public static void ArgumentConstraintExpressionInvokedOnce(IHaveNoGenericParameters fake, ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) { "Given a fake" .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IHaveNoGenericParameters>()); "And an argument constraint factory" .x(() => constraintFactory = new ConstraintFactory()); "When I configure a method of the fake with an argument constraint from the factory" .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar(constraintFactory.Create())).DoesNothing()); "Then the expression that invokes the constraint factory is called exactly once" .x(() => constraintFactory.InvocationCount.Should().Be(1)); }
public void UintRangeConstraintTests(uint value, IComparable <uint> min, IComparable <uint> max, bool expected) { var constraint = ConstraintFactory.GetFieldRangeConstraint(min, max); Assert.NotNull(constraint); var container = new ConstraintContainer <IFieldRangeConstraint <uint>, uint>(constraint); Assert.NotNull(container); Assert.NotNull(container.Constraint); Assert.Equal(constraint, container.Constraint); var result = container.Evaluate(value); Assert.Equal(expected, result); }
public override bool Validate(ChessboardField destinationChessboardField) { return(ConstraintFactory.GetHorizontalConstraint().IsConstraintMet(destinationChessboardField) && ConstraintFactory.GetVerticalConstraint().IsConstraintMet(destinationChessboardField)); }
public void LoadSubsystems() { // Find the main model node from the XML model input file var modelInputXMLNode = XmlParser.GetModelNode(modelInputFilePath); // Set up Subsystem Nodes, first loop through the assets in the XML model input file foreach (XmlNode modelChildNode in modelInputXMLNode.ChildNodes) { if (modelChildNode.Name.Equals("ENVIRONMENT")) { // Create the Environment based on the XMLNode SystemUniverse = UniverseFactory.GetUniverseClass(modelChildNode); } else if (SystemUniverse == null) { SystemUniverse = new SpaceEnvironment(); } if (modelChildNode.Name.Equals("ASSET")) { Asset asset = new Asset(modelChildNode); asset.AssetDynamicState.Eoms.SetEnvironment(SystemUniverse); assetList.Add(asset); // Loop through all the of the ChildNodess for this Asset foreach (XmlNode childNode in modelChildNode.ChildNodes) { // Get the current Subsystem XML Node, and create it using the SubsystemFactory if (childNode.Name.Equals("SUBSYSTEM")) { //is this how we want to do this? // Check if the type of the Subsystem is scripted, networked, or other string subName = SubsystemFactory.GetSubsystem(childNode, dependencies, asset, subsystemMap); foreach (XmlNode ICorDepNode in childNode.ChildNodes) { if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("IC")) { ICNodes.Add(ICorDepNode); } if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("DEPENDENCY")) { string depSubName = "", depFunc = ""; depSubName = Subsystem.parseNameFromXmlNode(ICorDepNode, asset.Name); dependencyMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depSubName)); if (ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"] != null) { depFunc = ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"].Value.ToString(); dependencyFcnMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depFunc)); } } } } //Create a new Constraint if (childNode.Name.Equals("CONSTRAINT")) { constraintsList.Add(ConstraintFactory.GetConstraint(childNode, subsystemMap, asset)); } } if (ICNodes.Count > 0) { initialSysState.Add(SystemState.setInitialSystemState(ICNodes, asset)); } ICNodes.Clear(); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Subsystem> sub in subsystemMap) { if (!sub.Value.GetType().Equals(typeof(ScriptedSubsystem)))//let the scripted subsystems add their own dependency collector { sub.Value.AddDependencyCollector(); } subList.Add(sub.Value); } log.Info("Subsystems and Constraints Loaded"); }
public ConstantAttribute(string defaultValue, string name, Type constraint, string constraintParam) { Name = name; DefaultValue = defaultValue; Constraint = ConstraintFactory.CreateConstraint(constraint, constraintParam); }
