public void Should_advance_program_counter_if_instruction_jumped_in_previous_execution() { TestedInstruction = new TestInstruction(1) { ExecuteInternalAction = (self, givenState) => { var jmp = self.PublicGetParameterValue(1); if (jmp > 0) { self.PublicJump(jmp); } }, ParameterModes = 1 }; var state = new ComputerState { Memory = new[] { 0, 2, 1, 0 } }; TestedInstruction.Execute(state); TestedInstruction.Execute(state); Assert.Equal(4, state.ProgramCounter); }
/// <summary> /// Called when a computer randomly crashes /// </summary> private void crashComputer() { // Only allow waiting to crash computers to crash if (_state == ComputerState.WaitingToCrash || _state == ComputerState.RaptorCrashingComputer) { SetComputerColour(_state == ComputerState.WaitingToCrash ? Color.magenta : Color.yellow); _state = ComputerState.Crashed; if (linkedDoor != null) { linkedDoor.ReleaseTheRaptor(); } _crashTimer = CM.TimeFromCrashToExplode; _timerLength = _crashTimer; pBar.gameObject.SetActive(true); // Release the raptor (if it hasn't already been released and there is one associated with this computer if (currentRaptorUser != null) { currentRaptorUser.FindNewTarget(); currentRaptorUser._rState = RaptorAI.RaptorState.HeadingToTarget; currentRaptorUser = null; } } }
public void Should_write_existing_input_before_awaiting_more_input( int[] inputsAtStart, int executions) { var testOpCode = 1; var prg = AssembleTestProgram(executions, testOpCode); var state = new ComputerState { Memory = prg.ToArray(), Inputs = new List <int>(inputsAtStart) }; for (int i = 0; i < executions; i++) { TestedInstruction.Execute(state); } for (int i = 0; i < executions - 1; i++) { Assert.Equal(inputsAtStart[i], state.Memory[i * 2]); } Assert.Equal( testOpCode, state.Memory[(executions - 1) * 2]); }
private void On_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Screen.Items.Add(computer.ComputerOn()); computerState = ComputerState.ON; Monitor.Fill = Brushes.Yellow; countPrograms = 0; }
public void Should_resume_reading_input_after_input_has_been_added( int[] inputsAtStart, int executions, int addedInput) { var testOpCode = 11; var prg = AssembleTestProgram(executions, testOpCode); var state = new ComputerState { Memory = prg.ToArray(), Inputs = new List <int>(inputsAtStart) }; for (int i = 0; i < executions; i++) { TestedInstruction.Execute(state); } state.Inputs.Add(addedInput); TestedInstruction.Execute(state); Assert.Equal( addedInput, state.Memory[(executions - 1) * 2]); }
public void Setup() { _byteFactory = TestUtils.CreateByteFactory(); _fullByte = _byteFactory.Create(255); Instruction = _byteFactory.Create(0); Flags = new Caez(); var cpuPinStates = new CpuPinStates(TestUtils.CreateClock(), TestUtils.CreateStepper(), Instruction, Flags, TestUtils.CreateAnd(), TestUtils.CreateOr(), TestUtils.CreateNot(), TestUtils.CreateDecoder(), _byteFactory); var bus = new Bus <IByte>(new BusMessage <IByte> { Data = new Byte(), Name = "Bus" }); var ioBus = new Bus <IByte>(new BusMessage <IByte> { Data = new Byte(), Name = "IoBus" }); var byteRegisterFactory = TestUtils.CreateByteRegisterFactory(); var ram = TestUtils.CreateRam(bus); var computerState = new ComputerState(byteRegisterFactory, ram, TestUtils.CreateBus1Factory(), new ArithmeticLogicUnitFactory(), TestUtils.CreateCaezRegisterFactory(), new BitRegisterFactory(TestUtils.CreateMemoryGateFactory()), bus, ioBus); _sut = new Computer(cpuPinStates, computerState); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { if (pBar == null) { pBar = this.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <LinearProgressBarController> (true); } computerSpeaker = GetComponent <AudioSource> (); CC = GetComponent <CrashController> (); CM = FindObjectOfType <ComputerManager> (); if (computerID == 0) { computerID = Random.Range(0, 100); } // Pick a random computer type computerType = (ComputerType)Random.Range(0, System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(ComputerType)).Length); _state = ComputerState.WaitingToCrash; // if the timer is greater than 0, we must have set it in the ComputerManager->start, so don't over write it if (_crashTimer <= 0) { _crashTimer = Random.Range(CM.MinDefaultComputerCrashTime, CM.MaxDefaultComputerCrashTime); } }
