public IConnectionMultiplexer GetConnection() { try { var isValueCreatedCount = Pool.Count(lazy => lazy.IsValueCreated); if (isValueCreatedCount == this.Pool.Count) { return(Pool.OrderBy(x => x.Value.TotalOutstanding()).First().Value.Connection); } foreach (var item in Pool) { if (!item.IsValueCreated) { return(item.Value.Connection); } if (item.Value.TotalOutstanding() == 0) { return(item.Value.Connection); } } return(this.Pool.First().Value.Connection); } catch { return(null); } }
public int GetCacheHitCount() { var count = _itemsQueue.Count(item => item.EventId == CacheableEventId.CacheHit); _itemsQueue.Clear(); return(count); }
public void ValidateLimitOrders() { var orderEventTracker = new ConcurrentBag <OrderEvent>(); var oanda = (OandaBrokerage)Brokerage; var symbol = Symbol; var quote = oanda.GetRates(new OandaSymbolMapper().GetBrokerageSymbol(symbol)); EventHandler <OrderEvent> orderStatusChangedCallback = (s, e) => { orderEventTracker.Add(e); }; oanda.OrderStatusChanged += orderStatusChangedCallback; // Buy Limit order below market var limitPrice = quote.BidPrice - 0.5m; var order = new LimitOrder(symbol, 1, limitPrice, DateTime.Now); OrderProvider.Add(order); Assert.IsTrue(oanda.PlaceOrder(order)); // update Buy Limit order with no changes Assert.IsTrue(oanda.UpdateOrder(order)); // move Buy Limit order above market order.LimitPrice = quote.AskPrice + 0.5m; Assert.IsTrue(oanda.UpdateOrder(order)); oanda.OrderStatusChanged -= orderStatusChangedCallback; Assert.AreEqual(orderEventTracker.Count(x => x.Status == OrderStatus.Submitted), 1); Assert.AreEqual(orderEventTracker.Count(x => x.Status == OrderStatus.Filled), 1); }
public void VerifyDeduplicationMultithreaded() { var client = CreateClient(); // TODO: We need to look into why the ErrorPlugin causes data to sometimes calculate invalid hashcodes var errorPlugin = new SimpleErrorPlugin(); var contexts = new ConcurrentBag <EventPluginContext>(); using (var duplicateCheckerPlugin = new DuplicateCheckerPlugin(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))) { var result = Parallel.For(0, 10, index => { var builder = GetException().ToExceptionless(); var context = new EventPluginContext(client, builder.Target, builder.PluginContextData); contexts.Add(context); errorPlugin.Run(context); duplicateCheckerPlugin.Run(context); }); while (!result.IsCompleted) { Thread.Yield(); } } Assert.Equal(1, contexts.Count(c => !c.Cancel)); Assert.Equal(9, contexts.Count(c => c.Cancel)); Assert.Equal(9, contexts.Sum(c => c.Event.Count.GetValueOrDefault())); }
/// <summary> /// use ConcurrectCollection /// </summary> public void Run4() { var products = GetProducts(); ConcurrentBag <NewProduct> newProducts = new ConcurrentBag <NewProduct>(); Console.WriteLine("來源資料筆數:{0}", products.Count()); Console.WriteLine("執行前結果資料筆數:{0}", newProducts.Count()); Parallel.ForEach(products, x => { int id = x.Id; string name = x.Name; int stock = 100 + x.Id; var newProduct = new NewProduct() { Id = id, Name = name, Stock = stock }; newProducts.Add(newProduct); }); Console.WriteLine("執行後結果資料筆數:{0}", newProducts.Count()); }
public async Task ReportsExceptionsWithReferenceTypes() { var inputValues = AsyncEnumerableProvider.GetObjects(100); Func <DummyClass, Task <DummyClass> > action = async(DummyClass input) => { await Task.Delay(10); if (input.MyInt % 10 == 0) { throw new Exception("We don't like 10s"); } return(new DummyClass(input.MyInt * 2)); }; var results = new ConcurrentBag <Result <DummyClass, DummyClass> >(); await foreach (var result in inputValues.SafeParallelAsyncWithResult(action)) { results.Add(result); } results.Count().ShouldBe(100); results.Count(r => r.Success).ShouldBe(90); results.Count(r => !r.Success).ShouldBe(10); results.First(r => !r.Success).Exception.ShouldNotBeNull(); results.First(r => !r.Success).Exception.Message.ShouldBe("We don't like 10s"); results.Select(r => r.Input.MyInt).ShouldBe(Enumerable.Range(1, 100), true); results.First(r => !r.Success).Output.ShouldBe(null); }
public decimal PValue(decimal logFoldChange, List <BiorepIntensity> allLights, List <BiorepIntensity> allHeavies) { if (allLights.Count != allHeavies.Count) { throw new ArgumentException("Error: Imputation has gone awry. Each biorep should have the same number of biorep intensities for NeuCode light and heavy at this point."); } int maxPermutations = 10000; ConcurrentBag <decimal> permutedRatios = new ConcurrentBag <decimal>(); Parallel.For(0, maxPermutations, i => { List <double> combined = allLights.Select(j => j.intensity).Concat(allHeavies.Select(j => j.intensity)).ToList(); combined.Shuffle(); double numerator = combined.Take(allLights.Count).Sum(); double denominator = combined.Skip(allLights.Count).Take(allHeavies.Count).Sum(); decimal someRatio = (decimal)Math.Log(numerator / denominator, 2); permutedRatios.Add(someRatio); }); decimal pValue = logFoldChange > 0 ? (decimal)(1M / maxPermutations) + (decimal)permutedRatios.Count(x => x > logFoldChange) / (decimal)permutedRatios.Count : //adding a slight positive shift so that later logarithms don't produce fault (decimal)(1M / maxPermutations) + (decimal)permutedRatios.Count(x => x < logFoldChange) / (decimal)permutedRatios.Count; //adding a slight positive shift so that later logarithms don't produce fault return(pValue); }
private static void TestCollection() { Console.WriteLine("Start to testing with generic collection"); SortedList <string, string> sortedListString = new SortedList <string, string>() { { "hello", "hi" }, { "hello1", "hi1" }, { "hello2", "hi2" } }; Console.WriteLine(sortedListString.GetValueOrDefault("hello")); //Concurrent ISysLogin sys = new LoginSystem(); int i = 0; ConcurrentBag <bool> results = new ConcurrentBag <bool>(); ParallelLoopResult loopPar = Parallel.For(0, 100000, (j) => { results.Add(sys.Register("Username" + i, "Password")); i++; }); while (!loopPar.IsCompleted) { } Console.WriteLine("Number of Success process: {0}", results.Count(a => a)); Console.WriteLine("Number of failed process: {0}", results.Count(a => !a)); Console.WriteLine("Number of process: {0}", results.Count); }
public void ValidateLimitOrders() { var orderEventTracker = new ConcurrentBag <OrderEvent>(); var alpaca = (AlpacaBrokerage)Brokerage; var symbol = Symbol; var lastPrice = GetLastPrice(symbol.Value); EventHandler <OrderEvent> orderStatusChangedCallback = (s, e) => { orderEventTracker.Add(e); }; alpaca.OrderStatusChanged += orderStatusChangedCallback; // Buy Limit order above market - should be filled immediately var limitPrice = lastPrice + 0.5m; var order = new LimitOrder(symbol, 1, limitPrice, DateTime.UtcNow); OrderProvider.Add(order); Assert.IsTrue(alpaca.PlaceOrder(order)); Thread.Sleep(10000); alpaca.OrderStatusChanged -= orderStatusChangedCallback; Assert.AreEqual(orderEventTracker.Count(x => x.Status == OrderStatus.Submitted), 1); Assert.AreEqual(orderEventTracker.Count(x => x.Status == OrderStatus.Filled), 1); }
