コード例 #1
        // GET: Login

        public async Task <Boolean> ValidateUser(UserDetailModel user)
            db = new ConnectionStrings();
            var uriBuilder = db.GetCouchUrl();

            Boolean valid = false;

            using (var client = new MyCouchClient(uriBuilder))
                var notifications = await client.Views.QueryAsync <UserDetailModel>(new QueryViewRequest("userCredential", "user-credential"));

                UserDetailModel ud = new UserDetailModel();

                var ss = notifications.Rows.Where(r => r.Value.password == user.password && r.Value.userid == user.userid);

                List <UserDetailModel> un = notifications.Rows.Select(r => r.Value).ToList();

                foreach (var item in un)
                    if (item.userid != null && item.userid == user.userid && item.password == user.password)
                        valid = true;

コード例 #2
		public async Task<ActionResult> GetElements([FromBody]string siteid)
			db = new ConnectionStrings();
			var uriBuilder = db.GetCouchUrl();
			List<ElementModel> elements = new List<ElementModel>();
			using (var client = new MyCouchClient(uriBuilder))

				//Configuring the view that has to be queried
				var query = new QueryViewRequest("elementList", "element-list").Configure(query1 => query1

				//var result3 = await client.Views.QueryAsync<ElementModel>(query);

				var notifications = await client.Views.QueryAsync<ElementModel>(query);
				elements = notifications.Rows.Select(r => r.Value).ToList();

			return Json(elements);
コード例 #3
		public async Task<ActionResult> SetElementStatus([FromBody] ElementModel revelement)

			db = new ConnectionStrings();
			var uriBuilder = db.GetCouchUrl();
			List<ElementModel> element = new List<ElementModel>();
			DateTime currentTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
			using (var client = new MyCouchClient(uriBuilder))

				// updating the revised element status
				var notifications = await client.Entities.PutAsync(revelement);

				//Configuring the view that has to be queried
				//var query = new QueryViewRequest("elementList", "element-list").Configure(query1 => query1

				//var notifications = await client.Views.QueryAsync<ElementModel>(query);
				//element = notifications.Rows.Select(r => r.Value).ToList();

			return Json(element);

コード例 #4
		public async Task<ActionResult> GetElement([FromBody]Elementid elementid)
			 * request.Configure(q => q
		  .Stale(bool value)
		  .IncludeDocs(bool value)
		  .Descending(bool value)
		  .Key(string value)
		  .Keys(params string[] value)
		  .StartKey(string value)
		  .StartKeyDocId(string value)
		  .EndKey(string value)
		  .EndKeyDocId(string value)
		  .InclusiveEnd(bool value)
		  .Skip(int value)
		  .Limit(int value)
		  .Reduce(bool value)
		  .UpdateSeq(bool value)
		  .Group(bool value)
		  .GroupLevel(int value));
			db = new ConnectionStrings();
			var uriBuilder = db.GetCouchUrl();
			List<ElementModel> element = new List<ElementModel>();
			using (var client = new MyCouchClient(uriBuilder))
				//Configuring the view that has to be queried
				var query = new QueryViewRequest("qrElement", "qrElement-view").Configure(query1 => query1

				//var result3 = await client.Views.QueryAsync<ElementModel>(query);

				var notifications = await client.Views.QueryAsync<ElementModel>(query);
				element = notifications.Rows.Select(r => r.Value).ToList();

			return Json(element);
コード例 #5
		public async Task<ActionResult> GetSites([FromBody]string role)//
			db = new ConnectionStrings();
			var uriBuilder = db.GetCouchUrl();

			List<SiteModel> sites = new List<SiteModel>();
			List<SiteModel> siteslist = new List<SiteModel>();

			using (var client = new MyCouchClient(uriBuilder))
				var notifications = await client.Views.QueryAsync<SiteModel>(new QueryViewRequest("siteList", "site-list"));
				sites = notifications.Rows.Select(r => r.Value).ToList();
				foreach (var item in sites)
					//Add a check based on the role once confirmed from the user
					if (item.sitename != null)
			return Json(siteslist);