public void Configure(ConfigSource config) { consumerRequests = config.GetBoolean("consumerRequests"); ConfigSource child = config.GetChild("accessVerifier"); if (child != null) { string typeString = child.GetString("type"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeString)) throw new ConfigurationException("The 'accessVerifier' type was not specified.", child, "type"); Type type = Type.GetType(typeString, false, true); if (type == null) throw new ConfigurationException("The type '" + typeString + "' could not be found.", child, "type"); if (!typeof (IPathAccessVerifier).IsAssignableFrom(type)) throw new ConfigurationException( "The type '" + type + "' cannot be is not an implementation of '" + typeof (IPathAccessVerifier) + "'.", child, "type"); try { accessVerifier = (IPathAccessVerifier) Activator.CreateInstance(type); accessVerifier.Context = OAuthProvider.Current; accessVerifier.Configure(child); } catch (ConfigurationException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Error while initializing the type '" + type + "': " + e.Message, e); } } }
public void TestInt64() { ConfigSource config = new ConfigSource(); config.SetValue("key", 64L); Assert.AreEqual(64L, config.GetInt32("key")); }
/// <summary> /// 从XML文件中读取节点值 /// </summary> /// <param name="source">数据源</param> /// <param name="nodeName">节点名称</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetXMLValue(ConfigSource source, string nodeName) { string nodeValue = string.Empty; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); try { string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\SvcConfig{0}.xml"; switch (source) { case ConfigSource.Beijing: path = string.Format(path, "Beijing"); break; case ConfigSource.Canadan: path = string.Format(path, "Canadan"); break; default: path = string.Format(path, ""); break; } xmlDoc.Load(path); XmlNode xn = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("config"); nodeValue = xn.SelectNodes(nodeName).Item(0).InnerText; } catch { throw; } return nodeValue; }
public void TestIn32() { ConfigSource config = new ConfigSource(); config.SetValue("key", 32); Assert.AreEqual(32, config.GetInt32("key")); }
/// <summary>Initialize this command</summary> public override void Initialize(CommandLine cmd, ConfigSource configuration) { var arg = cmd.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(); if (null == arg) { arguments = new string[] { HELP, Topic("xp/runtime", "xp") }; modules = new string[] { }; return; } else if (arg.StartsWith("/")) { arguments = new string[] { HELP, Topic("xp/runtime", arg.Substring(1)) }; modules = new string[] { }; return; } else { var topic = arg.Split(new char[] { '/' }, 2); if (null == Type.GetType("Xp.Runners.Commands." + topic[0].UpperCaseFirst())) { var plugin = new Plugin(topic[0]); plugin.Initialize(cmd, configuration); arguments = new string[] { HELP, topic.Length > 1 ? Topic(plugin.EntryPoint.Package.Replace('.', '/'), topic[0] + '/' + topic[1]) : plugin.EntryPoint.Type }; modules = plugin.Modules; } else { arguments = new string[] { HELP, Topic("xp/runtime", topic.Length > 1 ? topic[0] + '/' + topic[1] : topic[0]) }; modules = new string[] { }; } } }
public void AddChild() { ConfigSource config = new ConfigSource(); ConfigSource child = config.AddChild("test"); Assert.IsNotNull(child); Assert.AreEqual(1, config.ChildCount); Assert.AreEqual("test", child.Name); }
internal Logger(string name, ILogger logger, ConfigSource config) { = name; this.logger = logger; this.config = config; logDelegate = new LogDelegate(Log); }
public void ConfigureNetworkLogger() { ConfigSource config = new ConfigSource(); config.SetValue("", "simple-console"); Logger.Init(config); Logger logger = Logger.Network; Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(SimpleConsoleLogger), logger.BaseLogger); }
public void ConfigureDefaultDebugger() { ConfigSource config = new ConfigSource(); config.SetValue("", "default"); Logger.Init(config); Logger logger = Logger.GetLogger("foo"); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(DefaultLogger), logger.BaseLogger); }
