public async Task GetFeedRangesAsync_MatchesPkRanges() { int pkRangesCount = (await this.LargerContainer.ClientContext.DocumentClient.ReadPartitionKeyRangeFeedAsync(this.LargerContainer.LinkUri)).Count; ContainerCore itemsCore = this.LargerContainer; IEnumerable <FeedRange> tokens = await itemsCore.GetFeedRangesAsync(); Assert.AreEqual(pkRangesCount, tokens.Count()); }
public async Task GetFeedRangesAsync_AllowsParallelProcessing() { int pkRangesCount = (await this.LargerContainer.ClientContext.DocumentClient.ReadPartitionKeyRangeFeedAsync(this.LargerContainer.LinkUri)).Count; ContainerCore itemsCore = this.LargerContainer; IEnumerable <FeedRange> tokens = await itemsCore.GetFeedRangesAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(pkRangesCount > 1, "Should have created a multi partition container."); Assert.AreEqual(pkRangesCount, tokens.Count()); int totalDocuments = 200; await this.CreateRandomItems(this.LargerContainer, totalDocuments, randomPartitionKey : true); List <Task <int> > tasks = tokens.Select(token => Task.Run(async() => { int count = 0; ChangeFeedIteratorCore iteratorForToken = itemsCore.GetChangeFeedStreamIterator(token, changeFeedRequestOptions: new ChangeFeedRequestOptions() { StartTime = DateTime.MinValue }) as ChangeFeedIteratorCore; while (true) { using (ResponseMessage responseMessage = await iteratorForToken.ReadNextAsync(this.cancellationToken)) { if (!responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) { break; } Collection <ToDoActivity> response = TestCommon.SerializerCore.FromStream <CosmosFeedResponseUtil <ToDoActivity> >(responseMessage.Content).Data; count += response.Count; } } return(count); })).ToList(); await Task.WhenAll(tasks); int documentsRead = 0; foreach (Task <int> task in tasks) { documentsRead += task.Result; } Assert.AreEqual(totalDocuments, documentsRead); }
public async Task GetTargetPartitionKeyRangesAsyncWithFeedRange() { ContainerCore container = null; try { // Create a container large enough to have at least 2 partitions ContainerResponse containerResponse = await this.database.CreateContainerAsync( id : Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), partitionKeyPath : "/pk", throughput : 15000); container = (ContainerInlineCore)containerResponse; // Get all the partition key ranges to verify there is more than one partition IRoutingMapProvider routingMapProvider = await this.cosmosClient.DocumentClient.GetPartitionKeyRangeCacheAsync(); ContainerQueryProperties containerQueryProperties = new ContainerQueryProperties( containerResponse.Resource.ResourceId, null, containerResponse.Resource.PartitionKey); IReadOnlyList <FeedRange> feedTokens = await container.GetFeedRangesAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(feedTokens.Count > 1, " RUs of the container needs to be increased to ensure at least 2 partitions."); // There should only be one range since we get 1 FeedRange per range foreach (FeedRange feedToken in feedTokens) { List <PartitionKeyRange> partitionKeyRanges = await CosmosQueryExecutionContextFactory.GetTargetPartitionKeyRangesAsync( queryClient : new CosmosQueryClientCore(container.ClientContext, container), resourceLink : container.LinkUri.OriginalString, partitionedQueryExecutionInfo : null, containerQueryProperties : containerQueryProperties, properties : null, feedRangeInternal : feedToken as FeedRangeInternal); Assert.IsTrue(partitionKeyRanges.Count == 1, "Only 1 partition key range should be selected since the FeedRange represents a single range."); } } finally { await container?.DeleteContainerAsync(); } }
public async Task ReadFeedIteratorCore_OfT_WithFeedRange_ReadAll_StopResume() { int batchSize = 1000; await this.CreateRandomItems(this.LargerContainer, batchSize, randomPartitionKey : true); ContainerCore itemsCore = this.LargerContainer; IReadOnlyList <FeedRange> tokens = await itemsCore.GetFeedRangesAsync(); List <Task <int> > tasks = tokens.Select(token => Task.Run(async() => { int count = 0; FeedIterator <ToDoActivity> feedIterator = itemsCore.GetItemQueryIterator <ToDoActivity>(queryDefinition: null, feedRange: token); string continuation = null; while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults) { FeedResponse <ToDoActivity> response = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(this.cancellationToken); count += response.Count; continuation = response.ContinuationToken; break; } feedIterator = itemsCore.GetItemQueryIterator <ToDoActivity>(queryDefinition: null, continuationToken: continuation); while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults) { FeedResponse <ToDoActivity> response = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(this.cancellationToken); count += response.Count; } return(count); })).ToList(); await Task.WhenAll(tasks); int documentsRead = 0; foreach (Task <int> task in tasks) { documentsRead += task.Result; } Assert.AreEqual(batchSize, documentsRead); }
