protected override void EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom) { using (Compiler.Local oldValue = ctx.GetLocalWithValue(expectedType, valueFrom)) using (Compiler.Local token = new Compiler.Local(ctx, ctx.MapType(typeof(SubItemToken)))) using (Compiler.Local field = new Compiler.Local(ctx, ctx.MapType(typeof(int)))) { ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(ctx.MapType(typeof(ProtoReader)).GetMethod("StartSubItem")); ctx.StoreValue(token); Compiler.CodeLabel next = ctx.DefineLabel(), processField = ctx.DefineLabel(), end = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.MarkLabel(next); ctx.EmitBasicRead("ReadFieldHeader", ctx.MapType(typeof(int))); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.StoreValue(field); ctx.LoadValue(Tag); // = 1 - process ctx.BranchIfEqual(processField, true); ctx.LoadValue(field); ctx.LoadValue(1); // < 1 - exit ctx.BranchIfLess(end, false); // default: skip ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(ctx.MapType(typeof(ProtoReader)).GetMethod("SkipField")); ctx.Branch(next, true); // process ctx.MarkLabel(processField); if (Tail.RequiresOldValue) { if (Helpers.IsValueType(expectedType)) { ctx.LoadAddress(oldValue, expectedType); ctx.EmitCall(expectedType.GetMethod("GetValueOrDefault", Helpers.EmptyTypes)); } else { ctx.LoadValue(oldValue); } } Tail.EmitRead(ctx, null); // note we demanded always returns a value if (Helpers.IsValueType(expectedType)) { ctx.EmitCtor(expectedType, Tail.ExpectedType); // re-nullable<T> it } ctx.StoreValue(oldValue); ctx.Branch(next, false); // outro ctx.MarkLabel(end); ctx.LoadValue(token); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(ctx.MapType(typeof(ProtoReader)).GetMethod("EndSubItem")); ctx.LoadValue(oldValue); // load the old value } }
bool EmitDedicatedMethod(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom, bool read) { System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder method = ctx.GetDedicatedMethod(key, read); if (method == null) return false; using (Compiler.Local token = new ProtoBuf.Compiler.Local(ctx, typeof(SubItemToken))) { Type rwType = read ? typeof(ProtoReader) : typeof(ProtoWriter); ctx.LoadValue(valueFrom); if (!read) // write requires the object for StartSubItem; read doesn't { if (type.IsValueType) { ctx.LoadNullRef(); } else { ctx.CopyValue(); } } ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(rwType.GetMethod("StartSubItem")); ctx.StoreValue(token); // note: value already on the stack ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(method); // handle inheritance (we will be calling the *base* version of things, // but we expect Read to return the "type" type) if (read && type != method.ReturnType) ctx.Cast(this.type); ctx.LoadValue(token); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(rwType.GetMethod("EndSubItem")); } return true; }
protected override void EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom) { bool writeValue; SanityCheck(property, Tail, out writeValue, ctx.NonPublic); if (ExpectedType.IsValueType && valueFrom == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to mutate struct on the head of the stack; changes would be lost"); } ctx.LoadAddress(valueFrom, ExpectedType); // stack is: old-addr if (writeValue && Tail.RequiresOldValue) { // need to read and write ctx.CopyValue(); } // stack is: [old-addr]|old-addr if (Tail.RequiresOldValue) { ctx.LoadValue(property); // stack is: [old-addr]|old-value } ctx.ReadNullCheckedTail(property.PropertyType, Tail, null); // stack is [old-addr]|[new-value] if (writeValue) { // stack is old-addr|new-value ctx.StoreValue(property); } else { // don't want return value; drop it if anything there // stack is [new-value] if (Tail.ReturnsValue) { ctx.DiscardValue(); } } }