protected override void Config(ConfigSource config) { base.Config(config); NetworkConfigSource networkConfig = (NetworkConfigSource) config; networkConfig.AddAllowedIp("localhost"); networkConfig.AddAllowedIp(""); networkConfig.AddAllowedIp("::1"); }
public void GetChildValue() { ConfigSource config = new ConfigSource(); ConfigSource child = config.AddChild("test.child"); child.SetValue("value", 32); int value = config.GetInt32("test.child.value"); Assert.AreEqual(32, value); }
public void Save(ConfigSource config, Stream output) { if (!output.CanWrite) throw new ArgumentException("The output stream cannot be written.", "output"); Util.Properties properties = new Util.Properties(); SetChildValues(properties, "", config); properties.Store(output, null); }
public void DefaultWithoutExplicitSpec() { ConfigSource config = new ConfigSource(); config.SetValue("logger.format", "[{Time}] - {Source} - {Message]"); Logger.Init(config); Logger logger = Logger.GetLogger(); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(DefaultLogger), logger.BaseLogger); Assert.AreEqual("[{Time}] - {Source} - {Message]", logger.Config.GetString("format")); }
public void Configure(ConfigSource configSource) { format = configSource.GetString("format"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(format)) { format = DefaultFormat; } else if (String.Compare(format, "N", true) != 0 && String.Compare(format, "D", true) != 0) { throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid or not supported GUID format specified", configSource, "format"); } }
public void ConfigureSimpleConsoleLogger() { ConfigSource config = new ConfigSource(); config.SetValue("", "simple-console"); Logger.Init(config); Logger logger = Logger.GetLogger("foo"); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(SimpleConsoleLogger), logger.BaseLogger); logger.Info("Printing a log message"); }
public void Load(ConfigSource config, Stream input) { if (!input.CanRead) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot read from the stream.", "input"); Util.Properties properties = new Util.Properties(); properties.Load(input); foreach(KeyValuePair<object, object> pair in properties) { config.SetValue((string)pair.Key, (string)pair.Value); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取当前时间 /// </summary> /// <param name="source">配置的源类型</param> /// <returns></returns> public DateTime NowTime(ConfigSource source) { switch (source) { case ConfigSource.Beijing: return DateTime.Now; case ConfigSource.Canadan: return DateTime.Now; default: return DateTime.Now; } }
private static string CreateMessage(ConfigSource config, string key) { string message; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { message = "A configuration error occurred at source '" + config.FullName + "' on key '" + key + "'."; } else { message = "A configuration error occurred at source '" + config.FullName + "'"; } return message; }
public void CompositeConsoleLogger() { ConfigSource config = new ConfigSource(); config.SetValue("logger.composite.type", "composite"); config.SetValue("logger.composite.1.type", "simple-console"); config.SetValue("logger.composite.2.type", "simple-console"); Logger.Init(config); Logger logger = Logger.GetLogger("composite"); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(CompositeLogger), logger.BaseLogger); logger.Info("Print a simple message that must be written in the console twice"); }
public void AddMessageAddsConfigSourceTitle() { var source = new ConfigSource(); source.Title = "foo"; sut = new ValidationResult(source); sut.AddMessage(ErrorLevel.Info, "message"); var createdText = sut.Messages.First().Message; Assert.StartsWith("foo", createdText); Assert.EndsWith("message", createdText); }
public void TransformToSourceTable_ProducesCorrectTable() { using (var scenario = MultiLevelTableScenario.Setup()) { // Act var src = new ConfigSource("test"); var sourceTable = scenario.Table.TransformToSourceTable(new ConfigSource("test")); // Assert sourceTable.Get <IConfigSource>(nameof(scenario.Clr.X)).Should().Be(src); var sub = sourceTable.Get <TomlTable>(nameof(scenario.Clr.Sub)); sub.Get <IConfigSource>(nameof(scenario.Clr.Sub.Y)).Should().Be(src); } }
