protected virtual void LoadCommandsList() { foreach (var com in GetAPICommandClasses()) { if (com != null) { if (com.IsAbstract == false) { API_interface D = (API_interface)Activator.CreateInstance(com); if (D != null) { if (subtype_map.ContainsKey(D.CommandName) == false) { string worknamespace = com.Namespace; worknamespace = worknamespace.Replace("BSB.Commands.", ""); worknamespace = worknamespace.Replace("BSB.RLV.", ""); worknamespace = worknamespace.Replace("BetterSecondBot.HttpServer.View.", ""); worknamespace = worknamespace.Replace("BetterSecondBot.HttpServer.Control.", ""); worknamespace = worknamespace.Replace("CMD_", ""); subtype_map.Add(D.CommandName, D.GetType()); subtype_workspace_map.Add(D.CommandName, worknamespace); } else { ConsoleLog.Crit("[CMD] command: " + D.CommandName + " already defined!"); } } } } } }
public bool SendNotecard(string name, string content, UUID sendToUUID) { bool returnstatus = true; name = name + " " + DateTime.Now; Client.Inventory.RequestCreateItem( Client.Inventory.FindFolderForType(AssetType.Notecard), name, name + " Created via SecondBot notecard API", AssetType.Notecard, UUID.Random(), InventoryType.Notecard, PermissionMask.All, (bool Success, InventoryItem item) => { if (Success) { AssetNotecard empty = new AssetNotecard { BodyText = "\n" }; empty.Encode(); Client.Inventory.RequestUploadNotecardAsset(empty.AssetData, item.UUID, (bool emptySuccess, string emptyStatus, UUID emptyItemID, UUID emptyAssetID) => { if (emptySuccess) { empty.BodyText = content; empty.Encode(); Client.Inventory.RequestUploadNotecardAsset(empty.AssetData, emptyItemID, (bool finalSuccess, string finalStatus, UUID finalItemID, UUID finalID) => { if (finalSuccess) { Client.Inventory.GiveItem(finalItemID, name, AssetType.Notecard, sendToUUID, false); } else { returnstatus = false; ConsoleLog.Warn("Unable to request notecard upload"); } }); } else { ConsoleLog.Crit("The f**k empty success notecard create"); returnstatus = false; } }); } else { ConsoleLog.Warn("Unable to find default notecards folder"); returnstatus = false; } } ); return(returnstatus); }
public override bool CallFunction(string[] args) { if (base.CallFunction(args) == true) { List <string> acceptablewords = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, ParcelFlags> flags = parcel_static.get_flags_list(); acceptablewords.AddRange(new[] { "True", "False" }); Dictionary <string, bool> setflags = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); foreach (string a in args) { string[] parts = a.Split('='); if (flags.ContainsKey(parts[0]) == true) { if (acceptablewords.Contains(parts[1])) { setflags.Add(parts[0], Convert.ToBoolean(parts[1])); } else { ConsoleLog.Crit("Unable to set flag " + parts[0] + " to : " + parts[1] + ""); } } else { ConsoleLog.Warn("Flag: " + parts[0] + " is unknown"); } } if (setflags.Count > 0) { int localid = bot.GetClient.Parcels.GetParcelLocalID(bot.GetClient.Network.CurrentSim, bot.GetClient.Self.SimPosition); Parcel p = bot.GetClient.Network.CurrentSim.Parcels[localid]; if (p.OwnerID != bot.GetClient.Self.AgentID) { if (p.IsGroupOwned) { bot.GetClient.Groups.ActivateGroup(p.GroupID); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> cfg in setflags) { if (flags.ContainsKey(cfg.Key) == true) { Dosetflag(flags[cfg.Key], p, cfg.Value); } } p.Update(bot.GetClient.Network.CurrentSim, false); return(true); } else { return(Failed("No accepted flags")); } } return(false); }
