public ContatoController(ConfigApiClient api, EmailContatoApiClient apiEmail, IEmailService emailService) { _api = api; _emailService = emailService; _apiEmail = apiEmail; }
public TaskUserControl(ConfigurationItem item, ConfigurationItem[] childrens, ConfigApiClient configApiClient) { InitializeComponent(); _configApiClient = configApiClient; if (childrens != null && childrens.Any()) { tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnCount = 5; tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount = childrens.Length + 1; tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles[0] = new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize); tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); for (int ix = 0; ix < childrens.Length; ix++) { ConfigurationItem child = childrens[ix]; int iy = 0; if (ix < tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Count) { tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles[ix] = new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize); } else { tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); } tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(MakeControl(child.Path), iy + 0, ix); foreach (Property pi in child.Properties) // We assume here that the children have same settings! { if (pi.Key == "State") { tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(MakeControl(pi), iy + 1, ix); } if (pi.Key == "Progress") { tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(MakeControl(pi), iy + 2, ix); } } if (child.MethodIds.Contains("TaskStop")) { tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(MakeButton("Stop", child), iy + 3, ix); } if (child.MethodIds.Contains("TaskCleanup")) { tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(MakeButton("Cleanup", child), iy + 4, ix); } tableLayoutPanel1.Height = 25 * (childrens.Length + 1) + 1; } } }
public TabUserControl(ConfigurationItem item, ConfigApiClient configApiClient) { InitializeComponent(); _configApiClient = configApiClient; _item = item; OnLoad(); }
public PrivacyMaskUserControl(ConfigurationItem item, ConfigApiClient configApiClient) { InitializeComponent(); _item = item; _bitmapLiveImages = new BitmapLiveImages(_item, configApiClient); _bitmapLiveImages.ImageReceivedEvent += _bitmapLiveImages_ImageReceivedEvent; _bitmapLiveImages.Init(); }
public void Init(Property property, ConfigApiClient configApiClient) { _property = property; _configApiClient = configApiClient; this.Text = property.DisplayName; if (property.IsSettable) { if (property.ValueTypeInfos == null) { throw new Exception("ValueTypeInfo is null on Path"); } string text = ""; foreach (ValueTypeInfo valueTypeInfo in property.ValueTypeInfos) { if (valueTypeInfo.Name == ValueTypeInfoNames.PathItemType) { var valueTypes = valueTypeInfo.Value.Split(','); foreach (var valueType in valueTypes) { var itemType = valueType; if (itemType.EndsWith("Folder")) { itemType = itemType.Substring(0, itemType.Length - 6); } itemTypes.Add(itemType); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { text += ", "; } text += itemType; } } if (valueTypeInfo.Name == ValueTypeInfoNames.PathAllowAllItemType) { _allowAll = true; } } buttonAdd.Enabled = true; buttonRemove.Enabled = false; } else { buttonAdd.Enabled = false; buttonRemove.Enabled = false; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Value)) { string[] paths = property.Value.Split(';'); foreach (string path in paths) { listBox1.Items.Add(path); } } }
public SimpleUserControl(ConfigurationItem item, bool showChildren, ConfigApiClient configApiClient, ConfigurationItem privacyMaskItem) { InitializeComponent(); _configApiClient = configApiClient; _showChildren = showChildren; _item = item; _privacyMaskItem = privacyMaskItem; InitalizeUI(); }
public PathListPropertyUserControl(Property property, ConfigApiClient configApiClient) : base(property) { InitializeComponent(); _configApiClient = configApiClient; HasChanged = false; _origY = button1.Left; labelOfProperty.Text = property.DisplayName; string[] parts = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Value)? property.Value.Split(';'): new string[0]; button1.Text = string.Format("{0} selected. Modify ...", parts.Length); }
public BitmapLiveImages(ConfigurationItem item, ConfigApiClient configApiClient) { _item = item; _configApiClient = configApiClient; lock (_imageLock) { _lastBitmap = new Bitmap(320, 240); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(_lastBitmap); g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, _lastBitmap.Width, _lastBitmap.Height); g.DrawString("no images", new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12), Brushes.White, new PointF(20, 100)); g.Dispose(); } }
public PathPropertyUserControl(Property property, ConfigApiClient configApiClient) : base(property) { InitializeComponent(); _configApiClient = configApiClient; labelOfProperty.Text = property.DisplayName; if (property.IsSettable) { if (property.ValueTypeInfos == null) { throw new Exception("ValueTypeInfo is null on Path"); } foreach (ValueTypeInfo valueTypeInfo in property.ValueTypeInfos) { if (valueTypeInfo.Name == ValueTypeInfoNames.PathItemType) { itemtype = valueTypeInfo.Value; break; } } if (itemtype.EndsWith("Folder")) { itemtype = itemtype.Substring(0, itemtype.Length - 6); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Value)) { button1.Text = property.Value; } else { button1.Text = "Select a " + itemtype; } } else { button1.Text = property.Value; button1.Enabled = false; } HasChanged = false; _origY = button1.Left; this.GotFocus += EnumPropertyUserControl_GotFocus; }