public void StructuredProperties() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(" = pass"); sb.AppendLine("test.two = ed"); sb.AppendLine(" = 200"); sb.AppendLine(" = 23d"); ConfigSource source = new ConfigSource(); source.LoadProperties(GetStream(sb)); Assert.AreEqual(2, source.GetChild("test").Keys.Length); Assert.AreEqual("ed", source.GetChild("test").GetString("two")); }
public void SimpleProperties() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("test=passed"); sb.AppendLine("me=spaced value"); ConfigSource source = new ConfigSource(); source.LoadProperties(GetStream(sb)); Assert.AreEqual("test", source.Keys[0]); Assert.AreEqual("me", source.Keys[1]); Assert.AreEqual("passed", source.GetString("test")); Assert.AreEqual("spaced value", source.GetString("me")); }
public void Init(AdminService adminService) { if (storeType == StoreType.FileSystem) { ConfigSource config = adminService.Config; string basePath = config.GetString("node_directory", "./base"); factory = new FileSystemServiceFactory(basePath); } else { factory = new MemoryServiceFactory(); } factory.Init(adminService); }
public void GetRepositoryList_PaginationWorks() { // Name and AuthName must be equal for all of the currently supported hosters, so this test must be without authentication // TODO: make authentication for this test configurable when a new hoster without this limitation is added Skip.If(this.SkipUnauthenticatedTests); var source = new ConfigSource(); source.Hoster = this.ConfigHoster; source.Type = "user"; source.Name = this.HosterPaginationUser; var repoList = sut.GetRepositoryList(source); Assert.True(repoList.Count > this.Pagination_MinNumberOfRepos); }
public void SetUp() { source1 = new LambdaConfigurationAction(g => { }); theLog = new ConfigLog(null); theChain = new BehaviorChain(); node = new TracedNode(); node.Trace("something"); node.Trace("else"); node2 = new TracedNode(); theConfigSource = theLog.StartSource(new FubuRegistry(), source1); theLog.RecordEvents(theChain, node); theLog.RecordEvents(theChain, node2); }
public void SetDefaultFakeConfig() { var config = new Config(); config.LocalFolder = "foo"; config.WaitSecondsOnError = 0; var source = new ConfigSource(); source.Title = "title"; source.Hoster = "fake"; config.Sources.Add(source); this.FakeConfig = config; }
private static void SetChildValues(Util.Properties properties, string prefix, ConfigSource config) { prefix += config.Name; foreach(string key in config.Keys) { string value = config.GetString(key, null); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) continue; properties.SetProperty(prefix + "." + key, value); } foreach(ConfigSource child in config.Children) { SetChildValues(properties, prefix, child); } }
public IgnoringHosterApiCallerTests() { this.source = new ConfigSource { Title = "foo" }; var repos = new List <HosterRepository>(); repos.Add(new HosterRepository("", "bar", "http://clone", ScmType.Git)); repos.Add(new HosterRepository("foo.baz", "baz", "http://clone", ScmType.Git)); var caller = new FakeHosterApiCaller(); caller.Lists.Add(this.source, repos); this.sut = new IgnoringHosterApiCaller(caller); }
public static void Init(ConfigSource config) { lock (logSyncLock) { InspectLoggers(); ConfigSource loggerConfig = config; // if it is a root configuration, get the 'logger' child if (loggerConfig.Parent == null) { loggerConfig = config.GetChild("logger"); } // if we haven't found any 'logger' or if the element has no // children, simply return and get empty loggers ... if (loggerConfig == null) { return; } // this means there's just one logger and its children are config... if (loggerConfig.ChildCount == 0) { DoInit(String.Empty, loggerConfig, null); } else { List <ILogger> composites = new List <ILogger>(); foreach (ConfigSource child in loggerConfig.Children) { DoInit(child.Name, child, composites); } // let's late process the composite loggers found if (composites.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < composites.Count; i++) { composites[i].Init(config); } } } initid = true; } }
