoryNode srcDirectory = srcParent.Directories[src]; DirectoryNode destDirectory = destParent.Directories[dest]; if (destDirectory != null) { throw new IOException("Cannot create a file when that file already exists."); } destDirectory = srcDirectory; lock (destParent.Directories.SyncLock) { srcParent.Directories.Remove(srcDirectory); destParent.Directories.Add(srcDirectory); } destDirectory.Name = dest; } }
private bool GenNodePath(ContainerNode parent, Node node, List <int> ret) { if (parent.Children.Contains(node)) { ret.Add(parent.Children.IndexOf(node)); return(true); } foreach (var node1 in parent.Children.Where(o => o is ContainerNode)) { var child = (ContainerNode)node1; ret.Add(parent.Children.IndexOf(child)); if (GenNodePath(child, node, ret)) { return(true); } ret.Remove(ret.Count - 1); return(false); } return(false); }
internal static bool TryParseCall(JinjaEnvironment environment, Lexer lexer, ILookaroundEnumerator <ParsingNode> enumerator, [NotNullWhen(true)] out ASTNode?parsedNode) { parsedNode = default; if (CallParser.StartBlock.TryParse(enumerator.Current, out var outsideStart, out var insideStart) == false) { return(false); } if (CallParser.StartBlock.TryGetAccumulation(CallParser.CallState.CallDefinition, 0, out var callDefinition) == false) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } var startParsingNode = enumerator.Current; enumerator.MoveNext(); var contents = ASTGenerator.ParseUntilFailure(environment, lexer, enumerator).ToArray(); if (CallParser.EndBlock.TryParse(enumerator.Current, out var insideEnd, out var outsideEnd) == false) { return(false); } var endParsingNode = enumerator.Current; var contentsNode = new ContainerNode(null, contents, null, new WhiteSpaceControlSet(insideStart, insideEnd) ); if (TryParseCallDefinition(lexer, callDefinition, out var callArgumentList, out var macroCall) == false) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } parsedNode = new CallNode(startParsingNode, ExpressionNode.FromString(environment, callArgumentList), ExpressionNode.FromString(environment, macroCall), contentsNode, endParsingNode, new WhiteSpaceControlSet(outsideStart, outsideEnd) ); return(true); }
private void GetChildItems(ContainerNode parentContainer, string path, bool recurse, uint depth, Action <PSObject, string, string, bool> writeItemObject) { foreach (var childGetItem in parentContainer.GetChildItems()) { var childItemPSObject = childGetItem.GetItem(); if (childItemPSObject is not null) { var childItemPath = Path.Join(path, childGetItem.Name); writeItemObject(childItemPSObject, childItemPath, childGetItem.Name, childGetItem is ContainerNode); //TODO: recurse in cmdlet provider will be slow if the underlying model could optimize fetching of data. // alternatives: // - let first container pull in the whole operation -> change IGetChildItems to GetChildItems( bool recurse, uint depth) // - notify first container of incoming request so it can prepare the fetch: IPrepareGetChildItems: Prepare(bool recurse, uint depth) then resurce in provider // General solution would be to introduce a call context to allow an impl. to inspect the original request. if (recurse && depth > 0 && childGetItem is ContainerNode childContainer) { this.GetChildItems(childContainer, childItemPath, recurse, depth - 1, writeItemObject); } } } }
void ImageLibrary(StructuredReport report) { ContainerNode library = new ContainerNode(new CodedEntry("111028", "DCM", "Image Library"), ContinuityOfContent.Separate); report.Root.Add(library, RelationshipType.Contains); // there would be one of these for each image ImageNode image = new ImageNode(null, SOPClass.DigitalMammographyImageStorageForProcessing, "1.2.840.113564.10956419.20110513130130750480.1000000000003"); image.ImageLaterality = Laterality.Right; image.ImageView = ViewForMammography.CC; image.PatientOrientationRow = "P"; image.PatientOrientationColumn = "L"; image.StudyDate = "20110513"; image.StudyTime = "130157"; image.ContentDate = "20110513"; image.ContentTime = "130156"; image.HorizontalImagerPixelSpacing = "49"; image.VerticalImagerPixelSpacing = "49"; library.Add(image, RelationshipType.Contains); }
