protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check that the control is included in CMSPage (otherwise an exception is thrown on the Design tab) var page = Page as CMSPage; if (page == null || ContactGroup == null) { return; } // Disable refresh when status is ready as performance optimization timRefresh.Enabled = ContactGroup.ContactGroupStatus == ContactGroupStatusEnum.Rebuilding; if (ContactGroup.ContactGroupStatus == ContactGroupStatusEnum.Rebuilding) { lblRatio.Visible = false; lblCount.Visible = false; return; } int numberOfContacts = ContactGroupMemberInfoProvider.GetNumberOfContactsInGroup(ContactGroup.ContactGroupID); // Display number of contacts lblCount.InnerText = String.Format(GetString("om.contactgroup.numberofcontacts"), numberOfContacts); // Display ratio of the number of contacts int totalContactCount = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().Count; double ratio = (totalContactCount == 0) ? 0 : (double)numberOfContacts / totalContactCount * 100; lblRatio.InnerText = String.Format(GetString("om.contactgroup.numberofcontacts.ratio"), ratio); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the automation state and move contact to previous step. Called when the "Move to previous step" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateAutomationState method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool MoveContactToPreviousStep() { // Get dataset of contacts string where = "ContactLastName LIKE N'My New Contact%'"; int topN = 1; InfoDataSet <ContactInfo> contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts(where, null, topN, null); // Get the process WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("MyNewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(contacts) && (process != null)) { // Get the contact from dataset ContactInfo contact = contacts.First <ContactInfo>(); // Get the instance of automation manager AutomationManager manager = AutomationManager.GetInstance(CurrentUser); // Get the process state AutomationStateInfo state = contact.Processes.FirstItem as AutomationStateInfo; if (state != null) { // Move contact to next step manager.MoveToPreviousStep(contact, state, "Move to previous step"); return(true); } } return(false); }
private void DeleteOldContacts() { ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts() .WhereStartsWith("ContactFirstName", mContactFirstNamePrefix) .ToList() .ForEach(ContactInfoProvider.DeleteContactInfo); }
/// <summary> /// Creates automation state. Called when the "Start process" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateProcess, CreateProcessStep and CreateTemporaryObjects method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool CreateAutomationState() { // Get dataset of contacts string where = "ContactLastName LIKE N'My New Contact%'"; int topN = 1; var contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().Where(where).TopN(topN); // Get the process WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("MyNewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(contacts) && (process != null)) { // Get the contact from dataset ContactInfo contact = contacts.First <ContactInfo>(); // Get the instance of automation manager AutomationManager manager = AutomationManager.GetInstance(CurrentUser); // Start the process manager.StartProcess(contact, process.WorkflowID); return(true); } return(false); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check that the control is included in CMSPage (otherwise an exception is thrown on the Design tab) var page = Page as CMSPage; if (page == null) { return; } var persona = UIContext.EditedObjectParent as PersonaInfo; if (persona == null) { return; } // Display number of contacts in persona int personaContactCount = PersonasFactory.GetPersonaService().GetContactsForPersona(persona).Count; lblCount.InnerText = String.Format(GetString("personas.ui.contactcount"), personaContactCount); // Display ratio of the number of contacts in persona to the number of all contacts int totalContactCount = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().Count; double ratio = (totalContactCount == 0) ? 0 : (double)personaContactCount / totalContactCount * 100; lblRatio.InnerText = String.Format(GetString("personas.ui.contactratio"), ratio); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check that the control is included in CMSPage (otherwise an exception is thrown on the Design tab) var page = Page as CMSPage; if (page == null) { return; } int personaID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("personaid", 0); if (personaID > 0) { PersonaInfo persona = PersonaInfoProvider.GetPersonaInfoById(personaID); if (persona != null) { // Display number of contacts in persona int personaContactCount = PersonasFactory.GetPersonaService().GetContactsForPersona(persona).Count; lblCount.InnerText = String.Format(GetString("personas.ui.contactcount"), personaContactCount); // Display ratio of the number of contacts in persona to the number of all contacts int totalContactCount = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts() .OnSite(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID) .WhereNull("ContactMergedWithContactID") .Count; double ratio = (totalContactCount == 0) ? 0 : (double)personaContactCount / totalContactCount * 100; lblRatio.InnerText = String.Format(GetString("personas.ui.contactratio"), ratio); } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns object query of automation states for my pending contacts which can be used as datasource for unigrid. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">User for whom pending contacts are shown</param> /// <param name="contactsWhereCondition">Where condition for filtering contacts</param> private ObjectQuery <AutomationStateInfo> GetPendingContacts(UserInfo user, string contactsWhereCondition) { // Get complete where condition for pending steps var condition = WorkflowStepInfoProvider.GetAutomationPendingStepsWhereCondition(user, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID); // Get automation steps specified by condition with permission control var automationWorkflowSteps = WorkflowStepInfoProvider.GetWorkflowSteps() .Where(condition) .Column("StepID") .WhereEquals("StepWorkflowType", (int)WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation); // Get all pending contacts from automation state where status is Pending and current user is the owner var allPendingContacts = AutomationStateInfoProvider.GetAutomationStates() .WhereIn("StateStepID", automationWorkflowSteps) .WhereEquals("StateStatus", (int)ProcessStatusEnum.Pending) .WhereEquals("StateObjectType", ContactInfo.OBJECT_TYPE); var contactIDs = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts() .Column("ContactID") .Where(contactsWhereCondition); if (ShowOnlyMyPendingContacts) { contactIDs.WhereEquals("ContactOwnerUserID", user.UserID); } return(allPendingContacts.WhereIn("StateObjectID", contactIDs.AsMaterializedList("ContactID"))); }
/// <summary> /// Gets Where condition for filtering by the state. When using separated database, materializes the nested query on the other DB. /// </summary> private string GetStateCondition(TextSimpleFilter filter) { string originalQuery = filter.WhereCondition; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(originalQuery)) { return(string.Empty); } // Query with ContactInfo context has to be used in order to be able to determine DB context of the query (otherwise the materialization would not perform). var query = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts() .WhereIn("ContactStateID", StateInfoProvider .GetStates() .Where(originalQuery) .Column(StateInfo.TYPEINFO.IDColumn) ); if (filter.FilterOperator == WhereBuilder.NOT_LIKE || filter.FilterOperator == WhereBuilder.NOT_EQUAL) { query = query.Or(new WhereCondition().WhereNull("ContactStateID")); } query.EnsureParameters(); return(query.Parameters.Expand(query.WhereCondition)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the automation state and move contact to specific step. Called when the "Move to specific step" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateAutomationState method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool MoveContactToSpecificStep() { // Get dataset of contacts string where = "ContactLastName LIKE N'My New Contact%'"; int topN = 1; var contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().Where(where).TopN(topN); // Get the process WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("MyNewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(contacts) && (process != null)) { // Get the contact from dataset ContactInfo contact = contacts.First <ContactInfo>(); // Get the instance of automation manager AutomationManager manager = AutomationManager.GetInstance(CurrentUser); // Get the automation state AutomationStateInfo state = contact.Processes.FirstItem as AutomationStateInfo; if (state != null) { // Get the finished step WorkflowStepInfo finishedStep = manager.GetFinishedStep(contact, state); // Move contact to specific step manager.MoveToSpecificStep(contact, state, finishedStep, "Move to specific step"); return(true); } } return(false); }
public void Generate(GenerationOptions options) { try { if (options.GenerateContactStatuses) { if (ContactStatusInfoProvider.GetContactStatuses().OnSite(mSiteId).Any()) { Information("Contact statuses already exists"); } else { new SampleContactStatusesGenerator(mSiteId).Generate(); Information("Contact statuses generated"); } } if (options.ContactsCount > 0) { IPersonalDataGenerator personalDataGenerator = options.ContactsWithRealNames ? new RealPersonalDataGenerator() : (IPersonalDataGenerator) new StupidPersonalDataGenerator(); SampleContactsGenerator generator = new SampleContactsGenerator(personalDataGenerator, mSiteId); generator.Generate(options.ContactsCount); Information(options.ContactsCount + " contacts generated"); } if (options.GeneratePersonas) { ISamplePersonasGenerator personaGenerator = options.ContactsWithRealNames ? new RealPersonasGenerator() : (ISamplePersonasGenerator) new StupidPersonasGenerator(); personaGenerator.GeneratePersonas(mSiteId); Information("Sample personas generated"); } if (options.ScoresCount > 0) { new SampleScoresGenerator().GenerateScores(options.ScoresCount, mSiteId); Information(options.ScoresCount + " scores generated"); } if (options.ActivitiesForEachExistingContactCount > 0) { var contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().OnSite(mSiteId); var documents = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments() .PublishedVersion() .OnSite(mSiteId); int activitiesGenerated = new SampleActivitiesGenerator().GenerateActivitiesForContacts(contacts, options.ActivitiesForEachExistingContactCount, documents.ToList()); Information(activitiesGenerated + " activities generated"); } } catch (Exception e) { Error(e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Delete contacts on SQL server. /// </summary> private void BatchDeleteOnSql() { while (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { ContactInfoProvider.DeleteContactInfos(WhereCondition, 200); ds = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts(WhereCondition, null, 1, "ContactID"); } // Return to the list page with info label displayed ltlScript.Text += ScriptHelper.GetScript(ReturnScriptDeleteAsync); }
protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { What what = (What)ValidationHelper.GetInteger(drpWhat.SelectedValue, 0); Action action = (Action)ValidationHelper.GetInteger(drpAction.SelectedValue, 0); // Check permissions for specified action CheckActionPermissions(action); // Set constraint for contact relations only var where = new WhereCondition() .WhereEquals("ContactGroupMemberType", 0) .WhereEquals("ContactGroupMemberContactGroupID", cgi.ContactGroupID); switch (what) { case What.All: var contactIds = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts() .Where(gridElem.WhereCondition) .Where(gridElem.WhereClause) .AsIDQuery(); where.WhereIn("ContactGroupMemberRelatedID", contactIds); break; case What.Selected: where.WhereIn("ContactGroupMemberRelatedID", gridElem.SelectedItems); break; } switch (action) { case Action.Remove: RemoveContacts(what, where.ToString(true)); break; case Action.ChangeStatus: ChangeStatus(what); break; case Action.StartNewProcess: StartNewProcess(what, where.ToString(true)); break; default: return; } // Reload unigrid gridElem.ClearSelectedItems(); gridElem.ReloadData(); pnlUpdate.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// Delete items one by one. /// </summary> private void DeleteItems() { while (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { // Delete the contacts foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { var ci = new ContactInfo(dr); AddLog((ci.ContactLastName + " " + ci.ContactFirstName).Trim()); ContactHelper.Delete(ci, chkChildren.Checked, chkMoveRelations.Checked); } ds = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts(WhereCondition, "ContactLastName", 500, null); } }
public void Subscribe_Contact_OnlyOnceIsSubscribed() { var email = "a-guid-" + Guid.NewGuid() + ""; var contact = GetContact(email); // Subscribe contact twice mNewsletterSubscriptionService.Subscribe(contact, mNewsletter, mNewsletterSubscriptionSettings); var result = mNewsletterSubscriptionService.Subscribe(contact, mNewsletter, mNewsletterSubscriptionSettings); var subscribers = SubscriberNewsletterInfoProvider.GetSubscriberNewsletters().TypedResult; var contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts(); CMSAssert.All( () => Assert.IsFalse(result, "No new subscription is expected."), () => Assert.AreEqual(1, subscribers.Count(), "One subscription only should be present.") ); }
/// <summary> /// Delete items one by one. /// </summary> private void DeleteItems() { while (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { // Delete the contacts foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { var ci = new ContactInfo(dr); AddLog(HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ci.ContactLastName + " " + ci.ContactFirstName).Trim()); ContactInfoProvider.DeleteContactInfo(ci); } ds = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts() .TopN(500) .Where(WhereCondition) .OrderBy("ContactLastName"); } }
public void Subscribe_NewContact_ContactIsStoredToDBAndSubscribed() { var email = "a-guid-" + Guid.NewGuid() + ""; var contact = new ContactInfo() { ContactEmail = email, }; var result = mNewsletterSubscriptionService.Subscribe(contact, mNewsletter, mNewsletterSubscriptionSettings); var expectedSubscriber = SubscriberInfoProvider.GetSubscriberByEmail(email, mSite.SiteID); var subscribedContact = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().WhereEquals("ContactEmail", email); CMSAssert.All( () => Assert.IsTrue(result, "New subscription is expected."), () => Assert.NotNull(subscribedContact, $"No contact for email '{email}' was created."), () => Assert.NotNull(expectedSubscriber, $"No subscriber for email '{email}' was created.") ); }
/// <summary> /// Creates temporary contact management - contact. Called when the "Create temporary objects" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateTemporaryObjects method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool DeleteTemporaryObjects() { // Get dataset of contacts string where = "ContactLastName LIKE N'My New Contact%'"; var contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().Where(where); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(contacts)) { // Loop through the individual items foreach (ContactInfo contact in contacts) { // Delete the contact ContactInfoProvider.DeleteContactInfo(contact); } return(true); } return(false); }
private void btnSplit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ContactHelper.AuthorizedModifyContact(Contact.ContactSiteID, true)) { if (gridElem.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { var contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().WhereIn("ContactID", gridElem.SelectedItems.Select(c => c.ToInteger(0)).ToList()); ContactHelper.SplitContacts(Contact, contacts.ToList(), chkCopyMissingFields.Checked, chkCopyActivities.Checked, chkRemoveAccounts.Checked); gridElem.ReloadData(); gridElem.ClearSelectedItems(); ShowConfirmation(GetString("")); pnlUpdate.Update(); } else { ShowError(GetString("")); } } }