void resetComputerToNeutral() { if (computerState != ComputerState.NOT_COMPUTER) { computerState = ComputerState.NEUTRAL; } }
public ComputerState(ComputerState state) : base(state) { Address = state.Address; MacAddress = state.MacAddress; Power = state.Power; MonitorPower = state.MonitorPower; }
public void Should_set_halt_to_true_on_state() { var state = new ComputerState(); TestedInstruction.Execute(state); Assert.True(state.Halt); }
public void Should_call_ExecuteInternal_on_derived_class_with_given_state() { var state = new ComputerState(); TestedInstruction.Execute(state); Assert.True(_executeInternalExecuted, "ExecuteInternal not called."); }
public string ComputerOn() { if (State == ComputerState.OFF) { State = ComputerState.ON; } return("Включение"); }
public string ComputerOff() { if (State == ComputerState.ON) { State = ComputerState.OFF; } return("Выключение"); }
public void RaptorInterferenceInterferedWith() { _state = ComputerState.WaitingToCrash; pBar.progress = 0; pBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); currentRaptorUser = null; _crashTimer = Random.Range(CM.MinDefaultComputerCrashTime, CM.MaxDefaultComputerCrashTime); }
public void rebootComputer() { if (_state == ComputerState.Crashed) { _state = ComputerState.WaitingToCrash; _crashTimer = Random.Range(3f, 20f); SetComputerColour(Color.white); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { if (computerID == 0) { computerID = Random.Range(0, 100); } computerType = (ComputerType)Random.Range(0, System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(ComputerType)).Length); _state = ComputerState.WaitingToCrash; _crashTimer = Random.Range(3f, 20f); }
public void StopDiscovery() { if (discovered) { State = ComputerState.Online; } else { State = ComputerState.Offline; } }
public void Should_advance_program_counter_with_length_of_instruction() { var state = new ComputerState { Memory = new[] { 0, 0 } }; TestedInstruction.Execute(state); Assert.Equal(1, state.ProgramCounter); }
private bool UpdateNextInstructions(int jmpNextInstruction) { m_CurrentInstruction += jmpNextInstruction; if (m_CurrentInstruction < m_Instructions.Count) { return(true); } State = ComputerState.Finished; return(false); }
public int Run() { ComputerState = ComputerState.Running; while (ComputerState == ComputerState.Running) { var operation = GetOperation(instructions[pointer]); Execute(operation); } return(instructions[0]); }
private void TrainedRaptorAtComputer() { SetComputerColour(Color.cyan); _crashTimer = 0; _state = ComputerState.RaptorSafelyUsingComputer; pBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); // Ensure the progress bar gets hidden CC.CancelCrashEffects(); CM.ContentRaptors++; // So player can't click on computer anymore this.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("NonComputer"); }
/// <summary> /// If the first parameter is zero, /// it sets the instruction pointer to the value from the second parameter. /// Otherwise, it does nothing. /// </summary> private static long JumpIfFalse(ComputerState state, ref long i, Mode[] modes) { if (state.Get(i + 1, modes[0]) == 0) { i = state.Get(i + 2, modes[1]); return(0);// 0 to skip incrementing and let this ref change take precedence } else { return(2); } }