public void Init() { nullableLogger = NullLogger.Instance; config = new EnvConfig(nullableLogger); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("kumuluzee-name", "test-service", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("kumuluzee-server-http-port", "9000", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("", "test-service_dot", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("", "9000_dot", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("kumuluzee_name_underscore", "test-service_underscore", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("kumuluzee_server_http_port_underscore", "9000_underscore", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("KUMULUZEE_NAME_UPPERCASE", "test-service_uppercase", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("KUMULUZEE_SERVER_HTTP_PORT_UPPERCASE", "9000_uppercase", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); }
/// <summary>Entry point</summary> public int Execute(CommandLine cmd, ConfigSource configuration) { Initialize(cmd, configuration); var proc = new Process(); var runtime = configuration.GetRuntime(); var ini = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> >() { { "magic_quotes_gpc", new string[] { "0" } }, { "date.timezone", new string[] { TimeZoneInfo.Local.Olson() ?? "UTC" } }, { "extension", configuration.GetExtensions(runtime) } }; var use = configuration.GetUse() ?? UseComposer(); Encoding encoding; Func <string, string> args; var main = Paths.TryLocate(use, new string[] { Paths.Compose("tools", MainFor(cmd) + ".php") }).FirstOrDefault(); if (null == main) { main = Paths.Locate(new string[] { Paths.Binary().DirName() }, new string[] { MainFor(cmd) + "-main.php" }).First(); encoding = Encoding.UTF8; // Arguments are encoded in utf-7, which is binary-safe args = Arguments.Encode; } else { args = Arguments.Escape; encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"); } proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.FileName = configuration.GetExecutable(runtime) ?? "php"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format( "-C -q -d include_path=\".{0}{1}{0}{0}.{0}{2}\" {3} {4} {5}", Paths.Separator, string.Join(Paths.Separator, use.Concat(cmd.Options["modules"].Concat(ModulesFor(cmd)))), string.Join(Paths.Separator, cmd.Options["classpath"].Concat(ClassPathFor(cmd))), string.Join(" ", IniSettings(ini.Concat(configuration.GetArgs(runtime)))), main, string.Join(" ", ArgumentsFor(cmd).Select(args)) ); return(cmd.ExecutionModel.Execute(proc, encoding)); }
public SpecFlowConfiguration(ConfigSource configSource, CultureInfo featureLanguage, CultureInfo bindingCulture, List <string> additionalStepAssemblies, StepDefinitionSkeletonStyle stepDefinitionSkeletonStyle, bool usesPlugins, string generatorPath ) { ConfigSource = configSource; FeatureLanguage = featureLanguage; BindingCulture = bindingCulture; AdditionalStepAssemblies = additionalStepAssemblies; StepDefinitionSkeletonStyle = stepDefinitionSkeletonStyle; UsesPlugins = usesPlugins; GeneratorPath = generatorPath; }
/// <summary> /// Validate the object. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="Microsoft.Rest.ValidationException"> /// Thrown if validation fails /// </exception> public virtual void Validate() { if (ConfigSource != null) { ConfigSource.Validate(); } if (Taints != null) { foreach (var element in Taints) { if (element != null) { element.Validate(); } } } }
public void GetRepositoryList_DoesntReturnMercurialRepos() { // #60: 2 months after Bitbucket's HG deprecation, their API still returns HG repos but cloning/pulling them fails -> ignore them var source = new ConfigSource(); source.Hoster = this.ConfigHoster; source.Type = "user"; source.Name = this.HosterUser; source.AuthName = TestHelper.EnvVar(this.EnvVarPrefix, "Name"); source.Password = TestHelper.EnvVar(this.EnvVarPrefix, "PW"); var repoList = sut.GetRepositoryList(source); var hgrepos = repoList.Where(x => x.Scm == ScmType.Mercurial); Assert.Empty(hgrepos); }