/// <summary> /// Remove contact from process. Called when the "Remove contact from process" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateAutomationState method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool RemoveContactFromProcess() { // Get dataset of contacts string where = "ContactLastName LIKE N'My New Contact%'"; int topN = 1; var contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().Where(where).TopN(topN); // Get the process WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("MyNewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation); if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(contacts) || (process == null)) { return(false); } // Get the contact from dataset ContactInfo contact = contacts.First <ContactInfo>(); // Get the instance of automation manager AutomationManager manager = AutomationManager.GetInstance(CurrentUser); // Get the states var states = AutomationStateInfoProvider.GetAutomationStates() .WhereEquals("StateWorkflowID", process.WorkflowID) .WhereEquals("StateObjectID", contact.ContactID) .WhereEquals("StateObjectType", PredefinedObjectType.CONTACT); if (states.Any()) { // Loop through the individual items foreach (AutomationStateInfo state in states) { // Remove contact from process manager.RemoveProcess(contact, state); } return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Generates contacts for customers. When database already contains contacts for given customers, new contatact is not created /// </summary> public IList <ContactInfo> Generate() { IList <ContactInfo> contacts; int numberOfContacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().Count; if (numberOfContacts < 50) { numberOfContacts = contactNames.Length; contacts = new List <ContactInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++) { contacts.Add(CreateContact(contactNames[i])); } } else { contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().ToList(); } return(contacts); }
/// <summary> /// Delete items one by one. /// </summary> private void DeleteItems() { var connectionString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(ConnectionHelper.GetConnection().DataConnection.ConnectionString); connectionString.ConnectTimeout = SQL_TIMEOUT; while (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { using (new CMSConnectionScope(connectionString.ToString(), true)) { // Delete the contacts foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { var ci = new ContactInfo(dr); AddLog((ci.ContactLastName + " " + ci.ContactFirstName).Trim()); ContactHelper.Delete(ci, chkChildren.Checked, chkMoveRelations.Checked); } } ds = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts(WhereCondition, "ContactLastName", 500, null); } }
/// <summary> /// Remove contact from process. Called when the "Remove contact from process" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateAutomationState method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool RemoveContactFromProcess() { // Get dataset of contacts string where = "ContactLastName LIKE N'My New Contact%'"; int topN = 1; InfoDataSet <ContactInfo> contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts(where, null, topN, null); // Get the process WorkflowInfo process = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("MyNewProcess", WorkflowTypeEnum.Automation); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(contacts) && (process != null)) { // Get the contact from dataset ContactInfo contact = contacts.First <ContactInfo>(); // Get the instance of automation manager AutomationManager manager = AutomationManager.GetInstance(CurrentUser); // Prepare the parameters where = "StateWorkflowID = " + process.WorkflowID + " AND StateObjectID = " + contact.ContactID + " AND StateObjectType = '" + PredefinedObjectType.CONTACT + "'"; // Get the states InfoDataSet <AutomationStateInfo> states = AutomationStateInfoProvider.GetStates(where, null); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(states)) { // Loop through the individual items foreach (AutomationStateInfo state in states) { // Remove contact from process manager.RemoveProcess(contact, state); } return(true); } } return(false); }
private void StartNewProcess(What what, string where) { try { string error = String.Empty; int processId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(hdnIdentifier.Value, 0); switch (what) { case What.All: // Get selected IDs based on where condition var contactIdsQuery = ContactGroupMemberInfoProvider.GetRelationships().Where(where).Column("ContactGroupMemberRelatedID"); var contactsQuery = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().WhereIn("ContactId", contactIdsQuery); error = ExecuteProcess(processId, contactsQuery); break; case What.Selected: var contactIds = gridElem.SelectedItems; var query = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().WhereIn("ContactId", contactIds); error = ExecuteProcess(processId, query); break; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { string confirmation = GetString(what == What.All ? "ma.process.started" : "ma.process.startedselected"); ShowConfirmation(confirmation); } else { ShowError(GetString("ma.process.error"), error, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogAndShowError("Automation", "STARTPROCESS", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Mass operation button "OK" click. /// </summary> protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get where condition depending on mass action selection string where = null; What what = (What)ValidationHelper.GetInteger(drpWhat.SelectedValue, 0); switch (what) { // All items case What.All: where = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(gridElem.WhereCondition, gridElem.WhereClause); break; // Selected items case What.Selected: where = SqlHelper.GetWhereCondition <int>("ContactID", gridElem.SelectedItems, false); break; } Action action = (Action)ValidationHelper.GetInteger(drpAction.SelectedItem.Value, 0); switch (action) { // Action 'Change status' case Action.ChangeStatus: // Get selected status ID from hidden field int statusId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(hdnIdentifier.Value, -1); // If status ID is 0, the status will be removed if (statusId >= 0) { ContactInfoProvider.UpdateContactStatus(statusId, where); ShowConfirmation(GetString("")); } break; // Action 'Add to contact group' case