public bool SendScript(string name, string content, UUID sendToUUID) { bool returnstatus = true; Client.Inventory.RequestCreateItem( Client.Inventory.FindFolderForType(AssetType.LSLText), name, name, AssetType.LSLText, UUID.Random(), InventoryType.LSL, PermissionMask.All, (bool Success, InventoryItem item) => { if (Success) { AssetScriptText empty = new AssetScriptText { Source = "\n" }; empty.Encode(); Client.Inventory.RequestUpdateScriptAgentInventory(new byte[] { }, item.UUID, true, (bool uploadSuccess, string uploadStatus, bool compileSuccess, List <string> compileMessages, UUID itemID, UUID assetID) => { if (uploadSuccess) { empty.AssetData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content); Client.Inventory.RequestUpdateScriptAgentInventory(empty.AssetData, itemID, true, (bool finaluploadSuccess, string finaluploadStatus, bool finalcompileSuccess, List <string> finalcompileMessages, UUID finalitemID, UUID finalassetID) => { if (finalcompileSuccess == false) { ConsoleLog.Warn("Script failed to compile, sending anyway."); } Client.Inventory.GiveItem(finalitemID, name, AssetType.LSLText, sendToUUID, false); }); } else { ConsoleLog.Crit("The f**k empty success Script create"); returnstatus = false; } }); } else { ConsoleLog.Warn("Unable to find default Scripts folder"); returnstatus = false; } } ); return(returnstatus); }
protected void OpenHttpService() { post_controler = new HTTPCommandsInterface(Bot, this); Thread t = new Thread(delegate(object _) { bool ok = true; try { listener = new HttpListener(); listener.Prefixes.Add(url); listener.Start(); } catch (Exception e) { ok = false; ConsoleLog.Crit("Unable to setup http service: " + e.Message + ""); ConsoleLog.Crit("if running on windows please check:"); } if (ok == true) { try { ConsoleLog.Status("Listening for connections on " + url + ""); Task listenTask = HandleIncomingConnections(); listenTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleLog.Status("Http interface killed itself: " + e.ToString() + ""); } } listener.Close(); }) { Name = "http thead", IsBackground = true }; t.Start(); }
public override void Callback(string[] args, EventArgs e) { GroupMembersReplyEventArgs reply = (GroupMembersReplyEventArgs)e; if (UUID.TryParse(args[0], out UUID target_group) == true) { if (UUID.TryParse(args[1], out UUID target_avatar) == true) { if (reply.GroupID == target_group) { if (reply.Members.ContainsKey(target_avatar) == false) { ForRealGroupInvite(args, target_group, target_avatar); } } else { ConsoleLog.Crit("Callback sent for the wrong group as part of group invite!"); } } } }
protected IEnumerable <Type> GetAPICommandClasses() { if (API_type != null) { return(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(Ass => { bool reply = false; if (Ass.FullName.StartsWith("BSB") == true) { reply = true; } else if (Ass.FullName.StartsWith("BetterSecondBot") == true) { reply = true; } return reply; }).SelectMany(assembly => assembly.GetTypes()).Where(type => type.IsSubclassOf(API_type))); } else { ConsoleLog.Crit(this.GetType() + " Attempted to call GetSubTypes without setting API_TYPE first!"); } return(null); }
public bool SmartCommandReply(bool run_status, string target, string output, string command, Dictionary <string, string> collection) { string mode = "CHAT"; UUID target_avatar = UUID.Zero; int target_channel = 0; if (target.StartsWith("http://")) { mode = "HTTP"; } else if (UUID.TryParse(target, out target_avatar) == true) { mode = "IM"; } else { if (int.TryParse(target, out target_channel) == false) { run_status = false; } } if (collection != null) { var reply_object = new CoreCommand_json_reply_wit_collection(); reply_object.status = run_status; reply_object.command = command; reply_object.output = output; reply_object.collection = collection; output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reply_object); } else { var reply_object = new CoreCommand_json_reply(); reply_object.status = run_status; reply_object.command = command; reply_object.output = output; output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reply_object); } if (mode == "CHAT") { if (target_channel >= 0) { bot.GetClient.Self.Chat(output, target_channel, ChatType.Normal); } else { run_status = false; ConsoleLog.Crit("[SmartReply] output Channel must be zero or higher"); } } else if (mode == "IM") { bot.GetClient.Self.InstantMessage(target_avatar, output); } else if (mode == "HTTP") { Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "reply", output }, }; var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values); try { HTTPclient.PostAsync(target, content); } catch (Exception e) { run_status = false; ConsoleLog.Crit("[SmartReply] HTTP failed: " + e.Message + ""); } } else { ConsoleLog.Crit("[SmartReply] Unsupported output target"); return(false); } return(run_status); }
