コード例 #1
        private async Task <bool> ImportComposerViewsFields(CommerceEntity commerceEntity, Dictionary <string, string> entityFields, CommerceContext context)
            //Get root/master view of the target entity, composer views, if any, will be included in Child views of this master view
            var masterView = await _commerceCommander.Command <GetEntityViewCommand>().Process(
                context.GetPolicy <KnownCatalogViewsPolicy>().Master,

            if (masterView == null)
                Log.Error($"Master view not found on Commerce Entity, Entity ID={commerceEntity.Id}");
                throw new ApplicationException($"Master view not found on Commerce Entity, Entity ID={commerceEntity.Id}");

            if (masterView.ChildViews == null || masterView.ChildViews.Count == 0)
                Log.Error($"No composer-generated views found on Sellable Item entity, Entity ID={commerceEntity.Id}");
                throw new ApplicationException($"No composer-generated views found on Sellable Item entity, Entity ID={commerceEntity.Id}");

            //Now iterate through child views and then their child fields, looking for matching names
            var isUpdated = false;

            foreach (EntityView view in masterView.ChildViews)
                EntityView composerViewForEdit = null;
                foreach (var viewField in view.Properties)
                    //Found matching field that need to be updated
                    if (entityFields.Keys.Contains(viewField.Name))
                        //Retrieve the composer view to update...
                        if (composerViewForEdit == null)
                            composerViewForEdit = Task.Run <EntityView>(async() => await commerceEntity.GetComposerView(view.ItemId, _commerceCommander, context)).Result;
                        //...and update the field value
                        if (composerViewForEdit != null)
                            var composerProperty = composerViewForEdit.GetProperty(viewField.Name);
                            if (composerViewForEdit != null)
                                isUpdated = true;

            if (isUpdated)
                return(await _composerCommander.PersistEntity(context, commerceEntity));

        /// <summary>
        /// Import fields defined in Item's composer views
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commerceEntity"></param>
        /// <param name="jsonData"></param>
        /// <param name="mappingPolicy"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <SellableItem> ImportComposerViewsFields(SellableItem commerceEntity, Dictionary <string, string> composerFields, CommerceContext context)
            var masterView = await _commerceCommander.Command <GetEntityViewCommand>().Process(
                context, commerceEntity.Id,
                context.GetPolicy <KnownCatalogViewsPolicy>().Master,

            if (masterView == null)
                Log.Error($"Master view not found on Commerce Entity, Entity ID={commerceEntity.Id}");
                throw new ApplicationException($"Master view not found on Commerce Entity, Entity ID={commerceEntity.Id}");

            if (masterView.ChildViews == null || masterView.ChildViews.Count == 0)
                Log.Error($"No composer-generated views found on Sellable Item entity, Entity ID={commerceEntity.Id}");
                throw new ApplicationException($"No composer-generated views found on Sellable Item entity, Entity ID={commerceEntity.Id}");

            var isUpdated = false;

            foreach (EntityView view in masterView.ChildViews)
                EntityView composerViewForEdit = null;
                foreach (var viewField in view.Properties)
                    if (composerFields.Keys.Contains(viewField.Name))
                        if (composerViewForEdit == null)
                            composerViewForEdit = Task.Run <EntityView>(async() => await commerceEntity.GetComposerView(view.ItemId, _commerceCommander, context)).Result;
                        if (composerViewForEdit != null)
                            var composerProperty = composerViewForEdit.GetProperty(viewField.Name);
                            if (composerViewForEdit != null)
                                isUpdated = true;

            if (isUpdated)
                await _composerCommander.PersistEntity(context, commerceEntity);

                //var persistResult = await _commerceCommander.Pipeline<IPersistEntityPipeline>().Run(new PersistEntityArgument(commerceEntity), context.PipelineContextOptions);
                return(await _commerceCommander.Command <FindEntityCommand>().Process(context, typeof(SellableItem), commerceEntity.Id) as SellableItem);
