public void Load() { General = MainMenu.AddMenu("Worst Ashe", "Worst Ashe"); SkinChanger = General.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer"); SkinChanger.Add("skinEnable", new CheckBox("Enable")); SkinChanger.Add("skinID", new ComboBox("Current Skin", 8, "Default Ashe", "Freljord Ashe", "Sherwood Forest Ashe", "Woad Ashe", "Queen Ashe", "Amethyst Ashe", "Heartseeker Ashe", "Marauder Ashe", "PROJECT: Ashe")); AutoLevell = General.AddSubMenu("Auto Level Up"); AutoLevell.Add("ALEnable", new CheckBox("Enable")); AutoLevell.Add("ALBox", new ComboBox("Level Up Mode", 1, "R>Q>W>E", "R>W>Q>E")); AutoLevell.Add("Delay", new Slider("Max. delay value", 500, 0, 10000)); ConfigQ = General.AddSubMenu("Q Config"); ConfigQ.Add("harasQ", new CheckBox("Harass Q")); ConfigE = General.AddSubMenu("E Config"); ConfigE.Add("autoE", new CheckBox("Auto E")); ConfigE.Add("Eflash", new CheckBox("Use E against Flashes")); ConfigE.Add("EDragon", new KeyBind("Cast E to Dragon", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'U')); ConfigE.Add("EBaron", new KeyBind("Cast E to Baron", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'I')); ConfigR = General.AddSubMenu("R Config"); ConfigR.Add("autoR", new CheckBox("Auto R")); ConfigR.Add("Rkscombo", new CheckBox("R KS combo R + W + AA")); ConfigR.Add("autoRaoe", new CheckBox("Auto R aoe")); ConfigR.Add("autoRinter", new CheckBox("Auto R OnPossibleToInterrupt")); ConfigR.Add("useR2", new KeyBind("R key target cast", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'Y')); ConfigR.Add("useR", new KeyBind("Semi-manual cast R key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); ConfigR.Add("Semi-manual", new ComboBox("Semi-manual MODE", 1, "LOW HP", "CLOSEST")); ConfigR.Add("GapCloser", new CheckBox("R GapCloser")); Harass = General.AddSubMenu("Harass"); Harass.Add("haras", new CheckBox("Enable")); Farmed = General.AddSubMenu("Farm"); Farmed.Add("farmQ", new CheckBox("Lane Clear Q")); Farmed.Add("farmW", new CheckBox("Lane Clear W")); Farmed.Add("Mana", new Slider("LaneClear Mana", 80, 0, 100)); Farmed.Add("LCminions", new Slider("LaneClear minimum minions", 3, 0, 10)); Farmed.Add("jungleQ", new CheckBox("Jungle Clear Q")); Farmed.Add("jungleW", new CheckBox("Jungle Clear W")); Itemss = General.AddSubMenu("Items"); Itemss.Add("BilCombo", new CheckBox("Use Bilgewater Cutlass")); Itemss.Add("YoumuCombo", new CheckBox("Use Youmuu's Ghostblade")); Itemss.Add("BotrkCombo", new CheckBox("Use BOTRK")); Itemss.Add("MyBotrkHp", new Slider("Min. HP for using BOTRK (%)", 50, 0, 100)); Itemss.Add("EnBotrkHp", new Slider("Min. Enemy HP for using BOTRK (%)", 50, 0, 100)); /*Summ = General.AddSubMenu("Summ. spells"); * Summ.AddGroupLabel("Heal"); * Summ.Add("Heal", new CheckBox("Enable heal")); * Summ.Add("AllyHeal", new CheckBox("Enable heal for Ally")); * Summ.Add("healhp", new Slider("Use Heal if HP < (%) ", 25, 0, 100)); */ Draw = General.AddSubMenu("Draw"); Draw.Add("onlyRdy", new CheckBox("Draw only ready spells")); Draw.Add("wRange", new CheckBox("W range")); Draw.Add("rNot", new CheckBox("R key info")); Q = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Q); W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 1200, SkillShotType.Linear, 0, int.MaxValue, 60) { AllowedCollisionCount = 0 }; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 15000, SkillShotType.Linear, 0, int.MaxValue, 0); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 15000, SkillShotType.Linear, 500, 1000, 250); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += AfterAttack; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += InterrupterOnInterruptableSpell; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += GapcloserOnGapcloser; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; }
