private int Save_LoanDetail() { ReassignProspect(); #region gdc crm33 int iContactCoBoId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnCoBorrowerID.Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(hdnCoBorrowerID.Value); string CBname = txtCBFirstname.Text + txtCBMiddlename.Text + txtCBLastname.Text; if ((CBname != hdnCoBorrowerName.Value.Trim() || iContactCoBoId == 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CBname)) { LPWeb.Model.Contacts contactRecCoBo = new LPWeb.Model.Contacts(); Contacts contactsbll = new Contacts();//gdc crm33 contactRecCoBo.ContactId = 0; contactRecCoBo.FirstName = txtCBFirstname.Text.Trim(); contactRecCoBo.MiddleName = txtCBMiddlename.Text.Trim(); contactRecCoBo.LastName = txtCBLastname.Text.Trim(); iContactCoBoId = contactsbll.AddClient(contactRecCoBo);//gdc crm33 #region CoBo to loanContacts gdc crm33 LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts loanContactsBll = new LoanContacts(); LPWeb.BLL.ContactRoles contactRolesbll = new ContactRoles(); int contactRoleID = 0; var contactRoleList = contactRolesbll.GetModelList(" Name = 'CoBorrower' "); if (contactRoleList != null && contactRoleList.Count > 0 && contactRoleList.FirstOrDefault() != null) { contactRoleID = contactRoleList.FirstOrDefault().ContactRoleId; } if (contactRoleID != 0) { LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts loanContactModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts(); loanContactModel.FileId = iFileID; loanContactModel.ContactRoleId = contactRoleID; loanContactModel.ContactId = iContactCoBoId; loanContactsBll.Add(loanContactModel); } #endregion } #endregion LPWeb.Model.LoanDetails model = new LPWeb.Model.LoanDetails(); model.FileId = iFileID; if (ddlBorrower.Items.Count < 1) { model.BoID = 0; } else { model.BoID = int.Parse(ddlBorrower.SelectedValue); } //if (ddlCoBorrower.Items.Count < 1) //{ // model.CoBoID = 0; //} //else //{ // model.CoBoID = int.Parse(ddlCoBorrower.SelectedValue); //} if (iContactCoBoId != 0) { model.CoBoID = iContactCoBoId; } model.Created = DateTime.Now; model.CreatedBy = loginUser.iUserID; model.Modifed = DateTime.Now; model.ModifiedBy = loginUser.iUserID; if (txbAmount.Text.Trim().Length < 1) { model.LoanAmount = 0; } else { model.LoanAmount = decimal.Parse(txbAmount.Text.Trim()); } if (txbEstimatedDate.Text.Trim().Length > 5) { model.EstCloseDate = DateTime.Parse(txbEstimatedDate.Text.Trim()); } else { model.EstCloseDate = DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1"); } if (ddlRanking.SelectedIndex >= 0) { model.Ranking = ddlRanking.SelectedValue; } model.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID; if (ddlLoanOfficer.Items.Count < 1) { model.LoanOfficerId = 0; } else { model.LoanOfficerId = int.Parse(ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue); } if (txbInterestRate.Text.Trim().Length < 1) { model.Rate = 0; } else { model.Rate = decimal.Parse(txbInterestRate.Text.Trim()); } if (ddlLoanProgram.SelectedIndex == 0) { model.Program = ""; } else { model.Program = ddlLoanProgram.SelectedItem.Text; } if (ddlPurpose.SelectedIndex == 0) { model.Purpose = ""; } else { model.Purpose = ddlPurpose.SelectedItem.Text.Trim(); } model.Lien = ddlLienPosition.SelectedItem.Value.Trim(); model.PropertyAddr = txbPropertyAddress.Text.Trim(); model.PropertyCity = txbCity.Text.Trim(); model.PropertyState = ddlState.SelectedValue; model.PropertyZip = txbZip.Text.Trim(); if (ddlPointFolder.Items.Count < 1) { model.FolderId = 0; } else { model.FolderId = int.Parse(ddlPointFolder.SelectedValue); } model.FileName = txbPointFileName.Text.Trim(); model.Status = "Prospect"; model.ProspectLoanStatus = "Active"; model.PropertyType = txbPropetyType.Text.Trim(); model.HousingStatus = txbHousingStatus.Text.Trim(); model.IncludeEscrows = cbIncludeEscrows.Checked; model.InterestOnly = cbInterestOnly.Checked; model.RentAmount = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txbRentAmount.Text.Trim()) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txbRentAmount.Text.Trim()); model.CoborrowerType = txbCoborrowerType.Text.Trim(); iFileID = loan.LoanDetailSaveFileId(model); #region Referral LPWeb.Model.Prospect modelProspect = new LPWeb.Model.Prospect(); LPWeb.BLL.Prospect bllProspect = new Prospect(); modelProspect = bllProspect.GetModel(iContactID); modelProspect.LeadSource = ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue; //gdc CR40 int referralIDNew = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnReferralID.Value.Trim()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(hdnReferralID.Value.Trim()); if (referralIDNew > 0 && referralIDNew.ToString() != modelProspect.Referral.ToString()) { int referralIDOld = modelProspect.Referral == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(modelProspect.Referral); modelProspect.Referral = referralIDNew; #region Referral to loanContacts gdc crm33 LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts loanContactsBll = new LoanContacts(); LPWeb.BLL.ContactRoles contactRolesbll = new ContactRoles(); int refrralRoleID = 0; var referralRoleList = contactRolesbll.GetModelList(" Name = 'Referral' "); if (referralRoleList != null && referralRoleList.Count > 0 && referralRoleList.FirstOrDefault() != null) { refrralRoleID = referralRoleList.FirstOrDefault().ContactRoleId; } if (refrralRoleID != 0) { LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts loanContactModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts(); loanContactModel.FileId = iFileID; loanContactModel.ContactRoleId = refrralRoleID; loanContactModel.ContactId = referralIDNew; loanContactsBll.Add(loanContactModel); } #endregion #region Del Old loanContacts try { if (referralIDOld > 0) { loanContactsBll.Delete(iFileID, refrralRoleID, referralIDOld); } } catch { } #endregion } bllProspect.Update(modelProspect); //gdc CR40 #endregion return(iFileID); }