protected override void EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom) { using (Compiler.Local loc = ctx.GetLocalWithValue(ExpectedType, valueFrom)) { ctx.LoadAddress(loc, ExpectedType); if (Tail.RequiresOldValue) { ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.LoadValue(field); } // value is either now on the stack or not needed ctx.ReadNullCheckedTail(field.FieldType, Tail, null); if (Tail.ReturnsValue) { if (field.FieldType.IsValueType) { // stack is now the return value ctx.StoreValue(field); } else { Compiler.CodeLabel hasValue = ctx.DefineLabel(), allDone = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.BranchIfTrue(hasValue, true); // interpret null as "don't assign" // no value, discard ctx.DiscardValue(); ctx.DiscardValue(); ctx.Branch(allDone, true); ctx.MarkLabel(hasValue); ctx.StoreValue(field); ctx.MarkLabel(allDone); } } else { ctx.DiscardValue(); } } }
protected override void EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom) { Tail.EmitRead(ctx, valueFrom); ctx.CopyValue(); Compiler.CodeLabel @nonEmpty = ctx.DefineLabel(), @end = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.LoadValue(typeof(string).GetProperty("Length")); ctx.BranchIfTrue(@nonEmpty, true); ctx.DiscardValue(); ctx.LoadNullRef(); ctx.Branch(@end, true); ctx.MarkLabel(@nonEmpty); ctx.EmitCtor(typeof(Uri), typeof(string)); ctx.MarkLabel(@end); }
protected override void EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom) { using (Compiler.Local loc = ctx.GetLocalWithValue(ExpectedType, valueFrom)) { ctx.LoadAddress(loc, ExpectedType); if (Tail.RequiresOldValue) { ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.LoadValue(field); } // value is either now on the stack or not needed ctx.ReadNullCheckedTail(field.FieldType, Tail, null); // stack is now the return value ctx.StoreValue(field); } }
protected override void EmitWrite(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom) { Compiler.CodeLabel done = ctx.DefineLabel(); if (valueFrom == null) { ctx.CopyValue(); // on the stack Compiler.CodeLabel needToPop = ctx.DefineLabel(); EmitBranchIfDefaultValue(ctx, needToPop); Tail.EmitWrite(ctx, null); ctx.Branch(done, true); ctx.MarkLabel(needToPop); ctx.DiscardValue(); } else { ctx.LoadValue(valueFrom); // variable/parameter EmitBranchIfDefaultValue(ctx, done); Tail.EmitWrite(ctx, valueFrom); } ctx.MarkLabel(done); }
public void EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local incoming) { using (Compiler.Local objValue = ctx.GetLocalWithValue(ExpectedType, incoming)) { Compiler.Local[] locals = new Compiler.Local[members.Length]; try { for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; i++) { Type type = GetMemberType(i); bool store = true; locals[i] = new Compiler.Local(ctx, type); if (!Helpers.IsValueType(ExpectedType)) { // value-types always read the old value if (Helpers.IsValueType(type)) { switch (Helpers.GetTypeCode(type)) { case ProtoTypeCode.Boolean: case ProtoTypeCode.Byte: case ProtoTypeCode.Int16: case ProtoTypeCode.Int32: case ProtoTypeCode.SByte: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt16: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt32: ctx.LoadValue(0); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Int64: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt64: ctx.LoadValue(0L); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Single: ctx.LoadValue(0.0F); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Double: ctx.LoadValue(0.0D); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Decimal: ctx.LoadValue(0M); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Guid: ctx.LoadValue(Guid.Empty); break; default: ctx.LoadAddress(locals[i], type); ctx.EmitCtor(type); store = false; break; } } else { ctx.LoadNullRef(); } if (store) { ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); } } } Compiler.CodeLabel skipOld = Helpers.IsValueType(ExpectedType) ? new