public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { IAntiTamper ver; Confuser.Database.AddEntry("AntiTamper", "Type", parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] ?? "normal"); if (parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] == "jit") { ver = new JIT(); } else { ver = new Mem(); } ver.AddHelper = AddHelper; ver.Confuser = Confuser; cion.vers[mod] = ver; ver.InitPhase1(mod); ver.Phase1(mod); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { MethodDefinition t = null; foreach (var i in mod.GetType("Confuser.Test.Program").Methods) { if (i.Name == "T") { t = i; break; } } t.IsStatic = true; t.HasThis = false; t.DeclaringType.Methods.Remove(t); t.DeclaringType = null; mod.GetType("<Module>").Methods.Add(t); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { AssemblyDefinition self = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Iid).Assembly.Location); TypeDefinition type = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, self.MainModule.GetType("AntiDumping")); mod.Types.Add(type); TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); ILProcessor psr = modType.GetStaticConstructor().Body.GetILProcessor(); psr.InsertBefore(psr.Body.Instructions.Count - 1, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, type.Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "Initalize"))); type.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetNewName("AntiDumping" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); type.Namespace = ""; AddHelper(type, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); foreach (MethodDefinition mtdDef in type.Methods) { mtdDef.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetNewName(mtdDef.Name + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); AddHelper(mtdDef, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { IList <IAnnotationProvider> targets = parameter.Target as IList <IAnnotationProvider>; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++) { MethodDefinition mtd = targets[i] as MethodDefinition; if (!mtd.HasBody || mtd.DeclaringType.FullName == "<Module>") { continue; } MethodBody bdy = mtd.Body; foreach (Instruction inst in bdy.Instructions) { if (inst.OpCode.Code == Code.Newobj && !((inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType is GenericInstanceType) && !(inst.Operand is GenericInstanceMethod)) { CreateDelegate(mtd.Body, inst, inst.Operand as MethodReference, mod); } } progresser.SetProgress((i + 1) / (double)targets.Count); } double total = cc.txts.Count; int interval = 1; if (total > 1000) { interval = (int)total / 100; } for (int i = 0; i < cc.txts.Count; i++) { CreateFieldBridge(mod, cc.txts[i]); if (i % interval == 0 || i == cc.txts.Count - 1) { progresser.SetProgress((i + 1) / total); } } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { /*_Context _txt = cc.txts[mod]; * * int total = _txt.txts.Count; * int interval = 1; * if (total > 1000) * interval = (int)total / 100; * for (int i = 0; i < _txt.txts.Count; i++) * { * Context txt = _txt.txts[i]; * txt.fld.Name = GetId(txt.mtdRef.Module, txt.mtdRef); * * if (!(txt.fld as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations.Contains("CtorProxyCtored")) * { * ILProcessor psr = txt.dele.GetStaticConstructor().Body.GetILProcessor(); * psr.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, txt.fld); * psr.Emit(OpCodes.Call, _txt.proxy); * (txt.fld as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations["CtorProxyCtored"] = true; * } * * if (i % interval == 0 || i == _txt.txts.Count - 1) * progresser.SetProgress(i + 1, total); * } * * total = _txt.delegates.Count; * interval = 1; * if (total > 1000) * interval = (int)total / 100; * IEnumerator<TypeDefinition> etor = _txt.delegates.Values.GetEnumerator(); * etor.MoveNext(); * for (int i = 0; i < _txt.delegates.Count; i++) * { * etor.Current.GetStaticConstructor().Body.GetILProcessor().Emit(OpCodes.Ret); * etor.MoveNext(); * if (i % interval == 0 || i == cc.txts.Count - 1) * progresser.SetProgress(i + 1, total); * }*/ }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { IMemberDefinition mem = parameter.Target as IMemberDefinition; if (mem is TypeDefinition) { TypeDefinition type = mem as TypeDefinition; if ((bool)(type as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations["RenOk"]) { type.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetNewName(type.FullName); type.Namespace = ""; Identifier id = (Identifier)(type as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations["RenId"]; Identifier n = id; = type.Name; n.scope = type.Namespace; foreach (IReference refer in (type as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations["RenRef"] as List <IReference> ) { refer.UpdateReference(id, n); } } } else if (mem is MethodDefinition) { MethodDefinition mtd = mem as MethodDefinition; PerformMethod(mtd); } else if ((bool)(mem as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations["RenOk"]) { mem.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetNewName(mem.Name); Identifier id = (Identifier)(mem as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations["RenId"]; Identifier n = id; n.scope = mem.DeclaringType.FullName; = mem.Name; foreach (IReference refer in (mem as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations["RenRef"] as List <IReference> ) { refer.UpdateReference(id, n); } } }
void ProcessSafe(ConfusionParameter parameter) { List <Context> txts = new List <Context>(); ExtractData(parameter.Target as IList <IAnnotationProvider>, txts, Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "numeric") != -1); int[] ids = new int[txts.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { int idx = txts[i].mtd.Body.Instructions.IndexOf(txts[i].str); object val = txts[i].str.Operand; if (IsNull(val)) { continue; } if (cc.dict.ContainsKey(val)) { ids[i] = (int)(cc.dict[val] ^ ComputeHash(txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(), (uint)cc.key0, (uint)cc.key1, (uint)cc.key2, (uint)cc.key3)); } else { byte t; byte[] ori = GetOperand(val, out t); byte[] dat = EncryptSafe(ori, cc.key0 ^ cc.idx); ids[i] = (int)(cc.idx ^ ComputeHash(txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(), (uint)cc.key0, (uint)cc.key1, (uint)cc.key2, (uint)cc.key3)); cc.dats.Add(new Data() { Dat = dat, Type = t }); cc.dict[val] = cc.idx; cc.idx += dat.Length + 5; } } FinalizeBodies(txts, ids); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { method = parameter.Target as MethodDefinition; if (!method.HasBody) { return; } int slv = 5; if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.Parameters.AllKeys, "level") != -1) { if (!int.TryParse(parameter.Parameters["level"], out slv) && (slv <= 0 || slv > 10)) { Log("Invaild level, 5 will be used."); slv = 5; } } genJunk = false; if (method.Module.Architecture != TargetArchitecture.I386) { genJunk = false; } else if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.Parameters.AllKeys, "genjunk") != -1) { if (!bool.TryParse(parameter.Parameters["genjunk"], out genJunk)) { Log("Invaild junk code parameter, junk code would not generated."); genJunk = false; } } double trueLv = slv / 10.0; MethodBody body = method.Body; body.ComputeHeader(); body.MaxStackSize += 5; Dictionary <Instruction, Level> Ids = GetIds(body); Level[] lvs = GetLvs(Ids); List <Instruction[]> scopes = new List <Instruction[]>(); foreach (Level lv in lvs) { scopes.Add(GetInstructionsByLv(lv, Ids)); } body.Instructions.Clear(); Dictionary <Instruction, Instruction> HdrTbl = new Dictionary <Instruction, Instruction>(); for (int i = 0; i < scopes.Count; i++) { Instruction[] scope = scopes[i]; Instruction[][] blocks; blocks = BranchesSplit(scope, trueLv); AddBranches(body, ref blocks); Reorder(ref blocks); HdrTbl.Add(scope[0], blocks[0][0]); foreach (Instruction[] iblk in blocks) { body.Instructions.Add(iblk[0]); for (int ii = 1; ii < iblk.Length; ii++) { Instruction tmp; if (iblk[ii].Operand is Instruction) { if (HdrTbl.TryGetValue(iblk[ii].Operand as Instruction, out tmp) && tmp != blocks[0][0]) { iblk[ii].Operand = tmp; } } else if (iblk[ii].Operand is Instruction[]) { Instruction[] op = iblk[ii].Operand as Instruction[]; for (int iii = 0; iii < op.Length; iii++) { if (HdrTbl.TryGetValue(op[iii], out tmp) && tmp != blocks[0][0]) { op[iii] = tmp; } } iblk[ii].Operand = op; } body.Instructions.Add(iblk[ii]); } } SetLvHandler(lvs[i], body, blocks); } foreach (ExceptionHandler eh in body.ExceptionHandlers) { eh.TryEnd = eh.TryEnd.Next; eh.HandlerEnd = eh.HandlerEnd.Next; //if ((eh.HandlerType & ExceptionHandlerType.Filter) == ExceptionHandlerType.Filter) //{ // eh.FilterEnd = eh.FilterEnd.Next; //} } body.ComputeOffsets(); body.PreserveMaxStackSize = true; }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { _Context txt = rc.txts[mod]; txt.dats = new List<KeyValuePair<string, byte[]>>(); TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); AssemblyDefinition i = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Iid).Assembly.Location); i.MainModule.ReadSymbols(); txt.reso = i.MainModule.GetType("Encryptions").Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "Resources"); txt.reso = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, txt.reso); modType.Methods.Add(txt.reso); txt.reso.