public void ComplexDictionaryTest() { var graph = new ComplexDictionary { Test = new Dictionary <Identifier, Category> { { new Identifier { Id = 1, Type = ApplicationType.Api }, new Category { Name = "Warning", Description = "Warning of something", Image = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } } }, { new Identifier { Id = 2, Type = ApplicationType.Api }, new Category { Name = "Error", Description = "Error of something", Image = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } } }, { new Identifier { Id = 3, Type = ApplicationType.Service }, new Category { Name = "Temporary" } } } }; var actual = _context.SerializeAndDeserialize(graph); Assert.NotNull(actual); Assert.NotNull(actual.Test); Assert.Equal(3, actual.Test.Count); Assert.True(graph.Test.Keys.SequenceEqual(actual.Test.Keys)); Assert.True(graph.Test.Values.SequenceEqual(actual.Test.Values)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //ArrayList //NotTypeSaving notTypeSaving = new NotTypeSaving(); //notTypeSaving.AddToArrayListForInt(23); //notTypeSaving.AddToArrayListForString("alican"); //notTypeSaving.AddToArrayListForInt(56); //notTypeSaving.WriteToAllArrayList(); //notTypeSaving.WriteToThisArrayListMember(2); //List Basic //BasicList basicList = new BasicList(); //basicList.Add_Member("alican"); //basicList.Add_Member("kemal"); //basicList.Add_Member("Fatih"); //basicList.WriteAll_Member(); //basicList.WriteThis_Member(1); //ComplexList //ComplexList complexList = new ComplexList(); //List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>() //{ // new Customer(){FirtName="Kemal",LastName="Tanca",Id=21}, // new Customer(){FirtName="Hakki",LastName="Vaker",Id=82}, // new Customer(){FirtName="Reis",LastName="Serdarogulları",Id=101} //}; //Customer[] customer_array = new Customer[] //{ // new Customer(){FirtName="Cemal",LastName="Resit",Id=3}, // new Customer(){FirtName="Altan",LastName="Ulkek",Id=55}, // new Customer(){FirtName="Finasi",LastName="Kerim",Id=31} //}; //Customer customer = new Customer() { FirtName = "alican", LastName = "Yilmaz", Id = 21 }; //complexList.customer_Add(customer); //complexList.Bulk_customer_Add(customers); //complexList.Bulk_customer_Add(customer_array); //complexList.Write_All_customer(); ////Customer searched_customer=new Customer() { FirtName = "Cemal", LastName = "Resit", Id = 3 }; // Referans Karsılastırması yapıyor deger değil False döner o yüzden. //Console.WriteLine(complexList.Search_Customer(customer_array[1])); //complexList.customer_Add(customer); //Bir daha ekledim ki IndexOf Liste basındakini LastIndexOf liste sonundakini bulup dönecek böylece farkı daha iyi anlarsın. //complexList.Find_Customer_BeginFirstIndex(customer); //complexList.Find_Customer_BeginLastIndex(customer); ComplexDictionary complexDictionary = new ComplexDictionary(); complexDictionary.AddKeyValue(); complexDictionary.WriteKeyValue(); }