public HomeController(IOptions <SettingsModel> app, IConfiguration configuration, NoticiasApiClient api, SobreApiClient apiSobre, ConfigApiClient apiConfiguracao, CarrosselApiClient apiCarrossel, PoloApiClient apiPolo) { appSettings = app; _configuration = configuration; _api = api; _apiSobre = apiSobre; _apiCarrossel = apiCarrossel; _apiPolo = apiPolo; _apiConfiguracao = apiConfiguracao; ApplicationSettings.WebApiUrl = appSettings.Value.WebApiBaseUrl; }
public PropertyEnableUserControl(ConfigurationItem item, EventHandler valueChangedHandler, int leftOffset, ConfigApiClient configApiClient, string toHaveFocus = null) { InitializeComponent(); _item = item; _valueChangedHandler = valueChangedHandler; _configApiClient = configApiClient; if (item.EnableProperty != null) { EnabledCheckBox.Checked = item.EnableProperty.Enabled; EnabledCheckBox.Text = item.EnableProperty.DisplayName; } else { EnabledCheckBox.Visible = false; } this.Height = PanelUtils.BuildPropertiesUI(item, 0, leftOffset, panelContent, valueChangedHandler, _configApiClient, toHaveFocus); }
public PropertyListUserControl(ConfigurationItem item, EventHandler valueChangedHandler, int leftOffset, ConfigApiClient configApiClient, string toHaveFocus) { InitializeComponent(); _configApiClient = configApiClient; _valueChangedHandler = valueChangedHandler; if (item.EnableProperty != null) { EnabledCheckBox.Visible = true; EnabledCheckBox.Checked = item.EnableProperty.Enabled; EnabledCheckBox.Text = item.EnableProperty.DisplayName; } else { EnabledCheckBox.Visible = false; textBoxName.Location = EnabledCheckBox.Location; } textBoxName.Text = item.DisplayName; int totalContentHeight = this.Height; // panelContent.Location.Y; totalContentHeight += PanelUtils.BuildPropertiesUI(item, 0, leftOffset, panelContent, valueChangedHandler, _configApiClient, toHaveFocus); if (!item.ChildrenFilled) //TODO exception stuff, or load elsewhere { try { item.Children = _configApiClient.GetChildItems(item.Path); item.ChildrenFilled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("GetChildItems({0}) : {1}", item.Path, ex.Message)); } } if (item.Children != null) { leftOffset += Constants.LeftIndentChildControl; foreach (ConfigurationItem child in item.Children) { if ((child.Children == null || child.Children.Length == 0) && child.EnableProperty != null) { UserControl uc = new PropertyEnableUserControl(child, valueChangedHandler, leftOffset, _configApiClient, toHaveFocus); uc.Width = panelContent.Width; uc.Location = new Point(Constants.LeftIndentChildControl, panelContent.Height); uc.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; this.Height += uc.Height; totalContentHeight += uc.Height; panelContent.Controls.Add(uc); } else { UserControl uc = new PropertyListUserControl(child, valueChangedHandler, leftOffset, _configApiClient, toHaveFocus); uc.Width = panelContent.Width; uc.Location = new Point(Constants.LeftIndentChildControl, panelContent.Height); uc.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; this.Height += uc.Height; totalContentHeight += uc.Height; panelContent.Controls.Add(uc); } } //panelContent.Height = totalContentHeight; } this.Height = totalContentHeight; }
public ConfigController(ConfigApiClient api, IConfiguration configuration) { _api = api; _configuration = configuration; }
public Telefones(ConfigApiClient apiConfiguracao) { _apiConfiguracao = apiConfiguracao; }
internal static int BuildPropertiesUI(ConfigurationItem item, int top, int offset, Control parent, EventHandler valueChangedHandler, ConfigApiClient configApiClient, string toHaveFocus = null) { if (item.Properties != null) { foreach (Property property in item.Properties) { if (property.UIImportance == 2 || MainForm.ShowHiddenProperties || property.UIImportance == 0 && MainForm.Advanced) { PropertyUserControl uc; switch (property.ValueType) { case ValueTypes.IntType: uc = new IntPropertyUserControl(property); break; case ValueTypes.DoubleType: uc = new DoublePropertyUserControl(property); break; case ValueTypes.TickType: uc = new TickPropertyUserControl(property); break; case ValueTypes.EnumType: uc = new EnumPropertyUserControl(property); break; case ValueTypes.SliderType: uc = new SliderPropertyUserControl(property); break; case ValueTypes.Path: uc = new PathPropertyUserControl(property, configApiClient); break; case ValueTypes.PathList: uc = new PathListPropertyUserControl(property, configApiClient); break; case ValueTypes.DateTimeType: case "Date": case "Time": if (property.IsSettable) { uc = new DateTimePickerPropertyUserControl(property); } else { uc = new DateTimeDisplayPropertyUserControl(property); } break; case ValueTypes.SeparatorType: uc = new SeperatorPropertyUserControl(property); break; case ValueTypes.ProgressType: case ValueTypes.StringType: default: uc = new StringPropertyUserControl(property); break; } uc.Location = new Point(0, top); uc.Tag = property; uc.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right; uc.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(valueChangedHandler); uc.LeftIndent = offset; if (property.ToolTipTranslationId != null) { uc.ToolTip = configApiClient.Translate(property.ToolTipTranslationId); } ScrollPanel sp = parent as ScrollPanel; if (sp != null) { sp.Add(uc); } else { parent.Controls.Add(uc); if (uc.Top + uc.Height > parent.Height) { parent.Height = uc.Top + uc.Height; } } top += uc.Height; if (property.Key == toHaveFocus) { uc.WeGotFocus(null, null); } } } } return(top); }