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(); txt.reso.IsAssembly = true; AddHelper(txt.reso, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); Database.AddEntry("ResEncrypt", "Resolver", txt.reso.FullName); TypeDefinition lzma = mod.GetType("Lzma" + mod.GetHashCode()); if (lzma == null) { lzma = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, i.MainModule.GetType("Lzma")); lzma.IsNotPublic = true; lzma.Name = "Lzma" + mod.GetHashCode(); mod.Types.Add(lzma); } FieldDefinition datAsm = new FieldDefinition( ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(), FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.CompilerControlled, mod.Import(typeof(System.Reflection.Assembly))); modType.Fields.Add(datAsm); AddHelper(datAsm, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); Database.AddEntry("ResEncrypt", "Store", datAsm.FullName); txt.key0 = (byte)Random.Next(0, 0x100); do { txt.key1 = (byte)Random.Next(1, 0x100); } while (txt.key1 == txt.key0); Database.AddEntry("ResEncrypt", "Key0", txt.key0); Database.AddEntry("ResEncrypt", "Key1", txt.key1); txt.resId = ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(); Database.AddEntry("ResEncrypt", "ResID", txt.resId); Mutator mutator = new Mutator(); mutator.StringKeys = new string[] { txt.resId }; mutator.IntKeys = new int[] { txt.key0, txt.key1 }; mutator.Mutate(Random, txt.reso.Body); foreach (Instruction inst in txt.reso.Body.Instructions) { if (inst.Operand is FieldReference && (inst.Operand as FieldReference).Name == "datAsm") inst.Operand = datAsm; else if (inst.Operand is TypeReference && (inst.Operand as TypeReference).FullName == "System.Exception") inst.Operand = modType; else if (inst.Operand is MethodReference && (inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType.Name == "LzmaDecoder") inst.Operand = lzma.NestedTypes .Single(_ => _.Name == "LzmaDecoder").Methods .Single(_ => _.Name == (inst.Operand as MethodReference).Name); } foreach (var x in txt.reso.Body.Variables) if (x.VariableType.Name == "LzmaDecoder") x.VariableType = lzma.NestedTypes.Single(_ => _.Name == "LzmaDecoder"); MethodDefinition cctor = mod.GetType("<Module>").GetStaticConstructor(); MethodBody bdy = cctor.Body as MethodBody; ILProcessor psr = bdy.GetILProcessor(); //Reverse order psr.InsertBefore(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Callvirt, mod.Import(typeof(AppDomain).GetEvent("ResourceResolve").GetAddMethod()))); psr.InsertBefore(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Newobj, mod.Import(typeof(ResolveEventHandler).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(IntPtr) })))); psr.InsertBefore(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldftn, txt.reso)); psr.InsertBefore(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldnull)); psr.InsertBefore(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, mod.Import(typeof(AppDomain).GetProperty("CurrentDomain").GetGetMethod()))); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { _Context _txt = cc.txts[mod]; int total = _txt.txts.Count; int interval = 1; if (total > 1000) interval = (int)total / 100; for (int i = 0; i < _txt.txts.Count; i++) { Context txt = _txt.txts[i]; txt.fld.Name = GetId(txt.mtdRef.Module, txt.mtdRef); if (!(txt.fld as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations.Contains("CtorProxyCtored")) { ILProcessor psr = txt.dele.GetStaticConstructor().Body.GetILProcessor(); psr.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, txt.fld); psr.Emit(OpCodes.Call, _txt.proxy); (txt.fld as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations["CtorProxyCtored"] = true; } if (i % interval == 0 || i == _txt.txts.Count - 1) progresser.SetProgress(i + 1, total); } total = _txt.delegates.Count; interval = 1; if (total > 1000) interval = (int)total / 100; IEnumerator<TypeDefinition> etor = _txt.delegates.Values.GetEnumerator(); etor.MoveNext(); for (int i = 0; i < _txt.delegates.Count; i++) { etor.Current.GetStaticConstructor().Body.GetILProcessor().Emit(OpCodes.Ret); etor.MoveNext(); if (i % interval == 0 || i == cc.txts.Count - 1) progresser.SetProgress(i + 1, total); } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { AssemblyDefinition self = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Iid).Assembly.Location); Database.AddEntry("AntiDebug", "Win32", Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "win32") != -1); if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "win32") != -1) { TypeDefinition type = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, self.MainModule.GetType("AntiDebugger")); type.Methods.Remove(type.Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "AntiDebugSafe")); type.Methods.Remove(type.Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "InitializeSafe")); mod.Types.Add(type); TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); ILProcessor psr = modType.GetStaticConstructor().Body.GetILProcessor(); psr.InsertBefore(psr.Body.Instructions.Count - 1, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, type.Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "Initialize"))); type.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(); type.Namespace = ""; AddHelper(type, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); foreach (MethodDefinition mtdDef in type.Methods) { mtdDef.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(); AddHelper(mtdDef, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); } Database.AddEntry("AntiDebug", "Helper", type.FullName); } else { TypeDefinition type = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, self.MainModule.GetType("AntiDebugger")); type.Methods.Remove(type.Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "AntiDebug")); type.Methods.Remove(type.Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "Initialize")); mod.Types.Add(type); TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); ILProcessor psr = modType.GetStaticConstructor().Body.GetILProcessor(); psr.InsertBefore(psr.Body.Instructions.Count - 1, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, type.Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "InitializeSafe"))); type.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(); type.Namespace = ""; AddHelper(type, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); foreach (MethodDefinition mtdDef in type.Methods) { mtdDef.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(); AddHelper(mtdDef, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); } Database.AddEntry("AntiDebug", "Helper", type.FullName); } }
private void ProcessSafe(ConfusionParameter parameter) { _Context txt = cc.txts[mod]; TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); FieldDefinition constTbl = new FieldDefinition( ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(), FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.CompilerControlled, mod.Import(typeof(Dictionary<uint, object>))); modType.Fields.Add(constTbl); AddHelper(constTbl, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); Database.AddEntry("Const", "ConstTbl", constTbl.FullName); FieldDefinition constBuffer = new FieldDefinition( ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(), FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.CompilerControlled, mod.Import(typeof(byte[]))); modType.Fields.Add(constBuffer); AddHelper(constBuffer, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); Database.AddEntry("Const", "ConstBuffer", constBuffer.FullName); txt.consters = CreateConsters(txt, Random, "InitializeSafe", constTbl, constBuffer); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { List<Context> txts = new List<Context>(); IList<IAnnotationProvider> targets = parameter.Target as IList<IAnnotationProvider>; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++) { MethodDefinition mtd = targets[i] as MethodDefinition; if (!mtd.HasBody) continue; mtd.Body.SimplifyMacros(); int lv = 5; if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.Parameters.AllKeys, mtd.GetHashCode().ToString("X8") + "_level") != -1) { if (!int.TryParse(parameter.Parameters[mtd.GetHashCode().ToString("X8") + "_level"], out lv) && (lv <= 0 || lv > 10)) { Log("Invaild level, 5 will be used."); lv = 5; } } foreach(Instruction inst in mtd.Body.Instructions) { if ((inst.OpCode.Name == "ldc.i4" && (int)inst.Operand != -1 && (int)inst.Operand != 0 && (int)inst.Operand != 1) || //(inst.OpCode.Name == "ldc.i8" && (long)inst.Operand != -1 && (long)inst.Operand != 0 && (long)inst.Operand != 1) || (inst.OpCode.Name == "ldc.r4" && (float)inst.Operand != -1 && (float)inst.Operand != 0 && (float)inst.Operand != 1) || (inst.OpCode.Name == "ldc.r8" && (double)inst.Operand != -1 && (double)inst.Operand != 0 && (double)inst.Operand != 1)) txts.Add(new Context() { mtd = mtd, psr = mtd.Body.GetILProcessor(), inst = inst, lv = lv }); } progresser.SetProgress((i + 1) / (double)targets.Count); } for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { Context txt = txts[i]; int instIdx = txt.mtd.Body.Instructions.IndexOf(txt.inst); double val = Convert.ToDouble(txt.inst.Operand); int seed; Expression exp; double eval = 0; double tmp = 0; do { exp = ExpressionGenerator.Generate(, out seed); eval = DoubleExpressionEvaluator.Evaluate(exp, val); try { tmp = DoubleExpressionEvaluator.ReverseEvaluate(exp, eval); } catch { continue; } } while (tmp != val); Instruction[] expInsts = new CecilVisitor(exp, true, new Instruction[] { Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_R8, eval) }, true).GetInstructions(); if (expInsts.Length == 0) continue; string op = txt.inst.OpCode.Name; txt.psr.Replace(instIdx, expInsts[0]); for (int ii = 1; ii < expInsts.Length; ii++) { txt.psr.InsertAfter(instIdx + ii - 1, expInsts[ii]); } switch (op) { case "ldc.i4": txt.psr.InsertAfter(instIdx +expInsts.Length - 1, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Conv_I4)); break; //case "ldc.i8": // txt.psr.InsertAfter(instIdx +expInsts.Length - 1, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Conv_I8)); break; case "ldc.r4": txt.psr.InsertAfter(instIdx +expInsts.Length - 1, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Conv_R4)); break; case "ldc.r8": txt.psr.InsertAfter(instIdx +expInsts.Length - 1, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Conv_R8)); break; } progresser.SetProgress((i + 1) / (double)txts.Count); } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "dynamic") == -1) { ProcessSafe(parameter); return; } List <Context> txts = new List <Context>(); ExtractData(parameter.Target as IList <IAnnotationProvider>, txts, Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "numeric") != -1); int[] ids; bool retry; do { ids = new int[txts.Count]; retry = false; cc.dict.Clear(); int seed; cc.exp = ExpressionGenerator.Generate(5, out seed); for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { object val = txts[i].str.Operand as object; if (IsNull(val)) { continue; } if (cc.dict.ContainsKey(val)) { ids[i] = (int)(cc.dict[val] ^ ComputeHash(txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(), (uint)cc.key0, (uint)cc.key1, (uint)cc.key2, (uint)cc.key3)); } else { ids[i] = (int)(cc.idx ^ ComputeHash(txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(), (uint)cc.key0, (uint)cc.key1, (uint)cc.key2, (uint)cc.key3)); byte t; byte[] ori = GetOperand(val, out t); int len; byte[] dat = Encrypt(ori, cc.exp, out len); try { if (!IsEqual(Decrypt(dat, len, cc.exp), ori)) { retry = true; break; } } catch { retry = true; break; } byte[] final = new byte[dat.Length + 4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(dat, 0, final, 4, dat.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(len), 0, final, 0, 4); cc.dats.Add(new Data() { Dat = final, Type = t }); cc.dict[val] = cc.idx; cc.idx += final.Length + 5; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(cc.dict[val].ToString() + " " + val.ToString()); } } while (retry); for (int i = 0; i < cc.strer.Body.Instructions.Count; i++) { Instruction inst = cc.strer.Body.Instructions[i]; if (inst.Operand is MethodReference && ((MethodReference)inst.Operand).Name == "PolyStart") { List <Instruction> insts = new List <Instruction>(); int ptr = i + 1; while (ptr < cc.strer.Body.Instructions.Count) { Instruction z = cc.strer.Body.Instructions[ptr]; cc.strer.Body.Instructions.Remove(z); if (z.Operand is MethodReference && ((MethodReference)z.Operand).Name == "PlaceHolder") { break; } insts.Add(z); } Instruction[] expInsts = new CecilVisitor(cc.exp, true, insts.ToArray(), false).GetInstructions(); ILProcessor psr = cc.strer.Body.GetILProcessor(); psr.Replace(inst, expInsts[0]); for (int ii = 1; ii < expInsts.Length; ii++) { psr.InsertAfter(expInsts[ii - 1], expInsts[ii]); } } } cc.strer.Body.OptimizeMacros(); cc.strer.Body.ComputeOffsets(); FinalizeBodies(txts, ids); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { rc.dats = new List <KeyValuePair <string, byte[]> >(); TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); AssemblyDefinition i = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Iid).Assembly.Location); rc.reso = i.MainModule.GetType("Encryptions").Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "Resources"); rc.reso = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, rc.reso); modType.Methods.Add(rc.reso); byte[] n = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray(); rc.reso.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); rc.reso.IsAssembly = true; AddHelper(rc.reso, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); n = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray(); rc.key0 = rc.key1 = n[0]; for (int x = 0; x < n.Length; x++) { if (n[x] != 0) { rc.key1 = n[x]; break; } } n = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray(); rc.reso.Body.SimplifyMacros(); foreach (Instruction inst in rc.reso.Body.Instructions) { if ((inst.Operand as string) == "PADDINGPADDINGPADDING") { inst.Operand = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 0x11) { inst.Operand = (int)rc.key0; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 0x22) { inst.Operand = (int)rc.key1; } else if (inst.Operand is TypeReference && (inst.Operand as TypeReference).FullName == "System.Exception") { inst.Operand = modType; } } rc.reso.Body.OptimizeMacros(); rc.reso.Body.ComputeOffsets(); rc.resId = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); MethodDefinition cctor = mod.GetType("<Module>").GetStaticConstructor(); MethodBody bdy = cctor.Body as MethodBody; bdy.Instructions.RemoveAt(bdy.Instructions.Count - 1); ILProcessor psr = bdy.GetILProcessor(); psr.Emit(OpCodes.Call, mod.Import(typeof(AppDomain).GetProperty("CurrentDomain").GetGetMethod())); psr.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); psr.Emit(OpCodes.Ldftn, rc.reso); psr.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, mod.Import(typeof(ResolveEventHandler).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(IntPtr) }))); psr.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, mod.Import(typeof(AppDomain).GetEvent("ResourceResolve").GetAddMethod())); psr.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { cion.vers[mod].Phase2(progresser, mod); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { IAntiTamper ver; Confuser.Database.AddEntry("AntiTamper", "Type", parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] ?? "normal"); if (parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] == "jit") ver = new JIT(); else ver = new Mem(); ver.AddHelper = AddHelper; ver.Confuser = Confuser; cion.vers[mod] = ver; ver.InitPhase1(mod); ver.Phase1(mod); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { MethodReference ctor = mod.Import(typeof(SuppressIldasmAttribute).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); bool has = false; foreach (CustomAttribute att in mod.CustomAttributes) if (att.Constructor.ToString() == ctor.ToString()) { has = true; break; } if (!has) mod.CustomAttributes.Add(new CustomAttribute(ctor)); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { _Context txt = mc.txts[mod]; txt.isNative = parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] == "native"; bool onlyExternal = true; if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "onlyExternal") != -1) { if (!bool.TryParse(parameter.GlobalParameters["onlyExternal"], out onlyExternal)) { Log("Invaild onlyExternal parameter, only external reference will be proxied."); onlyExternal = true; } } Database.AddEntry("MtdProxy", "OnlyExternal", onlyExternal); IList<Tuple<IAnnotationProvider, NameValueCollection>> targets = parameter.Target as IList<Tuple<IAnnotationProvider, NameValueCollection>>; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++) { MethodDefinition mtd = targets[i].Item1 as MethodDefinition; if (!mtd.HasBody || mtd.DeclaringType.FullName == "<Module>") continue; MethodBody bdy = mtd.Body; foreach (Instruction inst in bdy.Instructions) { if ((inst.OpCode.Code == Code.Call || inst.OpCode.Code == Code.Callvirt) && (!onlyExternal || !(inst.Operand is MethodDefinition)) && (inst.Operand as MethodReference).Name != ".ctor" && (inst.Operand as MethodReference).Name != ".cctor" && //no constructor !((inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType is GenericInstanceType) && //no generic ((inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType.Resolve() == null || !(inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType.Resolve().IsInterface) && //no interface (!(inst.Operand is MethodDefinition) || (inst.Operand as MethodDefinition).ImplAttributes != MethodImplAttributes.Native) && //no native (inst.Previous == null || inst.Previous.OpCode.OpCodeType != OpCodeType.Prefix)) //no prefix { CreateDelegate(mtd.Body, inst, inst.Operand as MethodReference, mod); } } progresser.SetProgress(i + 1, targets.Count); } int total = mc.txts.Count; int interval = 1; if (total > 1000) interval = (int)total / 100; for (int i = 0; i < txt.txts.Count; i++) { CreateFieldBridge(mod, txt.txts[i]); if (i % interval == 0 || i == txt.txts.Count - 1) progresser.SetProgress(i + 1, total); } }
