コード例 #1
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "input directory containing NSA (and index) files to be merged",
                    v => _inputDir = v
                    "output NSA file stub",
                    v => _outFileStub = v

            var commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_inputDir, "input directory containing NSA files", "--in")
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_outFileStub, "output NSA file stub", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Concatenate multiple (non-overlapping) NSA files from the same data source into one", commandLineExample)

コード例 #2
        public async Task ConfigureServices_()
            const int    expectedReturnCode = 123456;
            const string expectedTextValue  = "TestText";

            var testService = A.Fake <ITestService>();

            A.CallTo(() => testService.ReturnCode).Returns(expectedReturnCode);
            A.CallTo(() => testService.TextValue).Returns(expectedTextValue);

            var consoleApp = new ConsoleAppBuilder(Array.Empty <string>())
                             .ConfigureServices(x => x.AddTransient(_ => testService))
                             .UseProgramMain <TestServiceProgramMain>()

            // Act
            var result = await consoleApp.RunAsync();

            // Assert

コード例 #3
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "compressed reference sequence file",
                    v => _compressedReference = v
                    "custom TSV file path",
                    v => _inputFile = v
                    "output directory",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            string commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_compressedReference, "compressed reference sequence", "--ref")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputFile, "Custom variant annotation TSV", "--in")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "output", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Creates a supplementary variant annotation database from a custom input file", commandLineExample)

コード例 #4
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "OneKGenSv VCF file",
                    v => _inputFileName = v
                    "output directory",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            string commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputFileName, "OneKGenSv VCF file", "--in")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Convert the VCF file into BED-like format", commandLineExample)

コード例 #5
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "input tsv file",
                    v => _dosageSensitivityFile = v
                    "output directory",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            string commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_outputDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_dosageSensitivityFile, "dosage sensitivity TSV file", "--tsv")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Creates a gene annotation database from dbVar data", commandLineExample)

コード例 #6
ファイル: UpdateIndex.cs プロジェクト: shannonnana/Nirvana
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "input NSA index file path",
                    v => _inputIndexFile = v
                    "version file path",
                    v => _versionFile = v
                    "output index file path",
                    v => _outputIndexFile = v

            var commandLineExample = $"{command} --ind <input NSA index file path> --out <output index file path> --ver <version file path>";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputIndexFile, "input NSA index file path", "--ind")
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_outputIndexFile, "output index file path", "--out")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_versionFile, "version file path", "--ver")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Extracts mini supplementary annotations for the given range from Nirvana Supplementary Annotations files.", commandLineExample)

コード例 #7
ファイル: GeneScoresMain.cs プロジェクト: zhouhufeng/Nirvana
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var creator = new GeneScoresMain();

            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "input gene scores {path}",
                    v => _inputPath = v
                    "output directory {path}",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            var commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputPath, "gene scores file", "--in")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "Output directory", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Reads provided OMIM data files and populates tsv file", commandLineExample)

コード例 #8
ファイル: Downloader.cs プロジェクト: wook2014/Nirvana
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "universal gene archive {path}",
                    v => _universalGeneArchivePath = v
                    "input reference {filename}",
                    v => _inputReferencePath = v
                    "output directory",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            string commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_outputDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_universalGeneArchivePath, "universal gene archive", "--uga")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Download the OMIM gene annotation data", commandLineExample)

コード例 #9
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)

            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "input BED file path",
                    v => _inputFile = v
                    "output directory",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            string commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputFile, "Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy BED file", "--in")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Creates a TSV file with mitochondrial heteroplasmy information", commandLineExample)

コード例 #10
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "Input XML {file}",
                    v => _inputXmlFile = v
                    v => _accessions = v
                    "Output {dir}",
                    v => _outputDir = v

            var commandLineExample = $"{command} --in <xml file> --out <output Directory> --rcv <RCV ID>";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputXmlFile, "input XML file", "--in")
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_outputDir, "output directory", "--out")
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_accessions, "comma separated list of accessions or folder containing mini XML files to update", "--acc")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Extracts mini supplementary annotations for the given range from Nirvana Supplementary Annotations files.", commandLineExample)

コード例 #11
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "universal gene archive file path",
                    v => _universalGeneArchivePath = v
                    "custom TSV file path",
                    v => _inputFile = v
                    "output directory",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            string commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_universalGeneArchivePath, "universal gene archive", "--uga")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputFile, "Custom gene annotation TSV", "--in")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "output", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Creates a supplementary gene annotation database from a custom input file", commandLineExample)