public override bool Validate(ChessboardField destinationChessboardField) { return(ConstraintFactory.GetKnightConstraint().IsConstraintMet(destinationChessboardField)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Get the input filenames //string simulationInputFilePath = args[1]; //string targetDeckFilePath = args[2]; //string modelInputFileName = args[3]; //string outputPath = args[4]; var simulationInputFilePath = @"..\..\..\SimulationInput.XML"; // @"C:\Users\admin\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Horizon-Simulation-Framework\Horizon_v2_3\io\SimulationInput.XML"; var targetDeckFilePath = @"..\..\..\v2.2-300targets.xml"; var modelInputFilePath = @"..\..\..\Model_Static.xml"; var outputPath = String.Format("..\\..\\..\\output-{0:yyyy-MM-dd}-0", DateTime.Now); //Need to figure out output data versioning //if (File.Exists(outputPath + ".txt")) //{ // var version = outputPath[outputPath.Length - 1]; // int number = (int)Convert.ChangeType(version, typeof(int))+1; // outputPath.Remove(outputPath.Length - 1); // outputPath += number; //} outputPath += ".txt"; // Find the main input node from the XML input files var XmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDoc.Load(simulationInputFilePath); XmlNodeList simulationInputXMLNodeList = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("SCENARIO"); var XmlEnum = simulationInputXMLNodeList.GetEnumerator(); XmlEnum.MoveNext(); var simulationInputXMLNode = (XmlNode)XmlEnum.Current; var scenarioName = simulationInputXMLNode.Attributes["scenarioName"].InnerXml; Console.Write("EXECUITING SCENARIO: "); Console.WriteLine(scenarioName); // Load the simulation parameters from the XML simulation input file XmlNode simParametersXMLNode = simulationInputXMLNode["SIMULATION_PARAMETERS"]; bool simParamsLoaded = SimParameters.LoadSimParameters(simParametersXMLNode, scenarioName); // Load the scheduler parameters defined in the XML simulation input file XmlNode schedParametersXMLNode = simulationInputXMLNode["SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS"]; bool paramsLoaded = SchedParameters.LoadSchedParameters(schedParametersXMLNode); Scheduler systemScheduler = new Scheduler(); //MultiThreadedScheduler systemScheduler = new MultiThreadedScheduler(); // Load the target deck into the targets list from the XML target deck input file XmlDoc.Load(targetDeckFilePath); XmlNodeList targetDeckXMLNodeList = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("TARGETDECK"); int numTargets = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("TARGET").Count; XmlEnum = targetDeckXMLNodeList.GetEnumerator(); XmlEnum.MoveNext(); var targetDeckXMLNode = (XmlNode)XmlEnum.Current; Stack <Task> systemTasks = new Stack <Task>(); bool targetsLoaded = Task.loadTargetsIntoTaskList(targetDeckXMLNode, systemTasks); Console.WriteLine("Initial states set"); // Find the main model node from the XML model input file XmlDoc.Load(modelInputFilePath); XmlNodeList modelXMLNodeList = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("MODEL"); XmlEnum = modelXMLNodeList.GetEnumerator(); XmlEnum.MoveNext(); var modelInputXMLNode = (XmlNode)XmlEnum.Current; // Load the environment. First check if there is an ENVIRONMENT XMLNode in the input file Universe SystemUniverse = null; foreach (XmlNode node in modelInputXMLNode.ChildNodes) { if (node.Attributes["ENVIRONMENT"] != null) { // Create the Environment based on the XMLNode SystemUniverse = new Universe(node); } } if (SystemUniverse == null) { SystemUniverse = new Universe(); } //Create singleton dependency dictionary Dependencies dependencies = Dependencies.Instance; // Initialize List to hold assets and subsystem nodes List <Asset> assetList = new List <Asset>(); List <Subsystem> subList = new List <Subsystem>(); // Maps used to set up preceeding nodes Dictionary <ISubsystem, XmlNode> subsystemXMLNodeMap = new Dictionary <ISubsystem, XmlNode>(); Dictionary <string, Subsystem> subsystemMap = new Dictionary <string, Subsystem>(); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > dependencyMap = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > dependencyFcnMap = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); // Dictionary<string, ScriptedSubsystem> scriptedSubNames = new Dictionary<string, ScriptedSubsystem>(); // Create Constraint list List <Constraint> constraintsList = new List <Constraint>(); //Create Lists to hold all the initial condition and dependency nodes to be parsed later List <XmlNode> ICNodes = new List <XmlNode>(); List <XmlNode> DepNodes = new List <XmlNode>(); SystemState initialSysState = new SystemState(); // Enable Python scripting support, add additional functions defined in input file bool enableScripting = false; // Set up Subsystem Nodes, first loop through the assets in the XML model input file foreach (XmlNode