public override void FillChildren(ContainerNode in_parentCont, ComplexValue list) { DataTable dTable = list.dtable; for (int i = 0; i < dTable.Rows.Count; i++) { var ct_id = dTable.Rows[i].Field <long>("ct_id"); var parent_id = dTable.Rows[i].Field <long>("parent_id"); var name = dTable.Rows[i].Field <string>("name"); var created_at = dTable.Rows[i].Field <DateTime?>("created_at"); var cMap = new ContainerMap(name, ct_id, null, parent_id, 0, -1, -1, -1, created_at); var cont = new ContainerNode(cMap); ContainerNode parentCont = in_parentCont; if (in_parentCont == null) { parentCont = GetContainerByID(parent_id); } parentCont.AddChild(cont); } }
/// <summary> /// Заполнение внутреннего хранилища. /// Узел основного хранилища заполняется данными о дочерних контейнерах, /// чтобы у узла возник крестик. /// </summary> public override void Refresh() { containers.Clear(); long parent_id = -1; long _order = 0; long _fh_id = -1; long _predecessor = -1; long _successor = -1; var MainMap = new ContainerMap(Session.MainStoreName, Session.MainStoreID, null, parent_id, _order, _fh_id, _predecessor, _successor, DateTime.Now); var maincontainer = new ContainerNode(MainMap); containers.Add(maincontainer); var list_ids = new List <string>(); list_ids.Add(Session.MainStoreID.ToString()); var list = dbServer.GetChildrenInContainerList(tpList.tplDBtable, list_ids); this.FillChildren(maincontainer, list); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the value associated with the specified key. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">The key.</param> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <returns> true if the dictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value) { value = default(TValue); ContainerNode accNode = node; while (accNode != null) { ContainerValue containerValue; if (accNode.AssociativeContainer.TryGetValue(key, out containerValue)) { if (containerValue.HasValue) { value = containerValue.Value; return(true); } else { return(false); } } accNode = accNode.PreviousNode; } ContainerValue rootValue; if (rootContainer.TryGetValue(key, out rootValue)) { value = rootValue.Value; return(true); } else { return(false); } }
internal static bool TryParseBlock(JinjaEnvironment environment, Lexer lexer, ILookaroundEnumerator <ParsingNode> enumerator, [NotNullWhen(true)] out ASTNode?parsedNode) { parsedNode = default; if (BlockParser.StartBlock.TryParse(enumerator.Current) == false) { return(false); } var startParsingNode = enumerator.Current; if (BlockParser.StartBlock.TryGetAccumulation(BlockParser.BlockState.BlockName, 0, out var startingBlockName) == false) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(startingBlockName)) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } enumerator.MoveNext(); var contents = ASTGenerator.ParseUntilFailure(environment, lexer, enumerator).ToArray(); if (BlockParser.EndBlock.TryParse(enumerator.Current) == false) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (BlockParser.EndBlock.TryGetAccumulation(BlockParser.BlockState.BlockName, 0, out var endBlockName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endBlockName) && endBlockName != startingBlockName) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } var contentsBlock = new ContainerNode(null, contents, null); parsedNode = new BlockNode(startParsingNode, startingBlockName, contentsBlock, enumerator.Current); return(true); }
public ContainerNode writeNewContainer(string name) { ContainerNode ret = new ContainerNode(pjsua2PINVOKE.PersistentDocument_writeNewContainer(swigCPtr, name), true); if (pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; }
public override void readObject(ContainerNode node) { pjsua2PINVOKE.AuthCredInfo_readObject(swigCPtr, ContainerNode.getCPtr(node)); if (pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); }
public ContainerRoot addNodes(ContainerNode cn) { return this.deleg.addNodes(cn); }
public void Transform(ContainerNode item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
internal BlockNode(ParsingNode?startParsingNode, string name, ContainerNode blockContents, ParsingNode?endParsingNode) : base(startParsingNode, blockContents.YieldOne(), endParsingNode) { Name = name; BlockContents = blockContents; }