void ProcessSafe(ConfusionParameter parameter) { List <Context> txts = new List <Context>(); foreach (MethodDefinition mtd in parameter.Target as IList <IAnnotationProvider> ) { if (mtd == sc.strer || !mtd.HasBody) { continue; } var bdy = mtd.Body; bdy.SimplifyMacros(); var insts = bdy.Instructions; ILProcessor psr = bdy.GetILProcessor(); for (int i = 0; i < insts.Count; i++) { if (insts[i].OpCode.Code == Code.Ldstr) { txts.Add(new Context() { mtd = mtd, psr = psr, str = insts[i] }); } } } double total = txts.Count; int interval = 1; if (total > 1000) { interval = (int)total / 100; } for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { int idx = txts[i].mtd.Body.Instructions.IndexOf(txts[i].str); string val = txts[i].str.Operand as string; if (val == "") { continue; } int id; if (sc.dict.ContainsKey(val)) { id = (int)((sc.dict[val] + sc.key0) ^ txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()); } else { byte[] dat = EncryptSafe(val, sc.key2); id = (int)((sc.idx + sc.key0) ^ txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()); int len = (int)~(dat.Length ^ sc.key1); byte[] final = new byte[dat.Length + 4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(dat, 0, final, 4, dat.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(len), 0, final, 0, 4); sc.dats.Add(final); sc.dict[val] = sc.idx; sc.idx += final.Length; } Instruction now = txts[i].str; txts[i].psr.InsertAfter(idx, txts[i].psr.Create(OpCodes.Call, sc.strer)); txts[i].psr.Replace(idx, txts[i].psr.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, id)); if (i % interval == 0 || i == txts.Count - 1) { progresser.SetProgress((i + 1) / total); } } List <int> hashs = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { if (hashs.IndexOf(txts[i].mtd.GetHashCode()) == -1) { txts[i].mtd.Body.OptimizeMacros(); txts[i].mtd.Body.ComputeHeader(); hashs.Add(txts[i].mtd.GetHashCode()); } } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { MethodDefinition mtd = parameter.Target as MethodDefinition; if (!mtd.HasBody) { return; } int slv = 5; if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.Parameters.AllKeys, "level") != -1) { if (!int.TryParse(parameter.Parameters["level"], out slv) && (slv <= 0 || slv > 10)) { Log("Invaild level, 5 will be used."); slv = 5; } } genJunk = false; if (mtd.Module.Architecture != TargetArchitecture.I386) { genJunk = false; } else if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.Parameters.AllKeys, "genjunk") != -1) { if (!bool.TryParse(parameter.Parameters["genjunk"], out genJunk)) { Log("Invaild junk code parameter, junk code would not generated."); genJunk = false; } } double trueLv = slv / 10.0; MethodBody bdy = mtd.Body; bdy.SimplifyMacros(); bdy.ComputeHeader(); Dictionary <Instruction, Level> Ids = GetIds(bdy); Level[] lvs = GetLvs(Ids); List <Instruction[]> blks = new List <Instruction[]>(); foreach (Level lv in lvs) { blks.Add(GetInstructionsByLv(lv, Ids)); } bdy.Instructions.Clear(); ILProcessor wkr = bdy.GetILProcessor(); Dictionary <Instruction, Instruction> HdrTbl = new Dictionary <Instruction, Instruction>(); for (int i = 0; i < blks.Count; i++) { Instruction[] blk = blks[i]; Instruction[][] iblks; if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.Parameters.AllKeys, "switch") == -1) { iblks = BrizeSplit(blk, trueLv); BrizeFlow(bdy, ref iblks); } else { iblks = SwitcizeSplit(mtd, blk, trueLv); if (iblks.Length == 1) { iblks = BrizeSplit(blk, trueLv); BrizeFlow(bdy, ref iblks); } else { SwitcizeFlow(bdy, ref iblks); } } Reorder(ref iblks); HdrTbl.Add(blk[0], iblks[0][0]); foreach (Instruction[] iblk in iblks) { wkr.Append(iblk[0]); for (int ii = 1; ii < iblk.Length; ii++) { Instruction tmp; if (iblk[ii].Operand is Instruction) { if (HdrTbl.TryGetValue(iblk[ii].Operand as Instruction, out tmp) && tmp != iblks[0][0]) { iblk[ii].Operand = tmp; } } else if (iblk[ii].Operand is Instruction[]) { Instruction[] op = iblk[ii].Operand as Instruction[]; for (int iii = 0; iii < op.Length; iii++) { if (HdrTbl.TryGetValue(op[iii], out tmp) && tmp != iblks[0][0]) { op[iii] = tmp; } } iblk[ii].Operand = op; } wkr.Append(iblk[ii]); } } SetLvHandler(lvs[i], bdy, iblks); } foreach (ExceptionHandler eh in bdy.ExceptionHandlers) { eh.TryEnd = eh.TryEnd.Next; eh.HandlerEnd = eh.HandlerEnd.Next; //if ((eh.HandlerType & ExceptionHandlerType.Filter) == ExceptionHandlerType.Filter) //{ // eh.FilterEnd = eh.FilterEnd.Next; //} } bdy.OptimizeMacros(); bdy.PreserveMaxStackSize = true; }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { method = parameter.Target as MethodDefinition; if (!method.HasBody || method.Body.Instructions.Count == 0) return; level = 5; if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.Parameters.AllKeys, "level") != -1) { if (!int.TryParse(parameter.Parameters["level"], out level) && (level <= 0 || level > 10)) { Log("Invalid level, 5 will be used."); level = 5; } } genJunk = false; if (method.Module.Architecture != TargetArchitecture.I386) genJunk = false; else if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.Parameters.AllKeys, "genjunk") != -1) { if (!bool.TryParse(parameter.Parameters["genjunk"], out genJunk)) { Log("Invalid junk code parameter, junk code would not be generated."); genJunk = false; } } fakeBranch = false; if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.Parameters.AllKeys, "fakebranch") != -1) { if (!bool.TryParse(parameter.Parameters["fakebranch"], out fakeBranch)) { Log("Invalid fake branch parameter, fake branch would not be generated."); fakeBranch = false; } } MethodBody body = method.Body; body.SimplifyMacros(); body.ComputeHeader(); body.MaxStackSize += 0x10; PropagateSeqPoints(body); VariableDefinition stateVar = new VariableDefinition(method.Module.TypeSystem.Int32); body.Variables.Add(stateVar); body.InitLocals = true; //Compute stacks var stacks = GetStacks(body); Dictionary<Instruction, Instruction> ReplTbl = new Dictionary<Instruction, Instruction>(); List<Scope> scopes = new List<Scope>(); foreach (var scope in ScopeDetector.DetectScopes(body)) { scopes.Add(scope); //Split statements when stack = empty //First statement maybe have non-empty stack because of handlers/filter List<Statement> sts = new List<Statement>(); foreach (var i in SplitStatements(body, scope.Instructions, stacks)) sts.Add(new Statement() { Instructions = i, Type = StatementType.Normal, Key = 0, BeginStack = stacks[i[0].Index] }); //Constructor fix if (body.Method.IsConstructor && body.Method.HasThis) { Statement init = new Statement(); init.Type = StatementType.Normal; List<Instruction> z = new List<Instruction>(); while (sts.Count != 0) { z.AddRange(sts[0].Instructions); Instruction lastInst = sts[0].Instructions[sts[0].Instructions.Length - 1]; sts.RemoveAt(0); if (lastInst.OpCode == OpCodes.Call && (lastInst.Operand as MethodReference).Name == ".ctor") break; } init.Instructions = z.ToArray(); sts.Insert(0, init); } if (sts.Count == 1 || sts.All(st => st.BeginStack != 0)) continue; //Merge statements for level for (int i = 0; i < sts.Count - 1; i++) { if (Random.Next(1, 10) > level || sts[i + 1].BeginStack != 0) { Statement newSt = new Statement(); newSt.Type = sts[i + 1].Type; newSt.BeginStack = sts[i].BeginStack; newSt.Instructions = new Instruction[sts[i].Instructions.Length + sts[i + 1].Instructions.Length]; Array.Copy(sts[i].Instructions, 0, newSt.Instructions, 0, sts[i].Instructions.Length); Array.Copy(sts[i + 1].Instructions, 0, newSt.Instructions, sts[i].Instructions.Length, sts[i + 1].Instructions.Length); sts[i] = newSt; sts.RemoveAt(i + 1); i--; } } //Detect branches int k = 0; foreach (var st in sts) { Instruction last = st.Instructions[st.Instructions.Length - 1]; if (last.Operand is Instruction && sts.Exists(_ => _.Instructions[0] == last.Operand)) st.Type = StatementType.Branch; st.Key = k; k++; } //Shuffle the statements List<Instruction> insts = new List<Instruction>(); for (int i = 1; i < sts.Count; i++) { int j = Random.Next(1, sts.Count); var tmp = sts[j]; sts[j] = sts[i]; sts[i] = tmp; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < sts.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(sts[i].Key); } Database.AddEntry("CtrlFlow", method.FullName, sb); Instruction[] stHdrs = new Instruction[sts.Count]; k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sts.Count; i++) { sts[i].Key = k; if (sts[i].BeginStack == 0) k++; if (sts[i].Instructions.Length > 0) stHdrs[i] = sts[i].Instructions[0]; } Func<object, Statement> resolveHdr = inst => { int _ = Array.IndexOf(stHdrs, inst as Instruction); return _ == -1 ? null : sts[_]; }; exp = generator.Generate(level); invExp = ExpressionInverser.InverseExpression(exp); Instruction[] ldloc = new Instruction[] { Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc, stateVar) };// new CecilVisitor(invExp, new Instruction[] { Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc, stateVar) }).GetInstructions(); Instruction begin = ldloc[0]; Instruction swit = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Switch, Empty<Instruction>.Array); Instruction end = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Nop); List<Instruction> targets = new List<Instruction>(); Statement beginSt = resolveHdr(scope.Instructions[0]); //Convert branches -> switch bool firstSt = true; foreach (var st in sts) { List<Instruction> stInsts = new List<Instruction>(st.Instructions); Instruction last = st.Instructions[st.Instructions.Length - 1]; if (st.Type == StatementType.Branch) { if (last.OpCode.Code == Code.Br) //uncond { int index = stInsts.Count - 1; stInsts.RemoveAt(index); Statement targetSt = resolveHdr(last.Operand); Statement fallSt; if (fakeBranch && (fallSt = resolveHdr(last.Next)) != null) { ReplTbl[last] = GenFakeBranch(st, targetSt, fallSt, stInsts, stateVar, begin); } else { ReplTbl[last] = EncryptNum(st.Key, stateVar, targetSt.Key, stInsts); stInsts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Br, begin)); stInsts.AddRange(GetJunk(stateVar)); } stInsts[index].SequencePoint = last.SequencePoint; } else if (last.OpCode.Code != Code.Leave) //cond { int index = stInsts.Count - 1; stInsts.RemoveAt(index); Statement targetSt = resolveHdr(last.Operand); Statement fallSt = resolveHdr(last.Next); if (fallSt == null) //fall into exception block { ReplTbl[last] = EncryptNum(st.Key, stateVar, targetSt.Key, stInsts); stInsts.Add(Instruction.Create(last.OpCode, begin)); stInsts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Br, last.Next)); stInsts.AddRange(GetJunk(stateVar)); } else { ReplTbl[last] = EncryptNum(st.Key, stateVar, targetSt.Key, stInsts); stInsts.Add(Instruction.Create(last.OpCode, begin)); EncryptNum(st.Key, stateVar, fallSt.Key, stInsts); stInsts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Br, begin)); stInsts.AddRange(GetJunk(stateVar)); } stInsts[index].SequencePoint = last.SequencePoint; } } else { Statement fallSt = resolveHdr(last.Next); if (fallSt != null) { if (fakeBranch) { Statement fakeSt = sts[Random.Next(0, sts.Count)]; GenFakeBranch(st, fallSt, fakeSt, stInsts, stateVar, begin); } else { EncryptNum(st.Key, stateVar, fallSt.Key, stInsts); stInsts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Br, begin)); stInsts.AddRange(GetJunk(stateVar)); } } else stInsts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Br, end)); } if (!firstSt) { targets.Add(stInsts[0]); insts.AddRange(stInsts.ToArray()); } else { insts.AddRange(stInsts.ToArray()); insts.AddRange(ldloc); insts.Add(swit); if (st.BeginStack == 0) targets.Add(stInsts[0]); firstSt = false; } } swit.Operand = targets.ToArray(); insts.Add(end); //fix peverify foreach (var i in scope.Type.Scopes) { if (ScopeDetector.IsFilter(i.Item2) && (ScopeDetector.IsOnly(i.Item2) || ScopeDetector.IsEnd(i.Item2))) { insts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, Random.Next())); insts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Endfilter)); break; } else if (ScopeDetector.IsTry(i.Item2) && (ScopeDetector.IsOnly(i.Item2) || ScopeDetector.IsEnd(i.Item2))) { if (i.Item1.HandlerEnd == null) { insts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldnull)); insts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Throw)); } else { Instruction last = scope.Instructions[scope.Instructions.Length - 1]; insts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Leave, last.OpCode != OpCodes.Leave ? i.Item1.HandlerEnd : last.Operand as Instruction)); } break; } else if (ScopeDetector.IsHandler(i.Item2) && (ScopeDetector.IsOnly(i.Item2) || ScopeDetector.IsEnd(i.Item2))) { //it must either finally/fault or catch, not both if (i.Item1.HandlerType == ExceptionHandlerType.Finally || i.Item1.HandlerType == ExceptionHandlerType.Fault) insts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Endfinally)); else if (i.Item1.HandlerEnd == null) { insts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldnull)); insts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Throw)); } else { Instruction last = i.Item1.TryEnd.Previous; insts.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Leave, last.OpCode != OpCodes.Leave ? i.Item1.HandlerEnd : last.Operand as Instruction)); } break; } } ReplTbl[scope.Instructions[0]] = insts[0]; scope.Instructions = insts.ToArray(); } //emit body.Instructions.Clear(); foreach (var scope in scopes) foreach (var i in scope.Instructions) { if (i.Operand is Instruction && ReplTbl.ContainsKey(i.Operand as Instruction)) { i.Operand = ReplTbl[i.Operand as Instruction]; } else if (i.Operand is Instruction[]) { Instruction[] insts = i.Operand as Instruction[]; for (int j = 0; j < insts.Length; j++) if (ReplTbl.ContainsKey(insts[j])) insts[j] = ReplTbl[insts[j]]; } } foreach (var scope in scopes) { SetLvHandler(scope, body, scope.Instructions); foreach (var i in scope.Instructions) body.Instructions.Add(i); } //fix peverify if (!method.ReturnType.IsTypeOf("System", "Void")) { body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldnull)); body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, method.ReturnType)); } body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ret)); foreach (ExceptionHandler eh in body.ExceptionHandlers) { eh.TryEnd = eh.TryEnd.Next; eh.HandlerEnd = eh.HandlerEnd.Next; } body.ComputeOffsets(); body.PreserveMaxStackSize = true; ReduceSeqPoints(body); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { Database.AddEntry("Const", "Type", parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] ?? "normal"); if (parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] != "dynamic" && parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] != "native") { ProcessSafe(parameter); return; } _Context txt = cc.txts[mod]; txt.isNative = parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] == "native"; txt.isDyn = parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] == "dynamic"; TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); FieldDefinition constTbl = new FieldDefinition( ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(), FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.CompilerControlled, mod.Import(typeof(Dictionary <uint, object>))); modType.Fields.Add(constTbl); AddHelper(constTbl, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); Database.AddEntry("Const", "ConstTbl", constTbl.FullName); FieldDefinition constBuffer = new FieldDefinition( ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(), FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.CompilerControlled, mod.Import(typeof(byte[]))); modType.Fields.Add(constBuffer); AddHelper(constBuffer, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); Database.AddEntry("Const", "ConstBuffer", constBuffer.FullName); if (txt.isNative) { txt.nativeDecr = new MethodDefinition( ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(), MethodAttributes.Abstract | MethodAttributes.CompilerControlled | MethodAttributes.ReuseSlot | MethodAttributes.Static, mod.TypeSystem.Int32); txt.nativeDecr.ImplAttributes = MethodImplAttributes.Native; txt.nativeDecr.Parameters.Add(new ParameterDefinition(mod.TypeSystem.Int32)); modType.Methods.Add(txt.nativeDecr); Database.AddEntry("Const", "NativeDecr", txt.nativeDecr.FullName); } var expGen = new ExpressionGenerator(Random.Next()); int seed = expGen.Seed; if (txt.isNative) { do { txt.exp = new ExpressionGenerator(Random.Next()).Generate(6); txt.invExp = ExpressionInverser.InverseExpression(txt.exp); } while ((txt.visitor = new x86Visitor(txt.invExp, null)).RegisterOverflowed); } else { txt.exp = expGen.Generate(10); txt.invExp = ExpressionInverser.InverseExpression(txt.exp); } Database.AddEntry("Const", "Exp", txt.exp); Database.AddEntry("Const", "InvExp", txt.invExp); txt.consters = CreateConsters(txt, Confuser.Random, "Initialize", constTbl, constBuffer); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { IMemberDefinition def = parameter.Target as IMemberDefinition; TypeDefinition t; if ((t = def as TypeDefinition) != null && !IsTypePublic(t)) { if (t.IsEnum) { int idx = 0; while (t.Fields.Count != 1) if (t.Fields[idx].Name != "value__") t.Fields.RemoveAt(idx); else idx++; Database.AddEntry("MdReduce", t.FullName, "Enum"); } } else if (def is EventDefinition) { if (def.DeclaringType != null) { Database.AddEntry("MdReduce", def.FullName, "Evt"); def.DeclaringType.Events.Remove(def as EventDefinition); } } else if (def is PropertyDefinition) { if (def.DeclaringType != null) { Database.AddEntry("MdReduce", def.FullName, "Prop"); def.DeclaringType.Properties.Remove(def as PropertyDefinition); } } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { Database.AddEntry("Const", "Type", parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] ?? "normal"); if (parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] != "dynamic" && parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] != "native") { ProcessSafe(parameter); return; } _Context txt = cc.txts[mod]; txt.isNative = parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] == "native"; txt.isDyn = parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] == "dynamic"; TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); FieldDefinition constTbl = new FieldDefinition( ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(), FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.CompilerControlled, mod.Import(typeof(Dictionary<uint, object>))); modType.Fields.Add(constTbl); AddHelper(constTbl, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); Database.AddEntry("Const", "ConstTbl", constTbl.FullName); FieldDefinition constBuffer = new FieldDefinition( ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(), FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.CompilerControlled, mod.Import(typeof(byte[]))); modType.Fields.Add(constBuffer); AddHelper(constBuffer, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); Database.AddEntry("Const", "ConstBuffer", constBuffer.FullName); if (txt.isNative) { txt.nativeDecr = new MethodDefinition( ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(), MethodAttributes.Abstract | MethodAttributes.CompilerControlled | MethodAttributes.ReuseSlot | MethodAttributes.Static, mod.TypeSystem.Int32); txt.nativeDecr.ImplAttributes = MethodImplAttributes.Native; txt.nativeDecr.Parameters.Add(new ParameterDefinition(mod.TypeSystem.Int32)); modType.Methods.Add(txt.nativeDecr); Database.AddEntry("Const", "NativeDecr", txt.nativeDecr.FullName); } var expGen = new ExpressionGenerator(Random.Next()); int seed = expGen.Seed; if (txt.isNative) { do { txt.exp = new ExpressionGenerator(Random.Next()).Generate(6); txt.invExp = ExpressionInverser.InverseExpression(txt.exp); } while ((txt.visitor = new x86Visitor(txt.invExp, null)).RegisterOverflowed); } else { txt.exp = expGen.Generate(10); txt.invExp = ExpressionInverser.InverseExpression(txt.exp); } Database.AddEntry("Const", "Exp", txt.exp); Database.AddEntry("Const", "InvExp", txt.invExp); txt.consters = CreateConsters(txt, Confuser.Random, "Initialize", constTbl, constBuffer); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "dynamic") == -1) { ProcessSafe(parameter); return; } Random rand = new Random(); TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); AssemblyDefinition id = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Iid).Assembly.Location); sc.strer = id.MainModule.GetType("Encryptions").Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "Strings"); sc.strer = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, sc.strer); modType.Methods.Add(sc.strer); byte[] n = new byte[0x10]; rand.NextBytes(n); sc.strer.