void CreateDefaultConfig() { ConfigObj localConfig = new ConfigObj(); localConfig.countdown = 10; localConfig.safeDistance = 0; localConfig.addMessage("welcome", new List <string>() { "Welcome to spawn!" }); localConfig.addMessage("countdown", new List <string>() { "You will teleport to spawn in {0} seconds." }); localConfig.addMessage("spawn", new List <string>() { "You have teleported to spawn." }); localConfig.addMessage("setSpawn", new List <string>() { "You have set the server spawn point." }); localConfig.addMessage("noSpawn", new List <string>() { "You have not set the server spawn point yet.", "Type /setspawn to set a spawn." }); localConfig.addMessage("pendingTeleport", new List <string>() { "You already have a pending teleport." }); localConfig.addMessage("canceledFromDamage", new List <string>() { "You've been hit! Your teleport has been canceled." }); localConfig.addMessage("helpSpawn", new List <string>() { "Use /spawn to teleport to spawn." }); localConfig.addMessage("helpSetSpawn", new List <string>() { "Use /setspawn to set the server spawn point." }); this.config = localConfig; Config["Config"] = this.config; SaveConfig(); this.SetupConfig(); }
void CreateDefaultConfig() { ConfigObj localConfig = new ConfigObj(); localConfig.addMessage( "help", new List <string>() { "To create a faction, type \"/faction create <name>\".", "To request to join a faction, type \"/faction join <name>\".", "To invite, type \"/faction invite <player>\".", "To get faction info, type \"/faction info <name>\".", "You can also use \"/f\"." } ); localConfig.addMessage("created", new List <string>() { "You have created the \"{0}\" faction." }); localConfig.addMessage("notCreated", new List <string>() { "The \"{0}\" faction doesn't exists." }); localConfig.addMessage("alreadyCreated", new List <string>() { "The \"{0}\" faction already exists." }); localConfig.addMessage("alreadyInFaction", new List <string>() { "You are already a member of a faction." }); localConfig.addMessage("invalidCommand", new List <string>() { "You ran the \"{0}\" command incorrectly. Type \"/faction help\" to get help" }); localConfig.addMessage("invitationSent", new List <string>() { "You have invited \"{0}\" to your faction." }); localConfig.addMessage( "invitationReceived", new List <string>() { "You have been invited to the \"{0}\" faction.", "To accept, type \"/faction join {0}\".", "To reject, type \"/faction reject {0}\".", } ); localConfig.addMessage("invitationRejected", new List <string>() { "You have rejected the invitiation from the \"{0}\" faction." }); localConfig.addMessage("requestSent", new List <string>() { "You have requested to join the \"{0}\" faction." }); localConfig.addMessage( "requestReceived", new List <string>() { "\"{0}\" is requesting to join your faction.", "Accept with \"/faction accept {0}\".", "Deny with \"/faction deny {0}\"." } ); localConfig.addMessage("notInFaction", new List <string>() { "You are not a member of a faction." }); localConfig.addMessage("notOnline", new List <string>() { "\"{0}\" is either not online, or not a real user." }); localConfig.addMessage("notAcceptee", new List <string>() { "\"{0}\" has not requested to join your group." }); localConfig.addMessage("membershipGranted", new List <string>() { "You have been accepted into the \"{0}\" faction." }); localConfig.addMessage("membershipDenied", new List <string>() { "You have been denied from the \"{0}\" faction." }); localConfig.addMessage("playerAccepted", new List <string>() { "\"{0}\" has been added to your faction." }); localConfig.addMessage("playerDenied", new List <string>() { "\"{0}\" has NOT been added to your faction." }); localConfig.addMessage("playerKicked", new List <string>() { "You have kicked \"{0}\" from your faction." }); localConfig.addMessage("playerKickReceived", new List <string>() { "You have been kicked from the \"{0}\" faction." }); localConfig.addMessage( "factionInfo", new List <string>() { "The \"{0}\" faction:", "Owner: {1}", "Members: {2}" } ); this.config = localConfig; Config["Config"] = this.config; SaveConfig(); this.SetupConfig(); }