internal IEnumerable<IBaseRenderer> GetRenderers(ContainerNode _containerNode, IBaseRenderer parent) { var nodes = _containerNode.Nodes; for (int i = nodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var child = nodes[i]; var childStyle = child as Style; if(childStyle != null) foreach(var childSubRenderer in GetRenderers(childStyle, parent)) yield return childSubRenderer; var renderer = child.Renderer ?? (child.Renderer = CreateRenderer(child, null, parent)); if (renderer != null) yield return renderer; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CollectionItem"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The <see cref="ContainerNode"/> which contains the grouped items.</param> public CollectionItem(ContainerNode node) { this.node = node; }
public WorkFlow() { _rootNode = new ContainerNode <TState>(_workFlowContext); }
public void CascadeStyles(ContainerNode container) { var nodes = container.Nodes; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { var style = nodes[i] as Style; if (style != null) for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.Count; j++) if (nodes[j].Cascade(style)) return; var childContainer = nodes[i] as ContainerNode; if (childContainer != null) CascadeStyles(childContainer); } }
public override void FillDocs(ContainerNode cont, ComplexValue list) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void ShowButton(ListItemSelectedEvent e, ContainerNode container, [JoinAll] ScreenNode screenNode) { screenNode.containersScreen.SetOpenButtonsActive(container.userItemCounter.Count > 0L, false); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ContainerNode"/> class. New instance /// will be inserted to the linked list after the given node. /// </summary> /// <param name="previousNode">The previous node.</param> public ContainerNode(ContainerNode previousNode) { AssociativeContainer = new Dictionary <TKey, ContainerValue>(); PreviousNode = previousNode; NumberInSequence = previousNode.NumberInSequence + 1; }
private void SetTreeNodes(IList<ReportSuite> reportSuites) { foreach (ReportSuite suite in reportSuites) { ContainerNode suitenode = new ContainerNode(suite.Name); suitenode.Name = suite.Name; foreach (ReportAssembly reportAssembly in suite.Assemblies) { ContainerNode assemblyNode = new ContainerNode(reportAssembly.Location); assemblyNode.Name = reportAssembly.Location; foreach (TestClass testClass in reportAssembly.TestClasses) { ContainerNode testClassNode = new ContainerNode(testClass.Name); testClassNode.Name = testClass.TestNamespace; foreach (Test test in testClass.Tests) { bool testPassed = test.Passed; string testName = test.Name; TestCaseNode testNode = new TestCaseNode(testName); if (!testPassed) { FailStateNode dummy = new DummyTreeNode("-"); testNode.Nodes.Add(dummy); testNode.NotifyChildAttached(dummy); } testClassNode.Nodes.Add(testNode); testClassNode.NotifyChildAttached(testNode); } assemblyNode.Nodes.Add(testClassNode); testClassNode.NotifyAttachedToParent(); } suitenode.Nodes.Add(assemblyNode); assemblyNode.NotifyAttachedToParent(); } reportTreeView.Nodes.Add(suitenode); } }
public override void writeObject(ContainerNode node) { pjsua2PINVOKE.AccountRegConfig_writeObject(swigCPtr, ContainerNode.getCPtr(node)); if (pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); }
public override ContainerNode getRootContainer() { ContainerNode ret = new ContainerNode(pjsua2PINVOKE.JsonDocument_getRootContainer(swigCPtr), false); return(ret); }
internal MacroNode(JinjaEnvironment environment, ParsingNode?startParsingNode, string macroText, ContainerNode contents, ParsingNode?endParsingNode, WhiteSpaceControlSet?whiteSpace = null) : base(startParsingNode, contents.ParsingNodes, endParsingNode) { Contents = contents; WhiteSpaceControl = whiteSpace ?? new WhiteSpaceControlSet(); //MacroText = macroText; if (environment.Evaluation.TryParseFunctionDeclaration(macroText, out var functionDeclaration) == false || functionDeclaration == null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } FunctionDeclaration = functionDeclaration; }
public virtual ContainerNode getRootContainer() { ContainerNode ret = new ContainerNode(pjsua2PINVOKE.PersistentDocument_getRootContainer(swigCPtr), false); return ret; }
public STContainer(ContainerNode node) : base(node) { }
