コード例 #1
    protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        lblError.Visible = false;

        //Get the supplied portal username
        string portalUserName = tbUserName.Text;

        //Create a SOAP envelope to request a portal security token, POST it to the Concierge API and get the response
        using (HttpWebResponse response = ConciergeApiHelper.PostPortalSecurityTokenRequest(portalUserName))
            //Get a stream containing the response SOAP envelope
            using (Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                //If there was no response show a friendly error message - should not happen
                if (receiveStream == null)
                    lblError.Text    = "Unable to read response from Concierge API";
                    lblError.Visible = true;

                //Read the SOAP response in to an XDocument to make it easier to navigate
                Encoding     encode         = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8");
                StreamReader responseStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, encode);
                XDocument    soapResponse   = XDocument.Load(responseStream);

                //Get a table containing the namespaces and aliases we will use in our XPath to retreive values from the response
                XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = ConciergeApiHelper.CreateNamespaceManager();

                //Use XPath to check if the Concierge API indicates the request was processed successfully.  If it was not, display a friendly error massage
                if (soapResponse.XPathSelectElement("//mc:CreatePortalSecurityTokenResult/r:Success", namespaceManager).Value !=
                    lblError.Text    = "Portal token generation failed.";
                    lblError.Visible = true;

                    XElement firstError =

                    if (firstError != null)
                        lblError.Text += " Concierge API returned error: " + firstError.Value;


                //Retrieve the portal security token from the SOAP response and store it in the web user's session so it can be used by the RedirectToPortal page
                ConciergeApiHelper.PortalLoginToken = Convert.FromBase64String(soapResponse.XPathSelectElement("//mc:CreatePortalSecurityTokenResult/r:ResultValue", namespaceManager).Value);

        //Send the web user to the page that will construct a form and POST the portal security token to the portal's Login.aspx page
コード例 #2
    protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        lblError.Visible = false;

        //Get the supplied portal username
        string portalUserName = tbUserName.Text;

        //Generate a Digital Signature of the portal username using the Signing Certificate
        byte[] signature = ConciergeApiHelper.GenerateDigitalSignature(portalUserName);

        using (ConciergeAPIService proxy = new ConciergeAPIService())
            //Generate a header for this request using the Concierge API settings and the action to be called
            proxy.ConciergeRequestHeaderValue = ConciergeApiHelper.CreateRequestHeader("http://membersuite.com/contracts/IConciergeAPIService/CreatePortalSecurityToken");

            //Request a portal security token from the Concierge API
            var portalLoginTokenResult = proxy.CreatePortalSecurityToken(portalUserName, ConciergeApiHelper.SigningCertificateId, signature);

            //If the Concierge API indicated a fault, write a friendly error message
            if (!portalLoginTokenResult.Success)
                lblError.Text    = portalLoginTokenResult.Errors != null && portalLoginTokenResult.Errors.Any() ? portalLoginTokenResult.Errors[0].Message : "API operation failed";
                lblError.Visible = true;

            //Set the web user's session id in their session
            ConciergeApiHelper.ConciergeSessionId = proxy.ConciergeResponseHeaderValue.SessionId;

            //Set the portal security token in the web user's session so it can be used by the RedirectToPortal page
            ConciergeApiHelper.PortalLoginToken = portalLoginTokenResult.ResultValue;

        //Send the web user to the page that will construct a form and POST the portal security token to the portal's Login.aspx page