public CliHardware(string[] args) { SimpleIO io = new SimpleIO(); JsonConfig Config; string json_file = ""; #if DEBUG ConsoleLog.Status("Hardware/Debug version"); json_file = "debug.json"; #else ConsoleLog.Status("Hardware/Live version"); Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args).WithParsed <Options>(o => { json_file = o.Json; }); #endif if (SimpleIO.dir_exists("wiki") == false) { ConsoleLog.Info("Basic Wiki [Creating]"); new DebugModeCreateWiki(AssemblyInfo.GetGitHash(), io); ConsoleLog.Info("Basic Wiki [Ready]"); io = new SimpleIO(); } Config = MakeJsonConfig.GetDefault(); if (helpers.notempty(json_file) == false) { json_file = "mybot.json"; ConsoleLog.Warn("Using: mybot.json as the config"); } bool ok_to_try_start = false; if (SimpleIO.FileType(json_file, "json") == true) { if (io.Exists(json_file)) { string json = io.ReadFile(json_file); if (json.Length > 0) { try { Config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonConfig>(json); ok_to_try_start = true; } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleLog.Warn("Unable to read config file\n moving config to " + json_file + ".old and creating a empty config\nError was: " + e.Message + ""); io.makeOld(json_file); Config = new JsonConfig(); io.WriteJsonConfig(MakeJsonConfig.GetDefault(), json_file); } } else { ConsoleLog.Warn("Json config is empty creating an empty one for you"); io.WriteJsonConfig(MakeJsonConfig.GetDefault(), json_file); } } else { ConsoleLog.Warn("Json config does not Exist creating it for you"); io.WriteJsonConfig(MakeJsonConfig.GetDefault(), json_file); } } else { ConsoleLog.Crit("you must select a .json file for config!"); } if (ok_to_try_start == true) { Config = MakeJsonConfig.http_config_check(Config); if (Config.HttpAsCnC == true) { new HttpCnC(Config); } else { new CliExitOnLogout(Config); } } }
public bool SmartCommandReply(string target, string output, string command, bool vaildate_only) { string mode = "CHAT"; UUID target_avatar = UUID.Zero; int target_channel = 0; if (target.StartsWith("http://")) { mode = "HTTP"; } else if (UUID.TryParse(target, out target_avatar) == true) { mode = "IM"; } else { int.TryParse(target, out target_channel); } if (vaildate_only == false) { if (mode == "CHAT") { bot.GetClient.Self.Chat(output, target_channel, ChatType.Normal); } else if (mode == "IM") { bot.GetClient.Self.InstantMessage(target_avatar, output); } else if (mode == "HTTP") { Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "reply", output }, { "unixtime", helpers.UnixTimeNow().ToString() } }; if (command != "") { values.Add("command", command); } var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values); try { HTTPclient.PostAsync(target, content); } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleLog.Crit("[SmartReply] HTTP failed: " + e.Message + ""); } } else { return(false); } return(true); } else { if ((mode == "CHAT") || (mode == "IM") || (mode == "HTTP")) { return(true); } return(false); } }
protected JsonConfig MakeDefault() { string[] args = this.GetCommandsList(); JsonConfig reply = new JsonConfig(); foreach (string arg in args) { string arg_type = GetCommandArgTypes(arg).First(); string arg_value_default = null; if (arg_type != "") { string[] ArgHints = GetCommandArgHints(arg); if (ArgHints.Length > 0) { arg_value_default = ArgHints[0]; arg_value_default = arg_value_default.Replace("[", ""); arg_value_default = arg_value_default.Replace("]", ""); arg_value_default = arg_value_default.Replace("\"", ""); } else { ConsoleLog.Debug("[Notice] No args hint found for " + arg + ""); } } if (arg_value_default != null) { Type Dtype = reply.GetType(); PropertyInfo prop = Dtype.GetProperty(arg, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); if (prop != null) { if (prop.CanWrite == true) { if (arg_type == "Number") { if (int.TryParse(arg_value_default, out int result) == true) { prop.SetValue(reply, result, null); } } else if (arg_type == "Text") { prop.SetValue(reply, arg_value_default, null); } else if (arg_type == "True|False") { if (bool.TryParse(arg_value_default, out bool result) == true) { prop.SetValue(reply, result, null); } } else if (arg_type == "Collection") { prop.SetValue(reply, arg_value_default.Split(','), null); } else if (arg_type == "BigNumber") { if (ulong.TryParse(arg_value_default, out ulong result) == true) { prop.SetValue(reply, result, null); } } else { ConsoleLog.Debug("unknown arg_type: " + arg_type + " for " + arg + ""); } } else { ConsoleLog.Warn("Unable to write to " + arg + ""); } } else { ConsoleLog.Crit("unknown prop " + arg + ""); } } } return(reply); }
protected JsonConfig process_prop(JsonConfig reply, string arg, string arg_value_default) { string arg_type = GetCommandArgTypes(arg).First(); if (arg_type != "") { if (arg_value_default != null) { Type Dtype = reply.GetType(); PropertyInfo prop = Dtype.GetProperty(arg, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); if (prop != null) { if (prop.CanWrite == true) { if (arg_type == "Number") { if (int.TryParse(arg_value_default, out int result) == true) { prop.SetValue(reply, result, null); } } else if (arg_type == "Text") { prop.SetValue(reply, arg_value_default, null); } else if (arg_type == "True|False") { if (bool.TryParse(arg_value_default, out bool result) == true) { prop.SetValue(reply, result, null); } } else if (arg_type == "Collection") { prop.SetValue(reply, arg_value_default.Split(','), null); } else if (arg_type == "BigNumber") { if (ulong.TryParse(arg_value_default, out ulong result) == true) { prop.SetValue(reply, result, null); } } else { ConsoleLog.Debug("unsupported arg_type: " + arg_type + " for " + arg + ""); } } else { ConsoleLog.Warn("Unable to write to " + arg + ""); } } else { ConsoleLog.Crit("unknown prop " + arg + ""); } } } else { ConsoleLog.Debug("unknown arg_type for " + arg + ""); } return(reply); }
public override bool CallFunction(string[] args) { if (base.CallFunction(args) == true) { List <string> acceptablewords = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, ParcelFlags> flags = parcel_static.get_flags_list(); acceptablewords.AddRange(new[] { "True", "False" }); Dictionary <string, bool> setflags = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); foreach (string a in args) { string[] parts = a.Split('=', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (parts.Length == 2) { if (flags.ContainsKey(parts[0]) == true) { if (acceptablewords.Contains(parts[1])) { setflags.Add(parts[0], Convert.ToBoolean(parts[1])); } else { ConsoleLog.Crit("Unable to set flag " + parts[0] + " to : " + parts[1] + ""); } } else { ConsoleLog.Warn("Flag: " + parts[0] + " is unknown"); } } else { ConsoleLog.Warn("Flag: " + a + " missing = True|False"); } } if (setflags.Count > 0) { int localid = bot.GetClient.Parcels.GetParcelLocalID(bot.GetClient.Network.CurrentSim, bot.GetClient.Self.SimPosition); if (bot.GetClient.Network.CurrentSim.Parcels.ContainsKey(localid) == true) { Parcel p = bot.GetClient.Network.CurrentSim.Parcels[localid]; if (parcel_static.has_parcel_perm(p, bot) == true) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> cfg in setflags) { if (flags.ContainsKey(cfg.Key) == true) { parcel_static.ParcelSetFlag(flags[cfg.Key], p, cfg.Value); } } p.Update(bot.GetClient.Network.CurrentSim, false); return(true); } else { return(Failed("Incorrect perms to control parcel")); } } else { return(Failed("Unable to find parcel in memory, please wait and try again")); } } else { return(Failed("No accepted flags")); } } return(false); }