private void ApplyEdits(RenderBatch batch, ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, ArrayBuilderSegment <RenderTreeEdit> edits) { var currentDepth = 0; var childIndexAtCurrentDepth = childIndex; var permutations = new List <PermutationListEntry>(); for (var editIndex = edits.Offset; editIndex < edits.Offset + edits.Count; editIndex++) { var edit = edits.Array[editIndex]; switch (edit.Type) { case RenderTreeEditType.PrependFrame: { var frame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[edit.ReferenceFrameIndex]; var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex; InsertFrame(batch, parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex, batch.ReferenceFrames.Array, frame, edit.ReferenceFrameIndex); break; } case RenderTreeEditType.RemoveFrame: { var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex; parent.RemoveLogicalChild(childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex); break; } case RenderTreeEditType.SetAttribute: { var frame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[edit.ReferenceFrameIndex]; var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex; var node = parent.Children[childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex]; if (node is ElementNode element) { ApplyAttribute(batch, element, frame); } else { throw new Exception("Cannot set attribute on non-element child"); } break; } case RenderTreeEditType.RemoveAttribute: { // Note that we don't have to dispose the info we track about event handlers here, because the // disposed event handler IDs are delivered separately (in the 'disposedEventHandlerIds' array) var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex; var node = parent.Children[childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex]; if (node is ElementNode element) { var attributeName = edit.RemovedAttributeName !; // First try to remove any special property we use for this attribute if (!TryApplySpecialProperty(batch, element, attributeName, default)) { // If that's not applicable, it's a regular DOM attribute so remove that element.RemoveAttribute(attributeName); } } else { throw new Exception("Cannot remove attribute from non-element child"); } break; } case RenderTreeEditType.UpdateText: { var frame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[edit.ReferenceFrameIndex]; var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex; var node = parent.Children[childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex]; if (node is TextNode textNode) { textNode.TextContent = frame.TextContent; } else { throw new Exception("Cannot set text content on non-text child"); } break; } case RenderTreeEditType.UpdateMarkup: { var frame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[edit.ReferenceFrameIndex]; var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex; parent.RemoveLogicalChild(childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex); InsertMarkup(parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex, frame); break; } case RenderTreeEditType.StepIn: { var siblingIndex = edit.SiblingIndex; parent = (ContainerNode)parent.Children[childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex]; currentDepth++; childIndexAtCurrentDepth = 0; break; } case RenderTreeEditType.StepOut: { parent = parent.Parent ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot step out of {parent}"); currentDepth--; childIndexAtCurrentDepth = currentDepth == 0 ? childIndex : 0; // The childIndex is only ever nonzero at zero depth break; } case RenderTreeEditType.PermutationListEntry: { permutations.Add(new PermutationListEntry(childIndexAtCurrentDepth + edit.SiblingIndex, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + edit.MoveToSiblingIndex)); break; } case RenderTreeEditType.PermutationListEnd: { throw new NotSupportedException(); //permuteLogicalChildren(parent, permutations!); //permutations.Clear(); //break; } default: { throw new Exception($"Unknown edit type: '{edit.Type}'"); } } } }
public SceneGraph() { this._root = new ContainerNode(); }
internal void Render(ContainerNode container, Feature feature) { var nodes = container.Nodes; for (int i = nodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var childRenderer = (IFeatureRenderer)nodes[i].Renderer; if (childRenderer != null && childRenderer.Visible) { childRenderer.Render(feature); if (CancelPending) break; } } }
