コード例 #1
        public void AddAndRetieveCompany()
            var context        = GetSqlLiteContext();
            var cvService      = new CvService(new CvRepository(context), new Mapper().GetMapper());
            var companyService = new CompanyService(new CompanyRepository(context), new Mapper().GetMapper());

            var cv = new Cv()
                Name = Constants.CvName, TagLine = Constants.CvTagLine, Blurb = Constants.CvBlurb
            var cvId = cvService.Add(cv, Constants.RootUrl).Id;

            var company = new Company()
                Start = DateTime.Parse("2000-08-01"), End = DateTime.Parse("2002-05-01"), CompanyName = "Carlsberg UK", Role = "Quality Assurance Technician", Location = "Leeds"
            var newCompany = companyService.AddToCv(company, cvId, Constants.RootUrl);

            var companies = companyService.GetForCv(cvId, Constants.RootUrl);
            var result    = companies[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(company.Start, result.Start);
            Assert.AreEqual(company.End, result.End);
            Assert.AreEqual(company.CompanyName, result.CompanyName);
            Assert.AreEqual(company.Role, result.Role);
            Assert.AreEqual(company.Location, result.Location);
            Assert.AreEqual(company.Blurb, result.Blurb);
            Assert.AreEqual(cvId, result.CvId);
コード例 #2
        public void CheckUrlsAreCorrect()
            var context        = GetSqlLiteContext();
            var cvService      = new CvService(new CvRepository(context), new Mapper().GetMapper());
            var companyService = new CompanyService(new CompanyRepository(context), new Mapper().GetMapper());

            var cv = new Cv()
                Name = Constants.CvName, TagLine = Constants.CvTagLine, Blurb = Constants.CvBlurb
            var cvId = cvService.Add(cv, Constants.RootUrl).Id;

            var company1 = new Company()
                Start = DateTime.Parse("2000-08-01"), End = DateTime.Parse("2002-05-01"), CompanyName = "Carlsberg UK", Role = "Quality Assurance Technician", Location = "Leeds"

            companyService.AddToCv(company1, cvId, Constants.RootUrl);
            var company2 = new Company()
                Start = DateTime.Parse("2017-01-01"), End = null, CompanyName = "Maples Group", Role = "Senior Software Engineering Manager (DevOps)", Location = "Montreal", Blurb = @"• Introduced micro service and event sourcing architecture.
• Innovated with infrastructure automation,
        containers and cloud.
• Implemented application monitoring and identity management.
• Reduced cycle time to < 2 weeks for all apps.
• Reduced production bugs to < 1 per deployment across all apps.
 • Introduced skills matrix and development plans for Engineers.
 • Matured test automation and significantly reduced regression time."

            companyService.AddToCv(company2, cvId, Constants.RootUrl);
            var company3 = new Company()
                Start = DateTime.Parse("2012-11-01"), End = DateTime.Parse("2017-01-01"), CompanyName = "Maples and Calder", Role = "Software Development Manger", Location = "Cayman Islands", Blurb = @"• Introduced Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.
• Reduced cycle time to 4 weeks from over 6 months.
• Reduced production bugs from 30+ to <5 per deployment.
• Trained engineers in TDD, SOLID and Design Patterns.
• Introduced coding and architectural standards and pull requests.
• Introduced Git, trunk-based development and database source control."

            companyService.AddToCv(company3, cvId, Constants.RootUrl);
            var company4 = new Company()
                Start = DateTime.Parse("2003-12-01"), End = DateTime.Parse("2007-04-01"), CompanyName = "Carlsberg UK", Role = "Systems Engineer", Location = "Leeds"

            companyService.AddToCv(company4, cvId, Constants.RootUrl);
            var company5 = new Company()
                Start = DateTime.Parse("2002-05-01"), End = DateTime.Parse("2003-12-01"), CompanyName = "Carlsberg UK", Role = "Quality System Manager", Location = "Leeds"

            companyService.AddToCv(company5, cvId, Constants.RootUrl);
            var company6 = new Company()
                Start = DateTime.Parse("2007-04-01"), End = DateTime.Parse("2007-11-01"), CompanyName = "Skipton Financial Services", Role = "Business Systems Developer", Location = "Skipton"

            companyService.AddToCv(company6, cvId, Constants.RootUrl);
            var company7 = new Company()
                Start = DateTime.Parse("2007-11-01"), End = DateTime.Parse("2009-12-01"), CompanyName = "Cascade HR", Role = "Project Web Developer", Location = "Leeds"

            companyService.AddToCv(company7, cvId, Constants.RootUrl);
            var company8 = new Company()
                Start = DateTime.Parse("2010-01-01"), End = DateTime.Parse("2011-12-01"), CompanyName = "Maples and Calder", Role = "Software Developer", Location = "Leeds"

            companyService.AddToCv(company8, cvId, Constants.RootUrl);
            var company9 = new Company()
                Start = DateTime.Parse("2011-12-01"), End = DateTime.Parse("2012-11-01"), CompanyName = "Maples and Calder", Role = "eCommerce Software Team Leader", Location = "Leeds"

            companyService.AddToCv(company9, cvId, Constants.RootUrl);

            var companies = companyService.GetForCv(cvId, Constants.RootUrl);

            foreach (var company in companies)
                Assert.AreEqual($"{Constants.RootUrl}/cv/{company.CvId}", company.Links.Single(o => o.Rel == "cv").Href);
                Assert.AreEqual($"{Constants.RootUrl}/company/{company.Id}", company.Links.Single(o => o.Rel == "self").Href);