/// <summary>Entry point</summary> public int Execute(CommandLine cmd, ConfigSource configuration) { Initialize(cmd, configuration); var proc = new Process(); var runtime = configuration.GetRuntime(); var ini = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>() { { "magic_quotes_gpc", new string[] { "0" } }, { "date.timezone", new string[] { TimeZoneInfo.Local.Olson() ?? "UTC" } }, { "extension", configuration.GetExtensions(runtime) } }; var use = configuration.GetUse() ?? UseComposer(); Encoding encoding; Func<string, string> args; var main = Paths.TryLocate(use, new string[] { Paths.Compose("tools", MainFor(cmd) + ".php") }).FirstOrDefault(); if (null == main) { main = Paths.Locate(new string[] { Paths.Binary().DirName() }, new string[] { MainFor(cmd) + "-main.php" }).First(); encoding = Encoding.UTF8; // Arguments are encoded in utf-7, which is binary-safe args = Arguments.Encode; } else { args = Arguments.Escape; encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"); } proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.FileName = configuration.GetExecutable(runtime) ?? "php"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format( "-C -q -d include_path=\".{0}{1}{0}{0}.{0}{2}\" {3} {4} {5}", Paths.Separator, string.Join(Paths.Separator, use.Concat(cmd.Options["modules"].Concat(ModulesFor(cmd)))), string.Join(Paths.Separator, cmd.Options["classpath"].Concat(ClassPathFor(cmd))), string.Join(" ", IniSettings(ini.Concat(configuration.GetArgs(runtime)))), main, string.Join(" ", ArgumentsFor(cmd).Select(args)) ); return cmd.ExecutionModel.Execute(proc, encoding); }
protected virtual void Config(ConfigSource config) { if (storeType == StoreType.FileSystem) { if (Directory.Exists(TestPath)) { Directory.Delete(TestPath, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(path); config.SetValue("node_directory", path); } config.SetValue("logger." + Logger.NetworkLoggerName + ".type", "simple-console"); Logger.Init(config); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(SimpleConsoleLogger), Logger.Network.BaseLogger); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (configSource_ != null) { hash ^= ConfigSource.GetHashCode(); } if (Name.Length != 0) { hash ^= Name.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
/// <summary> /// basic validation rules which are always the same /// </summary> public ValidationResult Validate(ConfigSource source) { var result = new ValidationResult(source); if (source.Hoster != this.HosterName) { result.AddMessage(ErrorLevel.Error, string.Format(Resource.WrongHoster, source.Hoster), ValidationMessageType.WrongHoster); } if (source.Type != "user" && source.Type != "org") { result.AddMessage(ErrorLevel.Error, string.Format(Resource.WrongType, source.Type), ValidationMessageType.WrongType); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source.Name)) { result.AddMessage(ErrorLevel.Error, Resource.NameEmpty, ValidationMessageType.NameEmpty); } bool authNameEmpty = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source.AuthName); bool passwordEmpty = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source.Password); if (authNameEmpty != passwordEmpty) { result.AddMessage(ErrorLevel.Error, Resource.AuthNameOrPasswortEmpty, ValidationMessageType.AuthNameOrPasswortEmpty); } else if (authNameEmpty && passwordEmpty) { result.AddMessage(ErrorLevel.Warn, Resource.AuthNameAndPasswortEmpty, ValidationMessageType.AuthNameAndPasswortEmpty); } if (this.AuthNameAndNameMustBeEqual) { if (source.Type != "org" && source.Name != source.AuthName) { result.AddMessage(ErrorLevel.Warn, string.Format(Resource.AuthNameAndNameNotEqual, source.Hoster), ValidationMessageType.AuthNameAndNameNotEqual); } } this.ValidateSpecific(result, source); return(result); }
public void LoadProperties() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("test=23"); sb.AppendLine(""); sb.AppendLine(""); Stream input = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString())); ConfigSource config = new ConfigSource(); config.LoadProperties(input); Assert.AreEqual(1, config.Keys.Length); Assert.AreEqual("test", config.Keys[0]); Assert.AreEqual(2, config.GetChild("test").Keys.Length); Assert.AreEqual("foo", config.GetChild("test").Keys[0]); Assert.AreEqual("bar", config.GetChild("test").Keys[1]); Assert.AreEqual(12, config.GetChild("test").GetInt32("foo")); Assert.AreEqual("test", config.GetChild("test").GetString("bar")); }
