コード例 #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostInvoice([FromBody] List <Invoice> invoices)
            // Verify whether any invoice was sent to the server
            if (invoices.Any())
                // Create new empty list to saved success invoices that will be processed to the server
                List <Invoice> successInvoices = new List <Invoice>();

                // Create new empty list to save invoices that could not be processed to the server
                List <Object> errorInvoices = new List <Object>();

                // Iterate through all invoices sent
                foreach (var invoice in invoices)
                    // Verify whether invoice number is not duplicated
                    if (_context.Invoices.Any(x => x.InvoiceNumber == invoice.InvoiceNumber))
                        // Add order to error list if invoice number already exists
                        errorInvoices.Add(new { invoice, error = $"Invoice number {invoice.InvoiceNumber} already exists" });

                        // Continue with the next iteration

                    // Verify whether order number exists
                    if (!_context.Orders.Any(x => x.OrderNumber == invoice.OrderNumber))
                        // Add order to error list if invoice number already exists
                        errorInvoices.Add(new { invoice, error = $"Order number {invoice.OrderNumber} for invoice {invoice.InvoiceNumber} does not exist" });

                        // Continue with the next iteration

                    // Get invoice items
                    List <InvoiceItem> items = invoice.Items;

                    // Verify whether the invoice has items
                    if (items == null || !items.Any())
                        // Add invoice to error list if not any item was specified
                        errorInvoices.Add(new { invoice, error = "Items can not be empty" });

                        // Continue with the next iteration

                    // Add success invoice to the list

                // Create new empty list to save invoices that will be sent to the server
                List <Object> savedInvoices = new List <Object>();

                // Verify whether success invoices list is not empty
                if (successInvoices.Any())
                    // Create a new synchronization record
                    SynchronizationRecord synchronizationRecord = new SynchronizationRecord
                        Route                = successInvoices.FirstOrDefault().Route,
                        TypeOfCatalogId      = "8", // Invoice
                        TypeOfVisitId        = "2", // Delivery
                        FileName             = "api.v1.invoices.postinvoices",
                        SynchronizationDate  = DateTime.Now,
                        RecordsRead          = successInvoices.Count,
                        RecordsSynchronized1 = successInvoices.Count,
                        RecordsSynchronized2 = successInvoices.Count,
                        ProcessType          = Enumerations.ProcessType.Upload

                    // Add synchronization record to the context

                    // Save synchronization record to the database
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    // Iterate through success invoices
                    foreach (var invoice in successInvoices)
                        // Set default values to invoice instance
                        invoice.SynchronizationDate = DateTime.Now;
                        invoice.IsInvoiceFinished   = false;
                        invoice.IsInvoiceCanceled   = false;
                        invoice.SynchronizationId   = synchronizationRecord.Id;

                        // Add invoice to the context

                        // Get order by order number
                        Order order = _context
                                      .Where(x => x.OrderNumber == invoice.OrderNumber)

                        // Verify whether order is not null
                        if (order != null)
                            // Set is order finished to true
                            order.IsOrderFinished = true;

                            // Add order to modified state
                            _context.Entry(order).State = EntityState.Modified;

                        // Save invoice changes
                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // Add saved invoice to the list
                        savedInvoices.Add(new { invoice });

                    // Get max invoice number
                    int lastInvoiceSequence = invoices
                                              .Select(x => Int32.Parse(x.InvoiceNumber.Split("-")[1]))

                    // Get last invoice number
                    string lastInvoiceNumber = invoices
                                               .Where(x => x.InvoiceNumber == $"{invoices.First().Route}-{lastInvoiceSequence.ToString()}")
                                               .Select(x => x.InvoiceNumber)

                    // Get current consecutive invoice number
                    ConsecutiveInvoice consecutiveInvoice = _context
                                                            .Where(x => x.Route == invoices.First().Route)
                                                            .Where(x => x.DocumentTypeId == "1")

                    // Verify whether last invoice number from invoices list is greater than last consecutive invoice number
                    if (lastInvoiceSequence > consecutiveInvoice.SequenceNumber)
                        consecutiveInvoice.SequenceNumber = lastInvoiceSequence;
                        consecutiveInvoice.SequenceNumber += 1;

                    consecutiveInvoice.LastInvoiceNumber = lastInvoiceNumber;
                    consecutiveInvoice.UpdatedAt         = DateTime.Now;

