コード例 #1
        protected OrderData CreateOrderData()
            int customerId          = -1;
            int operatingLocationId = -1;
            Dictionary <int, int> productsRequested = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            // Get the customer id
            customerId = PromptForCreateOrExist <Customer>(
                () => {
                // Create a new customer
                var data = CreateCustomerData();
                return(StoreManagerApplication.Create <Customer>(data));
                // Get the customer id
                () => PromptForId <Customer>()

            // Get the store that owns the location
            int storeId = PromptForCreateOrExist <Store>(
                () => {
                var data = CreateStoreData();
                return(StoreManagerApplication.Create <Store>(data));
                () => PromptForId <Store>()

            var store = StoreManagerApplication.GetData <Store>(storeId) as StoreData;
            // Prompt for a store, then look through the locations it has
            var options = store.OperatingLocationIds.Select(id => {
                var data    = StoreManagerApplication.GetData <OperatingLocation>(id) as OperatingLocationData;
                var address = StoreManagerApplication.GetData <Address>(data.AddressId) as AddressData;
                return($"{store.Name} - {address}");
            // Show the available locations that can be chosen from
            int selectedOption = CUI.PromptForMenuSelection(options, false);

            operatingLocationId = store.OperatingLocationIds[selectedOption];

            // Get the products the user wants
            UntilItIsDone(() => {
                // Add products and the inventory they have
                int productId = PromptForCreateOrExist <Product>(
                    () => {
                    var data = CreateProductData();
                    return(StoreManagerApplication.Create <Product>(data));
                    () => PromptForId <Product>()

                int threshold = store.Inventory[productId].Item2 ?? store.Inventory[productId].Item1;

                // Get the count
                int count = CUI.PromptRange("Enter the count of said product", 0, threshold);
                productsRequested[productId] = count;

                return(!CUI.PromptForBool("Add another product?", "yes", "no"));

            return(new OrderData(customerId, operatingLocationId, productsRequested));
コード例 #2
        protected int PromptForCreateOrExist <T>(Func <int> creationFunction, Func <int> existingFunction)
            where T : SEntity
            int  result;
            bool itemExists = StoreManagerApplication.Any <T>();
            bool createItem = true;

            if (itemExists)
                createItem = CUI.PromptForBool($"Create a new {_typeNames[typeof(T)]} or use one that is existing?", "create", "existing");
                Console.WriteLine($"No {_typeNames[typeof(T)]}s exist; please create a {_typeNames[typeof(T)]}.");

            if (createItem)
                // create the item
                result = creationFunction();
                // just get the id
                result = existingFunction();

コード例 #3
        protected ProductData CreateProductData()
            string  name     = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter the product name", false);
            decimal price    = CUI.PromptRange("Enter the product price", 0.01M, decimal.MaxValue);
            decimal?discount = CUI.PromptForBool("Place a discount on this product?", "yes", "no")
                ? CUI.PromptRange("Enter the discount percentage", 0, 100) : null;

            return(new ProductData(name, price, discount));
コード例 #4
        protected int PromptForId <T>()
            where T : SEntity
            int id = -1;

            UntilItIsDone(() => {
                id = CUI.PromptRange($"Please enter the ID for the {_typeNames[typeof(T)]}", 0, StoreManagerApplication.MaxId <T>());
                return(StoreManagerApplication.IdExists <T>(id));

コード例 #5
        protected AddressData CreateAddressData()
            string addressLine1 = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter address line 1", false);
            string addressLine2 = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter address line 2", true);
            string city         = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter the city", false);
            string state        = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter the state", true);

            state = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state) ? null : state;
            string country = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter the country", false);
            string zipCode = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter the Zip Code", false);

            return(new AddressData(addressLine1, addressLine2, city, state, country, zipCode));
コード例 #6
        protected StoreData CreateStoreData()
            string     storeName            = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter the store name", false);
            List <int> operatingLocationIds = new List <int>();
            List <int> customerIds          = new List <int>();
            Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, int?> > inventory = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, int?> >();

            int locationId;

            UntilItIsDone(() => {
                // Add operating locations
                locationId = PromptForCreateOrExist <OperatingLocation>(
                    () => {
                    // Create a new operating location
                    var data = CreateOperatingLocationData();
                    return(StoreManagerApplication.Create <OperatingLocation>(data));
                    // Prompt for an operating location
                    () => PromptForId <OperatingLocation>()


                return(!CUI.PromptForBool("Add another operating location?", "yes", "no"));

            UntilItIsDone(() => {
                // Add products and the inventory they have
                int productId = PromptForCreateOrExist <Product>(
                    () => {
                    var data = CreateProductData();
                    return(StoreManagerApplication.Create <Product>(data));
                    () => PromptForId <Product>()

                // Get the count
                int count = CUI.PromptRange("Enter the count of said product", 0, int.MaxValue);

                int?threshold = CUI.PromptForBool("Set a product threshold?", "yes", "no")
                    ? CUI.PromptRange("Enter the product threshold", 1, count) : null;

                inventory[productId] = new Tuple <int, int?>(count, threshold);

                return(!CUI.PromptForBool("Add another product?", "yes", "no"));

            return(new StoreData(storeName, operatingLocationIds, inventory));
コード例 #7
        private void SearchCustomersByName()
            // get the name they wish to search for
            string userInput = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter the name in the format of 'first, last'", false);
            // get a list of the results
            var customerIds = StoreManagerApplication.GetCustomerIdsByName(userInput);

            if (customerIds.Any())
                // display the results
                customerIds.ForEach(cid => DisplayCustomer(cid, true));
                Console.WriteLine($"No customers found with name like '{userInput}'.");
コード例 #8
        public override void Run()
            int selectedOption;

            // Set up the console options here
            UntilItIsDone(() => {
                selectedOption = CUI.PromptForMenuSelection(_actions.Keys.ToArray(), true);
                if (selectedOption == -1)

                var action = _actions.Values.ElementAt(selectedOption);

                return(selectedOption == -1);
コード例 #9
        protected CustomerData CreateCustomerData()
            string firstName   = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter their first name", false);
            string lastName    = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter their last name", false);
            string email       = CUI.PromptForEmail("Enter their email");
            string phoneNumber = CUI.PromptForPhoneNumber("Enter their phone number");

            int addressId = PromptForCreateOrExist <Address>(
                () => {
                var temp = CreateAddressData();
                return(StoreManagerApplication.Create <Address>(temp));
                () => PromptForId <Address>()

            DateTime birthDate = CUI.PromptForDateTime("Enter a birth date", CUI.TimeFrame.Past, true);
            int?     defaultStoreLocationId = CUI.PromptForBool("Set a default store location?", "yes", "no")
                ? PromptForId <OperatingLocation>() : null;

            return(new CustomerData(firstName, lastName, email, phoneNumber, addressId, birthDate, defaultStoreLocationId));
コード例 #10
        private void DisplayStoreOrderHistory()
            // Get all of the stores
            var stores = StoreManagerApplication.GetAllData <Store>()
                         .Select(data => data as StoreData);
            // Get their names
            var storeNames = stores.Select(sd => sd.Name).ToArray();
            // See which one the user wishes to see
            int selectedOption = CUI.PromptForMenuSelection(storeNames, false);
            // Get the store they wish to see
            var selectedStore = stores.ElementAt(selectedOption);

            if (selectedStore.OrderIds.Any())
                // display all of the orders
                selectedStore.OrderIds.ForEach(o => DisplayOrder(o));
                Console.WriteLine($"No orders for '{selectedStore.Name}'");