public static void WriteDataToFile() { if (!DataHasChanged || ComponentSolverFactory.SilentMode) { return; } string path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, usersSavePath); DebugHelper.Log($"ModuleData: Writing file {path}"); try { var infoList = ComponentSolverFactory .GetModuleInformation() .OrderBy(info => info.moduleDisplayName) .ThenBy(info => info.moduleID) .Select(info => { var fileInfo = lastRead.FirstOrDefault(file => file.moduleID == info.moduleID); var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (var field in infoFields) { if (!(info.CallMethod <bool?>($"ShouldSerialize{field.Name}") ?? true)) { continue; } var value = field.GetValue(info); if (field.Name == "moduleScore") { value = fileInfo?.moduleScore; } else if (field.Name == "moduleScoreIsDynamic") { value = fileInfo?.moduleScoreIsDynamic; } dictionary[field.Name] = value; } return(dictionary); }) .ToList(); File.WriteAllText(path, SettingsConverter.Serialize(infoList)); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { DebugHelper.LogWarning($"ModuleData: File {path} was not found."); return; } catch (Exception ex) { DebugHelper.LogException(ex); return; } DataHasChanged = false; DebugHelper.Log($"ModuleData: Writing of file {path} completed successfully."); }
public static void WriteDataToFile() { if (!DataHasChanged || ComponentSolverFactory.SilentMode) { return; } string path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, usersSavePath); DebugHelper.Log($"ModuleData: Writing file {path}"); try { List <ModuleInformation> infoList = ComponentSolverFactory.GetModuleInformation().ToList(); infoList = infoList.OrderBy(info => info.moduleDisplayName).ThenBy(info => info.moduleID).ToList(); File.WriteAllText(path, SettingsConverter.Serialize(infoList)); //JsonConvert.SerializeObject(infoList, Formatting.Indented)); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { DebugHelper.LogWarning($"ModuleData: File {path} was not found."); return; } catch (Exception ex) { DebugHelper.LogException(ex); return; } DataHasChanged = false; DebugHelper.Log($"ModuleData: Writing of file {path} completed successfully."); }
string resolveMissionID(string targetID, out string failureMessage) { failureMessage = null; ModManager modManager = ModManager.Instance; List <Mission> missions = modManager.ModMissions; Mission mission = missions.FirstOrDefault(x => Regex.IsMatch(, "mod_.+_" + Regex.Escape(targetID), RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)); if (mission == null) { failureMessage = $"Unable to find a mission with an ID of \"{targetID}\"."; return(null); } List <string> availableMods = GameInfo.GetAvailableModuleInfo().Where(x => x.IsMod).Select(y => y.ModuleId).ToList(); if (MultipleBombs.Installed()) { availableMods.Add("Multiple Bombs"); } HashSet <string> missingMods = new HashSet <string>(); List <ModuleInformation> modules = ComponentSolverFactory.GetModuleInformation().ToList(); GeneratorSetting generatorSetting = mission.GeneratorSetting; List <ComponentPool> componentPools = generatorSetting.ComponentPools; foreach (ComponentPool componentPool in componentPools) { List <string> modTypes = componentPool.ModTypes; if (modTypes == null || modTypes.Count == 0) { continue; } foreach (string mod in modTypes.Where(x => !availableMods.Contains(x))) { missingMods.Add(modules.FirstOrDefault(x => x.moduleID == mod)?.moduleDisplayName ?? mod); } } if (missingMods.Count > 0) { failureMessage = $"Mission \"{targetID}\" was found, however, the following mods are not installed / loaded: {string.Join(", ", missingMods.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray())}"; return(null); } return(; }