public void Should_write_value_from_addr1_to_state_output( int[] prg) { var state = new ComputerState { Memory = (int[])prg.Clone() }; TestedInstruction.Execute(state); Assert.Equal(1, state.Output[0]); }
public void rebootComputer() { if (_state == ComputerState.Crashed || _state == ComputerState.RaptorCrashingComputer) { _state = ComputerState.Rebooting; _crashTimer = rebootTime; _timerLength = _crashTimer; pBar.gameObject.SetActive(true); SetComputerColour(; FindObjectOfType <PlayerControl> ()._pState = PlayerControl.playerState.RebootingComputer; } }
public void Should_handle_position_mode_for_parameters( int[] prg, int expected) { var state = new ComputerState { Memory = prg }; TestedInstruction.Execute(state); Assert.Equal(expected, _actual); }
/// <summary> /// Called the moment a Raptor starts to interact with a computer and puts it on the shortcut to crashing /// </summary> private void RaptorVisitsComputer(RaptorAI raptor) { if (_state == ComputerState.WaitingToCrash) { _state = ComputerState.RaptorCrashingComputer; _crashTimer = CM.TimeToCrashWithRaptor; _timerLength = _crashTimer; pBar.gameObject.SetActive(true); raptor._rState = RaptorAI.RaptorState.FiddlingWithComputer; currentRaptorUser = raptor; computerSpeaker.PlayOneShot(CM.TypingSound); } }
public void Should_handle_immediate_mode_for_parameters( int[] prg, int expected) { var state = new ComputerState { Memory = prg }; TestedInstruction.ParameterModes = 1 << (prg[0] - 1); TestedInstruction.Execute(state); Assert.Equal(expected, _actual); }
public void Execute(ComputerState state) { _jumped = false; State = state; ExecuteInternal(); if (_jumped) { return; } state.ProgramCounter += Length; }
public void Should_store_state_input_at_addr1( int[] prg) { var state = new ComputerState { Memory = (int[])prg.Clone(), Inputs = new List <int> { 9 } }; TestedInstruction.Execute(state); Assert.Equal(state.Inputs[0], state.Memory[prg[1]]); }
public void Should_reset_halt_and_awaitingInput_flags_after_resuming_successfully() { var prg = AssembleTestProgram(1); var state = new ComputerState { Memory = prg.ToArray() }; TestedInstruction.Execute(state); state.Inputs.Add(1337); state.Halt = false; TestedInstruction.Execute(state); Assert.False(state.AwaitingInput, "State waiting for input."); }
private void FinishedRoutines(ComputerState state) { switch (state) { case ComputerState.Nothing: //nothing to do here break; case ComputerState.Close: Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { int lefttime = 30; while (lefttime > 0) { if (ProcessCancelled) { UpdateInfo(InfoType.Default, 0); ProcessCancelled = false; return; } Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); lefttime--; InfoLabel.Text = "Will close DeSERt in "+ lefttime.ToString() +" seconds!"; } InfoLabel.Text = "The end is near!"; Quit(ClosingReason.Program); }); break; case ComputerState.Shutdown: Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { int lefttime = 30; while (lefttime > 0) { if (ProcessCancelled) { UpdateInfo(InfoType.Default, 0); ProcessCancelled = false; return; } Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); lefttime--; InfoLabel.Text = "Will shut down in " + lefttime.ToString() + " seconds!"; } InfoLabel.Text = "The end is near!"; Process.Start("shutdown", "/s /t 0"); }); break; case ComputerState.Suspend: Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { int lefttime = 30; while (lefttime > 0) { if (ProcessCancelled) { UpdateInfo(InfoType.Default, 0); ProcessCancelled = false; return; } Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); lefttime--; InfoLabel.Text = "Will suspend in " + lefttime.ToString() + " seconds!"; } InfoLabel.Text = "Set computer to suspend state!"; SetSuspendState(false, true, true); }); break; } }