public virtual void Set(string key, object value) { value.ShouldNotBeNull("value"); if (Get(key) == null) { Add(key, value.ToString()); } else { keys[key] = value.ToString(); } if (ConfigSource.AutoSave) { ConfigSource.Save(); } OnKeySet(new ConfigKeyEventArgs(key, value.ToString())); }
public void MergeFrom(TapDSConfig other) { if (other == null) { return; } if (other.configSource_ != null) { if (configSource_ == null) { ConfigSource = new global::Envoy.Api.V2.Core.ConfigSource(); } ConfigSource.MergeFrom(other.ConfigSource); } if (other.Name.Length != 0) { Name = other.Name; } _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields); }
public static Cluster CreateCluster(string clusterName) { var edsSource = new ConfigSource { Ads = new AggregatedConfigSource() }; return(new Cluster { Name = clusterName, ConnectTimeout = Duration.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)), EdsClusterConfig = new EdsClusterConfig { EdsConfig = edsSource, ServiceName = clusterName, }, Type = DiscoveryType.Eds }); }
/// <summary>Initialize this command. Searches modules passed via command line, current directory /// and locally as well as globally installed locations for subcommands, in this order.</summary> public override void Initialize(CommandLine cmd, ConfigSource configuration) { foreach (var dir in cmd.Options["modules"].Concat(new string[] { "." })) { if (null == (entry = FindEntryPoint(dir, name))) continue; modules = new string[] { }; return; } foreach (var dir in ComposerLocations()) { if (null == (entry = FindEntryPoint(dir, name))) continue; modules = DependenciesAndSelf(dir, entry.Module, new HashSet<string>()); return; } throw new NotImplementedException(name); }
public void GetReposForSourceReturnsList() { var source = new ConfigSource(); source.Title = "title"; var list = new List <HosterRepository>(); list.Add(new HosterRepository("bar", "bar", "http://bar", ScmType.Git)); list.Add(new HosterRepository("foo", "foo", "http://foo", ScmType.Git)); var sut = new ApiRepositories(); sut.AddItem(source, list); var result = sut.GetReposForSource(source); Assert.Equal(2, result.Count()); Assert.Equal("bar", result.First().FullName); }
public void Init(ConfigSource config) { if (config.ChildCount == 0) return; foreach(ConfigSource child in config.Children) { string childName = child.Name; int offset = -1; if (!Int32.TryParse(childName, out offset)) continue; if (offset < 1) continue; offset = offset -1; string refLogger = child.GetString("ref", null); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(refLogger)) { loggers.Insert(offset, Logger.GetLogger(refLogger)); } else { string loggerTypeString = child.GetString("type", null); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(loggerTypeString)) loggerTypeString = "default"; Type loggerType = Logger.GetLoggerType(loggerTypeString); if (loggerType == null || !typeof(ILogger).IsAssignableFrom(loggerType)) continue; try { ILogger logger = (ILogger) Activator.CreateInstance(loggerType, true); logger.Init(child); EnsureListCapacity(offset); loggers.Insert(offset, new Logger(child.Name, logger, child)); } catch { continue; } } } }
private static IServiceFactory GetServiceFactory(string storage, ConfigSource nodeConfigSource) { if (storage == "file") { string nodeDir = nodeConfigSource.GetString("node_directory", Environment.CurrentDirectory); return(new FileSystemServiceFactory(nodeDir)); } if (storage == "memory") { return(new MemoryServiceFactory()); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(storage) && nodeConfigSource != null) { storage = nodeConfigSource.GetString("storage", "file"); return(GetServiceFactory(storage, nodeConfigSource)); } return(null); }
