コード例 #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        id = Session["id"].ToString().Trim();

        ConnMySql       connMySql = new ConnMySql();
        string          sql       = "select name,gender,age,department,address,ps from stuInfor where id='" + id + "'";
        MySqlDataReader myDR      = connMySql.GetData(sql);

        if (myDR.Read())
            name       = myDR[0].ToString().Trim();
            gender     = myDR[1].ToString().Trim();
            age        = myDR[2].ToString().Trim();
            department = myDR[3].ToString().Trim();
            address    = myDR[4].ToString().Trim();
            ps         = myDR[5].ToString().Trim();

            idVal.Text   = id;
            nameVal.Text = name;
            //if (gender == "1")

            //    genderVal.Text = "男";
            //else if(gender == "0"){
            //    genderVal.Text = "女";
            genderVal.Text     = gender;
            ageVal.Text        = age;
            departmentVal.Text = department;
            addressVal.Text    = address;
            psVal.Text         = ps;
コード例 #2
    protected void Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //MySqlCommand sqlcmd = new MySqlCommand();
        //sqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", nameVal.Text.ToString());
        ConnMySql connMySql = new ConnMySql();
        string    sql       = "select password from account where id='";

        sql += nameVal.Text.ToString() + "'";
        MySqlDataReader myDR = connMySql.GetData(sql);

        if (myDR.Read())
            if (myDR[0].ToString() == passwordVal.Text.ToString())
                Session["id"]       = nameVal.Text.ToString().Trim();
                Session["password"] = passwordVal.Text.ToString().Trim();
                Response.Write("<script>alert(" + "'Wrong password.'" + ");</script>");
            Response.Write("<script>alert(" + "'ID does not exist.'" + ");</script>");
コード例 #3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        id = Session["id"].ToString().Trim();
        ConnMySql       connMySql = new ConnMySql();
        string          sql       = "select score from stuScore where id='" + id + "' and courseNo='" + c1 + "'";
        MySqlDataReader myDR      = connMySql.GetData(sql);

        if (myDR.Read())
            math.Text = myDR[0].ToString();
        sql  = "select score from stuScore where id='" + id + "' and courseNo='" + c2 + "'";
        myDR = connMySql.GetData(sql);
        if (myDR.Read())
            computer.Text = myDR[0].ToString();
        sql  = "select score from stuScore where id='" + id + "' and courseNo='" + c3 + "'";
        myDR = connMySql.GetData(sql);
        if (myDR.Read())
            english.Text = myDR[0].ToString();
        sql  = "select score from stuScore where id='" + id + "' and courseNo='" + c4 + "'";
        myDR = connMySql.GetData(sql);
        if (myDR.Read())
            pe.Text = myDR[0].ToString();
コード例 #4
ファイル: Add.aspx.cs プロジェクト: LamboChen/asp
    protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ConnMySql connMySql = new ConnMySql();
        string    sql       = "update stuInfor set name='" + this.nameVal.Text + "',gender='" + genderVal.Text + "',age=" + int.Parse(ageVal.Text) + ",department='" + departmentVal.Text + "',address='" + addressVal.Text + "',ps='" + psVal.Text + "' where id='" + id + "'";

        MySqlDataReader myDR = connMySql.GetData(sql);

        Response.Write("<script>alert(" + "'Successful operation." + "');</script>");
コード例 #5
    protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string name       = nameVal.Text.ToString().Trim();
        string gender     = genderVal.Text.ToString().Trim();
        string age        = ageVal.Text.ToString().Trim();
        string department = departmentVal.Text.ToString().Trim();
        string address    = addressVal.Text.ToString().Trim();
        string ps         = psVal.Text.ToString().Trim();
        string password   = passwordVal.Text.ToString().Trim();

        string id   = "";
        int    agei = int.Parse(age);

        if (name.Length > 6 || gender.Length > 1 || age.Length > 3 || department.Length > 10 || address.Length > 20 || ps.Length > 40 || password.Length > 20)
            Response.Write("<script>alert(" + "'Data is illegal.'" + ");</script>");
            ConnMySql connMySql = new ConnMySql();
            string    sql       = "select max(id) from account";

