コード例 #1
        public virtual void WriteComponentProperty(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer, System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, ComponentPropertyAttribute attrib, BaseAttribute parentAttribute)
            System.Type componentType = attrib.ComponentType;
            if(componentType == null)
                if(member is System.Reflection.FieldInfo)
                    componentType = (member as System.Reflection.FieldInfo).FieldType;
                else // It MUST be a PropertyInfo
                    componentType = (member as System.Reflection.PropertyInfo).PropertyType;

            object[] componentAttributes = componentType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ComponentAttribute), false);
            if(componentAttributes.Length == 0)
                throw new MappingException(componentType.FullName + " doesn't have the attribute [Component]!");
            ComponentAttribute componentAttribute = componentAttributes[0] as ComponentAttribute;

            string componentName = attrib.PropertyName;
            if(componentName == null)
                componentName = member.Name; // Default value

            if(componentAttribute.Name != null && componentAttribute.Name != componentName)
                // Because, it will be used by the default implementation of "WriteComponent()"
                throw new MappingException(componentType.FullName + " must have a [Component] with a 'null' Name (or the name '" + componentName + "')");

            // Get the helper to set the componentName
            HbmWriterHelperEx helper = this.DefaultHelper as HbmWriterHelperEx;
            if(helper == null)
                throw new MappingException("DefaultHelper must be a HbmWriterHelperEx (or a subType) to use [ComponentProperty]");

            // Set the value that will be returned when WriteComponent() will call Get_Component_Name_DefaultValue()
            string savedValue = helper.DefaultValue;
            helper.DefaultValue = componentName;
                WriteComponent(writer, componentType);
                helper.DefaultValue = savedValue;
コード例 #2
        public virtual void WriteComponentProperty(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer, System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, ComponentPropertyAttribute attrib, BaseAttribute parentAttribute)
            System.Type componentType = attrib.ComponentType;
            if (componentType == null)
                if (member is System.Reflection.FieldInfo)
                    componentType = (member as System.Reflection.FieldInfo).FieldType;
                else                 // It MUST be a PropertyInfo
                    componentType = (member as System.Reflection.PropertyInfo).PropertyType;

            object[] componentAttributes = componentType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ComponentAttribute), false);
            if (componentAttributes.Length == 0)
                throw new MappingException(componentType.FullName + " doesn't have the attribute [Component]!");
            ComponentAttribute componentAttribute = componentAttributes[0] as ComponentAttribute;

            string componentName = attrib.PropertyName;

            if (componentName == null)
                componentName = member.Name;                 // Default value
            if (componentAttribute.Name != null && componentAttribute.Name != componentName)
                // Because, it will be used by the default implementation of "WriteComponent()"
                throw new MappingException(componentType.FullName + " must have a [Component] with a 'null' Name (or the name '" + componentName + "')");

            // Get the helper to set the componentName
            HbmWriterHelperEx helper = this.DefaultHelper as HbmWriterHelperEx;

            if (helper == null)
                throw new MappingException("DefaultHelper must be a HbmWriterHelperEx (or a subType) to use [ComponentProperty]");

            // Set the value that will be returned when WriteComponent() will call Get_Component_Name_DefaultValue()
            string savedValue = helper.DefaultValue;

            helper.DefaultValue = componentName;
                WriteComponent(writer, componentType);
                helper.DefaultValue = savedValue;