childNodeAsset in modelInputXMLNode.ChildNodes) { if (childNodeAsset.Name.Equals("PYTHON")) { if (childNodeAsset.Attributes["enableScripting"] != null) { if (childNodeAsset.Attributes["enableScripting"].Value.ToString().ToLower().Equals("true")) { enableScripting = true; } } // Loop through all the of the file nodes -- TODO (Morgan) What other types of things might be scripted foreach (XmlNode fileXmlNode in childNodeAsset.ChildNodes) { // If scripting is enabled, parse the script file designated by the attribute if (enableScripting) { // Parse script file if the attribute exists if (fileXmlNode.ChildNodes[0].Name.Equals("EOMS_FILE")) { string fileName = fileXmlNode.ChildNodes[0].Attributes["src"].Value.ToString(); ScriptedEOMS eoms = new ScriptedEOMS(fileName); } } } } if (childNodeAsset.Name.Equals("ASSET")) { Asset asset = new Asset(childNodeAsset); assetList.Add(asset); // Loop through all the of the ChildNodess for this Asset foreach (XmlNode childNode in childNodeAsset.ChildNodes) { // Get the current Subsystem XML Node, and create it using the SubsystemFactory if (childNode.Name.Equals("SUBSYSTEM")) { //is this how we want to do this? // Check if the type of the Subsystem is scripted, networked, or other string subName = SubsystemFactory.GetSubsystem(childNode, enableScripting, dependencies, asset, subsystemMap); foreach (XmlNode ICorDepNode in childNode.ChildNodes) { if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("IC")) { ICNodes.Add(ICorDepNode); } if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("DEPENDENCY")) { string depSubName = "", depFunc = ""; depSubName = Subsystem.parseNameFromXmlNode(ICorDepNode, asset.Name); dependencyMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depSubName)); if (ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"] != null) { depFunc = ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"].Value.ToString(); dependencyFcnMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depFunc)); } } } } //Create a new Constraint if (childNode.Name.Equals("CONSTRAINT")) { constraintsList.Add(ConstraintFactory.getConstraint(childNode, subsystemMap, asset)); } } if (ICNodes.Count > 0) { initialSysState.Add(SystemState.setInitialSystemState(ICNodes, asset)); } ICNodes.Clear(); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Subsystem> sub in subsystemMap) { subList.Add(sub.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Subsystems and Constraints Loaded"); //Add all the dependent subsystems to the dependent subsystem list of the subsystems foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> depSubPair in dependencyMap) { Subsystem subToAddDep, depSub; subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depSubPair.Key, out subToAddDep); subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depSubPair.Value, out depSub); subToAddDep.DependentSubsystems.Add(depSub); } //give the dependency functions to all the subsytems that need them foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> depFunc in dependencyFcnMap) { Subsystem subToAddDep; subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depFunc.Key, out subToAddDep); subToAddDep.SubsystemDependencyFunctions.Add(depFunc.Value, dependencies.getDependencyFunc(depFunc.Value)); } Console.WriteLine("Dependencies Loaded"); //Need to make this parse Xml Evaluator schedEvaluator = new TargetValueEvaluator(dependencies); SystemClass simSystem = new SystemClass(assetList, subList, constraintsList, SystemUniverse); if (simSystem.checkForCircularDependencies()) { throw new NotFiniteNumberException("System has circular dependencies! Please correct then try again."); } Scheduler scheduler = new Scheduler(); List <SystemSchedule> schedules = scheduler.GenerateSchedules(simSystem, systemTasks, initialSysState, schedEvaluator); double maxSched = 0; int i = 0; using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(outputPath)) { foreach (SystemSchedule sched in schedules) { sw.WriteLine("Schedule Number: " + i); foreach (var eit in sched.AllStates.Events) { if (eit.Tasks.Values.GetType().Equals(TaskType.COMM)) { Console.WriteLine("Schedule {0} contains Comm task", i); } if (i < 5) { //just compare the first 5 schedules for now sw.WriteLine(eit.ToString()); } } if (sched.ScheduleValue > maxSched) { maxSched = sched.ScheduleValue; } i++; } Console.WriteLine(maxSched); } Console.ReadKey(); // *********************************Output selected data************************************* // bool schedOutput = dataOut.writeAll(schedules, simSystem); // ****************************************************************************************** }