internal CallNode(ParsingNode?startParsingNode, ExpressionNode callerDefinition, ExpressionNode macroCall, ContainerNode contents, ParsingNode?endParsingNode, WhiteSpaceControlSet?whiteSpace = null) : base(startParsingNode, contents.ParsingNodes, endParsingNode) { Contents = contents; WhiteSpaceControl = whiteSpace ?? new WhiteSpaceControlSet(); MacroCall = macroCall; CallerDefinition = callerDefinition; }
public override ContainerNode getRootContainer() { ContainerNode ret = new ContainerNode(pjsua2PINVOKE.JsonDocument_getRootContainer(swigCPtr), false); return ret; }
public virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode node) { pjsua2PINVOKE.PersistentObject_writeObject(swigCPtr, ContainerNode.getCPtr(node)); if (pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); }
internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(ContainerNode obj) { return (obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr; }
public ContainerRoot removeNodes(ContainerNode cn) { return this.deleg.removeNodes(cn); }
public ContainerNode readArray(string name) { ContainerNode ret = new ContainerNode(pjsua2PINVOKE.ContainerNode_readArray__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, name), true); if (pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; }
public Expression Transform(ContainerNode item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public ContainerNode readArray() { ContainerNode ret = new ContainerNode(pjsua2PINVOKE.PersistentDocument_readArray__SWIG_1(swigCPtr), true); if (pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; }
internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(ContainerNode obj) { return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr); }
public IEnumerable <bool> Transform(ContainerNode item) => TransformAll(item.Children);
public override bool OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { mousedown = false; MoveNode(e, true); HashSet <ContainerNode> containersThatWillChangeInBounds = new HashSet <ContainerNode>(); foreach (var n in diagram.SelectedObjects.OfType <Node>()) { ContainerNode cn = n.Container; while (cn != null) { containersThatWillChangeInBounds.Add(cn); cn = cn.Container; } } if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != Keys.Shift) { var nodesIntersecting = new HashSet <Node>(diagram.NodesAt(e.X, e.Y)); var nodesIntersectingThatAreNotPartOfSelection = nodesIntersecting.Except(selectedObjectsPositions.Keys.OfType <Node>()); var nodesIntersectingThatArePartOfSelection = nodesIntersecting.Where(n => selectedObjectsPositions.ContainsKey(n)); var targetNode = nodesIntersectingThatAreNotPartOfSelection.FirstOrDefault(); if (targetNode != null) { targetNode.OnNodeDragDrop(diagram.SelectedObjects.OfType <Node>().Where(n => n != targetNode)); } else { var nodesToCheckIfTheyNeedToBeRemovedFromTheirContainer = diagram.SelectedObjects.OfType <Node>().ToList(); if (nodeAtDragPoint is ContainerNode) { // the node we're dragging is a container, any child node shouldn't be removed just by dragging the its container foreach (var child in ((ContainerNode)nodeAtDragPoint).GetAllChildren()) { nodesToCheckIfTheyNeedToBeRemovedFromTheirContainer.Remove(child); } } foreach (var n in nodesToCheckIfTheyNeedToBeRemovedFromTheirContainer) { if (n.Container != null && !nodesIntersecting.Contains(n.Container)) { var container = n.Container; container.Children.Remove(n); } } } } // everything is moved, allow bounds to be updated based on their children foreach (var c in suspendedContainers.OrderByDescending(cn => cn.Depth)) { c.ResumeFit(); } // add new containers (those that are referenced by the changed children) foreach (var n in diagram.SelectedObjects.OfType <Node>()) { ContainerNode cn = n.Container; while (cn != null) { containersThatWillChangeInBounds.Add(cn); cn = cn.Container; } } foreach (var c in containersThatWillChangeInBounds.OrderByDescending(cn => cn.Depth)) { c.UpdateBounds(); } diagram.Invalidate(); //var nodesIntersecting = diagram.Nodes.Where(n => selectedObjectsPositions.OfType<Node>().Any(selNode => n.Area.IntersectsWith(selNode.Area))); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Insert a node to the proper depth using the path. /// </summary> public void InsertNode(FolderConfigurationNodeBase