                    // Update consecutive invoice
                    _context.Entry(consecutiveInvoice).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    // Save changes to database
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(StatusCode(201, new { InvoicesWithoutErrors = savedInvoices, InvoicesWithErrors = errorInvoices }));
                return(BadRequest("Invoices can not be empty"));
コード例 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostPaymentReceipt([FromBody] List <PaymentReceipt> paymentReceipts)
            // Verify whether any invoice was sent to the server
            if (paymentReceipts.Any())
                // Create new empty list to saved success receipts that will be processed to the server
                List <PaymentReceipt> successReceipts = new List <PaymentReceipt>();

                // Create new empty list to save receipts that could not be processed to the server
                List <Object> errorReceipts = new List <Object>();

                // Iterate through all receipts sent
                foreach (var receipt in paymentReceipts)
                    // Verify whether receipt number is not duplicated
                    if (_context.PaymentReceipts.Any(x => x.ReceiptNumber == receipt.ReceiptNumber))
                        // Add order to error list if receipt number already exists
                        errorReceipts.Add(new { receipt, error = $"Receipt number {receipt.ReceiptNumber} already exists" });

                        // Continue with the next iteration

                    // Get receipt items
                    List <PaymentReceiptItem> items = receipt.Items;

                    // Verify whether the receipt has items
                    if (items == null || !items.Any())
                        // Add receipt to error list if not any item was specified
                        errorReceipts.Add(new { receipt, error = "Items can not be empty" });

                        // Continue with the next iteration

                    // Add success invoice to the list

                // Create new empty list to save receipts that will be sent to the server
                List <Object> savedReceipts = new List <Object>();

                // Verify whether success receipts list is not empty
                if (successReceipts.Any())
                    // Create a new synchronization record
                    SynchronizationRecord synchronizationRecord = new SynchronizationRecord
                        Route                = successReceipts.FirstOrDefault().Route,
                        TypeOfCatalogId      = "7", // Receipt
                        TypeOfVisitId        = "2", // Delivery
                        FileName             = "api.v1.paymentreceipts.postpaymentreceipts",
                        SynchronizationDate  = DateTime.Now,
                        RecordsRead          = successReceipts.Count,
                        RecordsSynchronized1 = successReceipts.Count,
                        RecordsSynchronized2 = successReceipts.Count,
                        ProcessType          = Enumerations.ProcessType.Upload

                    // Add synchronization record to the context

                    // Save synchronization record to the database
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    // Iterate through success receipts
                    foreach (var receipt in successReceipts)
                        // Set default values to receipt instance
                        receipt.SynchronizationDate = DateTime.Now;
                        receipt.SynchronizationId   = synchronizationRecord.Id;

                        // Add receipt to the context

                        // Save invoice changes
                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // Add saved receipt to the list
                        savedReceipts.Add(new { receipt });

                    // Get max receipt sequence
                    int lastReceiptSequence = paymentReceipts
                                              .Select(x => Int32.Parse(x.ReceiptNumber.Split("-")[1]))

                    // Get last receipt number
                    string lastReceiptNumber = paymentReceipts
                                               .Where(x => x.ReceiptNumber == $"{paymentReceipts.First().Route}-{lastReceiptSequence.ToString()}")
                                               .Select(x => x.ReceiptNumber)

                    // Get current consecutive receipt number
                    ConsecutiveInvoice consecutiveInvoice = _context
                                                            .Where(x => x.Route == paymentReceipts.First().Route)
                                                            .Where(x => x.DocumentTypeId == "2")

                    // Verify whether last receipt number from receipts list is greater than last consecutive receipt number
                    if (lastReceiptSequence > consecutiveInvoice.SequenceNumber)
                        consecutiveInvoice.SequenceNumber = lastReceiptSequence;
                        consecutiveInvoice.SequenceNumber += 1;

                    consecutiveInvoice.LastInvoiceNumber = lastReceiptNumber;
                    consecutiveInvoice.UpdatedAt         = DateTime.Now;

                    // Update consecutive invoice
                    _context.Entry(consecutiveInvoice).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    // Save changes to database
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(StatusCode(201, new { ReceiptsWithoutErrors = savedReceipts, ReceiptsWithErrors = errorReceipts }));
                return(BadRequest("Payment receipts can not be empty"));