private static void ShowStats(SynchedColouredConsoleTraceWriter synchedConsole) { synchedConsole.WriteLine($@" Following results & performance based on a {100.0 / _perTestMeasureEveryN:#0.0}% sample ({MonitoredWorkBag.Count:#,##0}) + all timeouts & faulted requests. Results & performance of sample... Total: {MonitoredWorkBag.Count:#,##0}, Completed: {MonitoredWorkBag.Count(t => t.Item1.IsCompleted):#,##0}, Faulted: {MonitoredWorkBag.Count(t => t.Item1.IsFaulted):#,##0}, Cancelled: {MonitoredWorkBag.Count(t => t.Item1.IsCanceled):#,##0}, Performance (microseconds [us] - thousandaths of milliseconds / millionths of seconds) Fastest: {MonitoredWorkBag.Min(t => t.Item2.TotalMilliseconds * 1000):#,##0.0} (us), Slowest: {MonitoredWorkBag.Max(t => t.Item2.TotalMilliseconds * 1000):#,##0.0} (us), Average time: {MonitoredWorkBag.Average(t => t.Item2.TotalMilliseconds * 1000):#,##0.0} (us), Median: {Percentile(MonitoredWorkBag.Select(t => t.Item2.TotalMilliseconds * 1000), 0.50):#,##0.0} (us), P75: {Percentile(MonitoredWorkBag.Select(t => t.Item2.TotalMilliseconds * 1000), 0.75):#,##0.0} (us), P90: {Percentile(MonitoredWorkBag.Select(t => t.Item2.TotalMilliseconds * 1000), 0.90):#,##0.0} (us), P95: {Percentile(MonitoredWorkBag.Select(t => t.Item2.TotalMilliseconds * 1000), 0.95):#,##0.0} (us), P99: {Percentile(MonitoredWorkBag.Select(t => t.Item2.TotalMilliseconds * 1000), 0.99):#,##0.0} (us), P3x9: {Percentile(MonitoredWorkBag.Select(t => t.Item2.TotalMilliseconds * 1000), 0.999):#,##0.0} (us), P5x9: {Percentile(MonitoredWorkBag.Select(t => t.Item2.TotalMilliseconds * 1000), 0.99999):#,##0.0} (us), ", overrideShowOutput: true); }
public void ValidateMarketOrders() { var orderEventTracker = new ConcurrentBag <OrderEvent>(); var alpaca = (AlpacaBrokerage)Brokerage; var symbol = Symbol; EventHandler <OrderEvent> orderStatusChangedCallback = (s, e) => { orderEventTracker.Add(e); }; alpaca.OrderStatusChanged += orderStatusChangedCallback; const int numberOfOrders = 2; for (var i = 0; i < numberOfOrders; i++) { var order = new MarketOrder(symbol, 10, DateTime.UtcNow); OrderProvider.Add(order); Console.WriteLine("Buy Order"); alpaca.PlaceOrder(order); var orderr = new MarketOrder(symbol, -10, DateTime.UtcNow); OrderProvider.Add(orderr); Console.WriteLine("Sell Order"); alpaca.PlaceOrder(orderr); } // We want to verify the number of order events with OrderStatus.Filled sent Thread.Sleep(14000); alpaca.OrderStatusChanged -= orderStatusChangedCallback; Assert.AreEqual(orderEventTracker.Count(x => x.Status == OrderStatus.Submitted), numberOfOrders * 2); Assert.AreEqual(orderEventTracker.Count(x => x.Status == OrderStatus.Filled), numberOfOrders * 2); }
public void Publish_1000_Messages_To_A_Queue_Using_Custom_Exchange() { var _busConfigurationBuilder = new BusConfigurationBuilder(Accessories.Configuration.ConnectionSettingsString); _busConfigurationBuilder .RegisterPublication <Accessories.MyEvent>(Accessories.Configuration.ExchangeName1, typeof(Accessories.MyEvent).Name, MessageDeliveryMode.Persistent, message => Accessories.Configuration.QueueName1); var _SUT = new Bus(_busConfigurationBuilder.Build()); _SUT.Connect(); var _tasks = new ConcurrentBag <Task <PMCG.Messaging.PublicationResult> >(); for (int count = 0; count < 1000; count++) { var _message = new Accessories.MyEvent(Guid.NewGuid(), "", "R1", 1, "09:00", "DDD...."); _tasks.Add(_SUT.PublishAsync(_message)); } Task.WhenAll(_tasks).ContinueWith(a => { var _taskStatusCount = _tasks.Count(result => result.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion); var _messagePublishedCount = _tasks.Count(result => result.Result.Status == Messaging.PublicationResultStatus.Published); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("RanToCompletionTaskCount expected: (1000), actual: ({0})", _taskStatusCount)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("MessagePublishedCount expected: (1000), actual: ({0})", _messagePublishedCount)); Console.WriteLine("Verify that 1000 messages on queue on management ui"); }); Console.Read(); }
public void ValidateMarketOrders() { var orderEventTracker = new ConcurrentBag <OrderEvent>(); var oanda = (OandaBrokerage)Brokerage; var symbol = Symbol; EventHandler <OrderEvent> orderStatusChangedCallback = (s, e) => { orderEventTracker.Add(e); }; oanda.OrderStatusChanged += orderStatusChangedCallback; const int numberOfOrders = 100; Parallel.For(0, numberOfOrders, (i) => { var order = new MarketOrder(symbol, 100, DateTime.Now); OrderProvider.Add(order); Assert.IsTrue(oanda.PlaceOrder(order)); Assert.IsTrue(order.Status == OrderStatus.Filled || order.Status == OrderStatus.PartiallyFilled); var orderr = new MarketOrder(symbol, -100, DateTime.UtcNow); OrderProvider.Add(orderr); Assert.IsTrue(oanda.PlaceOrder(orderr)); Assert.IsTrue(orderr.Status == OrderStatus.Filled || orderr.Status == OrderStatus.PartiallyFilled); }); // We want to verify the number of order events with OrderStatus.Filled sent Thread.Sleep(4000); oanda.OrderStatusChanged -= orderStatusChangedCallback; Assert.AreEqual(orderEventTracker.Count(x => x.Status == OrderStatus.Submitted), numberOfOrders * 2); Assert.AreEqual(orderEventTracker.Count(x => x.Status == OrderStatus.Filled), numberOfOrders * 2); }
public async Task ReportsExceptions() { var inputValues = Enumerable.Range(1, 100); Func <int, Task> action = async(int i) => { await Task.Delay(10); if (i % 10 == 0) { throw new Exception("We don't like 10s"); } }; ConcurrentBag <Result <int> > results = new ConcurrentBag <Result <int> >(); await foreach (var result in inputValues.SafeParallelAsyncWithResult(action)) { results.Add(result); } results.Count().ShouldBe(100); results.Count(r => r.Success).ShouldBe(90); results.Count(r => !r.Success).ShouldBe(10); results.First(r => !r.Success).Exception.ShouldNotBeNull(); results.First(r => !r.Success).Exception.Message.ShouldBe("We don't like 10s"); results.Select(r => r.Input).ShouldBe(inputValues, true); }
public void VerifyDeduplicationMultithreaded() { var client = CreateClient(); var errorPlugin = new ErrorPlugin(); var contexts = new ConcurrentBag <EventPluginContext>(); using (var duplicateCheckerPlugin = new DuplicateCheckerPlugin(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100))) { var result = Parallel.For(0, 10, index => { var builder = GetException().ToExceptionless(); var context = new EventPluginContext(client, builder.Target, builder.PluginContextData); contexts.Add(context); errorPlugin.Run(context); duplicateCheckerPlugin.Run(context); }); while (!result.IsCompleted) { Thread.Sleep(1); } } Thread.Sleep(150); Assert.Equal(1, contexts.Count(c => !c.Cancel)); Assert.Equal(9, contexts.Count(c => c.Cancel)); Assert.Equal(9, contexts.Sum(c => c.Event.Count.GetValueOrDefault())); }
public static List <ResultSummary> GetResultSummaryList(int suiteId, string suiteName) { var resDetail = new ConcurrentBag <ResultSummary>(); Stp.Restart(); MtmInteraction.ClearPerformanceCounters(); MtmInteraction.GetResultDetails(suiteId, resDetail, suiteName); Stp.Stop(); Diagnostic.AppendLine("Fetch Suite data for " + suiteName + "-" + suiteId + ": " + Stp.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); Diagnostic.AppendLine("Outcometime: " + MtmInteraction.OutcomeTime); Diagnostic.AppendLine("Priority Time: " + MtmInteraction.PriorityTime); Diagnostic.AppendLine("Tester Time: " + MtmInteraction.TesterTime); Diagnostic.AppendLine("Title Time: " + MtmInteraction.TitleTime); Diagnostic.AppendLine("Initialize Time: " + MtmInteraction.Initialize); Diagnostic.AppendLine("Test Case Id Time: " + MtmInteraction.TcidTime); Diagnostic.AppendLine("Automation Status Time: " + MtmInteraction.AutomationTime); Diagnostic.AppendLine("Plan: " + MtmInteraction.SelectedPlanName); Diagnostic.AppendLine("Total count: " + resDetail.Count() + " Blocked Count: " + resDetail.Count(l => l.Outcome.Equals("Blocked", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); Diagnostic.AppendLine("---------------------------------------------------"); return(resDetail.ToList()); }