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); sc.strer.IsAssembly = true; AddHelper(sc.strer, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); sc.key0 = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * int.MaxValue); sc.key1 = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * int.MaxValue); rand.NextBytes(n); byte[] dat = new byte[0x10]; rand.NextBytes(dat); sc.strer.Body.SimplifyMacros(); for (int i = 0; i < sc.strer.Body.Instructions.Count; i++) { Instruction inst = sc.strer.Body.Instructions[i]; if ((inst.Operand as string) == "PADDINGPADDINGPADDING") inst.Operand = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); if ((inst.Operand as string) == "PADDINGPADDINGPADDINGPADDING") inst.Operand = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(dat); else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 12345678) inst.Operand = sc.key0; else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 87654321) inst.Operand = sc.key1; } sc.resId = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { _Context txt = cc.txts[mod]; foreach (var i in txt.consters) { i.keyInst.OpCode = OpCodes.Ldc_I4; i.keyInst.Operand = (int)(txt.key ^ i.conster.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()); } List<Context> txts = new List<Context>(); ExtractData( parameter.Target as IList<Tuple<IAnnotationProvider, NameValueCollection>>, txts, Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "numeric") != -1, txt); txt.dict.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { object val = txts[i].str.Operand as object; if (IsNull(val)) continue; uint x = txts[i].conster.conster.DeclaringType.MetadataToken.ToUInt32() * txts[i].a; ulong hash = ComputeHash(x, (uint)txts[i].conster.key3, (ulong)txts[i].conster.key0, (ulong)txts[i].conster.key1, (ulong)txts[i].conster.key2); uint idx, len; if (txt.dict.ContainsKey(val)) txts[i].b = Combine(idx = (uint)txt.dict[val], len = GetOperandLen(val)) ^ hash; else { byte[] dat = GetOperand(val); txts[i].b = Combine(idx = (uint)txt.idx, len = (uint)dat.Length) ^ hash; txt.dats.Add(dat); txt.dict[val] = txt.idx; txt.idx += dat.Length; } Database.AddEntry("Const", val.ToString(), string.Format("{0:X}, {1:X}, {2:X}, {3:X}", txts[i].a, txts[i].b, idx, len)); } FinalizeBodies(txts); }
private void ProcessSafe(ConfusionParameter parameter) { Random rand = new Random(); TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); AssemblyDefinition i = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Iid).Assembly.Location); sc.strer = i.MainModule.GetType("Encryptions").Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "SafeStrings"); sc.strer = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, sc.strer); modType.Methods.Add(sc.strer); byte[] n = new byte[0x10]; rand.NextBytes(n); sc.strer.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); sc.strer.IsAssembly = true; sc.key0 = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * int.MaxValue); sc.key1 = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * int.MaxValue); sc.key2 = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * int.MaxValue); rand.NextBytes(n); byte[] dat = new byte[0x10]; rand.NextBytes(dat); sc.strer.Body.SimplifyMacros(); foreach (Instruction inst in sc.strer.Body.Instructions) { if ((inst.Operand as string) == "PADDINGPADDINGPADDING") inst.Operand = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); if ((inst.Operand as string) == "PADDINGPADDINGPADDINGPADDING") inst.Operand = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(dat); else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 12345678) inst.Operand = sc.key0; else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 87654321) inst.Operand = sc.key1; else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 88888888) inst.Operand = sc.key2; } sc.strer.Body.OptimizeMacros(); sc.strer.Body.ComputeOffsets(); sc.resId = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { _Context txt = cc.txts[mod]; txt.isNative = parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] == "native"; bool onlyExternal = true; if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "onlyExternal") != -1) { if (!bool.TryParse(parameter.GlobalParameters["onlyExternal"], out onlyExternal)) { Log("Invaild onlyExternal parameter, only external reference will be proxied."); onlyExternal = true; } } Database.AddEntry("CtorProxy", "OnlyExternal", onlyExternal); IList<Tuple<IAnnotationProvider, NameValueCollection>> targets = parameter.Target as IList<Tuple<IAnnotationProvider, NameValueCollection>>; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++) { MethodDefinition mtd = targets[i].Item1 as MethodDefinition; if (!mtd.HasBody || mtd.DeclaringType.FullName == "<Module>") continue; MethodBody bdy = mtd.Body; foreach (Instruction inst in bdy.Instructions) { if (inst.OpCode.Code == Code.Newobj && (!onlyExternal || !(inst.Operand is MethodDefinition)) && !((inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType is GenericInstanceType) && !((inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType is ArrayType) && //avoid array !(inst.Operand is GenericInstanceMethod)) { CreateDelegate(mtd.Body, inst, inst.Operand as MethodReference, mod); } } progresser.SetProgress(i + 1, targets.Count); } int total = cc.txts.Count; int interval = 1; if (total > 1000) interval = (int)total / 100; for (int i = 0; i < txt.txts.Count; i++) { CreateFieldBridge(mod, txt.txts[i]); if (i % interval == 0 || i == txt.txts.Count - 1) progresser.SetProgress(i + 1, total); } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "dynamic") == -1) { ProcessSafe(parameter); return; } List<Context> txts = new List<Context>(); foreach (MethodDefinition mtd in parameter.Target as IList<IAnnotationProvider>) { if (mtd == sc.strer || !mtd.HasBody) continue; var bdy = mtd.Body; bdy.SimplifyMacros(); var insts = bdy.Instructions; ILProcessor psr = bdy.GetILProcessor(); for (int i = 0; i < insts.Count; i++) { if (insts[i].OpCode.Code == Code.Ldstr) txts.Add(new Context() { mtd = mtd, psr = psr, str = insts[i] }); } } double total = txts.Count; int interval = 1; if (total > 1000) interval = (int)total / 100; int[] ids; bool retry; do { ids = new int[txts.Count]; retry = false; sc.dict.Clear(); int seed; sc.exp = ExpressionGenerator.Generate(5, out seed); for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { string val = txts[i].str.Operand as string; if (val == "") continue; if (sc.dict.ContainsKey(val)) ids[i] = (int)((sc.dict[val] + sc.key0) ^ txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()); else { ids[i] = (int)((sc.idx + sc.key0) ^ txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()); int len; byte[] dat = Encrypt(val, sc.exp, out len); try { if (Decrypt(dat, len, sc.exp) != val) { retry = true; break; } } catch { retry = true; break; } len = (int)~(len ^ sc.key1); byte[] final = new byte[dat.Length + 4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(dat, 0, final, 4, dat.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(len), 0, final, 0, 4); sc.dats.Add(final); sc.dict[val] = sc.idx; sc.idx += final.Length; } } } while (retry); for (int i = 0; i < sc.strer.Body.Instructions.Count; i++) { Instruction inst = sc.strer.Body.Instructions[i]; if (inst.Operand is MethodReference && ((MethodReference)inst.Operand).Name == "PolyStart") { List<Instruction> insts = new List<Instruction>(); int ptr = i + 1; while (ptr < sc.strer.Body.Instructions.Count) { Instruction z = sc.strer.Body.Instructions[ptr]; sc.strer.Body.Instructions.Remove(z); if (z.Operand is MethodReference && ((MethodReference)z.Operand).Name == "PlaceHolder") break; insts.Add(z); } Instruction[] expInsts = new CecilVisitor(sc.exp, true, insts.ToArray(), false).GetInstructions(); ILProcessor psr = sc.strer.Body.GetILProcessor(); psr.Replace(inst, expInsts[0]); for (int ii = 1; ii < expInsts.Length; ii++) { psr.InsertAfter(expInsts[ii - 1], expInsts[ii]); } } } sc.strer.Body.OptimizeMacros(); sc.strer.Body.ComputeOffsets(); for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { int idx = txts[i].mtd.Body.Instructions.IndexOf(txts[i].str); Instruction now = txts[i].str; if (now.Operand as string == "") continue; txts[i].psr.InsertAfter(idx, txts[i].psr.Create(OpCodes.Call, sc.strer)); txts[i].psr.Replace(idx, txts[i].psr.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, ids[i])); if (i % interval == 0 || i == txts.Count - 1) progresser.SetProgress((i + 1) / total); } List<int> hashs = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { if (hashs.IndexOf(txts[i].mtd.GetHashCode()) == -1) { txts[i].mtd.Body.OptimizeMacros(); txts[i].mtd.Body.ComputeHeader(); hashs.Add(txts[i].mtd.GetHashCode()); } } }