Action.AddToGroup: // Get contact group ID from hidden field int groupId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(hdnIdentifier.Value, 0); if (groupId > 0) { var contactGroup = ContactGroupInfoProvider.GetContactGroupInfo(groupId); if (contactGroup == null) { RedirectToAccessDenied(GetString("general.invalidparameters")); return; } if (contactGroup.ContactGroupSiteID != CurrentSite.SiteID) { RedirectToAccessDenied(GetString("general.invalidparameters")); return; } IEnumerable <string> contactIds = null; switch (what) { // All items case What.All: // Get selected IDs based on where condition DataSet contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().Where(where).Column("ContactID"); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(contacts)) { // Get array list with IDs contactIds = DataHelper.GetUniqueValues(contacts.Tables[0], "ContactID", true); } break; // Selected items case What.Selected: // Get selected IDs from unigrid contactIds = gridElem.SelectedItems; break; } if (contactIds != null) { // Add each selected contact to the contact group, skip contacts that are already members of the group foreach (string item in contactIds) { int contactId = item.ToInteger(0); if (contactId > 0) { ContactGroupMemberInfoProvider.SetContactGroupMemberInfo(groupId, contactId, ContactGroupMemberTypeEnum.Contact, MemberAddedHowEnum.Manual); } } // Show result message with contact group's display name ShowConfirmation(String.Format(GetString(""), ResHelper.LocalizeString(contactGroup.ContactGroupDisplayName))); } } break; // Merge click case Action.Merge: DataSet selectedContacts = ContactHelper.GetContactListInfos(null, where, null, -1, null); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(selectedContacts)) { // Get selected contact ID from hidden field int contactID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(hdnIdentifier.Value, -1); // If contact ID is 0 then new contact must be created if (contactID == 0) { int siteID; if (filter.DisplaySiteSelector || filter.DisplayGlobalOrSiteSelector) { siteID = filter.SelectedSiteID; } else { siteID = SiteID; } SetDialogParameters(selectedContacts, ContactHelper.GetNewContact(ContactHelper.MERGED, true, siteID)); } // Selected contact to be merged into else if (contactID > 0) { SetDialogParameters(selectedContacts, ContactInfoProvider.GetContactInfo(contactID)); } OpenWindow(); } break; default: return; } // Reload unigrid gridElem.ResetSelection(); gridElem.ReloadData(); pnlUpdate.Update(); }
private IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > GetMetricData() { string stringData = null; IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > tupleData = null; // Gather data for each row, return special message if data is null switch (MetricCodeName) { // Categories case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics: case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system: case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_environment: case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters: case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_ecommerce: case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_tasks: case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_eventlog: return(null); #region System case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_version: stringData = CMSVersion.GetVersion(true, true, true, true); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_appname: stringData = SettingsHelper.AppSettings["CMSApplicationName"]; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_instancename: stringData = SystemContext.InstanceName; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_physicalpath: stringData = SystemContext.WebApplicationPhysicalPath; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_apppath: stringData = SystemContext.ApplicationPath; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_uiculture: stringData = LocalizationContext.CurrentUICulture.CultureName; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_installtype: stringData = SystemContext.IsWebApplicationProject ? "Web App" : "Web site"; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_portaltemplatepage: stringData = URLHelper.PortalTemplatePage; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_timesinceapprestart: stringData = (DateTime.Now - CMSApplication.ApplicationStart).ToString(@"dd\:hh\:mm\:ss"); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_discoveredassemblies: tupleData = AssemblyDiscoveryHelper.GetAssemblies(true).Select((a, i) => GetKeyValuePair(i, a.FullName)); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_targetframework: HttpRuntimeSection httpRuntime = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/httpRuntime") as HttpRuntimeSection; stringData = httpRuntime.TargetFramework; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_authmode: AuthenticationSection Authentication = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/authentication") as AuthenticationSection; stringData = Authentication?.Mode.ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_sessionmode: SessionStateSection SessionState = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/sessionState") as SessionStateSection; stringData = SessionState?.Mode.ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_debugmode: CompilationSection Compilation = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/compilation") as CompilationSection; stringData = Compilation?.Debug.ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_system_runallmanagedmodules: var xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(URLHelper.GetPhysicalPath("~/Web.config")); stringData = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/system.webServer/modules").Attributes["runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests"]?.Value; break; #endregion System #region Environment case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_environment_trustlevel: AspNetHostingPermissionLevel trustLevel = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.None; if (!SystemContext.IsWebSite) { trustLevel = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Unrestricted; } // Check the trust level by evaluation of levels foreach (AspNetHostingPermissionLevel permissionLevel in new[] { AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Unrestricted, AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.High, AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Medium, AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Low, AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal }) { try { new AspNetHostingPermission(permissionLevel).Demand(); } catch (SecurityException) { continue; } trustLevel = permissionLevel; break; } stringData = trustLevel.ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_environment_iisversion: stringData = MetricServerVariables["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_environment_https: stringData = MetricServerVariables["HTTPS"]; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_environment_windowsversion: using (RegistryKey versionKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion")) { var productName = versionKey?.GetValue("ProductName"); var currentBuild = versionKey?.GetValue("CurrentBuild"); var releaseId = versionKey?.GetValue("ReleaseId"); stringData = String.Format("{0}, build {1}, release {2}", productName.ToString(), currentBuild.ToString(), releaseId.ToString()); } break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_environment_netversion: using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\")) { var keyValue = ndpKey?.GetValue("Release"); if (keyValue != null) { var releaseKey = (int)keyValue; if (releaseKey >= 461808) { stringData = "4.7.2 or later"; } else if (releaseKey >= 461308) { stringData = "4.7.1"; } else if (releaseKey >= 460798) { stringData = "4.7"; } else if (releaseKey >= 394802) { stringData = "4.6.2"; } else if (releaseKey >= 394254) { stringData = "4.6.1"; } else if (releaseKey >= 393295) { stringData = "4.6"; } else if (releaseKey >= 379893) { stringData = "4.5.2"; } else if (releaseKey >= 378675) { stringData = "4.5.1"; } else if (releaseKey >= 378389) { stringData = "4.5"; } } } break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_environment_sqlserverversion: var dtm = new TableManager(null); stringData = dtm.DatabaseServerVersion; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_environment_azure: var azureStats = new Dictionary <string, string>(4) { { "Is a Cloud Service", (SettingsHelper.AppSettings["CMSAzureProject"] == "true").ToString("false") }, { "Is file system on Azure", (SettingsHelper.AppSettings["CMSExternalStorageName"] == "azure").ToString("false") }, { "Azure storage account", SettingsHelper.AppSettings["CMSAzureAccountName"] ?? String.Empty }, { "Azure CDN endpoint", SettingsHelper.AppSettings["CMSAzureCDNEndpoint"] ?? String.Empty } }; tupleData = azureStats.Select(s => GetKeyValuePair(s.Key, s.Value)); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_environment_amazon: var amazonStats = new Dictionary <string, string>(3) { { "Is file system on Amazon", (SettingsHelper.AppSettings["CMSExternalStorageName"] == "amazon").ToString() }, { "Amazon bucket name", SettingsHelper.AppSettings["CMSAmazonBucketName"] ?? String.Empty }, { "Amazon public access", SettingsHelper.AppSettings["CMSAmazonPublicAccess"] ?? String.Empty }, }; tupleData = amazonStats.Select(s => GetKeyValuePair(s.Key, s.Value)); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_environment_services: tupleData = ServiceManager.GetServices().Select(s => GetKeyValuePair(s.ServiceName, s.Status)); break; #endregion Environment #region Counters case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters_webfarmservers: stringData = CoreServices.WebFarm.GetEnabledServerNames().Count().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters_stagingservers: stringData = ServerInfoProvider.GetServers().GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters_pagemostchildren: CMS.DocumentEngine.TreeProvider tree = new CMS.DocumentEngine.TreeProvider(); var pageWithMostChildren = tree.SelectNodes().OnCurrentSite().Published() .ToDictionary(n => n, n => n.Children.Count) .Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value > r.Value ? l : r); tupleData = new[] { GetKeyValuePair(URLHelper.GetAbsoluteUrl("~" + pageWithMostChildren.Key.NodeAliasPath), pageWithMostChildren.Value) }; break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters_modules: stringData = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResources().GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters_medialibraries: stringData = MediaLibraryInfoProvider.GetMediaLibraries().WhereNull("LibraryGroupID").GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters_activities: stringData = ActivityInfoProvider.GetActivities().GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters_contacts: stringData = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters_contactgroups: stringData = ContactGroupInfoProvider.GetContactGroups().GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters_omrules: stringData = RuleInfoProvider.GetRules().GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_counters_products: stringData = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID).WhereNull("SKUOptionCategoryID").GetCount().ToString(); break; #endregion Counters #region Tasks case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_tasks_webfarm: stringData = WebFarmTaskInfoProvider.GetWebFarmTasks() .WhereLessThan("TaskCreated", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)) .GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_tasks_staging: stringData = StagingTaskInfoProvider.GetTasks() .WhereLessThan("TaskTime", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)) .GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_tasks_integration: stringData = IntegrationTaskInfoProvider.GetIntegrationTasks() .WhereLessThan("TaskTime", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)) .GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_tasks_scheduled: stringData = TaskInfoProvider.GetTasks() .WhereTrue("TaskDeleteAfterLastRun") .WhereLessThan("TaskNextRunTime", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)) .GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_tasks_search: stringData = SearchTaskInfoProvider.GetSearchTasks() .WhereLessThan("SearchTaskCreated", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)) .GetCount().ToString(); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_tasks_email: stringData = EmailInfoProvider.GetEmailCount("EmailStatus = 1 AND EmailLastSendResult IS NOT NULL").ToString(); break; #endregion Tasks #region Event log case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_eventlog_macroerrors: var macroErrors = EventLogProvider.GetEvents() .WhereEquals("Source", "MacroResolver") .WhereGreaterThan("EventTime", DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(7))) .OrderByDescending("EventTime") .TopN(10); tupleData = macroErrors.Select(e => GetKeyValuePair(String.Format("{0} from {1} at {2} in {3}", e.EventCode, e.Source, e.EventTime, e.EventMachineName), e.EventDescription.Length > CUTOFF ? e.EventDescription.Substring(0, CUTOFF) : e.EventDescription) ); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_eventlog_stagingerrors: var stagingErrors = EventLogProvider.GetEvents() .WhereEquals("Source", "staging") .WhereIn("EventType", new[] { "E", "W" }) .WhereGreaterThan("EventTime", DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(7))) .OrderByDescending("EventTime") .TopN(10); tupleData = stagingErrors.Select(e => GetKeyValuePair(String.Format("{0} from {1} at {2} in {3}", e.EventCode, e.Source, e.EventTime, e.EventMachineName), e.EventDescription.Length > CUTOFF ? e.EventDescription.Substring(0, CUTOFF) : e.EventDescription) ); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_eventlog_searcherrors: var searchErrors = EventLogProvider.GetEvents() .WhereEquals("Source", "search") .WhereIn("EventType", new[] { "E", "W" }) .WhereGreaterThan("EventTime", DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(7))) .OrderByDescending("EventTime") .TopN(10); tupleData = searchErrors.Select(e => GetKeyValuePair(String.Format("{0} from {1} at {2} in {3}", e.EventCode, e.Source, e.EventTime, e.EventMachineName), e.EventDescription.Length > CUTOFF ? e.EventDescription.Substring(0, CUTOFF) : e.EventDescription) ); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_eventlog_contenterrors: var contentErrors = EventLogProvider.GetEvents() .WhereEquals("Source", "content") .WhereIn("EventType", new[] { "E", "W" }) .WhereGreaterThan("EventTime", DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(7))) .OrderByDescending("EventTime") .TopN(10); tupleData = contentErrors.Select(e => GetKeyValuePair(String.Format("{0} from {1} at {2} in {3}", e.EventCode, e.Source, e.EventTime, e.EventMachineName), e.EventDescription.Length > CUTOFF ? e.EventDescription.Substring(0, CUTOFF) : e.EventDescription) ); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_eventlog_exceptions: var exceptions = EventLogProvider.GetEvents() .WhereEquals("EventCode", "exception") .WhereGreaterThan("EventTime", DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(7))) .OrderByDescending("EventTime") .TopN(10); tupleData = exceptions.Select(e => GetKeyValuePair(String.Format("{0} from {1} at {2} in {3}", e.EventCode, e.Source, e.EventTime, e.EventMachineName), e.EventDescription.Length > CUTOFF ? e.EventDescription.Substring(0, CUTOFF) : e.EventDescription) ); break; case MetricDataEnum.support_metrics_eventlog_upgrade: EventLogInfo upgrade = EventLogProvider.GetEvents().WhereLike("Source", "upgrade%").FirstOrDefault(); var version = upgrade?.Source.Split(' ')[2]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(version)) { var parameters = new QueryDataParameters { { "@versionnumber", version } }; var events = ConnectionHelper.ExecuteQuery("SupportHelper.CustomMetric.checkupgrade", parameters); tupleData = (from DataRow row in events.Tables[0]?.Rows select row) .Select(r => new EventLogInfo(r)).Select(e => GetKeyValuePair(String.Format("{0} from {1} at {2} in {3}", e.EventCode, e.Source, e.EventTime, e.EventMachineName), e.EventDescription.Length > CUTOFF ? e.EventDescription.Substring(0, CUTOFF) : e.EventDescription) ); } break; #endregion Event log } if (tupleData?.Count() > 0) { return(tupleData); } if (stringData != null) { return(new[] { GetKeyValuePair(0, stringData) }); } return(new[] { GetKeyValuePair(0, ResHelper.GetStringFormat("support.metrics.invalid", MetricDisplayName, MetricCodeName)) }); }
