static void Main(string[] args) { RC.Theme = ConsoleColorTheme.Load((ConsoleColor)RC.ForegroundColor, (ConsoleColor)RC.BackgroundColor, ConsoleColorDefaultThemes.Colorful); RpxInterface.RunCommand(args); RC.ResetColor(); }
public MainForm() { RC.Verbosity = ConsoleVerbosity.Normal; RC.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColorExt.Black; RC.Theme = ConsoleColorTheme.Load(ConsoleColorDefaultThemes.Colorful); InitializeComponent(); title = typeof(MainForm).Assembly.GetName().Name + " v" + typeof(MainForm).Assembly.GetName().Version.Major + "." + typeof(MainForm).Assembly.GetName().Version.Minor; SetTitle(); icons.Add(null); icons.Add(GetImage(SystemIcons.Question)); icons.Add(GetImage(SystemIcons.Asterisk)); icons.Add(GetImage(SystemIcons.Exclamation)); icons.Add(GetImage(SystemIcons.Error)); icons.Add(GetImage(SystemIcons.Information)); icons.Add(GetImage(SystemIcons.Warning)); List <ToolStripMenuItem> commandItems = new List <ToolStripMenuItem>(); foreach (CommandMetaData command in Commands.GetCommands()) { if (command.IsVisible == false) { continue; } if (command.OscAddress == "/time") { continue; } ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(command.Text) { Tag = command, }; menuItem.Click += delegate(object menuSender, EventArgs args) { ToolStripMenuItem item = menuSender as ToolStripMenuItem; this.SendCommand(connectionsRows, true, item.Tag as CommandMetaData); }; commandItems.Add(menuItem); } sendCommandToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange(commandItems.ToArray()); }
private void Terminal_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_Console.Theme = ConsoleColorTheme.Load(ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColorDefaultThemes.Colorful); m_BackupFont = m_SendMessageBox.Font; m_SendMessageBox.Text = m_HelpText; m_SendMessageBox.DropDown += SendMessageBox_DropDown; m_SendMessageBox.DropDownClosed += SendMessageBox_DropDownClosed; this.AllowDrop = true; this.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(Terminal_DragEnter); this.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(Terminal_DragDrop); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ConsoleColorState state = RC.ColorState; // create the argument parser ArgumentParser parser = new ArgumentParser("SettingsObjectModelCodeGenerator", "Generates settings object model code for the ImuApi project"); StringArgument XmlArg = new StringArgument("XML", "The path of the settings XML file", "The path of the settings XML file"); StringArgument CodeArg = new StringArgument("Code", "The destination code .cs file", "The destination code .cs file"); StringArgument DocumentationArg = new StringArgument("Documentation", "The documentation .XML file", "The documentation .XML file"); // add the arguments to the parser parser.Add("/", "XML", XmlArg); parser.Add("/", "Code", CodeArg); parser.Add("/", "Documentation", DocumentationArg); try { RC.IsBuildMode = true; RC.Verbosity = ConsoleVerbosity.Debug; RC.ApplicationBuildReportPrefix = "SGEN"; RC.Theme = ConsoleColorTheme.Load(ConsoleColorDefaultThemes.Colorful); RC.WriteLine(ConsoleThemeColor.TitleText, "Settings Object Model Code Generator"); // parse arguemnts parser.Parse(args); // did the parser detect a /? arguemnt if (parser.HelpMode == true) { return; } if (XmlArg.Defined == false) { RC.WriteError(001, "No settings XML file supplied."); return; } if (CodeArg.Defined == false) { RC.WriteError(001, "No destination file supplied."); return; } if (DocumentationArg.Defined == false) { RC.WriteError(001, "No documentation file supplied."); return; } string xmlFilePath = XmlArg.Value; if (File.Exists(xmlFilePath) == false) { RC.WriteError(002, "Settings XML file does not exist."); return; } string codeFilePath = CodeArg.Value; try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo(codeFilePath); } catch { RC.WriteError(002, "Settings destination file is not valid."); return; } string documentationFilePath = DocumentationArg.Value; try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo(documentationFilePath); } catch { RC.WriteError(002, "Settings documentation file is not valid."); return; } Generate(xmlFilePath, codeFilePath, documentationFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { RC.WriteException(04, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, 0, 0, ex); } finally { //RC.PromptForKey("Press any key to exit..", true, false); RC.ColorState = state; } }