/// <summary> /// Queries the Octopart website for information related to the query string /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// - If the query string has already been searched, calling this function will bring up the next set /// of results (usually in increments of 20 items, with a limit of up to 100 items). /// - The query string will have all whitespace removed, and be brought to lower case /// - If a query with the specified query string is already in progress, nothing will be done /// </remarks> /// <param name="mpn_or_sku">The query string</param> public void QueryNext(string mpn_or_sku) { mpn_or_sku = mpn_or_sku.Sanitize(); // Verify that there already exists a query for the part. If not, simply create a new query if (_queryList.Count(query => query.Q == mpn_or_sku) == 0) { EnqueueQuery(mpn_or_sku, 0); } else { // Only add a new query if there is not already one processing, and we haven't hit max hits // and if previously error'd, re-request it var existingQueries = _queryList.Where(i => i.Q == mpn_or_sku); int maxstart = existingQueries.Max(i => i.Start); if (existingQueries.Count(i => i.State == CacheItem.ProcessingState.Error) != 0) { existingQueries.ToList().ForEach(i => { i.State = CacheItem.ProcessingState.Await; i.Error = string.Empty; }); _queryTimer.Enabled = true; } else if ((existingQueries.Count(i => i.State == CacheItem.ProcessingState.Processing || i.State == CacheItem.ProcessingState.Await) == 0) && (maxstart < ApiV4.RECORD_START_MAX) && !IsQueryLimitMaxed(mpn_or_sku)) { EnqueueQuery(mpn_or_sku, maxstart + ApiV4.RECORD_LIMIT_PER_QUERY); } } }
public static void Execute() { for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) { employees.Add(new Employee() { Id = i, Dob = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays((new Random()).Next(-18250, -6570)) }); } var stopwatchSync = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (var emp in employees) { if (emp.Dob <= DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-10950)) { employeesOver30s.Add(emp); Thread.Sleep(1); } } stopwatchSync.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Count: {employeesOver30s.Count()} in: {stopwatchSync.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); var stopwatchAync = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); Parallel.ForEach(employees, emp => { if (emp.Dob <= DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-10950)) { employeesOver30sAsync.Add(emp); Thread.Sleep(1); } }); stopwatchAync.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Count: {employeesOver30sAsync.Count()} in: {stopwatchAync.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); var stopwatchAyncLocVar = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); Parallel.ForEach <Employee, List <Employee> >(employees, () => new List <Employee>(), (emp, loop, subList) => { if (emp.Dob <= DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-10950)) { subList.Add(emp); Thread.Sleep(1); } return(subList); }, (empSublist) => empSublist.ForEach(e => employeesOver30sAsyncLocVar.Add(e))); stopwatchAyncLocVar.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Count: {employeesOver30sAsync.Count()} in: {stopwatchAyncLocVar.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); }
private void LogTemplates(ConcurrentBag <long> speedLogs, int totalCount) { Log($"Max: {speedLogs.Max():n0} ms"); Log($"Min: {speedLogs.Min():n0} ms"); Log($"Avg: {speedLogs.Average():n3} ms"); Log($"Total: {speedLogs.Sum():n0} ms"); Log($"InsertsInSecond: {speedLogs.Count() / (speedLogs.Sum() / (double) 1000):n3}"); Log($"Success: {speedLogs.Count():n0}/{totalCount:n0}\n"); }
/// <summary> /// returns the total number of tweets /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int GetTwitterCount() { int result = 0; if (metricsBag != null) { result = metricsBag.Count(); } return(result); }
public void RoundRobinShouldHandleMultiThreadedRollOver() { var selector = new DefaultPartitionSelector(); var bag = new ConcurrentBag<Partition>(); Parallel.For(0, 100, x => bag.Add(selector.Select(_topicA, null))); Assert.That(bag.Count(x => x.PartitionId == 0), Is.EqualTo(50)); Assert.That(bag.Count(x => x.PartitionId == 1), Is.EqualTo(50)); }
public void RoundRobinShouldHandleMultiThreadedRollOver() { var selector = new PartitionSelector(); var bag = new ConcurrentBag <MetadataResponse.Partition>(); Parallel.For(0, 100, x => bag.Add(selector.Select(_topicA, null))); Assert.That(bag.Count(x => x.PartitionId == 0), Is.EqualTo(50)); Assert.That(bag.Count(x => x.PartitionId == 1), Is.EqualTo(50)); }
public void RoundRobinShouldHandleMultiThreadedRollOver() { RoundRobinPartitionSelector.Singleton.Reset(); var bag = new ConcurrentBag <MetadataResponse.Partition>(); Parallel.For(0, 100, x => bag.Add(RoundRobinPartitionSelector.Singleton.Select(_topicA, new ArraySegment <byte>()))); Assert.That(bag.Count(x => x.partition_id == 0), Is.EqualTo(50)); Assert.That(bag.Count(x => x.partition_id == 1), Is.EqualTo(50)); }
public static void Stats() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine( "{0}Stats: Total={1} Passed={2} Failed={3}{0}", Environment.NewLine, list.Count, list.Count(r => r.Result), list.Count(r => !r.Result) ); }
public void Save(MiniProfiler profiler) { if (Bag.Count() > Limit) { Reset(); } if (Bag.All(p => p.Id != profiler.Id)) { Bag.Add(profiler); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the object. /// </summary> /// <returns>T.</returns> public T GetObject() { T item; if (_objects.TryTake(out item)) { return(item); } Console.WriteLine(_objects.Count()); return(_objectGenerator()); }
public void ShowCompleted(LeaseRowVM row) { _bag.Add(row.Errors.IsBlank()); var done = _bag.Count; var guds = _bag.Count(_ => _); var bads = _bag.Count(_ => !_); var totl = LeasesList.Count; Status = $"Fail: {bads:N0} : " + $"Success: {guds:N0}/{done:N0} : " + $"({DateTime.Now:h:mm}) " + $"Done: {done:N0}/{totl:N0} : {row.Lease}"; }
private async Task AutoTest() { /* * 需要硬件环境 * rs232连接2-3, 自发自回 */ if (SerialPort.GetPortNames().Length == 0) { return; } var rst = new ConcurrentBag <string>(); var auto = new SerialPortProtocol(1000); var disposables = new CompositeDisposable(); Observable.Merge ( auto.History.Select(p => $"History: {p}"), auto.ConnectionState.Select(p => $"ConnectionState: {p}"), auto.Received.Select(p => $"Received: {p.ByteToHex()}") ) .Subscribe(p => { rst.Add(p); }) .DisposeWith(disposables); auto.Init(SerialPort.GetPortNames()[0], 115200); await Task.Delay(100); //send when connected auto.ConnectionState .Where(p => p) .Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)) .Subscribe(async _ => { await auto.SendAsync(new CommContext("AA00 0888 44BB", "AA00$2$1BB", 200)); await auto.SendAsync(new CommContext("CC00 1111 DD", "CC00$2DD", 200)); }); await Task.Delay(2000); if (rst.Count(p => p.StartsWith("Received")) > 0) { Debugger.Break(); Assert.True(rst.Count(p => p.Contains("Success")) == 2 && rst.Count(p => p.Contains("Error")) == 0); } auto.Dispose(); disposables.Dispose(); rst.Clear(); }
