コード例 #1
        /// <summary> Perform the requested work </summary>
        public void Do_Work()
            // Get the current user name
            string username         = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
            int    recordsProcessed = 0;

            // Look for a mappings file for this repository
            Dictionary <string, string> oai_objectid_mapping = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            string mappings_file = mapping_directory + "\\" + repository.Repository_Identifier + ".xml";

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(repository.Repository_Identifier))
                    mappings_file = mapping_directory + "\\" + repository.Name + ".xml";
                if ((mapping_directory.Length > 0) && (Directory.Exists(mapping_directory)) && (File.Exists(mappings_file)))
                    DataSet mappingSet = new DataSet();
                    foreach (DataRow thisRow in mappingSet.Tables[0].Rows)
                        oai_objectid_mapping[thisRow[0].ToString()] = thisRow[1].ToString();
            catch (Exception ee)
                OnComplete(0, OAI_PMH_Importer_Error_Enum.Unable_to_read_existing_mappings_file);

            // Get the first set of records
            OAI_Repository_Records_List records = OAI_Repository_Stream_Reader.List_Records(repository.Harvested_URL, set_to_import, "oai_dc");

            if ((records == null) || (records.Count == 0))
                OnComplete(0, OAI_PMH_Importer_Error_Enum.Unable_to_pull_feed_data);

            // Flag used to keep the user request if a previous mapping is found that matches a record
            Nullable <bool> use_previous_mappings = null;

                // Continue through each pull using the resumption token
                while ((records != null) && (records.Count > 0))
                    // Step through these records
                    int total_count = records.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < total_count; i++)
                        // Get this record out
                        OAI_Repository_DublinCore_Record record = records[i];

                        // Create the bib package
                        SobekCM_Item bibPackage = new SobekCM_Item(record);

                        // Add some more information about the repository here
                        bibPackage.Bib_Info.Add_Identifier(record.OAI_Identifier, "oai");
                        bibPackage.Bib_Info.Record.Main_Record_Identifier.Type       = "oai";
                        bibPackage.Bib_Info.Record.Main_Record_Identifier.Identifier = record.OAI_Identifier;
                        bibPackage.Bib_Info.Location.Other_URL_Note          = repository.Name;
                        bibPackage.Bib_Info.Location.Other_URL_Display_Label = "External Link";
                        bibPackage.Bib_Info.Source.Statement = repository.Name;

                        // Add constant data from each mapped column into the bib package

                        // Make sure there is a title
                        if (bibPackage.Bib_Info.Main_Title.ToString().Trim().Length == 0)
                            bibPackage.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title = "Missing Title";

                        // Set some defaults
                        bibPackage.Source_Directory = destination_folder;
                        if (MetaTemplate_UserSettings.Individual_Creator.Length > 0)
                            bibPackage.METS_Header.Creator_Individual = MetaTemplate_UserSettings.Individual_Creator;
                            bibPackage.METS_Header.Creator_Individual = username;
                        bibPackage.METS_Header.Add_Creator_Individual_Notes("Imported via OAI from " + repository.Name);
                        bibPackage.VID = "00001";
                        bibPackage.METS_Header.Creator_Software = "SobekCM METS Editor";

                        // See if this already exists in the mapping
                        if ((!use_previous_mappings.HasValue) && (oai_objectid_mapping.ContainsKey(record.OAI_Identifier)))
                            DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Record from OAI set appears in previous mapping file.   \n\nShould the previous mappings be used?   \n\nIf you select 'YES' the ObjectID will be the same as the previous harvest.\n\nIf you select 'NO' a new ObjectID will be assigned from your range.     ", "Previous Mapping Found", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                                use_previous_mappings = true;
                            if (result == DialogResult.No)
                                use_previous_mappings = false;

                        // Assign a BibId
                        if ((use_previous_mappings.HasValue) && (use_previous_mappings.Value) && (oai_objectid_mapping.ContainsKey(record.OAI_Identifier)))
                            // Use the existing BibId from the previous mapping
                            bibPackage.BibID = oai_objectid_mapping[record.OAI_Identifier];
                            // Determine the next BibID to be assigned
                            string next_bibid = next_bibid_counter.ToString();
                            bibPackage.BibID = (bibid_start + next_bibid.PadLeft(10 - bibid_start.Length, '0')).ToUpper();

                            // Save this mapping to the dictionary
                            oai_objectid_mapping[record.OAI_Identifier] = bibPackage.BibID;

                        // Set some values
                        bibPackage.METS_Header.Creator_Organization = bibPackage.Bib_Info.Source.Code + "," + bibPackage.Bib_Info.Source.Statement;
                        if (MetaTemplate_UserSettings.AddOns_Enabled.Contains("FCLA"))
                            PALMM_Info palmmInfo =
                                bibPackage.Get_Metadata_Module(GlobalVar.PALMM_METADATA_MODULE_KEY) as PALMM_Info;
                            if (palmmInfo == null)
                                palmmInfo = new PALMM_Info();
                                bibPackage.Add_Metadata_Module(GlobalVar.PALMM_METADATA_MODULE_KEY, palmmInfo);

                            if ((palmmInfo.toPALMM) && (palmmInfo.PALMM_Project.Length > 0))
                                string creator_org_to_remove = String.Empty;
                                foreach (string thisString in bibPackage.METS_Header.Creator_Org_Notes)
                                    if (thisString.IndexOf("projects=") >= 0)
                                        creator_org_to_remove = thisString;
                                if (creator_org_to_remove.Length > 0)
                                                                                     "projects=" + palmmInfo.PALMM_Project);
                                    bibPackage.METS_Header.Add_Creator_Org_Notes("projects=" + palmmInfo.PALMM_Project);

                        // Determine the filename
                        string mets_file = destination_folder + "\\" + bibPackage.BibID + "_" + bibPackage.VID + MetaTemplate_UserSettings.METS_File_Extension;

                        // Save the actual file
                        METS_File_ReaderWriter metsWriter = new METS_File_ReaderWriter();
                        string writing_error = String.Empty;
                        metsWriter.Write_Metadata(mets_file, bibPackage, null, out writing_error);

                        // Increment progress
                        OnNewProgress(recordsProcessed, total_count);

                    // If there was a resumption token, pull the next set of records from the repository
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(records.Resumption_Token))
                        records = null;
                        records = OAI_Repository_Stream_Reader.List_Records(repository.Harvested_URL, records.Resumption_Token);
            catch (Exception ee)
                OnComplete(recordsProcessed, OAI_PMH_Importer_Error_Enum.Unknown_error_while_processing_feed);

            // Now, save this mapping
            if (mapping_directory.Length > 0)
                    // Ensure the directory exists
                    if (!Directory.Exists(mapping_directory))

                    // Create the dataset/table with the new mappings (includes old if one was found)
                    DataSet   mappingSet2  = new DataSet("SobekCM_METS_Editor_OAI_Mapping");
                    DataTable mappingTable = new DataTable("OAI_ObjectID_Map");

                    // Copy over the data into the new datatable
                    foreach (string thisKey in oai_objectid_mapping.Keys)
                        DataRow newRow = mappingTable.NewRow();
                        newRow[0] = thisKey;
                        newRow[1] = oai_objectid_mapping[thisKey];

                    // Write the mappings as the dataset in XML format
                    mappingSet2.WriteXml(mappings_file, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    OnComplete(recordsProcessed, OAI_PMH_Importer_Error_Enum.Unable_to_save_mappings_file);

            // Process complete!
            OnComplete(recordsProcessed, OAI_PMH_Importer_Error_Enum.NO_ERROR);