Compiler.CodeLabel() : ctx.DefineLabel(); if (!Helpers.IsValueType(ExpectedType)) { ctx.LoadAddress(objValue, ExpectedType); ctx.BranchIfFalse(skipOld, false); } for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { ctx.LoadAddress(objValue, ExpectedType); if (members[i] is FieldInfo) { ctx.LoadValue((FieldInfo)members[i]); } else if (members[i] is PropertyInfo) { ctx.LoadValue((PropertyInfo)members[i]); } ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); } if (!Helpers.IsValueType(ExpectedType)) ctx.MarkLabel(skipOld); using (Compiler.Local fieldNumber = new Compiler.Local(ctx, ctx.MapType(typeof(int)))) { Compiler.CodeLabel @continue = ctx.DefineLabel(), processField = ctx.DefineLabel(), notRecognised = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.Branch(@continue, false); Compiler.CodeLabel[] handlers = new Compiler.CodeLabel[members.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { handlers[i] = ctx.DefineLabel(); } ctx.MarkLabel(processField); ctx.LoadValue(fieldNumber); ctx.LoadValue(1); ctx.Subtract(); // jump-table is zero-based ctx.Switch(handlers); // and the default: ctx.Branch(notRecognised, false); for (int i = 0; i < handlers.Length; i++) { ctx.MarkLabel(handlers[i]); IProtoSerializer tail = tails[i]; Compiler.Local oldValIfNeeded = tail.RequiresOldValue ? locals[i] : null; ctx.ReadNullCheckedTail(locals[i].Type, tail, oldValIfNeeded); if (tail.ReturnsValue) { if (Helpers.IsValueType(locals[i].Type)) { ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); } else { Compiler.CodeLabel hasValue = ctx.DefineLabel(), allDone = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.BranchIfTrue(hasValue, true); // interpret null as "don't assign" ctx.DiscardValue(); ctx.Branch(allDone, true); ctx.MarkLabel(hasValue); ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); ctx.MarkLabel(allDone); } } ctx.Branch(@continue, false); } ctx.MarkLabel(notRecognised); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(ctx.MapType(typeof(ProtoReader)).GetMethod("SkipField")); ctx.MarkLabel(@continue); ctx.EmitBasicRead("ReadFieldHeader", ctx.MapType(typeof(int))); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.StoreValue(fieldNumber); ctx.LoadValue(0); ctx.BranchIfGreater(processField, false); } for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; i++) { ctx.LoadValue(locals[i]); } ctx.EmitCtor(ctor); ctx.StoreValue(objValue); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; i++) { if (locals[i] != null) locals[i].Dispose(); // release for re-use } } } }
protected override void EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom) { bool writeValue; SanityCheck(ctx.Model, property, Tail, out writeValue, ctx.NonPublic, ctx.AllowInternal(property)); if (ExpectedType.IsValueType && valueFrom == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to mutate struct on the head of the stack; changes would be lost"); } ctx.LoadAddress(valueFrom, ExpectedType); // stack is: old-addr if (writeValue && Tail.RequiresOldValue) { // need to read and write ctx.CopyValue(); } // stack is: [old-addr]|old-addr if (Tail.RequiresOldValue) { ctx.LoadValue(property); // stack is: [old-addr]|old-value } Type propertyType = property.PropertyType; ctx.ReadNullCheckedTail(propertyType, Tail, null); // stack is [old-addr]|[new-value] if (writeValue) { // stack is old-addr|new-value Compiler.CodeLabel @skip = new Compiler.CodeLabel(), allDone = new Compiler.CodeLabel(); // <=== default structs if (!propertyType.IsValueType) { // if the tail returns a null, intepret that as *no assign* ctx.CopyValue(); // old-addr|new-value|new-value @skip = ctx.DefineLabel(); allDone = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.BranchIfFalse(@skip, true); // old-addr|new-value } if (shadowSetter == null) { ctx.StoreValue(property); } else { ctx.EmitCall(shadowSetter); } if (!propertyType.IsValueType) { ctx.Branch(allDone, true); ctx.MarkLabel(@skip); // old-addr|new-value ctx.DiscardValue(); ctx.DiscardValue(); ctx.MarkLabel(allDone); } } else { // don't want return value; drop it if anything there // stack is [new-value] if (Tail.ReturnsValue) { ctx.DiscardValue(); } } }