private void DeleteOldContacts() { ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts().WhereEndsWith("ContactEmail", _emailAddressPostfix).ToList() .ForEach(ContactInfoProvider.DeleteContactInfo); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check hash validity if (QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash")) { // Initialize events ctlAsync.OnFinished += ctlAsync_OnFinished; ctlAsync.OnError += ctlAsync_OnError; ctlAsync.OnRequestLog += ctlAsync_OnRequestLog; ctlAsync.OnCancel += ctlAsync_OnCancel; issitemanager = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Parameters["issitemanager"], false); if (!RequestHelper.IsCallback()) { // Setup page title text and image PageTitle.TitleText = GetString(""); btnCancel.Attributes.Add("onclick", ctlAsync.GetCancelScript(true) + "return false;"); titleElemAsync.TitleText = GetString(""); // Set visibility of panels pnlContent.Visible = true; pnlLog.Visible = false; // Get names of deleted contacts ds = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts() .TopN(500) .Where(WhereCondition) .OrderBy("ContactLastName"); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { DataRowCollection rows = ds.Tables[0].Rows; // Data set contains only one item... if (rows.Count == 1) { // Get full contact name and use it in the title string fullName = GetFullName(rows[0]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName)) { PageTitle.TitleText += " \"" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(fullName) + "\""; } contactSiteId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(rows[0], "ContactSiteID"), 0); } else if (rows.Count > 1) { // Modify title and question for multiple items PageTitle.TitleText = GetString(""); headQuestion.ResourceString = ""; // Display list with names of deleted items pnlContactList.Visible = true; string name = null; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); // Display top 500 records for (int i = 0; i < (rows.Count); i++) { builder.Append("<div>"); name = GetFullName(rows[i]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { builder.Append(HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(name)); } else { builder.Append("N/A"); } builder.Append("</div>"); } // Display three dots after last record if (rows.Count >= 500) { builder.Append("..."); } lblContacts.Text = builder.ToString(); contactSiteId = SiteID; } } else { // Hide everything pnlContent.Visible = false; } } } else { pnlDelete.Visible = false; ShowError(GetString("dialogs.badhashtext")); } }
/// <summary> /// Mass operation button "OK" click. /// </summary> protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string resultMessage = string.Empty; // Get where condition depending on mass action selection string where = null; What what = (What)ValidationHelper.GetInteger(drpWhat.SelectedValue, 0); switch (what) { // All items case What.All: where = gridElem.WhereCondition; break; // Selected items case What.Selected: where = SqlHelperClass.GetWhereCondition <int>("ContactID", (string[])gridElem.SelectedItems.ToArray(typeof(string)), false); break; } Action action = (Action)ValidationHelper.GetInteger(drpAction.SelectedItem.Value, 0); switch (action) { // Action 'Change status' case Action.ChangeStatus: // Get selected status ID from hidden field int statusId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(hdnIdentificator.Value, -1); // If status ID is 0, the status will be removed if (statusId >= 0) { ContactInfoProvider.UpdateContactStatus(statusId, where); resultMessage = GetString(""); } break; // Action 'Add to contact group' case Action.AddToGroup: // Get contact group ID from hidden field int groupId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(hdnIdentificator.Value, 0); if (groupId > 0) { ArrayList contactIds = null; switch (what) { // All items case What.All: // Get selected IDs based on where condition DataSet contacts = ContactInfoProvider.GetContacts(where, null, 0, "ContactID"); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(contacts)) { // Get array list with IDs contactIds = DataHelper.GetUniqueValues(contacts.Tables[0], "ContactID", true); } break; // Selected items case What.Selected: // Get selected IDs from unigrid contactIds = gridElem.SelectedItems; break; } if (contactIds != null) { int contactId = 0; // Add each selected contact to the contact group, skip contacts that are already members of the group foreach (string item in contactIds) { contactId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(item, 0); if (contactId > 0) { ContactGroupMemberInfoProvider.SetContactGroupMemberInfo(groupId, contactId, ContactGroupMemberTypeEnum.Contact, MemberAddedHowEnum.Manual); } } // Get contact group to show result message with its display name ContactGroupInfo group = ContactGroupInfoProvider.GetContactGroupInfo(groupId); if (group != null) { resultMessage = String.Format(GetString(""), group.ContactGroupDisplayName); } } } break; // Merge click case Action.Merge: DataSet selectedContacts = ContactHelper.GetContactListInfos(null, where, null, -1, null); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(selectedContacts)) { // Get selected contact ID from hidden field int contactID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(hdnIdentificator.Value, -1); // If contact ID is 0 then new contact must be created if (contactID == 0) { int siteID; if (filter.DisplaySiteSelector || filter.DisplayGlobalOrSiteSelector) { siteID = filter.SelectedSiteID; } else { siteID = SiteID; } SetDialogParameters(selectedContacts, ContactHelper.GetNewContact(ContactHelper.MERGED, true, siteID)); } // Selected contact to be merged into else if (contactID > 0) { SetDialogParameters(selectedContacts, ContactInfoProvider.GetContactInfo(contactID)); } OpenWindow(); } break; default: return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultMessage)) { lblInfo.Text = resultMessage; lblInfo.Visible = true; } // Reload unigrid gridElem.ClearSelectedItems(); gridElem.ReloadData(); pnlUpdate.Update(); }