public override bool Validate(ChessboardField chessboardField) { return(ConstraintFactory.GetDiagonalConstraint().IsConstraintMet(chessboardField, 1) && ConstraintFactory.GetHorizontalConstraint().IsConstraintMet(chessboardField, 1) && ConstraintFactory.GetVerticalConstraint().IsConstraintMet(chessboardField, 1)); }
static int Main(string[] args) { // Begin the Logger ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); log.Info("STARTING HSF RUN"); //Do not delete // Set Defaults var simulationInputFilePath = @"..\..\..\SimulationInput.XML"; var targetDeckFilePath = @"..\..\..\v2.2-300targets.xml"; var modelInputFilePath = @"..\..\..\DSAC_Static.xml"; bool simulationSet = false, targetSet = false, modelSet = false; // Get the input filenames int i = 0; foreach (var input in args) { i++; switch (input) { case "-s": simulationInputFilePath = args[i]; simulationSet = true; break; case "-t": targetDeckFilePath = args[i]; targetSet = true; break; case "-m": modelInputFilePath = args[i]; modelSet = true; break; } } ///add usage statement if (!simulationSet) { log.Info("Using Default Simulation File"); } if (!targetSet) { log.Info("Using Default Target File"); } if (!modelSet) { log.Info("Using Default Model File"); } // Initialize Output File var outputFileName = string.Format("output-{0:yyyy-MM-dd}-*", DateTime.Now); var outputPath = @"C:\HorizonLog\"; var txt = ".txt"; string[] fileNames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(outputPath, outputFileName, System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); double number = 0; foreach (var fileName in fileNames) { char version = fileName[fileName.Length - txt.Length - 1]; if (number < Char.GetNumericValue(version)) { number = Char.GetNumericValue(version); } } number++; outputFileName = outputFileName.Remove(outputFileName.Length - 1) + number; outputPath += outputFileName + txt; // Find the main input node from the XML input files XmlNode evaluatorNode = XmlParser.ParseSimulationInput(simulationInputFilePath); // Load the target deck into the targets list from the XML target deck input file Stack <Task> systemTasks = new Stack <Task>(); bool targetsLoaded = Task.loadTargetsIntoTaskList(XmlParser.GetTargetNode(targetDeckFilePath), systemTasks); if (!targetsLoaded) { return(1); } // Find the main model node from the XML model input file var modelInputXMLNode = XmlParser.GetModelNode(modelInputFilePath); // Load the environment. First check if there is an ENVIRONMENT XMLNode in the input file Universe SystemUniverse = null; //Create singleton dependency dictionary Dependency dependencies = Dependency.Instance; // Initialize List to hold assets and subsystem nodes List <Asset> assetList = new List <Asset>(); List <Subsystem> subList = new List <Subsystem>(); // Maps used to set up preceeding nodes Dictionary <ISubsystem, XmlNode> subsystemXMLNodeMap = new Dictionary <ISubsystem, XmlNode>(); Dictionary <string, Subsystem> subsystemMap = new Dictionary <string, Subsystem>(); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > dependencyMap = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > dependencyFcnMap = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); // Dictionary<string, ScriptedSubsystem> scriptedSubNames = new Dictionary<string, ScriptedSubsystem>(); // Create Constraint list List <Constraint> constraintsList = new List <Constraint>(); //Create Lists to hold all the initial condition and dependency nodes to be parsed later List <XmlNode> ICNodes = new List <XmlNode>(); List <XmlNode> DepNodes = new List <XmlNode>(); SystemState initialSysState = new SystemState(); // Set up Subsystem Nodes, first loop through the assets in the XML model input file foreach (XmlNode modelChildNode in modelInputXMLNode.ChildNodes) { if (modelChildNode.Name.Equals("ENVIRONMENT")) { // Create the Environment based on the XMLNode SystemUniverse = new Universe(modelChildNode); } if (modelChildNode.Name.Equals("ASSET")) { Asset asset = new Asset(modelChildNode); assetList.Add(asset); // Loop through all the of the ChildNodess for this Asset foreach (XmlNode childNode in modelChildNode.ChildNodes) { // Get the current Subsystem XML Node, and create it using the SubsystemFactory if (childNode.Name.Equals("SUBSYSTEM")) { //is this