node, Path path) { // There is no recommended path. Add it immediately if (path == null || path.Segments.Count == 0) { AddChildNode(node); return; } var text = CollectionUtils.FirstElement(path.Segments).LocalizedText; var childWithMatchingText = _subTree == null ? null : CollectionUtils.SelectFirst(_subTree.Items, child => child.Text == text); if (childWithMatchingText == null) { if (path.Segments.Count == 1) { // There are no more depth to the path, add child now. AddChildNode(node); PropagateCheckStateUp(node.Parent); } else { // create a container node and insert into the container node's subtree var containerNode = new ContainerNode(text); AddChildNode(containerNode); containerNode.InsertNode(node, path.SubPath(1, path.Segments.Count - 1)); } } else { if (path.Segments.Count == 1) { // There are no more depth to the path, add child now. if (childWithMatchingText is ContainerNode) ReplaceChildNode(childWithMatchingText, node); else AddChildNode(node); PropagateCheckStateUp(node.Parent); } else { // insert this node child's subtree childWithMatchingText.InsertNode(node, path.SubPath(1, path.Segments.Count - 1)); } } }
public virtual ContainerNode getRootContainer() { ContainerNode ret = new ContainerNode(pjsua2PINVOKE.PersistentDocument_getRootContainer(swigCPtr), false); return(ret); }
public void Transform(ContainerNode item) { TransformASTNode(item); }
public ContainerNode readContainer() { ContainerNode ret = new ContainerNode(pjsua2PINVOKE.ContainerNode_readContainer__SWIG_1(swigCPtr), true); if (pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; }
/// <summary> /// 按 KNX 控件类型,给树上添加控件节点 /// </summary> /// <param name="parentNode"></param> /// <param name="knxControl"></param> private static void AddControlNode(ContainerNode parentNode, KNXControlBase knxControl /*, UIEditor.Entity.ViewNode.PropertiesChangedDelegate proChangedDelegate*/) { switch (knxControl.GetType().Name) { case MyConst.Controls.KnxBlindsType: var blindsNode = new BlindsNode(knxControl as KNXBlinds); //blindsNode.PropertiesChangedEvent += proChangedDelegate; parentNode.Nodes.Add(blindsNode); break; case MyConst.Controls.KnxLabelType: var labelNode = new LabelNode(knxControl as KNXLabel); //labelNode.PropertiesChangedEvent += proChangedDelegate; parentNode.Nodes.Add(labelNode); break; case MyConst.Controls.KnxSceneButtonType: var sceneButtonNode = new SceneButtonNode(knxControl as KNXSceneButton); //sceneButtonNode.PropertiesChangedEvent += proChangedDelegate; parentNode.Nodes.Add(sceneButtonNode); break; case MyConst.Controls.KnxSliderSwitchType: var sliderSwitchNode = new SliderSwitchNode(knxControl as KNXSliderSwitch); //sliderSwitchNode.PropertiesChangedEvent += proChangedDelegate; parentNode.Nodes.Add(sliderSwitchNode); break; case MyConst.Controls.KnxSwitchType: var switchNode = new SwitchNode(knxControl as KNXSwitch); //switchNode.PropertiesChangedEvent += proChangedDelegate; parentNode.Nodes.Add(switchNode); break; case MyConst.Controls.KnxValueDisplayType: var valueDisplayNode = new ValueDisplayNode(knxControl as KNXValueDisplay); //valueDisplayNode.PropertiesChangedEvent += proChangedDelegate; parentNode.Nodes.Add(valueDisplayNode); break; case MyConst.Controls.KnxTimerButtonType: var timerButton = new TimerButtonNode(knxControl as KNXTimerButton); //timerButton.PropertiesChangedEvent += proChangedDelegate; parentNode.Nodes.Add(timerButton); break; case MyConst.Controls.KnxDigitalAdjustment: var digitalAdjustment = new DigitalAdjustmentNode(knxControl as KNXDigitalAdjustment); //digitalAdjustment.PropertiesChangedEvent += proChangedDelegate; parentNode.Nodes.Add(digitalAdjustment); break; case MyConst.Controls.KnxGroupBoxType: var groupBox = new GroupBoxNode(knxControl as KNXGroupBox); //groupBox.PropertiesChangedEvent += proChangedDelegate; parentNode.Nodes.Add(groupBox); KNXGroupBox knxGroupBox = knxControl as KNXGroupBox; if (knxGroupBox.Controls != null && knxGroupBox.Controls.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in knxGroupBox.Controls) { AddControlNode(groupBox, item /*, proChangedDelegate*/); } } break; default: MessageBox.Show(ResourceMng.GetString("Message39") + knxControl.GetType().Name, ResourceMng.GetString("Message6"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); break; } }