public frmSchedule() { InitializeComponent(); CenterToScreen(); createDataGridViewColumns(); employees = ComplexQueryHelper.GetAllTechnicians(); bindFields(); }
private void initialise(Schedule schedule, bool insert) { InitializeComponent(); CenterToScreen(); nudCost.Maximum = decimal.MaxValue; nudCost.Minimum = decimal.MinValue; createDataGridColumns(); this.insert = insert; this.schedule = schedule; schedule.DeepCopyInto(ref oldCopy); employees = ComplexQueryHelper.GetAllTechnicians(); tasks = StoredProcedureHelper.GetUnassginedTasksWithContracts(); //If a task has already been assigned and the task is in view mode, add the task to the list of available tasks if (schedule.FK_TaskId != "" && !insert) { tasks.Add(new TaskWithContract("", schedule.Task)); } bindFields(schedule); setFieldsEnable(insert); }