how we want to do this? // Check if the type of the Subsystem is scripted, networked, or other string subName = SubsystemFactory.GetSubsystem(childNode, dependencies, asset, subsystemMap); foreach (XmlNode ICorDepNode in childNode.ChildNodes) { if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("IC")) { ICNodes.Add(ICorDepNode); } if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("DEPENDENCY")) { string depSubName = "", depFunc = ""; depSubName = Subsystem.parseNameFromXmlNode(ICorDepNode, asset.Name); dependencyMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depSubName)); if (ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"] != null) { depFunc = ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"].Value.ToString(); dependencyFcnMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depFunc)); } } } } //Create a new Constraint if (childNode.Name.Equals("CONSTRAINT")) { constraintsList.Add(ConstraintFactory.GetConstraint(childNode, subsystemMap, asset)); } } if (ICNodes.Count > 0) { initialSysState.Add(SystemState.setInitialSystemState(ICNodes, asset)); } ICNodes.Clear(); } } if (SystemUniverse == null) { SystemUniverse = new Universe(); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Subsystem> sub in subsystemMap) { if (!sub.Value.GetType().Equals(typeof(ScriptedSubsystem)))//let the scripted subsystems add their own dependency collector { sub.Value.AddDependencyCollector(); } subList.Add(sub.Value); } log.Info("Subsystems and Constraints Loaded"); //Add all the dependent subsystems to the dependent subsystem list of the subsystems foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> depSubPair in dependencyMap) { Subsystem subToAddDep, depSub; subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depSubPair.Key, out subToAddDep); subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depSubPair.Value, out depSub); subToAddDep.DependentSubsystems.Add(depSub); } //give the dependency functions to all the subsytems that need them foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> depFunc in dependencyFcnMap) { Subsystem subToAddDep; subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depFunc.Key, out subToAddDep); subToAddDep.SubsystemDependencyFunctions.Add(depFunc.Value, dependencies.GetDependencyFunc(depFunc.Value)); } log.Info("Dependencies Loaded"); SystemClass simSystem = new SystemClass(assetList, subList, constraintsList, SystemUniverse); if (simSystem.CheckForCircularDependencies()) { throw new NotFiniteNumberException("System has circular dependencies! Please correct then try again."); } Evaluator schedEvaluator = EvaluatorFactory.GetEvaluator(evaluatorNode, dependencies); Scheduler scheduler = new Scheduler(schedEvaluator); List <SystemSchedule> schedules = scheduler.GenerateSchedules(simSystem, systemTasks, initialSysState); // Evaluate the schedules and set their values foreach (SystemSchedule systemSchedule in schedules) { systemSchedule.ScheduleValue = schedEvaluator.Evaluate(systemSchedule); bool canExtendUntilEnd = true; // Extend the subsystem states to the end of the simulation foreach (var subsystem in simSystem.Subsystems) { if (systemSchedule.AllStates.Events.Count > 0) { if (!subsystem.CanExtend(systemSchedule.AllStates.Events.Peek(), simSystem.Environment, SimParameters.SimEndSeconds)) { log.Error("Cannot Extend " + subsystem.Name + " to end of simulation"); } } } } // Sort the sysScheds by their values schedules.Sort((x, y) => x.ScheduleValue.CompareTo(y.ScheduleValue)); schedules.Reverse(); double maxSched = schedules[0].ScheduleValue; i = 0; //Morgan's Way using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(outputPath)) { foreach (SystemSchedule sched in schedules) { sw.WriteLine("Schedule Number: " + i + "Schedule Value: " + schedules[i].ScheduleValue); foreach (var eit in sched.AllStates.Events) { if (i < 5)//just compare the first 5 schedules for now { sw.WriteLine(eit.ToString()); } } i++; } log.Info("Max Schedule Value: " + maxSched); } // Mehiel's way string stateDataFilePath = @"C:\HorizonLog\" + string.Format("output-{0:yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss}", DateTime.Now); SystemSchedule.WriteSchedule(schedules[0], stateDataFilePath); var csv = new StringBuilder(); csv.Clear(); foreach (var asset in simSystem.Assets) { File.WriteAllText(@"..\..\..\" + asset.Name + "_dynamicStateData.csv", asset.AssetDynamicState.ToString()); } return(0); // Console.ReadKey(); }