public void ReturnsTokenUptoLimitAndThenRaisesMaxTokenIssuedEvent() { var sut = CreateInstance(_serverName, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), 5, false); sut.TokenIssued += Sut_TokenIssued; sut.MaxTokenIssued += Sut_MaxTokenIssued; var randomClientId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var threadCount = 10; using (var countdownEvent = new CountdownEvent(threadCount)) { for (var i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(PullToken_OnAThreadPool_Thread), new ThreadFuncObj { TokenRepo = sut, Tokens = _tokensIssued, SyncObj = countdownEvent, ExtApiCallDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500) }); } countdownEvent.Wait(); } Assert.Equal(10, _tokensIssued.Count); Assert.True(_tokensIssued.Count(x => x != null) > 0); //a few tokens were issues Assert.True(_tokensIssued.Count(x => x == null) > 0); //a few failed too. Assert.True(_callbackTokensIssued.Count > 0); Assert.True(_callbackMaxTokensIssued.Count > 0); }
private static void SampleConnections(CrankArguments arguments, ConcurrentBag <Connection> connections, TimeSpan elapsed) { var connecting = connections.Count(c => c.State == ConnectionState.Connecting); var connected = connections.Count(c => c.State == ConnectionState.Connected); var reconnecting = connections.Count(c => c.State == ConnectionState.Reconnecting); var disconnected = connections.Count(c => c.State == ConnectionState.Disconnected); Mark(arguments, (ulong)connecting, "Connections Connecting"); Mark(arguments, (ulong)connected, "Connections Connected"); Mark(arguments, (ulong)reconnecting, "Connections Reconnecting"); Mark(arguments, (ulong)disconnected, "Connections Disconnected"); var transportState = ""; if (connections.First().Transport.GetType() == typeof(AutoTransport)) { transportState = String.Format(", Transport={0}ws|{1}ss|{2}lp", connections.Count(c => c.Transport.Name.Equals("webSockets", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)), connections.Count(c => c.Transport.Name.Equals("serverSentEvents", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)), connections.Count(c => c.Transport.Name.Equals("longPolling", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("[{0}] Connections: {1}/{2}, State={3}|{4}c|{5}r|{6}d", elapsed, connections.Count(), arguments.NumClients, connecting, connected, reconnecting, disconnected) + transportState); }
/// <summary> /// Deals with the console logging from the text file differences /// </summary> /// <param name="linesAdded"></param> /// <param name="linesRemovedFromOriginal"></param> public void TextDifferencesConsoleLogging(ConcurrentBag <string> linesAdded, ConcurrentBag <string> linesRemovedFromOriginal) { if (linesAdded.Count() > 0) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine($"The following lines have been added to {_config.RootUrl}:"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; foreach (var line in linesAdded) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(line); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } } if (linesRemovedFromOriginal.Count() > 0) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine($"The following lines have been removed from {_config.RootUrl}:"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; foreach (var line in linesRemovedFromOriginal) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(line); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } } if (linesRemovedFromOriginal.Count() == 0 && linesAdded.Count() == 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine($"The files in both folder are the same!"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } if (!_config.RunScheduled) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Please return to proceed..."); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void GetService_can_be_accessed_from_multiple_threads_concurrently() { for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) { var bag = new ConcurrentBag<MigrationSqlGenerator>(); var resolver = new MigrationsConfigurationResolver(); ExecuteInParallel(() => bag.Add(resolver.GetService<MigrationSqlGenerator>("System.Data.SqlClient"))); Assert.Equal(20, bag.Count); foreach (var generator in bag) { Assert.IsType<SqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator>(generator); Assert.Equal(19, bag.Count(c => generator != c)); } } }
public async Task A_partitioned_stream_can_be_mapped_at_query_time() { for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { store.WriteEvents( streamId: Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), howMany: 10, bucketId: i.ToString()); } var partitionedStream = Stream.Partitioned<EventMessage, int, string>(async (q, p) => { var bucketId = ((IStreamQueryValuePartition<string>) p).Value; var streamsToSnapshot = store.Advanced.GetStreamsToSnapshot(bucketId, 0); var streamId = streamsToSnapshot.Select(s => s.StreamId).Single(); var stream = NEventStoreStream.ByAggregate(store, streamId, bucketId); var batch = await stream.CreateQuery(q.Cursor, q.BatchSize).NextBatch(); return batch; }).Trace(); var domainEvents = partitionedStream.Map(es => es.Select(e => e.Body).OfType<IDomainEvent>()); // catch up var catchup = domainEvents.DistributeAmong(Enumerable.Range(1, 10) .Select(i => Partition.ByValue(i.ToString())), batchSize: 2); var receivedEvents = new ConcurrentBag<IDomainEvent>(); catchup.Subscribe(async b => { foreach (var e in b) { receivedEvents.Add(e); } }); await catchup.RunUntilCaughtUp().Timeout(); receivedEvents.Count().Should().Be(90); }
public void ShouldEmitSubscriberExceptionsOnExceptionObservable() { FakeServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint1 = new FakeServiceEndpoint(typeof(ITestServiceMessage1)); FakeServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint2 = new FakeServiceEndpoint(typeof(ITestServiceMessage2)); IServiceBus serviceBus = ServiceBus.Configure() .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpointClient) serviceEndpoint1) .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpoint)serviceEndpoint1) .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpointClient) serviceEndpoint2) .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpoint)serviceEndpoint2) .UsingConsoleLogging().Create(); ConcurrentBag<Exception> exceptions = new ConcurrentBag<Exception>(); serviceBus.Exceptions.Subscribe(exceptions.Add); FakeSubscriber subscriber = new FakeSubscriber(); var testScheduler = new TestScheduler(); var subscription = serviceBus.Subscribe(subscriber, testScheduler); subscriber.ThrowExceptions = true; serviceBus.PublishAsync(new TestServiceEvent1()); testScheduler.AdvanceBy(1); serviceBus.PublishAsync(new TestServiceEvent2()); testScheduler.AdvanceBy(1); serviceBus.SendAsync(new TestServiceCommand1()); testScheduler.AdvanceBy(1); serviceBus.SendAsync(new TestServiceCommand2()); testScheduler.AdvanceBy(1); subscription.Dispose(); Assert.That(exceptions.Count(), Is.EqualTo(4)); Assert.That(subscriber.Received.Count(), Is.EqualTo(0)); }