            MySqlDataReader myDR = connMySql.GetData(sql);
            if (myDR.Read())
                id = myDR[0].ToString().Trim();
                id = (int.Parse(id) + 1).ToString();

            sql  = "insert into stuInfor(id,name,gender,age,department,address,ps) values('" + id + "','" + name + "','" + gender + "'," + age + ",'" + department + "','" + address + "','" + ps + "')";
            myDR = connMySql.GetData(sql);
            sql  = "insert into account(id,password) values('" + id + "','" + password + "')";
            myDR = connMySql.GetData(sql);
            Response.Write("<script>alert(" + "'Registrantion success.User ID:" + id + "');</script>");
コード例 #6
        private void BindRepeater()
            ConnMySql    DadosMysql    = new ConnMySql();
            ConnPostgres DadosPostgres = new ConnPostgres();

            var TblPMySql = new DataTable();                       // mysql

            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("product_id", typeof(int));      //11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("model", typeof(string));        //64) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("sku", typeof(string));          //64) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("upc", typeof(string));          //12) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("ean", typeof(string));          //14) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("jan", typeof(string));          //13) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("isbn", typeof(string));         //17) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("mpn", typeof(string));          //64) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("location", typeof(string));     //128) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("quantity", typeof(int));        //4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("stock_status_id", typeof(int)); //11) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("image", typeof(string));        //255) DEFAULT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("manufacturer_id", typeof(int)); //11) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("shipping", typeof(string));     //11) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("price", typeof(decimal));       //15,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("points", typeof(int));          //8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("tax_class_id", typeof(int));    //11) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("date_available", typeof(int));  //11) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("weight", typeof(decimal));      //15,8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000000',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("weight_class_id", typeof(int)); //11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("length", typeof(decimal));      //15,8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000000',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("width", typeof(decimal));       //15,8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000000',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("height", typeof(decimal));      //15,8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000000',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("length_class_id", typeof(int)); //11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("subtractl_table", typeof(int)); //11) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("minimum", typeof(int));         //11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("sort_order", typeof(int));      //11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("statusl_table", typeof(int));   //11) NOT NULL,
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("viewed", typeof(int));          //5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
            TblPMySql.Columns.Add("date_added", typeof(DateTime)); //

            var TblPostrgres = new DataTable();                    // postgres

            TblPostrgres.Columns.Add("nome", typeof(string));
            TblPostrgres.Columns.Add("descricao", typeof(string));
            TblPostrgres.Columns.Add("modelo", typeof(string));
            TblPostrgres.Columns.Add("departamento", typeof(string));
            TblPostrgres.Columns.Add("preco", typeof(string));
            TblPostrgres.Columns.Add("quantidade", typeof(string));
            TblPostrgres.Columns.Add("barras", typeof(string));

            var TblPostrgresDepto = new DataTable(); // postgres

            TblPostrgresDepto.Columns.Add("cod", typeof(string));
            TblPostrgresDepto.Columns.Add("sec", typeof(string));

            var TblMySqlDepto = new DataTable(); // postgres

            TblMySqlDepto.Columns.Add("category_id", typeof(string));
            TblMySqlDepto.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
            TblMySqlDepto.Columns.Add("language_id", typeof(string));

            string PSql = " SELECT * from web.prd_cad where uad = 1 order by descricao ";

            // populando os Datatables
            TblPMySql    = DadosMysql.RetornaDados("SELECT * FROM occe_product ");
            TblPostrgres = DadosPostgres.RetornaDados(PSql);

            TblPostrgresDepto = DadosPostgres.RetornaDadosDepto("select * from web.cad_sec ");