public void LogsErrorWhenConfigSourceTitlesContainDuplicates() { reader = new FakeConfigReader(); reader.SetDefaultFakeConfig(); var source = new ConfigSource(); source.Title = "title"; source.Type = "fake"; reader.FakeConfig.Sources.Add(source); logger = new FakeLogger(); validator = new FakeHosterValidator(); sut = new ValidatingConfigReader(reader, logger, validator); var result = sut.ReadConfig(); Assert.True(logger.LoggedSomething); Assert.Equal(ErrorLevel.Error, logger.LastErrorLevel); Assert.Null(result); }
public SpecFlowConfiguration(ConfigSource configSource, ContainerRegistrationCollection customDependencies, ContainerRegistrationCollection generatorCustomDependencies, CultureInfo featureLanguage, CultureInfo bindingCulture, string unitTestProvider, bool stopAtFirstError, MissingOrPendingStepsOutcome missingOrPendingStepsOutcome, bool traceSuccessfulSteps, bool traceTimings, TimeSpan minTracedDuration, StepDefinitionSkeletonStyle stepDefinitionSkeletonStyle, List <string> additionalStepAssemblies, List <PluginDescriptor> pluginDescriptors, bool allowDebugGeneratedFiles, bool allowRowTests, bool markFeaturesParallelizable, string[] skipParallelizableMarkerForTags, ObsoleteBehavior obsoleteBehavior) { ConfigSource = configSource; CustomDependencies = customDependencies; GeneratorCustomDependencies = generatorCustomDependencies; FeatureLanguage = featureLanguage; BindingCulture = bindingCulture; UnitTestProvider = unitTestProvider; StopAtFirstError = stopAtFirstError; MissingOrPendingStepsOutcome = missingOrPendingStepsOutcome; TraceSuccessfulSteps = traceSuccessfulSteps; TraceTimings = traceTimings; MinTracedDuration = minTracedDuration; StepDefinitionSkeletonStyle = stepDefinitionSkeletonStyle; AdditionalStepAssemblies = additionalStepAssemblies; Plugins = pluginDescriptors; AllowDebugGeneratedFiles = allowDebugGeneratedFiles; AllowRowTests = allowRowTests; MarkFeaturesParallelizable = markFeaturesParallelizable; SkipParallelizableMarkerForTags = skipParallelizableMarkerForTags; ObsoleteBehavior = obsoleteBehavior; }
public void GetReposForSourceReturnsAlphabeticallySorted() { var source = new ConfigSource(); source.Title = "title"; var list = new List <HosterRepository>(); list.Add(new HosterRepository("ccc", "ccc", "http://ccc", ScmType.Git)); list.Add(new HosterRepository("aaa", "aaa", "http://aaa", ScmType.Git)); list.Add(new HosterRepository("bbb", "bbb", "http://bbb", ScmType.Git)); var sut = new ApiRepositories(); sut.AddItem(source, list); var result = sut.GetReposForSource(source).ToList(); Assert.Equal("aaa", result[0].FullName); Assert.Equal("bbb", result[1].FullName); Assert.Equal("ccc", result[2].FullName); }
public void SetsWikiToFalseWhenWikiDoesntExist() { // issue #13: the GitHub API only returns whether it's *possible* to create a wiki, but not if the repo actually *has* a wiki. // This is a test repo without wiki, but with the "wiki" checkbox set: string username = "******"; string reponame = "wiki-doesnt-exist"; // We always use this repo, but authenticate with the user from the config to avoid hitting rate limits: var source = new ConfigSource(); source.Hoster = this.ConfigHoster; source.Type = "user"; source.Name = username; source.AuthName = TestHelper.EnvVar(this.EnvVarPrefix, "Name"); source.Password = TestHelper.EnvVar(this.EnvVarPrefix, "PW"); var repoList = sut.GetRepositoryList(source); var repo = repoList.First(r => r.ShortName == reponame); Assert.False(repo.HasWiki); }
/// <summary>Entry point</summary> public override int Execute(CommandLine cmd, ConfigSource configuration) { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var output = new Output(Console.Out) .Origin(Paths.Binary()) .Header("XP Subcommands") .Section("Builtin @ " + assembly.GetName().Version, new Output() .Line() .Each(BuiltinsIn(assembly), (self, type) => self.Line("$ xp " + type.Name.ToLower())) ) ; if (File.Exists(ComposerFile.NAME)) { using (var composer = new ComposerFile(ComposerFile.NAME)) { if (composer.Definitions.Scripts.Count > 0) { output.Section("Defined via scripts in @ " + composer.SourceUri, new Output() .Line() .Each(composer.Definitions.Scripts, (self, script) => self.Line("$ xp " + script.Key)) ); } } } foreach (var dir in cmd.Path["modules"]) { AppendCommands(output, "Module", Paths.Resolve(dir)); } AppendCommands(output, "Local", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); foreach (var dir in ComposerLocations()) { AppendCommands(output, "Installed", Paths.Compose(dir, "vendor")); } return(0); }