public void ShouldCatchAndHandleExceptionsThrownByEndpointObservables() { FakeServiceEndpoint erroringEndpoint = new FakeServiceEndpoint(typeof(ITestServiceMessage1)) { ThrowException = true }; FakeServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint = new FakeServiceEndpoint(typeof(ITestServiceMessage2)); IServiceBus serviceBus = ServiceBus.Configure() .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpointClient) erroringEndpoint) .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpoint)erroringEndpoint) .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpointClient) serviceEndpoint) .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpoint)serviceEndpoint) .UsingConsoleLogging().Create(); ConcurrentBag<IMessage> messages = new ConcurrentBag<IMessage>(); ConcurrentBag<Exception> exceptions = new ConcurrentBag<Exception>(); serviceBus.Events.Subscribe(messages.Add); serviceBus.Commands.Subscribe(messages.Add); serviceBus.Requests.Subscribe(messages.Add); serviceBus.Exceptions.Subscribe(exceptions.Add); // trigger exception serviceBus.PublishAsync(new TestServiceEvent1()); TestServiceEvent2 message1 = new TestServiceEvent2(); serviceBus.PublishAsync(message1); // trigger another exception serviceBus.PublishAsync(new TestServiceEvent1()); TestServiceEvent2 message2 = new TestServiceEvent2(); serviceBus.PublishAsync(message2); Assert.That(exceptions.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(messages.Contains(message1), "message1 not received"); Assert.That(messages.Contains(message2), "message2 not received"); }
public void ShouldSendAllMessagesToSubscribers() { FakeServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint1 = new FakeServiceEndpoint(typeof(ITestServiceMessage1)); FakeServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint2 = new FakeServiceEndpoint(typeof(ITestServiceMessage2)); IServiceBus serviceBus = ServiceBus.Configure() .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpointClient) serviceEndpoint1) .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpoint)serviceEndpoint1) .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpointClient) serviceEndpoint2) .WithEndpoint((IServiceEndpoint)serviceEndpoint2) .UsingConsoleLogging() .Create(); ConcurrentBag<Exception> exceptions = new ConcurrentBag<Exception>(); serviceBus.Exceptions.Subscribe(exceptions.Add); FakeSubscriber subscriber = new FakeSubscriber(); FakeSubscriber2 subscriber2 = new FakeSubscriber2(); var testScheduler = new TestScheduler(); var subscription = serviceBus.Subscribe(subscriber, testScheduler); var subscription2 = serviceBus.Subscribe(subscriber2, testScheduler); serviceBus.PublishAsync(new TestServiceEvent1()); testScheduler.AdvanceBy(1); serviceBus.PublishAsync(new TestServiceEvent2()); testScheduler.AdvanceBy(1); serviceBus.SendAsync(new TestServiceCommand1()); testScheduler.AdvanceBy(1); serviceBus.SendAsync(new TestServiceCommand2()); testScheduler.AdvanceBy(1); serviceEndpoint1.Messages.OnNext(new TestServiceRequest1()); testScheduler.AdvanceBy(1); subscription.Dispose(); subscription2.Dispose(); Assert.That(exceptions.Count(), Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(subscriber.Received.Count(), Is.EqualTo(5)); Assert.That(subscriber.Received[0].GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestServiceEvent1))); Assert.That(subscriber.Received[1].GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestServiceEvent2))); Assert.That(subscriber.Received[2].GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestServiceCommand1))); Assert.That(subscriber.Received[3].GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestServiceCommand2))); Assert.That(subscriber.Received[4].GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestServiceRequest1))); Assert.That(subscriber2.Received.Count(), Is.EqualTo(5)); Assert.That(subscriber2.Received[0].GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestServiceEvent1))); Assert.That(subscriber2.Received[1].GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestServiceEvent2))); Assert.That(subscriber2.Received[2].GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestServiceCommand1))); Assert.That(subscriber2.Received[3].GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestServiceCommand2))); Assert.That(subscriber2.Received[4].GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestServiceRequest1))); }
public void DCAwareRoundRobinPolicyTestInParallel() { var hostList = new List<Host> { TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2") }; var localHostsLength = hostList.Count(h => h.Datacenter == "dc1"); const string localDc = "dc1"; var clusterMock = new Mock<ICluster>(); clusterMock .Setup(c => c.AllHosts()) .Returns(hostList); //Initialize the balancing policy var policy = new DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy(localDc, 1); policy.Initialize(clusterMock.Object); var allHosts = new ConcurrentBag<Host>(); var firstHosts = new ConcurrentBag<Host>(); Action action = () => { var hosts = policy.NewQueryPlan(null, null).ToList(); //Check that the value is not repeated Assert.AreEqual(0, hosts.GroupBy(x => x) .Where(g => g.Count() > 1) .Select(y => y.Key) .Count()); firstHosts.Add(hosts[0]); //Add to the general list foreach (var h in hosts) { allHosts.Add(h); } }; var actions = new List<Action>(); const int times = 100; for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) { actions.Add(action); } TestHelper.ParallelInvoke(actions); //Check that the first nodes where different foreach (var h in hostList) { if (h.Datacenter == localDc) { Assert.AreEqual(times/localHostsLength, firstHosts.Count(hc => hc == h)); } else { Assert.AreEqual(0, firstHosts.Count(hc => hc == h)); } } clusterMock.Verify(); }
public void TestWmtsRequestInParallel() { // arrange var resourceUrls = CreateResourceUrls(); var request = new WmtsRequest(resourceUrls); var urls = new ConcurrentBag<Uri>(); // List is not thread save var tileInfo = new TileInfo {Index = new TileIndex(8938, 5680, "14")}; // act var requests = new List<Func<Uri>>(); for (var i = 0; i < 150; i++) requests.Add(() => request.GetUri(tileInfo)); Parallel.ForEach(requests, r => urls.Add(r())); // assert var count = urls.Count(u => u.ToString() == ""); Assert.True(count == 50); }
public void LogAlwaysShouldBeThreadSafe() { var bag = new ConcurrentBag<string>(); MockLogger.Setup(m => m.Error(It.IsAny<object>())).Callback<object>(msg => bag.Add(msg.ToString())); MockLogger.Setup(m => m.Info(It.IsAny<object>())).Callback<object>(msg => bag.Add(msg.ToString())); MockLogger.Setup(m => m.IsErrorEnabled).Returns(true); var threads = new List<Thread>(); for (int threadNumber = 0; threadNumber < 20; threadNumber++) { if (threadNumber % 2 == 0) { threads.Add(new Thread(() => { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Subject.LogError(() => "Foo"); } })); } else { threads.Add(new Thread(() => { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Subject.LogAlways(() => "Always"); } })); } } threads.ForEach(t => t.Start()); foreach (var thread in threads) { thread.Join(); } Assert.AreEqual(200, bag.Count); Assert.AreEqual(100, bag.Count(msg => msg == "Foo")); Assert.AreEqual(100, bag.Count(msg => msg == "Always")); }
