コード例 #1
         # Creates an instance of a component.
         # createComponent: (name, component, metadata, callback) ->
         # implementation = component
         # unless implementation
         # return callback new Error "Component #{name} not available"
         # If a string was specified, attempt to `require` it.
         # if typeof implementation is 'string'
         # if typeof registerLoader.dynamicLoad is 'function'
         # registerLoader.dynamicLoad name, implementation, metadata, callback
         # return
         # return callback Error "Dynamic loading of #{implementation} for component #{name} not available on this platform."
         # Attempt to create the component instance using the `getComponent` method.
         # if typeof implementation.getComponent is 'function'
         # instance = implementation.getComponent metadata
         # Attempt to create a component using a factory function.
         # else if typeof implementation is 'function'
         # instance = implementation metadata
         # else
         # callback new Error "Invalid type #{typeof(implementation)} for component #{name}."
         # return
         # instance.componentName = name if typeof name is 'string'
         # callback null, instance

        public Component createComponent(string name, string component)
            Type componentType;

            if (!ComponentCatalog.RequestComponentsByQualifiedName().TryGetValue(name, out componentType))
                throw new Exception("TODO");

            Component instance = (Component)Activator.CreateInstance(componentType);

            instance.componentName = name;

コード例 #2
        public void LoadGraphFile()
            Dictionary <string, Type> ComponentsByQualifiedName = ComponentCatalog.RequestComponentsByQualifiedName();

            // Populate graph with nodes, edges and default vaules
            JSONGraphFileReader reader = new JSONGraphFileReader(GraphFile.text);

            JSONGraphFileReader.RawNode rawNodeData;
            while (reader.NextNode(out rawNodeData))
                Type componentType;

                if (!ComponentsByQualifiedName.TryGetValue(rawNodeData.QualifiedComponentName, out componentType))
                    throw new Exception("No component available with name: " + rawNodeData.QualifiedComponentName);

                Component c = AddNode(rawNodeData.Name, componentType);
                c.MetadataPosition = rawNodeData.metadataPosition;

            JSONGraphFileReader.RawEdge rawEdgeData;
            while (reader.NextEdge(out rawEdgeData))
                AddEdge(rawEdgeData.srcProcess, rawEdgeData.srcPort, rawEdgeData.tgtProcess, rawEdgeData.tgtPort);

            JSONGraphFileReader.RawDefaultValue rawDefaultValueData;
            while (reader.NextDefaultValue(out rawDefaultValueData))
                object treatedData = DataTreatment.TreatData(rawDefaultValueData.Data, this);
                if (treatedData == null)

                AddDefaultValue(treatedData, rawDefaultValueData.tgtProcess, rawDefaultValueData.tgtPort);