コード例 #12
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "input tsv file",
                    v => _dosageMapRegionFile = v
                    "input reference {filename}",
                    v => _inputReferencePath = v
                    "output directory",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            string commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_dosageMapRegionFile, "dosage map region TSV file", "--tsv")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputReferencePath, "reference sequence file", "--tsv")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Creates an interval annotation database from dbVar data", commandLineExample)

コード例 #13
ファイル: StructVarDb.cs プロジェクト: shannonnana/Nirvana
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "compressed reference sequence file",
                    v => _compressedReference = v
                    "MITOMAP structural variants HTML file",
                    v => MitoMapFileNames.Add(v)
                    "output directory",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            string commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_compressedReference, "compressed reference sequence file name", "--ref")
                           .CheckEachFilenameExists(MitoMapFileNames, "MITOMAP structural variants HTML file", "--in")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Creates a supplementary database with MITOMAP structural variants annotations", commandLineExample)

コード例 #14
ファイル: DownloaderMain.cs プロジェクト: wangdi2014/Nirvana
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "genome assembly {version}",
                    v => _genomeAssembly = v
                    "top-level output {directory}",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(args, ops)
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_genomeAssembly, "genome assembly", "--ga")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "top-level output directory", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Downloads the Nirvana data files from S3", "--ga <genome assembly> --out <output directory>")

コード例 #15
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "VCF file with dbSNP ids and data to be remapped",
                    v => _srcMapFile = v
                    "VCF file (with same chromosome order as src) with destination dbSNP mapping",
                    v => _destMapFile = v

            var commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_srcMapFile, "VCF file with dbSNP ids and data to be remapped", "--src")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_destMapFile, "VCF file with destination dbSNP mapping", "--des")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Reads provided supplementary data files and populates tsv files", commandLineExample)

コード例 #16
ファイル: JasixMain.cs プロジェクト: wook2014/Nirvana
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "print also the header lines",
                    v => _printHeader = v != null
                    "print only the header lines",
                    v => _printHeaderOnly = v != null
                    "list chromosome and section names",
                    v => _list = v != null
                    "create index",
                    v => _createIndex = v != null
                    v => _inputJson = v
                    "compressed output file name (default:console)",
                    v => _outputFile = v
                    "query range",
                    v => Queries.Add(v)
                    "complete section (positions or genes) to output",
                    v => _section = v

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(args, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputJson, "input Json file", "[in.json.gz]")
                           .DisableOutput(!_createIndex && _outputFile == null)
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Indexes a Nirvana annotated JSON file", "-i in.json.gz [options]")

コード例 #17
        public void ShowBanner_EnabledOutput()
            var ops = new OptionSet {
                { "test=", "test", v => { } }

            var banner = new ConsoleAppBuilder(null, ops).UseVersionProvider(new VersionProvider())

            Assert.True(banner is ConsoleAppBanner);
コード例 #18
        public void Build_NoCommandAndProgramMainGiven_ThrowsException()
            var builder = new ConsoleAppBuilder(Array.Empty <string>());

            // Act
            Action act = () => builder.Build();

            // Assert
            .Throw <InvalidOperationException>();
コード例 #19
        public void VersionProvider_Set()
            var ops = new OptionSet {
                { "test=", "test", v => { } }

            var data = new ConsoleAppBuilder(null, ops).UseVersionProvider(new VersionProvider())

            Assert.True(data.VersionProvider is VersionProvider);
コード例 #20
ファイル: SpliceAiDb.cs プロジェクト: wangdi2014/Nirvana
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)

            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "compressed reference sequence file",
                    v => _compressedReference = v
                    "Transcript cache prefix",
                    v => _transcriptCachePrefix = v
                    "Gene info data file from NCBI",
                    v => _geneInfoFile = v
                    "input VCF file path",
                    v => _inputFile = v
                    "output directory",
                    v => _outputDirectory = v

            string commandLineExample = $"{command} [options]";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_compressedReference, "compressed reference sequence file name", "--ref")
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_transcriptCachePrefix, "transcript cache file", "--cache")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(CacheConstants.TranscriptPath(_transcriptCachePrefix), "transcript cache prefix", "--cache")
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_inputFile, "SpliceAI VCF file", "--in")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputFile, "SpliceAI VCF file", "--in")
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_geneInfoFile, "Gene info data file from NCBI", "--gene")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_geneInfoFile, "Gene info data file from NCBI", "--gene")
                           .HasRequiredParameter(_outputDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .CheckDirectoryExists(_outputDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Creates a supplementary database containing 1000 Genomes allele frequencies", commandLineExample)