public void DispatchesMessages() { const int numberOfMessages = 1000; var settings = new MessageDispatcherSettings(); settings.InputChannel.WithDefault(new InMemoryMessageChannel()); settings.InvalidChannel.WithDefault(new InMemoryMessageChannel()); settings.MessageProcessorTypes.WithDefault(new List<Type> { typeof(FakeMessageProcessor) }); settings.DurationOfDispatchingSlice.WithDefault(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200)); settings.NumberOfMessagesToDispatchPerSlice.WithDefault(30); _dispatcher.Configure(settings); _dispatcher.Enable(); Assert.AreEqual(MessageDispatcherState.Enabled, _dispatcher.State); _transport.Open(); var recordIds = new ConcurrentBag<Guid>(); var start = DateTime.Now; for (var j = 0; j < numberOfMessages; j++) { var record = GetRecord(); _transport.Send(record); recordIds.Add(record.Identifier); } Console.WriteLine("Sent 1000 messages in {0} ms", (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for messages to be processed"); start = DateTime.Now; Assert.AreEqual(numberOfMessages, recordIds.Count); var numberOfMessagesProcessed = 0; do { Thread.Sleep(200); numberOfMessagesProcessed = recordIds.Where(id => _registry.GetPublicationRecord(id).Completed).Count(); Console.WriteLine("{0} messages processed", numberOfMessagesProcessed); } while (numberOfMessagesProcessed < recordIds.Count()); Console.WriteLine("Completed in {0} seconds", (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds); _dispatcher.Disable(); Assert.AreEqual(MessageDispatcherState.Disabled, _dispatcher.State); Assert.IsTrue(FakeMessageProcessor.ProcessedAnyMessages); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Crank v{0}", typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version); if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: crank [url] [numclients]"); return; } ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = Int32.MaxValue; string url = args[0]; int clients = Int32.Parse(args[1]); TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += OnUnobservedTaskException; var connections = new ConcurrentBag<Connection>(); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Parallel.For(0, clients, i => { try { var connection = new Connection(url); connection.Received += data => { Console.WriteLine(data); }; connection.Error += e => { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Client {0}, {1}", i, e.GetBaseException()); }; connection.Closed += () => { Console.WriteLine("CLOSED: {0}", i); }; connection.Start().Wait(); connections.Add(connection); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to start client {0}. {1}", i, e); } }); Console.WriteLine("Started {0} connection(s).", connections.Count); }); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop running..."); Console.Read(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Total Running time: {0}s", sw.Elapsed); Console.WriteLine("End point: {0}", url); Console.WriteLine("Total connections: {0}", clients); Console.WriteLine("Active connections: {0}", connections.Count(c => c.IsActive)); Console.WriteLine("Stopped connections: {0}", connections.Count(c => !c.IsActive)); }
public async Task CannotRemoveTheSameSubscriptionConcurrently(int concurrencyLevel, int nSubscriptions) { // arrange var subscriptions = Enumerable.Range(1, nSubscriptions) .Select(n => new Subscription("topic" + n, "endpoint" + n, "dummy")) .ToArray(); // add the subscriptions so they can be removed foreach (var subscription in subscriptions) { await; } // act & assert // for each subscription, tries to add it concurrently foreach (var subscription in subscriptions) { var tasks = new ConcurrentBag<Task<bool>>(); var subscriptionToAdd = subscription; //capture context Parallel.For(0, concurrencyLevel, c => { tasks.Add(; }); await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // ensures only one concurrent task was able to add the subscription Assert.AreEqual(1, tasks.Count(t => t.Result == true)); } }
public void TestForeach() { const int numValues = 100000; Scheduler.WaitFor(WriteLotsOfValuesInBatch(Tangle, numValues, -1)); var keys = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i += 2) keys.Add(i); long startTime = Time.Ticks; var bag = new ConcurrentBag<int>(); var fForeach = Tangle.ForEach(keys, (key, value) => bag.Add(value)); Scheduler.WaitFor(fForeach); decimal elapsedSeconds = (decimal)(Time.Ticks - startTime) / Time.SecondInTicks; Console.WriteLine( "{0} values in ~{1:00.000} second(s) at ~{2:00000.00} values/sec.", keys.Count, elapsedSeconds, keys.Count / elapsedSeconds ); Assert.AreEqual(keys.Count, bag.Count()); Assert.AreEqual( keys.OrderBy((k) => k).ToArray(), bag.OrderBy((k) => k).ToArray() ); }
private static void SampleConnections(CrankArguments arguments, ConcurrentBag<Connection> connections, TimeSpan elapsed) { var connecting = connections.Count(c => c.State == ConnectionState.Connecting); var connected = connections.Count(c => c.State == ConnectionState.Connected); var reconnecting = connections.Count(c => c.State == ConnectionState.Reconnecting); var disconnected = connections.Count(c => c.State == ConnectionState.Disconnected); Mark(arguments, (ulong)connecting, "Connections Connecting"); Mark(arguments, (ulong)connected, "Connections Connected"); Mark(arguments, (ulong)reconnecting, "Connections Reconnecting"); Mark(arguments, (ulong)disconnected, "Connections Disconnected"); var transportState = ""; if (connections.First().Transport.GetType() == typeof(AutoTransport)) { transportState = String.Format(", Transport={0}ws|{1}ss|{2}lp", connections.Count(c => c.Transport.Name.Equals("webSockets", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)), connections.Count(c => c.Transport.Name.Equals("serverSentEvents", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)), connections.Count(c => c.Transport.Name.Equals("longPolling", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("[{0}] Connections: {1}/{2}, State={3}|{4}c|{5}r|{6}d", elapsed, connections.Count(), arguments.NumClients, connecting, connected, reconnecting, disconnected) + transportState); }
// button events private void ButtonGenerateClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // start logging Program.Log.Write("\nGenerate Data: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("u")); Program.Log.Write("Skip Missing Animations? " + this.checkBoxSkipMissingAnimations.Checked); Program.Log.Write("Delete Old Data? " + this.checkBoxClearOldJson.Checked); Program.Log.Write("Clear Favorites? " + this.checkBoxReseedFavorites.Checked); // initialize variables int validPoserCount; int emptyPoserCount; int poserPacksCount; var removedPoserCount = 0; var jsonOutputDirectory = this.skyrimDirectory + Resources.PoserHotkeysDataPath; // ensure output directory exists if (!Directory.Exists(jsonOutputDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(jsonOutputDirectory); } // clear favorites... if (this.checkBoxReseedFavorites.Checked) { var favoritesJson = Directory.GetFiles(jsonOutputDirectory, Resources.FavoritesJsonName); if (favoritesJson.Length <= 0) { Program.Log.Write(Resources.FavoritesJsonName + " not found."); } else { removedPoserCount++; Program.Log.Write("Deleting " + Resources.FavoritesJsonName); File.Delete(favoritesJson.First()); } } // clear old data... if (this.checkBoxClearOldJson.Checked) { foreach (var jsonFile in Directory.GetFiles(jsonOutputDirectory, "*.json") .Where(jsonFile => !jsonFile.Contains(Resources.FavoritesJsonName))) { removedPoserCount++; Program.Log.Write("Deleting " + jsonFile); File.Delete(jsonFile); } } // generate data... using (var pleaseWaitMessage = new FormPleaseWaitMessage()) { pleaseWaitMessage.Show(this); pleaseWaitMessage.Update(); try { // get checked poser list var checkedPosers = this.checkedListBoxPosers.CheckedItems.OfType<Poser>(); var checkedPosersList = checkedPosers as IList<Poser> ?? checkedPosers.ToList(); // extract all packs from all checked posers var results = new ConcurrentBag<PopulatePacksResults>(); Parallel.ForEach( checkedPosersList, poser => { results.Add(poser.PopulatePacks(this.checkBoxSkipMissingAnimations.Checked)); }); // log results foreach (var result in results) { Program.Log.Write("\nPoser: " + result.PoserName); Program.Log.Write("\tLoaded Packs: " + result.PacksAdded.Count); Program.Log.Write("\tLoaded Pack Names: " + String.Join(", ", result.PacksAdded)); Program.Log.Write("\tLoaded Animations: " + result.AnimationsAdded.Count); Program.Log.Write("\tMissing Animations: " + result.AnimationsMissing.Count); Program.Log.Write("\tMissing Animations Names: " + String.Join(", ", result.AnimationsMissing)); } // get summary counts validPoserCount = results.Count(x => x.PacksAdded.Count > 0); emptyPoserCount = results.Count(x => x.PacksAdded.Count <= 0); poserPacksCount = results.Sum(x => x.PacksAdded.Count); // write to disc SeedFavoritesJson(jsonOutputDirectory); WriteJson(checkedPosersList, jsonOutputDirectory); Program.Log.Write("\nGeneration complete! " + DateTime.Now.ToString("u")); } catch (Exception exception) { Program.Log.Write("Fatal Error: " + exception.Message); throw; } pleaseWaitMessage.Close(); } // show summary var summaryMessage = String.Format( $"Generated {validPoserCount} data files containing {poserPacksCount} poser packs." + $"\nSkipped {emptyPoserCount} posers that had 0 packs." + $"\nRemoved {removedPoserCount} old data files." + $"\n\nOutput written to:\n{jsonOutputDirectory}"); MessageBox.Show(summaryMessage, Resources.CommonString_Summary, MessageBoxButtons.OK); Program.Log.Write(summaryMessage); this.buttonQuit.Select(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Crank v{0}", typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version); if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: crank [url] [numclients] <batchSize> <batchInterval>"); return; } ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = Int32.MaxValue; _running = true; string url = args[0]; int clients = Int32.Parse(args[1]); int batchSize = args.Length < 3 ? 50 : Int32.Parse(args[2]); int batchInterval = args.Length < 4 ? 500 : Int32.Parse(args[3]); TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += OnUnobservedTaskException; var connections = new ConcurrentBag<Connection>(); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Console.WriteLine("Ramping up connections. Batch size {0}.", batchSize); var rampupSw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); ConnectBatches(url, clients, batchSize, batchInterval, connections).ContinueWith(task => { Console.WriteLine("Started {0} connection(s).", connections.Count); Console.WriteLine("Setting up event handlers"); rampupSw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Ramp up complete in {0}.", rampupSw.Elapsed); }); }); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop running..."); Console.Read(); sw.Stop(); _running = false; Console.WriteLine("Total Running time: {0}", sw.Elapsed); Console.WriteLine("End point: {0}", url); Console.WriteLine("Total connections: {0}", clients); Console.WriteLine("Active connections: {0}", connections.Count(c => c.IsActive)); Console.WriteLine("Stopped connections: {0}", connections.Count(c => !c.IsActive)); Console.WriteLine("Closing connection(s)."); foreach (var connection in connections) { connection.Stop(); } }
private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker self = (BackgroundWorker)sender; Config cfg = (Config)e.Argument; CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US"); int totalCount = 1; int processedCount = 0; int progressValue = 0; List<Uri> products = new List<Uri>(); // walk through categories Uri category = cfg.Uri; while(category != null) { string content = null; for (content = Web.GetContent(category); content == null; content = Web.GetContent(category)) { self.ReportProgress(progressValue, CONNECTION_ERROR); Console.WriteLine("Failed {0}", category); Thread.Sleep(SLEEPING_TIME); } Console.WriteLine("Read {0}", category); // get products MatchCollection mc = RE.Products.Matches(content); foreach (Match m in mc) { Uri prod = new Uri(category, new Uri(m.Groups[1].Value, UriKind.Relative)); totalCount++; products.Add(prod); } // check the next page Match np = RE.Page.Match(content); if (np.Success) { category = new Uri(category, new Uri(np.Groups[1].Value, UriKind.Relative)); } else category = null; progressValue = (int)(100.0f / totalCount * processedCount); self.ReportProgress(progressValue, "Reading categories"); } // walk through products ConcurrentBag<Photo> photoStorage = new ConcurrentBag<Photo>(); Parallel.ForEach(products, product => { string content = null; for (content = Web.GetContent(product); content == null; content = Web.GetContent(product)) { self.ReportProgress(progressValue, CONNECTION_ERROR); Console.WriteLine("Failed {0}", product); Thread.Sleep(SLEEPING_TIME); } Console.WriteLine("Read {0}", product); // check global suitability of the product: // skip this product in case when it is out of stock on Zappos if (!RE.ZapposOutOfStock.IsMatch(content)) { try { string brand = ""; string name = ""; float price = 0.0f; float oldPrice = 0.0f; string sku = ""; List<Photo> photoList = new List<Photo>(); List<string> sizeList = new List<string>(); Match brandname = RE.ZapposBrandName.Match(content); if (brandname.Success) { brand = brandname.Groups[1].Value; name = brandname.Groups[2].Value; price = float.Parse(RE.ZapposPrice.Match(content).Groups[2].Value, ci.NumberFormat); sku = RE.ZapposSku.Match(content).Groups[1].Value; Match mop = RE.ZapposOldPrice.Match(content); if (mop.Success) { oldPrice = float.Parse(mop.Groups[1].Value, ci.NumberFormat); } // get the Size's Id Match mSI = RE.ZapposSizeId.Match(content); if (mSI.Success) { string styleId = mSI.Groups[1].Value; Regex reZapposSizeWrapper = RE.GetZapposSizeWrapper(styleId); Match mSizeWrap = reZapposSizeWrapper.Match(content); if (mSizeWrap.Success) { MatchCollection mcSizeList = RE.ZapposSize.Matches(mSizeWrap.Groups[1].Value); foreach (Match mcs in mcSizeList) sizeList.Add(mcs.Groups[1].Value); } else { Regex reZapposSingleSize = RE.GetZapposSingleSize(styleId); Match mZSS = reZapposSingleSize.Match(content); if (mZSS.Success) sizeList.Add(mZSS.Groups[1].Value); else throw new Exception("Cannot get product's size info: " + product.ToString()); } } // determine the style id to take an appropriate photo set Match zsi = RE.ZapposStyleId.Match(content); if (zsi.Success) { string style = zsi.Groups[1].Value; // large