public void EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local incoming) { bool issueReferenceDirectives = !baseTupleAsReference && asReference; Compiler.CodeLabel @end = ctx.DefineLabel(); using (Compiler.Local tupleKey = new Compiler.Local(ctx, typeof(int))) using (Compiler.Local oldTuple = new Compiler.Local(ctx, typeof(object))) using (Compiler.Local objValue = ctx.GetLocalWithValue(ExpectedType, incoming)) { Compiler.Local[] locals = new Compiler.Local[members.Length]; try { if (issueReferenceDirectives) { //int tupleKey = 0; ctx.LoadValue(0); ctx.StoreValue(tupleKey); //object oldTuple = null; ctx.LoadNullRef(); ctx.StoreValue(oldTuple); //tupleKey = (int)source.ReadUInt32(); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(typeof (ProtoReader).GetMethod("ReadUInt32")); //ctx.CastToObject(typeof (int)); ctx.StoreValue(tupleKey); Compiler.CodeLabel @objectNotFound = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.LoadValue(tupleKey); ctx.LoadValue(0); ctx.BranchIfEqual(@objectNotFound, true); //// return source.NetCache.GetKeyedObject(tupleKey); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.LoadValue(typeof (ProtoReader).GetProperty("NetCache")); ctx.LoadValue(tupleKey); ctx.EmitCall(typeof (NetObjectCache).GetMethod("GetKeyedObject")); ctx.CastFromObject(ExpectedType); ctx.StoreValue(objValue); ctx.Branch(@end, false); ctx.MarkLabel(@objectNotFound); ctx.EmitCtor(typeof (object)); ctx.StoreValue(oldTuple); // tupleKey = source.NetCache.AddObjectKey(oldTuple, out dummy); using (Compiler.Local dummy = new Compiler.Local(ctx, typeof (bool))) { ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.LoadValue(typeof (ProtoReader).GetProperty("NetCache")); ctx.LoadValue(oldTuple); ctx.LoadAddress(dummy, typeof (bool)); ctx.EmitCall(typeof (NetObjectCache).GetMethod("AddObjectKey", new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(bool).MakeByRefType() })); ctx.StoreValue(tupleKey); } } for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; i++) { Type type = GetMemberType(i); bool store = true; locals[i] = new Compiler.Local(ctx, type); if (!ExpectedType.IsValueType) { // value-types always read the old value if (type.IsValueType) { switch (Helpers.GetTypeCode(type)) { case ProtoTypeCode.Boolean: case ProtoTypeCode.Byte: case ProtoTypeCode.Int16: case ProtoTypeCode.Int32: case ProtoTypeCode.SByte: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt16: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt32: ctx.LoadValue(0); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Int64: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt64: ctx.LoadValue(0L); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Single: ctx.LoadValue(0.0F); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Double: ctx.LoadValue(0.0D); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Decimal: ctx.LoadValue(0M); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Guid: ctx.LoadValue(Guid.Empty); break; default: ctx.LoadAddress(locals[i], type); ctx.EmitCtor(type); store = false; break; } } else { ctx.LoadNullRef(); } if (store) { ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); } } } Compiler.CodeLabel skipOld = ExpectedType.IsValueType ? new Compiler.CodeLabel() : ctx.DefineLabel(); if (!ExpectedType.IsValueType) { ctx.LoadAddress(objValue, ExpectedType); ctx.BranchIfFalse(skipOld, false); } for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { ctx.LoadAddress(objValue, ExpectedType); switch (members[i].MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Field: ctx.LoadValue((FieldInfo) members[i]); break; case MemberTypes.Property: ctx.LoadValue((PropertyInfo) members[i]); break; } ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); } if (!ExpectedType.IsValueType) ctx.MarkLabel(skipOld); using (Compiler.Local fieldNumber = new Compiler.Local(ctx, typeof (int))) using (Compiler.Local j = new Compiler.Local(ctx, typeof (int))) { // j = 0 ctx.LoadValue(0); ctx.StoreValue(j); Compiler.CodeLabel @continue = ctx.DefineLabel(), processField = ctx.DefineLabel(), notRecognised = ctx.DefineLabel(), @endWhileLoop = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.Branch(@continue, false); Compiler.CodeLabel[] handlers = new Compiler.CodeLabel[members.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { handlers[i] = ctx.DefineLabel(); } ctx.MarkLabel(processField); ctx.LoadValue(fieldNumber); ctx.LoadValue(1); ctx.Subtract(); // jump-table is zero-based ctx.Switch(handlers); // and the default: ctx.Branch(notRecognised, false); for (int i = 0; i < handlers.Length; i++) { ctx.MarkLabel(handlers[i]); IProtoSerializer tail = tails[i]; Compiler.Local oldValIfNeeded = tail.RequiresOldValue ? locals[i] : null; ctx.ReadNullCheckedTail(locals[i].Type, tail, oldValIfNeeded); if (tail.ReturnsValue) { if (locals[i].Type.IsValueType) { ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); } else { Compiler.CodeLabel hasValue = ctx.DefineLabel(), allDone = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.BranchIfTrue(hasValue, true); // interpret null as "don't assign" ctx.DiscardValue(); ctx.Branch(allDone, true); ctx.MarkLabel(hasValue); ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); ctx.MarkLabel(allDone); } } ctx.Branch(@continue, false); } ctx.MarkLabel(notRecognised); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(typeof (ProtoReader).GetMethod("SkipField")); ctx.MarkLabel(@continue); // j < values.Length ctx.LoadValue(j); ctx.LoadValue(members.Length); ctx.BranchIfGreaterOrEqual(@endWhileLoop, false); //j++ ctx.LoadValue(j); ctx.LoadValue(1); ctx.Add(); ctx.StoreValue(j); // source.ReadNextFieldHack() > 0 ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(typeof (ProtoReader).GetMethod("ReadNextFieldHack")); ctx.LoadValue(0); ctx.BranchIfLessOrEqual(@endWhileLoop, true); // field = source.ReadFieldHeader(); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(typeof (ProtoReader).GetMethod("ReadFieldHeader")); ctx.StoreValue(fieldNumber); ctx.Branch(processField, false); ctx.MarkLabel(@endWhileLoop); } for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; i++) { ctx.LoadValue(locals[i]); } ctx.EmitCtor(ctor); ctx.StoreValue(objValue); if (issueReferenceDirectives) { //source.NetCache.UpdateKeyedObject(tupleKey, oldTuple, result); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.LoadValue(typeof (ProtoReader).GetProperty("NetCache")); ctx.LoadValue(tupleKey); ctx.LoadValue(oldTuple); ctx.LoadValue(objValue); ctx.CastToObject(ExpectedType); ctx.EmitCall(typeof (NetObjectCache).GetMethod("UpdateKeyedObject")); } if (forceIssueFakeHeader) { //source.ReadEndGroupFieldHeaderHack(); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(typeof (ProtoReader).GetMethod("ReadEndGroupFieldHeaderHack")); } ctx.MarkLabel(@end); ctx.LoadValue(objValue); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; i++) { if (locals[i] != null) locals[i].Dispose(); // release for re-use } } } }