public void UpsertKey(string profileName, string key, string value, ConfigSource configSource) { if (!ConfigKey.IsValid(key)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Not a valid credential key: {key}"); } var credentialProfile = _credentialProfileList.FirstOrDefault(cp => cp.ProfileName.Equals(profileName)); if (credentialProfile == null) { credentialProfile = new CredentialProfile() { ProfileName = profileName }; _credentialProfileList.Add(credentialProfile); } credentialProfile.Items[key] = new CredentialItem { Source = configSource, Value = value }; }
public void Enqueue(string queueName, object message) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queueName) || message == null) { return; } var json = message.Serialize(); var queue = GetQueue(queueName); string hash = null; HashSet <string> hashSet = null; if (!IgnoreHash) { hash = json.GetMD5(); hashSet = GetHashSet(queueName); if (hashSet.Contains(hash)) { return; } } var hostId = ConfigSource.GetAppSetting("DQueue.HostId"); var dequeueLocker = ReceptionAssistant.GetLocker(queueName + string.Format(Constants.DequeueLockerFlag, hostId)); lock (dequeueLocker) { queue.Add(json.AddEnqueueTime()); if (!IgnoreHash) { hashSet.Add(hash); } Monitor.Pulse(dequeueLocker); } }
public void Configure(ConfigSource config) { consumerRequests = config.GetBoolean("consumerRequests"); ConfigSource child = config.GetChild("accessVerifier"); if (child != null) { string typeString = child.GetString("type"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeString)) { throw new ConfigurationException("The 'accessVerifier' type was not specified.", child, "type"); } Type type = Type.GetType(typeString, false, true); if (type == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("The type '" + typeString + "' could not be found.", child, "type"); } if (!typeof(IPathAccessVerifier).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { throw new ConfigurationException( "The type '" + type + "' cannot be is not an implementation of '" + typeof(IPathAccessVerifier) + "'.", child, "type"); } try { accessVerifier = (IPathAccessVerifier)Activator.CreateInstance(type); accessVerifier.Context = OAuthProvider.Current; accessVerifier.Configure(child); } catch (ConfigurationException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Error while initializing the type '" + type + "': " + e.Message, e); } } }
/// <summary>Initialize this command</summary> public virtual void Initialize(CommandLine cmd, ConfigSource configuration) { // NOOP }
private object ConfigureComponent(ConfigSource config, Type componentType, Type defaultType) { object obj = null; if (config != null) { string typeString = config.GetString("type"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeString)) { if (defaultType != null) obj = Activator.CreateInstance(defaultType); } else { Type type = Type.GetType(typeString, false, true); if (type == null) throw new ConfigurationException("The type '" + typeString + "' was not found in the current context.", config, "type"); if (!componentType.IsAssignableFrom(type)) throw new ConfigurationException("The type '" + type + "' is not an instance of '" + typeof(ITokenStore) + "'."); try { obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to instantiate the type '" + type + "': " + e.Message, config, "type"); } } } else { if (defaultType != null) obj = Activator.CreateInstance(defaultType); } if (obj == null) return null; if (obj is IRequiresProviderContext) ((IRequiresProviderContext)obj).Context = this; if (obj is IConfigurable) ((IConfigurable)obj).Configure(config); return obj; }
public void Configure(ConfigSource configSource) { long timeWindow = configSource.GetInt64("timeWindow"); SetupTimer(timeWindow); }
public void Init(ConfigSource config) { }