public async Task ReadFeedIteratorCore_AllowsParallelProcessing() { int batchSize = 1000; await this.CreateRandomItems(this.LargerContainer, batchSize, randomPartitionKey : true); ContainerCore itemsCore = this.LargerContainer; IReadOnlyList <FeedRange> tokens = await itemsCore.GetFeedRangesAsync(); List <Task <int> > tasks = tokens.Select(token => Task.Run(async() => { int count = 0; FeedIterator feedIterator = itemsCore.GetItemQueryStreamIterator(queryDefinition: null, feedRange: token); while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults) { using (ResponseMessage responseMessage = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(this.cancellationToken)) { if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Collection <ToDoActivity> response = TestCommon.SerializerCore.FromStream <CosmosFeedResponseUtil <ToDoActivity> >(responseMessage.Content).Data; count += response.Count; } } } return(count); })).ToList(); await Task.WhenAll(tasks); int documentsRead = 0; foreach (Task <int> task in tasks) { documentsRead += task.Result; } Assert.AreEqual(batchSize, documentsRead); }
public async Task ChangeFeed_FeedRange_FromV2SDK() { ContainerResponse largerContainer = await this.database.CreateContainerAsync( new ContainerProperties(id : Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), partitionKeyPath : "/status"), throughput : 20000, cancellationToken : this.cancellationToken); ContainerCore container = (ContainerInlineCore)largerContainer; int expected = 100; int count = 0; await this.CreateRandomItems(container, expected, randomPartitionKey : true); IReadOnlyList <FeedRange> feedRanges = await container.GetFeedRangesAsync(); List <string> continuations = new List <string>(); // First do one request to construct the old model information based on Etag foreach (FeedRange feedRange in feedRanges) { IEnumerable <string> pkRangeIds = await container.GetPartitionKeyRangesAsync(feedRange); ChangeFeedRequestOptions requestOptions = new ChangeFeedRequestOptions() { StartTime = DateTime.MinValue.ToUniversalTime(), MaxItemCount = 1 }; ChangeFeedIteratorCore feedIterator = container.GetChangeFeedStreamIterator(feedRange: feedRange, changeFeedRequestOptions: requestOptions) as ChangeFeedIteratorCore; ResponseMessage firstResponse = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(); if (firstResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Collection <ToDoActivity> response = TestCommon.SerializerCore.FromStream <CosmosFeedResponseUtil <ToDoActivity> >(firstResponse.Content).Data; count += response.Count; } // Construct the continuation's range, using PKRangeId + ETag List <dynamic> ct = new List <dynamic>() { new { min = string.Empty, max = string.Empty, token = firstResponse.Headers.ETag } }; // Extract Etag and manually construct the continuation dynamic oldContinuation = new { V = 0, PKRangeId = pkRangeIds.First(), Continuation = ct }; continuations.Add(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oldContinuation)); } // Now start the new iterators with the constructed continuations from migration foreach (string continuation in continuations) { ChangeFeedRequestOptions requestOptions = new ChangeFeedRequestOptions() { MaxItemCount = 100 }; ChangeFeedIteratorCore feedIterator = container.GetChangeFeedStreamIterator(continuationToken: continuation, changeFeedRequestOptions: requestOptions) as ChangeFeedIteratorCore; ResponseMessage firstResponse = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(); if (firstResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Collection <ToDoActivity> response = TestCommon.SerializerCore.FromStream <CosmosFeedResponseUtil <ToDoActivity> >(firstResponse.Content).Data; count += response.Count; } } Assert.AreEqual(expected, count); }
public async Task ParallelizeQueryThroughTokens() { ContainerCore container = null; try { // Create a container large enough to have at least 2 partitions ContainerResponse containerResponse = await this.database.CreateContainerAsync( id : Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), partitionKeyPath : "/id", throughput : 15000); container = (ContainerInlineCore)containerResponse; List <string> generatedIds = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).Select(n => $"BasicItem{n}").ToList(); foreach (string id in generatedIds) { string item = $@" {{ ""id"": ""{id}"" }}"; using (ResponseMessage createResponse = await container.CreateItemStreamAsync( QueryFeedRangeTests.GenerateStreamFromString(item), new Cosmos.PartitionKey(id))) { Assert.IsTrue(createResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode); } } IReadOnlyList <FeedRange> feedTokens = await container.GetFeedRangesAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(feedTokens.Count > 1, " RUs of the container needs to be increased to ensure at least 2 partitions."); List <Task <List <string> > > tasks = feedTokens.Select(async feedToken => { List <string> results = new List <string>(); FeedIteratorInternal feedIterator = container.GetItemQueryStreamIterator(queryDefinition: new QueryDefinition("select * from T where STARTSWITH(, \"BasicItem\")"), feedRange: feedToken, requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions() { MaxItemCount = 10 }) as FeedIteratorInternal; string continuation = null; while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults) { using (ResponseMessage responseMessage = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(this.cancellationToken)) { if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseMessage.Content)) { string json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); JArray documents = (JArray)JObject.Parse(json).SelectToken("Documents"); foreach (JObject document in documents) { results.Add(document.SelectToken("id").ToString()); } } } continuation = responseMessage.ContinuationToken; break; } } feedIterator = container.GetItemQueryStreamIterator(queryDefinition: new QueryDefinition("select * from T where STARTSWITH(, \"BasicItem\")"), feedRange: feedToken, continuationToken: continuation, requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions() { MaxItemCount = 10 }) as FeedIteratorInternal; while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults) { using (ResponseMessage responseMessage = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(this.cancellationToken)) { if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseMessage.Content)) { string json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); JArray documents = (JArray)JObject.Parse(json).SelectToken("Documents"); foreach (JObject document in documents) { results.Add(document.SelectToken("id").ToString()); } } } } } return(results); }).ToList(); await Task.WhenAll(tasks); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(generatedIds, tasks.SelectMany(t => t.Result).ToList()); } finally { await container?.DeleteContainerAsync(); } }
public async Task ChangeFeed_FeedRange_FromV0Token() { ContainerResponse largerContainer = await this.database.CreateContainerAsync( new ContainerProperties(id : Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), partitionKeyPath : "/status"), throughput : 20000, cancellationToken : this.cancellationToken); ContainerCore container = (ContainerInlineCore)largerContainer; int expected = 100; int count = 0; await this.CreateRandomItems(container, expected, randomPartitionKey : true); IReadOnlyList <FeedRange> feedRanges = await container.GetFeedRangesAsync(); List <string> continuations = new List <string>(); // First do one request to construct the old model information based on Etag foreach (FeedRange feedRange in feedRanges) { IEnumerable <string> pkRangeIds = await container.GetPartitionKeyRangesAsync(feedRange); ChangeFeedRequestOptions requestOptions = new ChangeFeedRequestOptions() { PageSizeHint = 1 }; ChangeFeedIteratorCore feedIterator = container.GetChangeFeedStreamIterator( changeFeedStartFrom: ChangeFeedStartFrom.Beginning(feedRange), changeFeedRequestOptions: requestOptions) as ChangeFeedIteratorCore; ResponseMessage firstResponse = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(); FeedRangeEpk FeedRangeEpk = feedRange as FeedRangeEpk; // Construct the continuation's range, using PKRangeId + ETag List <dynamic> ct = new List <dynamic>() { new { min = FeedRangeEpk.Range.Min, max = FeedRangeEpk.Range.Max, token = (string)null } }; // Extract Etag and manually construct the continuation dynamic oldContinuation = new { V = 0, Rid = await container.GetRIDAsync(this.cancellationToken), Continuation = ct }; continuations.Add(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oldContinuation)); } // Now start the new iterators with the constructed continuations from migration foreach (string continuation in continuations) { ChangeFeedRequestOptions requestOptions = new ChangeFeedRequestOptions() { PageSizeHint = 100, EmitOldContinuationToken = true, }; ChangeFeedIteratorCore feedIterator = container.GetChangeFeedStreamIterator( changeFeedStartFrom: ChangeFeedStartFrom.ContinuationToken(continuation), changeFeedRequestOptions: requestOptions) as ChangeFeedIteratorCore; ResponseMessage firstResponse = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(); if (firstResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Collection <ToDoActivity> response = TestCommon.SerializerCore.FromStream <CosmosFeedResponseUtil <ToDoActivity> >(firstResponse.Content).Data; count += response.Count; string migratedContinuation = firstResponse.ContinuationToken; Assert.IsTrue(FeedRangeContinuation.TryParse(migratedContinuation, out FeedRangeContinuation feedRangeContinuation)); Assert.IsTrue(feedRangeContinuation.FeedRange is FeedRangeEpk); } } Assert.AreEqual(expected, count); }