private void ProcessSafe(ConfusionParameter parameter) { Random rand = new Random(); TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); AssemblyDefinition i = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Iid).Assembly.Location); cc.strer = i.MainModule.GetType("Encryptions").Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "SafeConstants"); cc.strer = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, cc.strer); modType.Methods.Add(cc.strer); byte[] n = new byte[0x10]; rand.NextBytes(n); cc.strer.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); cc.strer.IsAssembly = true; cc.key0 = rand.Next(); cc.key1 = rand.Next(); cc.key2 = rand.Next(); cc.key3 = rand.Next(); rand.NextBytes(n); byte[] dat = new byte[0x10]; rand.NextBytes(dat); rand.NextBytes(cc.types); while (cc.types.Distinct().Count() != 5) { rand.NextBytes(cc.types); } cc.strer.Body.SimplifyMacros(); foreach (Instruction inst in cc.strer.Body.Instructions) { if ((inst.Operand as string) == "PADDINGPADDINGPADDING") { inst.Operand = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); } if ((inst.Operand as string) == "PADDINGPADDINGPADDINGPADDING") { inst.Operand = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(dat); } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 12345678) { inst.Operand = cc.key0; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 0x67452301) { inst.Operand = cc.key1; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 0x3bd523a0) { inst.Operand = cc.key2; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 0x5f6f36c0) { inst.Operand = cc.key3; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 11) { inst.Operand = (int)cc.types[0]; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 22) { inst.Operand = (int)cc.types[1]; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 33) { inst.Operand = (int)cc.types[2]; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 44) { inst.Operand = (int)cc.types[3]; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 55) { inst.Operand = (int)cc.types[4]; } } cc.strer.Body.OptimizeMacros(); cc.strer.Body.ComputeOffsets(); cc.resId = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); }
void ProcessSafe(ConfusionParameter parameter) { List<Context> txts = new List<Context>(); foreach (MethodDefinition mtd in parameter.Target as IList<IAnnotationProvider>) { if (mtd == sc.strer || !mtd.HasBody) continue; var bdy = mtd.Body; bdy.SimplifyMacros(); var insts = bdy.Instructions; ILProcessor psr = bdy.GetILProcessor(); for (int i = 0; i < insts.Count; i++) { if (insts[i].OpCode.Code == Code.Ldstr) txts.Add(new Context() { mtd = mtd, psr = psr, str = insts[i] }); } } double total = txts.Count; int interval = 1; if (total > 1000) interval = (int)total / 100; for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { int idx = txts[i].mtd.Body.Instructions.IndexOf(txts[i].str); string val = txts[i].str.Operand as string; if (val == "") continue; int id; if (sc.dict.ContainsKey(val)) id = (int)((sc.dict[val] + sc.key0) ^ txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()); else { byte[] dat = EncryptSafe(val, sc.key2); id = (int)((sc.idx + sc.key0) ^ txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()); int len = (int)~(dat.Length ^ sc.key1); byte[] final = new byte[dat.Length + 4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(dat, 0, final, 4, dat.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(len), 0, final, 0, 4); sc.dats.Add(final); sc.dict[val] = sc.idx; sc.idx += final.Length; } Instruction now = txts[i].str; txts[i].psr.InsertAfter(idx, txts[i].psr.Create(OpCodes.Call, sc.strer)); txts[i].psr.Replace(idx, txts[i].psr.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, id)); if (i % interval == 0 || i == txts.Count - 1) progresser.SetProgress((i + 1) / total); } List<int> hashs = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { if (hashs.IndexOf(txts[i].mtd.GetHashCode()) == -1) { txts[i].mtd.Body.OptimizeMacros(); txts[i].mtd.Body.ComputeHeader(); hashs.Add(txts[i].mtd.GetHashCode()); } } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "dynamic") == -1) { ProcessSafe(parameter); return; } List <Context> txts = new List <Context>(); foreach (MethodDefinition mtd in parameter.Target as IList <IAnnotationProvider> ) { if (mtd == sc.strer || !mtd.HasBody) { continue; } var bdy = mtd.Body; bdy.SimplifyMacros(); var insts = bdy.Instructions; ILProcessor psr = bdy.GetILProcessor(); for (int i = 0; i < insts.Count; i++) { if (insts[i].OpCode.Code == Code.Ldstr) { txts.Add(new Context() { mtd = mtd, psr = psr, str = insts[i] }); } } } double total = txts.Count; int interval = 1; if (total > 1000) { interval = (int)total / 100; } int[] ids; bool retry; do { ids = new int[txts.Count]; retry = false; sc.dict.Clear(); int seed; sc.exp = ExpressionGenerator.Generate(5, out seed); for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { string val = txts[i].str.Operand as string; if (val == "") { continue; } if (sc.dict.ContainsKey(val)) { ids[i] = (int)((sc.dict[val] + sc.key0) ^ txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()); } else { ids[i] = (int)((sc.idx + sc.key0) ^ txts[i].mtd.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()); int len; byte[] dat = Encrypt(val, sc.exp, out len); try { if (Decrypt(dat, len, sc.exp) != val) { retry = true; break; } } catch { retry = true; break; } len = (int)~(len ^ sc.key1); byte[] final = new byte[dat.Length + 4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(dat, 0, final, 4, dat.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(len), 0, final, 0, 4); sc.dats.Add(final); sc.dict[val] = sc.idx; sc.idx += final.Length; } } } while (retry); for (int i = 0; i < sc.strer.Body.Instructions.Count; i++) { Instruction inst = sc.strer.Body.Instructions[i]; if (inst.Operand is MethodReference && ((MethodReference)inst.Operand).Name == "PolyStart") { List <Instruction> insts = new List <Instruction>(); int ptr = i + 1; while (ptr < sc.strer.Body.Instructions.Count) { Instruction z = sc.strer.Body.Instructions[ptr]; sc.strer.Body.Instructions.Remove(z); if (z.Operand is MethodReference && ((MethodReference)z.Operand).Name == "PlaceHolder") { break; } insts.Add(z); } Instruction[] expInsts = new CecilVisitor(sc.exp, true, insts.ToArray(), false).GetInstructions(); ILProcessor psr = sc.strer.Body.GetILProcessor(); psr.Replace(inst, expInsts[0]); for (int ii = 1; ii < expInsts.Length; ii++) { psr.InsertAfter(expInsts[ii - 1], expInsts[ii]); } } } sc.strer.Body.OptimizeMacros(); sc.strer.Body.ComputeOffsets(); for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { int idx = txts[i].mtd.Body.Instructions.IndexOf(txts[i].str); Instruction now = txts[i].str; if (now.Operand as string == "") { continue; } txts[i].psr.InsertAfter(idx, txts[i].psr.Create(OpCodes.Call, sc.strer)); txts[i].psr.Replace(idx, txts[i].psr.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, ids[i])); if (i % interval == 0 || i == txts.Count - 1) { progresser.SetProgress((i + 1) / total); } } List <int> hashs = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < txts.Count; i++) { if (hashs.IndexOf(txts[i].mtd.GetHashCode()) == -1) { txts[i].mtd.Body.OptimizeMacros(); txts[i].mtd.Body.ComputeHeader(); hashs.Add(txts[i].mtd.GetHashCode()); } } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { MethodDefinition mtd = parameter.Target as MethodDefinition; if (!mtd.HasBody) return; MethodBody bdy = mtd.Body; ILProcessor wkr = bdy.GetILProcessor(); Instruction original = bdy.Instructions[0]; Instruction jmp = wkr.Create(OpCodes.Br_S, original); Instruction stackundering = wkr.Create(OpCodes.Pop); Instruction stackrecovering; switch (rad.Next(0, 4)) { case 0: stackrecovering = wkr.Create(OpCodes.Ldnull); break; case 1: stackrecovering = wkr.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); break; case 2: stackrecovering = wkr.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, ""); break; default: stackrecovering = wkr.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I8, (long)rad.Next()); break; } wkr.InsertBefore(original, stackrecovering); wkr.InsertBefore(stackrecovering, stackundering); wkr.InsertBefore(stackundering, jmp); foreach (ExceptionHandler eh in bdy.ExceptionHandlers) { if (eh.TryStart == original) eh.TryStart = jmp; else if (eh.HandlerStart == original) eh.HandlerStart = jmp; else if (eh.FilterStart == original) eh.FilterStart = jmp; } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { _Context txt = mc.txts[mod]; txt.isNative = parameter.GlobalParameters["type"] == "native"; bool onlyExternal = true; if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "onlyExternal") != -1) { if (!bool.TryParse(parameter.GlobalParameters["onlyExternal"], out onlyExternal)) { Log("Invaild onlyExternal parameter, only external reference will be proxied."); onlyExternal = true; } } Database.AddEntry("MtdProxy", "OnlyExternal", onlyExternal); IList <Tuple <IAnnotationProvider, NameValueCollection> > targets = parameter.Target as IList <Tuple <IAnnotationProvider, NameValueCollection> >; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++) { MethodDefinition mtd = targets[i].Item1 as MethodDefinition; if (!mtd.HasBody || mtd.DeclaringType.FullName == "<Module>") { continue; } MethodBody bdy = mtd.Body; foreach (Instruction inst in bdy.Instructions) { if ((inst.OpCode.Code == Code.Call || inst.OpCode.Code == Code.Callvirt) && (!onlyExternal || !(inst.Operand is MethodDefinition)) && (inst.Operand as MethodReference).Name != ".ctor" && (inst.Operand as MethodReference).Name != ".cctor" && //no constructor !((inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType is GenericInstanceType) && //no generic ((inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType.Resolve() == null || !(inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType.Resolve().IsInterface) && //no interface (!(inst.Operand is MethodDefinition) || (inst.Operand as MethodDefinition).ImplAttributes != MethodImplAttributes.Native) && //no native (inst.Previous == null || inst.Previous.OpCode.OpCodeType != OpCodeType.Prefix)) //no prefix { CreateDelegate(mtd.Body, inst, inst.Operand as MethodReference, mod); } } progresser.SetProgress(i + 1, targets.Count); } int total = mc.txts.Count; int interval = 1; if (total > 1000) { interval = (int)total / 100; } for (int i = 0; i < txt.txts.Count; i++) { CreateFieldBridge(mod, txt.txts[i]); if (i % interval == 0 || i == txt.txts.Count - 1) { progresser.SetProgress(i + 1, total); } } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { if (Array.IndexOf(parameter.GlobalParameters.AllKeys, "dynamic") == -1) { ProcessSafe(parameter); return; } Random rand = new Random(); TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); AssemblyDefinition id = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Iid).Assembly.Location); cc.strer = id.MainModule.GetType("Encryptions").Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "Constants"); cc.strer = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, cc.strer); modType.Methods.Add(cc.strer); byte[] n = new byte[0x10]; rand.NextBytes(n); cc.strer.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); cc.strer.IsAssembly = true; AddHelper(cc.strer, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); cc.key0 = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * int.MaxValue); cc.key1 = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * int.MaxValue); cc.key2 = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * int.MaxValue); cc.key3 = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * int.MaxValue); rand.NextBytes(n); byte[] dat = new byte[0x10]; rand.NextBytes(dat); rand.NextBytes(cc.types); while (cc.types.Distinct().Count() != 5) { rand.NextBytes(cc.types); } cc.strer.Body.SimplifyMacros(); foreach (Instruction inst in cc.strer.Body.Instructions) { if ((inst.Operand as string) == "PADDINGPADDINGPADDING") { inst.Operand = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); } if ((inst.Operand as string) == "PADDINGPADDINGPADDINGPADDING") { inst.Operand = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(dat); } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 12345678) { inst.Operand = cc.key0; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 0x67452301) { inst.Operand = cc.key1; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 0x3bd523a0) { inst.Operand = cc.key2; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 0x5f6f36c0) { inst.Operand = cc.key3; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 11) { inst.Operand = (int)cc.types[0]; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 22) { inst.Operand = (int)cc.types[1]; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 33) { inst.Operand = (int)cc.types[2]; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 44) { inst.Operand = (int)cc.types[3]; } else if (inst.Operand is int && (int)inst.Operand == 55) { inst.Operand = (int)cc.types[4]; } } cc.resId = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(n); }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { IMemberDefinition mem = parameter.Target as IMemberDefinition; if (GetCancel(mem)) { return; } var mode = (NameMode)(mem.Module as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenMode]; NameMode specMode; if (TryParse <NameMode>(parameter.GlobalParameters["type"], out specMode) && specMode > mode) { mode = specMode; } if (mem is TypeDefinition) { TypeDefinition type = mem as TypeDefinition; if (GetRenOk(type)) { string originalName = type.Name; string originalFName = TypeParser.ToParseable(type); type.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetNewName(originalFName, mode); switch (mode) { case NameMode.Unreadable: type.Namespace = ""; break; case NameMode.ASCII: type.Namespace = " "; break; case NameMode.Letters: type.Namespace = "BANANA"; break; } Identifier id = (Identifier)(type as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenId]; Identifier n = id; = CecilHelper.GetName(type); n.scope = CecilHelper.GetNamespace(type); foreach (IReference refer in (type as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenRef] as List <IReference> ) { refer.UpdateReference(id, n); } Database.AddEntry("Rename", originalName, type.Name); } } else if (mem is MethodDefinition) { MethodDefinition mtd = mem as MethodDefinition; PerformMethod(mtd, mode); } else if (GetRenOk(mem as IAnnotationProvider)) { mem.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetNewName(mem.Name, mode); Identifier id = (Identifier)(mem as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenId]; Identifier n = id; n.scope = mem.DeclaringType.FullName; = mem.Name; foreach (IReference refer in (mem as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenRef] as List <IReference> ) { refer.UpdateReference(id, n); } } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { IMemberDefinition mem = parameter.Target as IMemberDefinition; if (GetCancel(mem)) return; if (mem is TypeDefinition) { TypeDefinition type = mem as TypeDefinition; if (GetRenOk(type)) { string originalName = type.Name; string originalFName = TypeParser.ToParseable(type); var mode = (NameMode)(mem.Module as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenMode]; type.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetNewName(originalFName, mode); switch (mode) { case NameMode.Unreadable: type.Namespace = ""; break; case NameMode.ASCII: type.Namespace = " "; break; case NameMode.Letters: type.Namespace = "BANANA"; break; } Identifier id = (Identifier)(type as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenId]; Identifier n = id; = CecilHelper.GetName(type); n.scope = CecilHelper.GetNamespace(type); foreach (IReference refer in (type as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenRef] as List<IReference>) { refer.UpdateReference(id, n); } Database.AddEntry("Rename", originalName, type.Name); } } else if (mem is MethodDefinition) { MethodDefinition mtd = mem as MethodDefinition; PerformMethod(mtd); } else if (GetRenOk(mem as IAnnotationProvider)) { mem.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetNewName(mem.Name, (NameMode)(mem.Module as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenMode]); Identifier id = (Identifier)(mem as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenId]; Identifier n = id; n.scope = mem.DeclaringType.FullName; = mem.Name; foreach (IReference refer in (mem as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[NameAnalyzer.RenRef] as List<IReference>) { refer.UpdateReference(id, n); } } }
public override void Process(ConfusionParameter parameter) { _Context txt = rc.txts[mod]; txt.dats = new List <KeyValuePair <string, byte[]> >(); TypeDefinition modType = mod.GetType("<Module>"); AssemblyDefinition i = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Iid).Assembly.Location); i.MainModule.ReadSymbols(); txt.reso = i.MainModule.GetType("Encryptions").Methods.FirstOrDefault(mtd => mtd.Name == "Resources"); txt.reso = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, txt.reso); modType.Methods.Add(txt.reso); txt.reso.Name = ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(); txt.reso.IsAssembly = true; AddHelper(txt.reso, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); Database.AddEntry("ResEncrypt", "Resolver", txt.reso.FullName); TypeDefinition lzma = mod.GetType("Lzma" + mod.GetHashCode()); if (lzma == null) { lzma = CecilHelper.Inject(mod, i.MainModule.GetType("Lzma")); lzma.IsNotPublic = true; lzma.Name = "Lzma" + mod.GetHashCode(); mod.Types.Add(lzma); } FieldDefinition datAsm = new FieldDefinition( ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(), FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.CompilerControlled, mod.Import(typeof(System.Reflection.Assembly))); modType.Fields.Add(datAsm); AddHelper(datAsm, HelperAttribute.NoInjection); Database.AddEntry("ResEncrypt", "Store", datAsm.FullName); txt.key0 = (byte)Random.Next(0, 0x100); do { txt.key1 = (byte)Random.Next(1, 0x100); } while (txt.key1 == txt.key0); Database.AddEntry("ResEncrypt", "Key0", txt.key0); Database.AddEntry("ResEncrypt", "Key1", txt.key1); txt.resId = ObfuscationHelper.GetRandomName(); Database.AddEntry("ResEncrypt", "ResID", txt.resId); Mutator mutator = new Mutator(); mutator.StringKeys = new string[] { txt.resId }; mutator.IntKeys = new int[] { txt.key0, txt.key1 }; mutator.Mutate(Random, txt.reso.Body, mod); foreach (Instruction inst in txt.reso.Body.Instructions) { if (inst.Operand is FieldReference && (inst.Operand as FieldReference).Name == "datAsm") { inst.Operand = datAsm; } else if (inst.Operand is TypeReference && (inst.Operand as TypeReference).FullName == "System.Exception") { inst.Operand = modType; } else if (inst.Operand is MethodReference && (inst.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType.Name == "LzmaDecoder") { inst.Operand = lzma.NestedTypes .Single(_ => _.Name == "LzmaDecoder").Methods .Single(_ => _.Name == (inst.Operand as MethodReference).Name); } } foreach (var x in txt.reso.Body.Variables) { if (x.VariableType.Name == "LzmaDecoder") { x.VariableType = lzma.NestedTypes.Single(_ => _.Name == "LzmaDecoder"); } } MethodDefinition cctor = mod.GetType("<Module>").GetStaticConstructor(); MethodBody bdy = cctor.Body as MethodBody; ILProcessor psr = bdy.GetILProcessor(); //Reverse order psr.InsertBefore(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Callvirt, mod.Import(typeof(AppDomain).GetEvent("ResourceResolve").GetAddMethod()))); psr.InsertBefore(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Newobj, mod.Import(typeof(ResolveEventHandler).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(IntPtr) })))); psr.InsertBefore(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldftn, txt.reso)); psr.InsertBefore(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldnull)); psr.InsertBefore(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, mod.Import(typeof(AppDomain).GetProperty("CurrentDomain").GetGetMethod()))); }