bool EmitDedicatedMethod(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom, bool read) { #if SILVERLIGHT return false; #else MethodBuilder method = ctx.GetDedicatedMethod(key, read); if (method == null) return false; using (Compiler.Local token = new ProtoBuf.Compiler.Local(ctx, ctx.MapType(typeof(SubItemToken)))) { Type rwType = ctx.MapType(read ? typeof(ProtoReader) : typeof(ProtoWriter)); ctx.LoadValue(valueFrom); if (!read) // write requires the object for StartSubItem; read doesn't { // (if recursion-check is disabled [subtypes] then null is fine too) if (type.IsValueType || !recursionCheck) { ctx.LoadNullRef(); } else { ctx.CopyValue(); } } ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(rwType.GetMethod("StartSubItem")); ctx.StoreValue(token); // note: value already on the stack ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(method); // handle inheritance (we will be calling the *base* version of things, // but we expect Read to return the "type" type) if (read && type != method.ReturnType) ctx.Cast(this.type); ctx.LoadValue(token); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(rwType.GetMethod("EndSubItem")); } return true; #endif }
void IProtoTypeSerializer.EmitCallback(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom, TypeModel.CallbackType callbackType) { Helpers.DebugAssert(((IProtoTypeSerializer)this).HasCallbacks(callbackType), "Shouldn't be calling this if there is nothing to do"); MethodInfo method = callbacks == null ? null : callbacks[callbackType]; ctx.LoadValue(valueFrom); EmitInvokeCallback(ctx, method); Compiler.CodeLabel @break = ctx.DefineLabel(); if (CanHaveInheritance) { for (int i = 0; i < serializers.Length; i++) { IProtoSerializer ser = serializers[i]; IProtoTypeSerializer typeser; if (ser.ExpectedType != forType && (typeser = (IProtoTypeSerializer)ser).HasCallbacks(callbackType)) { Compiler.CodeLabel ifMatch = ctx.DefineLabel(), nextTest = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.TryCast(ser.ExpectedType); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.BranchIfTrue(ifMatch, true); ctx.DiscardValue(); ctx.Branch(nextTest, false); ctx.MarkLabel(ifMatch); typeser.EmitCallback(ctx, null, callbackType); ctx.Branch(@break, false); ctx.MarkLabel(nextTest); } } } ctx.MarkLabel(@break); ctx.DiscardValue(); }
void IProtoSerializer.EmitWrite(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom) { Type expected = ExpectedType; using (Compiler.Local loc = ctx.GetLocalWithValue(expected, valueFrom)) { // pre-callbacks EmitCallbackIfNeeded(ctx, loc, TypeModel.CallbackType.BeforeSerialize); Compiler.CodeLabel startFields = ctx.DefineLabel(); // inheritance if (CanHaveInheritance) { for (int i = 0; i < serializers.Length; i++) { IProtoSerializer ser = serializers[i]; if (ser.ExpectedType != forType) { Compiler.CodeLabel ifMatch = ctx.DefineLabel(), nextTest = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.LoadValue(loc); ctx.TryCast(ser.ExpectedType); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.BranchIfTrue(ifMatch, true); ctx.DiscardValue(); ctx.Branch(nextTest, true); ctx.MarkLabel(ifMatch); ser.EmitWrite(ctx, null); ctx.Branch(startFields, false); ctx.MarkLabel(nextTest); } } if (constructType != null && constructType != forType) { using(Compiler.Local actualType = new Compiler.Local(ctx, typeof(Type))) { // would have jumped to "fields" if an expected sub-type, so two options: // a: *exactly* that type, b: an *unexpected* type ctx.LoadValue(loc); ctx.EmitCall(typeof(object).GetMethod("GetType")); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.StoreValue(actualType); ctx.LoadValue(forType); ctx.BranchIfEqual(startFields, true); ctx.LoadValue(actualType); ctx.LoadValue(constructType); ctx.BranchIfEqual(startFields, true); } } else { // would have jumped to "fields" if an expected sub-type, so two options: // a: *exactly* that type, b: an *unexpected* type ctx.LoadValue(loc); ctx.EmitCall(typeof(object).GetMethod("GetType")); ctx.LoadValue(forType); ctx.BranchIfEqual(startFields, true); } // unexpected, then... note that this *might* be a proxy, which // is handled by ThrowUnexpectedSubtype