コード例 #21
        public static ExitCodes Run(string command, string[] commandArgs)
            var extractor = new ExtractMiniSaMain();

            var ops = new OptionSet
                    "compressed reference sequence file",
                    v => _compressedReference = v
                    "input Nirvana Supplementary Annotations {file}",
                    v => _inputSuppAnnotPath = v
                    "data source {name}",
                    v => _dataSourceName = v
                    "reference begin {position}",
                    (int v) => _begin = v
                    "reference end {allele}",
                    (int v) => _end = v
                    "output {directory}",
                    v => _miniSaDirectory = v

            var commandLineExample = $"{command} --in <Supplementary Annotations path> --out <Supplementary Annotations Directory> --begin <position> --end <position> --name <dataSource>";

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(commandArgs, ops)
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_inputSuppAnnotPath, "Nirvana supplementary annotations", "--in")
                           .CheckInputFilenameExists(_compressedReference, "Compressed reference sequence file name", "--ref")
                           .HasRequiredParameter <string>(_miniSaDirectory, "output directory", "--out")
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Extracts mini supplementary annotations for the given range from Nirvana Supplementary Annotations files.", commandLineExample)

コード例 #22
        public void HasRequiredDate_Exists_BadFormat()
            string observedDate = default;
            var    ops          = new OptionSet {
                { "date=", "date", v => observedDate = v }

            var validator = new ConsoleAppBuilder(new[] { "--date", "garbage" }, ops)
                            .HasRequiredDate(observedDate, "date", "--date");

            Assert.True(validator.Data.Errors.Count > 0);
コード例 #23
        public void Parse_UnsupportedOption()
            var ops = new OptionSet {
                { "test=", "test", v => { } }

            var data = new ConsoleAppBuilder(new[] { "--if", "-" }, ops)

            Assert.Equal(2, data.UnsupportedOps.Count);
コード例 #24
        public void CheckOutputFilenameSuffix_False()
            var ops = new OptionSet {
                { "date=", "date", v => { } }

            var validator = new ConsoleAppBuilder(new[] { "--date", "2018-03-14" }, ops)
                            .CheckOutputFilenameSuffix("test.json", ".gz", "temp");

            Assert.NotEqual(ExitCodes.Success, validator.Data.ExitCode);
            Assert.True(validator.Data.Errors.Count > 0);
コード例 #25
        public void Build_ProgramMainHasPrivateCtor_ThrowsException()
            var builder = new ConsoleAppBuilder(Array.Empty <string>());

            builder.UseProgramMain <TestProgramMainWithPrivateCtor>();

            // Act
            Action act = () => builder.Build();

            // Assert
            .Throw <InvalidOperationException>();
コード例 #26
        public void Build_ProgramMainHasInvalidCtorArgs_ReturnsIntMinValue()
            var builder = new ConsoleAppBuilder(Array.Empty <string>());

            builder.UseProgramMain <TestProgramMainWithInvalidCtorArgs>();

            // Act
            Action act = () => builder.Build();

            // Assert
            .Throw <InvalidOperationException>();
コード例 #27
        public async Task RunSync_DifferentRoutesToDefaultAction_ActionIsExecuted(params string[] args)
            var consoleApp = new ConsoleAppBuilder(args)
                             .UseActions(x =>
                                         x.AddController <TestMultiRouteCliController>().UseMiddleware <CliRoutingMiddleware>())

            // Act
            var result = await consoleApp.RunAsync();

            // Assert
コード例 #28
        public void Build_WithStartup_StartupCreatedAndCalled()
            var builder = new ConsoleAppBuilder(Array.Empty <string>());

            builder.UseProgramMain <TestProgramMain>();
            builder.UseStartup <TestStartup>();

            // Act
            var _ = builder.Build();

            // Assert
コード例 #29
        /// <summary>   Registers an executor for a main program. </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">    Thrown when the program main class could not
        ///                                                 be created. </exception>
        /// <typeparam name="TProgramMain"> Type of the program main class. </typeparam>
        /// <param name="consoleAppBuilder">    The consoleAppBuilder to act on. </param>
        /// <returns>   The ConsoleAppBuilder. </returns>
        public static ConsoleAppBuilder UseProgramMain <TProgramMain>(this ConsoleAppBuilder consoleAppBuilder)
            where TProgramMain : IMain
            return(consoleAppBuilder.UseExecutor(sp =>
                var main = typeof(TProgramMain).CreateInstance <IMain>(sp);

                if (main == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                return new MainExecutor(main);
コード例 #30
        public void Parse_ShowOutput()
            var ops = new OptionSet {
                { "test=", "test", v => { } }

            var exitCode = new ConsoleAppBuilder(new[] { "--test", "test" }, ops)
                           .ShowHelpMenu("description", "example")
                           .Execute(() => ExitCodes.Success);

            Assert.Equal(ExitCodes.Success, exitCode);