コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked by ReSharper each time it wants us to perform some background processing
        /// of a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="process">Provides information about and services relating to the
        /// work we are being asked to do.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">Settings information.</param>
        /// <param name="processKind">The kind of processing we're being asked to do.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file to be processed.</param>
        /// <returns>A process object representing the work, or null if no work will be done.</returns>
        protected override IDaemonStageProcess CreateProcess(
            IDaemonProcess process,
            IContextBoundSettingsStore settings,
            DaemonProcessKind processKind,
            ICSharpFile file)
            if (process == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("process");

            // StyleCop's daemon stage looks for a processKind of DaemonProcessKind.OTHER
            // and does nothing (returns null) if it sees it. This turns out to prevent
            // highlights from showing up when you ask ReSharper to inspect code issues
            // across the whole solution. I'm not sure why StyleCop deliberately opts out
            // of it. Perhaps something goes horribly wrong, but I've not seen any sign
            // of that yet, and we really do want solution-wide inspection to work.

                // I guess the base class checks that this is actually a C# file?
                if (!IsSupported(process.SourceFile))

                // StyleCop checks to see if there are already any errors in the file, and if
                // there are, it decides to do nothing.
                // TODO: Do we need to do that?

                // TODO: We should probably check for exemptions, e.g. generated source files.
            catch (ProcessCancelledException)

            // TODO: should we get an injected ISettingsOptimization?
            var orderUsingSettings =
                settings.GetKey <OrderUsingsSettings>(SettingsOptimization.DoMeSlowly);

            OrderUsingsConfiguration config = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderUsingSettings.OrderSpecificationXml))
                config = ConfigurationSerializer.FromXml(new StringReader(orderUsingSettings.OrderSpecificationXml));

            return(new OrderUsingsDaemonStageProcess(process, file, config));
コード例 #2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void Process(
            IPsiSourceFile sourceFile,
            IRangeMarker rangeMarker,
            CodeCleanupProfile profile,
            IProgressIndicator progressIndicator)
            IPsiServices psiServices            = sourceFile.GetPsiServices();
            IPsiFiles    psiFiles               = psiServices.Files;
            IContextBoundSettingsStore settings = sourceFile.GetSettingsStore();
            var orderUsingSettings              =
                settings.GetKey <OrderUsingsSettings>(SettingsOptimization.DoMeSlowly);
            OrderUsingsConfiguration config = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderUsingSettings.OrderSpecificationXml))
                config = ConfigurationSerializer.FromXml(new StringReader(orderUsingSettings.OrderSpecificationXml));

            if (config == null)

            var file = psiFiles.GetDominantPsiFile <CSharpLanguage>(sourceFile) as ICSharpFile;

            if (file == null)

            if (!profile.GetSetting(DescriptorInstance))

                "Code cleanup",
                () =>
                using (_shellLocks.UsingWriteLock())
                    CleanUsings(file, config);
                    WalkNamespaceDeclarations(file.NamespaceDeclarations, config);