ctx.LoadValue(forType); ctx.LoadValue(loc); ctx.EmitCall(typeof(object).GetMethod("GetType")); ctx.EmitCall(typeof(TypeModel).GetMethod("ThrowUnexpectedSubtype", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)); } // fields ctx.MarkLabel(startFields); for (int i = 0; i < serializers.Length; i++) { IProtoSerializer ser = serializers[i]; if (ser.ExpectedType == forType) ser.EmitWrite(ctx, loc); } // extension data if (isExtensible) { ctx.LoadValue(loc); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(typeof(ProtoWriter).GetMethod("AppendExtensionData")); } // post-callbacks EmitCallbackIfNeeded(ctx, loc, TypeModel.CallbackType.AfterSerialize); } }
void IProtoSerializer.EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom) { Type expected = ExpectedType; Helpers.DebugAssert(valueFrom != null); using (Compiler.Local loc = ctx.GetLocalWithValue(expected, valueFrom)) using (Compiler.Local fieldNumber = new Compiler.Local(ctx, typeof(int))) { // pre-callbacks if (HasCallbacks(TypeModel.CallbackType.BeforeDeserialize)) { Compiler.CodeLabel callbacksDone = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.LoadValue(loc); ctx.BranchIfFalse(callbacksDone, false); EmitCallbackIfNeeded(ctx, loc, TypeModel.CallbackType.BeforeDeserialize); ctx.MarkLabel(callbacksDone); } Compiler.CodeLabel @continue = ctx.DefineLabel(), processField = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.Branch(@continue, false); ctx.MarkLabel(processField); foreach (BasicList.Group group in BasicList.GetContiguousGroups(fieldNumbers, serializers)) { Compiler.CodeLabel tryNextField = ctx.DefineLabel(); int groupItemCount = group.Items.Count; if (groupItemCount == 1) { // discreet group; use an equality test ctx.LoadValue(fieldNumber); ctx.LoadValue(group.First); Compiler.CodeLabel processThisField = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.BranchIfEqual(processThisField, true); ctx.Branch(tryNextField, false); WriteFieldHandler(ctx, expected, loc, processThisField, @continue, (IProtoSerializer)group.Items[0]); } else { // implement as a jump-table-based switch ctx.LoadValue(fieldNumber); ctx.LoadValue(group.First); ctx.Subtract(); // jump-tables are zero-based Compiler.CodeLabel[] jmp = new Compiler.CodeLabel[groupItemCount]; for (int i = 0; i < groupItemCount; i++) { jmp[i] = ctx.DefineLabel(); } ctx.Switch(jmp); // write the default... ctx.Branch(tryNextField, false); for (int i = 0; i < groupItemCount; i++) { WriteFieldHandler(ctx, expected, loc, jmp[i], @continue, (IProtoSerializer)group.Items[i]); } } ctx.MarkLabel(tryNextField); } EmitCreateIfNull(ctx, expected, loc); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); if (isExtensible) { ctx.LoadValue(loc); ctx.EmitCall(typeof(ProtoReader).GetMethod("AppendExtensionData")); } else { ctx.EmitCall(typeof(ProtoReader).GetMethod("SkipField")); } ctx.MarkLabel(@continue); ctx.EmitBasicRead("ReadFieldHeader", typeof(int)); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.StoreValue(fieldNumber); ctx.LoadValue(0); ctx.BranchIfGreater(processField, false); EmitCreateIfNull(ctx, expected, loc); // post-callbacks EmitCallbackIfNeeded(ctx, loc, TypeModel.CallbackType.AfterDeserialize); } }
static void EmitInvokeCallback(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, MethodInfo method) { if (method != null) { ctx.CopyValue(); // assumes the target is on the stack, and that we want to *retain* it on the stack ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); bool handled = false; switch (parameters.Length) { case 0: handled = true; break; case 1: Type parameterType = parameters[0].ParameterType; if (parameterType == typeof(SerializationContext)) { ctx.LoadSerializationContext(); handled = true; } #if PLAT_BINARYFORMATTER else if (parameterType == typeof(System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)) { ctx.LoadSerializationContext(); MethodInfo op = typeof(SerializationContext).GetMethod("op_Implicit", new Type[] { typeof(SerializationContext) }); ctx.EmitCall(op); handled = true; } #endif break; } if (!handled) { throw Meta.CallbackSet.CreateInvalidCallbackSignature(method); } ctx.EmitCall(method); } }