public void Load() { Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1000, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1650, 70); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = 0; W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 720); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 1200, SkillShotType.Linear, 500, 1400, 120); E.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1800, SkillShotType.Circular, 1200, int.MaxValue, 120); R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; General = MainMenu.AddMenu("Worst KogMaw", "Worst KogMaw"); SkinChanger = General.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer"); SkinChanger.Add("skinEnable", new CheckBox("Enable")); SkinChanger.Add("skinID", new ComboBox("Current Skin", 8, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8")); AutoLevell = General.AddSubMenu("Auto Level Up"); AutoLevell.Add("ALEnable", new CheckBox("Enable")); AutoLevell.Add("ALBox", new ComboBox("Level Up Mode", 0, "R>W>Q>E", "R>W>E>Q")); AutoLevell.Add("Delay", new Slider("Max. delay value", 500, 0, 10000)); ConfigQ = General.AddSubMenu("Q Config", "Qconfig"); ConfigQ.Add("autoQ", new CheckBox("Auto Q")); ConfigQ.Add("harrasQ", new CheckBox("Harass Q")); ConfigW = General.AddSubMenu("W Config", "Wconfig"); ConfigW.Add("autoW", new CheckBox("Auto W")); ConfigW.Add("harasW", new CheckBox("Harass W on max range")); ConfigE = General.AddSubMenu("E Config", "Econfig"); ConfigE.Add("autoE", new CheckBox("Auto E")); ConfigE.Add("HarrasE", new CheckBox("Harass E")); ConfigE.Add("AGC", new CheckBox("AntiGapcloserE")); ConfigR = General.AddSubMenu("R Option"); ConfigR.Add("autoR", new CheckBox("Auto R")); ConfigR.Add("RmaxHp", new Slider("Target max % HP", 50, 0, 100)); ConfigR.Add("comboStack", new Slider("Max combo stack R", 2, 0, 10)); ConfigR.Add("harasStack", new Slider("Max haras stack R", 1, 0, 10)); ConfigR.Add("Rcc", new CheckBox("R cc")); ConfigR.Add("Rslow", new CheckBox("R slow")); ConfigR.Add("Raoe", new CheckBox("R aoe")); ConfigR.Add("Raa", new CheckBox("R only out off AA range")); Farmed = General.AddSubMenu("Farm"); Farmed.Add("farmW", new CheckBox("LaneClear W")); Farmed.Add("farmE", new CheckBox("LaneClear E")); Farmed.Add("LCminions", new Slider("LaneClear minimum minions", 2, 0, 10)); Farmed.Add("Mana", new Slider("LaneClear Mana", 80, 0, 100)); Farmed.Add("jungleW", new CheckBox("Jungle Clear W")); Farmed.Add("jungleE", new CheckBox("Jungle Clear E")); /* Summ = General.AddSubMenu("Summ. spells"); * Summ.AddGroupLabel("Heal"); * Summ.Add("Heal", new CheckBox("Enable heal")); * Summ.Add("AllyHeal", new CheckBox("Enable heal for Ally")); * Summ.Add("healhp", new Slider("Use Heal if HP < (%) ", 25, 0, 100)); */ Itemss = General.AddSubMenu("Items"); Itemss.Add("BilCombo", new CheckBox("Use Bilgewater Cutlass")); Itemss.Add("YoumuCombo", new CheckBox("Use Youmuu's Ghostblade")); Itemss.Add("BotrkCombo", new CheckBox("Use BOTRK")); Itemss.Add("MyBotrkHp", new Slider("Min. HP for using BOTRK (%)", 50, 0, 100)); Itemss.Add("EnBotrkHp", new Slider("Min. Enemy HP for using BOTRK (%)", 50, 0, 100)); Draw = General.AddSubMenu("Draw"); Draw.Add("ComboInfo", new CheckBox("R killable info")); Draw.Add("qRange", new CheckBox("Q range")); Draw.Add("wRange", new CheckBox("W range")); Draw.Add("eRange", new CheckBox("E range")); Draw.Add("rRange", new CheckBox("R range")); Draw.Add("onlyRdy", new CheckBox("Draw only ready spells")); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += PreAttack; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += AfterAttack; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += AntiGap; }