            TblMySqlDepto = DadosMysql.RetornaDadosDepto("SELECT * FROM occe_category_description");
            int UlID = DadosMysql.RetornaMaxId("SELECT max(category_id) as category_id FROM occe_category_description");


            List <DataRow> ListM  = TblPMySql.AsEnumerable().ToList();
            List <DataRow> ListP  = TblPostrgres.AsEnumerable().ToList();
            List <DataRow> ListMD = TblMySqlDepto.AsEnumerable().ToList();
            List <DataRow> ListPD = TblPostrgresDepto.AsEnumerable().ToList();

            int P  = TblPostrgres.Rows.Count;
            int M  = TblPMySql.Rows.Count;
            int PD = TblPostrgresDepto.Rows.Count;
            int MD = TblMySqlDepto.Rows.Count;

            var TblPMySqlKeys1 = TblPMySql.Select().Select((r) => (string)r["ean"]);
            var l_addedRows    = TblPostrgres.Select().Where((r) => !TblPMySqlKeys1.Contains((string)r["barras"]));

            DataTable tbDadosEncontrados = new DataTable();
            DataTable tbDadosNovos       = new DataTable();

            tbDadosNovos.Columns.Add("Registros", typeof(String));

            foreach (var l_addedRow in l_addedRows)
                descricao  = l_addedRow["descricao"].ToString();
                ean        = l_addedRow["barras"].ToString();
                valor      = l_addedRow["preco"].ToString();
                quantidade = l_addedRow["quantidade"].ToString();

                tbDadosEncontrados = DadosMysql.RetornaDados("SELECT * FROM occe_product where ean = '" + ean + "' ");
                int       Registros = 0;
                DataRow[] rows;

                rows = tbDadosEncontrados.Select("ean = '" + ean + "' ");

                foreach (DataRow dr in rows)
                    Mdescricao  = dr["model"].ToString();
                    Mvalor      = dr["price"].ToString();
                    Mean        = dr["ean"].ToString();
                    Mquantidade = dr["quantity"].ToString();

                Registros = rows.Length;
                string num = Registros.ToString();
                descricao = descricao.Replace("'", "");
                if (Registros > 0 && ean != "")
                    if (Mdescricao != descricao || Mvalor != valor || Mean != ean || Mquantidade != quantidade)
                        // DadosMysql.CloseConnection();
                        DadosMysql.Insert("update occe_product set model = '" + descricao + "', quantity = '" + quantidade + "', date_modified = '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' ");
                        var Linha = "Produto Atualizado: " + ean + " - " + descricao + " ";
                        rptCustomers.DataSource = tbDadosNovos;

                if (Registros == 0)
                    // DadosMysql.CloseConnection();
                    DadosMysql.Insert("INSERT INTO occe_product (product_id, model, sku, upc, ean, jan, isbn, mpn, location, quantity, stock_status_id, image, manufacturer_id, shipping, price, points, tax_class_id, date_available, weight, weight_class_id, length, width, height, length_class_id, subtract, minimum, sort_order, status, viewed, date_added, date_modified) VALUES (NULL, '" + descricao + "', '', '', '" + ean + "', '', '', '', '', '" + quantidade + "', '7', NULL, '5','1', '" + valor + "', '0', '0', '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "', '0.00000000', '0', '0.00000000', '0.00000000', '0.00000000', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "', '0000-00-00'); ");
                    var Linha = "Novo Produto Adicionado: " + l_addedRow["barras"].ToString() + " - " + l_addedRow["descricao"].ToString();
                    rptCustomers.DataSource = tbDadosEncontrados;

            rptCustomers.DataSource = rptCustomers;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Delete.aspx.cs プロジェクト: LamboChen/asp
 protected void psBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ConnMySql       connMySql = new ConnMySql();
     string          sql       = "update stuInfor set ps='' where id='" + id + "'";
     MySqlDataReader myDR      = connMySql.GetData(sql);