images HashSet<string> larges = new HashSet<string>(); Regex reZapposPhotosLarge = RE.GetZapposPhotosLarge(style); MatchCollection mp = reZapposPhotosLarge.Matches(content); foreach (Match m in mp) { photoList.Add(new Photo(m.Groups[2].Value, PhotoSize.Large)); larges.Add(m.Groups[1].Value); } // medium images Regex reZapposPhotosMedium = RE.GetZapposPhotosMedium(style); mp = reZapposPhotosMedium.Matches(content); foreach (Match m in mp) { if (!larges.Contains(m.Groups[1].Value)) photoList.Add(new Photo(m.Groups[2].Value, PhotoSize.Medium)); } // must be at least one picture if (photoList.Count == 0) throw new Exception("No photos for " + product.ToString()); } else throw new Exception("No style id for " + product.ToString()); } else { // may be we are at Match cbns = RE.CoutureBrandNameSku.Match(content); if (!cbns.Success) throw new Exception("invalid source"); brand = cbns.Groups[1].Value; name = cbns.Groups[2].Value; sku = cbns.Groups[3].Value; price = float.Parse(RE.CouturePrice.Match(content).Groups[1].Value, ci.NumberFormat); Match mop = RE.CoutureOldPrice.Match(content); if (mop.Success) { oldPrice = float.Parse(mop.Groups[1].Value, ci.NumberFormat); } Match mCPS = RE.CouturePhotoSource.Match(content); if (mCPS.Success) { string cps_content = null; Uri cps_photo_source = null; cps_photo_source = new Uri(product, mCPS.Groups[1].Value); cps_content = Web.GetContent(cps_photo_source); for (cps_content = Web.GetContent(cps_photo_source); cps_content == null; cps_content = Web.GetContent(cps_photo_source)) { self.ReportProgress(progressValue, CONNECTION_ERROR); Console.WriteLine("Failed {0}", cps_photo_source); Thread.Sleep(SLEEPING_TIME); } Console.WriteLine("Read {0}", cps_photo_source); MatchCollection cphotos = RE.CouturePhotos.Matches(cps_content); foreach (Match mcp in cphotos) photoList.Add(new Photo(mcp.Groups[1].Value, PhotoSize.Large)); } else throw new Exception("no couture photo source: " + product); } // make photo objects int newprice = (int)(0.5f + price + price / 100.0f * cfg.Percents); string strPrice = newprice.ToString("C", ci); string strOldPrice = String.Empty; if (oldPrice > 0.0f) { int newOldPrice = (int)(0.5f + oldPrice + oldPrice / 100.0f * cfg.Percents); strOldPrice = newOldPrice.ToString("C", ci); } foreach (Photo pObj in photoList.Take(cfg.PhotosLimit)) { pObj.Brand = brand; pObj.Name = name; pObj.Price = strPrice; pObj.OldPrice = strOldPrice; pObj.Sku = sku; pObj.Sizes.AddRange(sizeList); photoStorage.Add(pObj); Interlocked.Increment(ref totalCount); } } catch (Exception ex) { // an error happened Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } Interlocked.Increment(ref processedCount); progressValue = (int)(100.0f / totalCount * processedCount); self.ReportProgress(progressValue, "Reading products"); }); // in case when folder separation is needed, we create those folders if (cfg.DirectoryLimit > 0) { int numberOfDirectories = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)((float)photoStorage.Count / cfg.DirectoryLimit)); for (int dn = 0; dn < numberOfDirectories; dn++) { string subdir = (dn + 1).ToString("D4"); string dirPath = Path.Combine(cfg.Folder, subdir); if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); var part = photoStorage.Skip(cfg.DirectoryLimit * dn).Take(cfg.DirectoryLimit); foreach (Photo p in part) p.SubDirectory = subdir; } } // download and update photos var unprocessedPhotos = photoStorage.Where(p => p.Status == PhotoStatus.New || p.Status == PhotoStatus.Downloaded).ToArray(); while (unprocessedPhotos.Length > 0) { Parallel.ForEach(unprocessedPhotos, photo => { // download or convert string folder = cfg.Folder; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(photo.SubDirectory)) folder = Path.Combine(cfg.Folder, photo.SubDirectory); string orgname = Path.Combine(folder, "org." + photo.FileName); string destname = Path.Combine(folder, photo.FileName); if (photo.Status == PhotoStatus.New) { // try download DownloadResult result = Web.GetFile(photo.Uri, orgname); switch (result) { case DownloadResult.NotFound: // just skip the picture photo.Status = PhotoStatus.Rejected; break; case DownloadResult.Error: // try again self.ReportProgress(progressValue, CONNECTION_ERROR); Console.WriteLine("Failed {0}", photo.Uri); Thread.Sleep(SLEEPING_TIME); break; case DownloadResult.Ok: photo.Status = PhotoStatus.Downloaded; Console.WriteLine("Read {0}", photo.Uri); break; } } if (photo.Status == PhotoStatus.Downloaded) { // try convert if (Painter.ApplyPhoto(orgname, photo, cfg, destname)) { photo.Status = PhotoStatus.Processed; progressValue = (int)(100.0f / totalCount * Interlocked.Increment(ref processedCount)); try { // delete the original file File.Delete(orgname); } catch (Exception) { } self.ReportProgress(progressValue, "Downloading pictures"); } else { self.ReportProgress(progressValue, CONVERSION_ERROR); } } }); unprocessedPhotos = photoStorage.Where(p => p.Status == PhotoStatus.New || p.Status == PhotoStatus.Downloaded).ToArray(); } e.Result = String.Format("Downloaded {0} pictures from {1} products", photoStorage.Count(p => p.Status == PhotoStatus.Processed), products.Count); }
public void TokenAwarePolicyRoundRobinsOnLocalReplicas() { var hostList = new List<Host> { //5 local nodes and 4 remote TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc2"), TestHelper.CreateHost("", "dc1") }; var clusterMock = new Mock<ICluster>(MockBehavior.Strict); clusterMock .Setup(c => c.AllHosts()) .Returns(hostList) .Verifiable(); clusterMock .Setup(c => c.GetReplicas(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<byte[]>())) .Returns<string, byte[]>((keyspace, key) => { var i = key[0]; return hostList.Where(h => { //The host at with address == k and the next one var address = TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte(h); return address == i || address == i + 1; }).ToList(); }) .Verifiable(); var policy = new TokenAwarePolicy(new DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy("dc1", 2)); policy.Initialize(clusterMock.Object); var firstHosts = new ConcurrentBag<Host>(); var k = new RoutingKey { RawRoutingKey = new byte[] { 1 } }; //key for host :::1 and :::2 var actions = new List<Action>(); const int times = 100; for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) { actions.Add(() => { var h = policy.NewQueryPlan(null, new SimpleStatement().SetRoutingKey(k)).First(); firstHosts.Add(h); }); } var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions(); parallelOptions.TaskScheduler = new ThreadPerTaskScheduler(); parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1000; Parallel.Invoke(parallelOptions, actions.ToArray()); Assert.AreEqual(times, firstHosts.Count); //Half the times Assert.AreEqual(times / 2, firstHosts.Count(h => TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte(h) == 1)); Assert.AreEqual(times / 2, firstHosts.Count(h => TestHelper.GetLastAddressByte(h) == 2)); clusterMock.Verify(); }
public void RemoveTest() { var TestObject = new ConcurrentBag<int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }); TestObject = new ConcurrentBag<int>(TestObject.Remove((x) => x % 2 == 0)); Assert.Equal(3, TestObject.Count()); foreach (int Item in TestObject) Assert.False(Item % 2 == 0); }