private void EmitCreateIfNull(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Type type, Compiler.Local storage) { Helpers.DebugAssert(storage != null); if (!type.IsValueType) { Compiler.CodeLabel afterNullCheck = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.LoadValue(storage); ctx.BranchIfTrue(afterNullCheck, true); // different ways of creating a new instance bool callNoteObject = true; if (!useConstructor) { // DataContractSerializer style ctx.LoadValue(constructType); ctx.EmitCall(typeof(BclHelpers).GetMethod("GetUninitializedObject")); ctx.Cast(forType); } else if (constructType.IsClass && hasConstructor) { // XmlSerializer style ctx.EmitCtor(constructType); } else { ctx.LoadValue(type); ctx.EmitCall(typeof(TypeModel).GetMethod("ThrowCannotCreateInstance", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)); ctx.LoadNullRef(); callNoteObject = false; } if (callNoteObject) { // track root object creation ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(typeof(ProtoReader).GetMethod("NoteObject", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)); } if (baseCtorCallbacks != null) { for (int i = 0; i < baseCtorCallbacks.Length; i++) { EmitInvokeCallback(ctx, baseCtorCallbacks[i]); } } if (callbacks != null) EmitInvokeCallback(ctx, callbacks.BeforeDeserialize); ctx.StoreValue(storage); ctx.MarkLabel(afterNullCheck); } }
private void EmitReadEndPacked(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local list, Compiler.Local oldArr, Compiler.Local newArr, Type listType) { // leave this "using" here, as it can share the "FieldNumber" local with EmitReadList using(Compiler.Local oldLen = AppendToCollection ? new ProtoBuf.Compiler.Local(ctx, typeof(int)) : null) { Type[] copyToArrayInt32Args = new Type[] { typeof(Array), typeof(int) }; if (AppendToCollection) { ctx.LoadLength(oldArr, true); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.StoreValue(oldLen); ctx.LoadAddress(list, listType); ctx.LoadValue(listType.GetProperty("Count")); ctx.Add(); ctx.CreateArray(itemType, null); // length is on the stack ctx.StoreValue(newArr); ctx.LoadValue(oldLen); Compiler.CodeLabel nothingToCopy = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.BranchIfFalse(nothingToCopy, true); ctx.LoadValue(oldArr); ctx.LoadValue(newArr); ctx.LoadValue(0); // index in target ctx.EmitCall(ExpectedType.GetMethod("CopyTo", copyToArrayInt32Args)); ctx.MarkLabel(nothingToCopy); ctx.LoadValue(list); ctx.LoadValue(newArr); ctx.LoadValue(oldLen); } else { ctx.LoadAddress(list, listType); ctx.LoadValue(listType.GetProperty("Count")); ctx.CreateArray(itemType, null); ctx.StoreValue(newArr); ctx.LoadAddress(list, listType); ctx.LoadValue(newArr); ctx.LoadValue(0); } copyToArrayInt32Args[0] = ExpectedType; // // prefer: CopyTo(T[], int) MethodInfo copyTo = listType.GetMethod("CopyTo", copyToArrayInt32Args); if (copyTo == null) { // fallback: CopyTo(Array, int) copyToArrayInt32Args[1] = typeof(Array); copyTo = listType.GetMethod("CopyTo", copyToArrayInt32Args); } ctx.EmitCall(copyTo); } ctx.LoadValue(newArr); }
static void EmitInvokeCallback(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, MethodInfo method) { if (method != null) { ctx.CopyValue(); // assumes the target is on the stack, and that we want to *retain* it on the stack #if PLAT_BINARYFORMATTER if (method.GetParameters().Length == 1) { ctx.LoadValue((int)StreamingContextState); ctx.EmitCtor(typeof(System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext), new Type[] { typeof(System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates) }); } #endif ctx.EmitCall(method); } }