コード例 #1
        public static CompanyReport GetCompanyReport(this UnitOfWork unit, int year,
                                                     int month, ModelFactory factory)
            int      days        = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);
            DateTime currentDate = new DateTime(year, month, days);

            //taking into consideration employee/project who quit/ended in the given month/year
            var numEmployees = unit.Employees.Get().Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                                          (x.EndDate == null ||
                                                           x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                                           x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            var numProjects = unit.Projects.Get().Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                                        (x.EndDate == null ||
                                                         x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                                         x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            //pm utilization
            int pmCount = unit.Employees.Get(x => x.RoleId == "MGR")
                          .Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                 (x.EndDate == null ||
                                  x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                  x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            var pmWorkingDays = unit.Days.Get(x => x.Type == DayType.WorkingDay &&
                                              x.Date.Month == month &&
                                              x.Date.Year == year)
                                .Where(x => x.Employee.RoleId == "MGR" &&
                                       x.Employee.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                       (x.Employee.EndDate == null ||
                                        x.Employee.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                        x.Employee.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            decimal?pmUtil = 0;

            if ((noDaysInMonth(year, month) * pmCount) != 0)
                pmUtil = Math.Round((decimal)(pmWorkingDays / (decimal)(noDaysInMonth(year, month) * pmCount)) * 100, 2);

            //qa utilization
            int qaCount = unit.Employees.Get(x => x.RoleId == "QAE")
                          .Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                 (x.EndDate == null ||
                                  x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                  x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            var qaWorkingDays = unit.Days.Get(x => x.Type == DayType.WorkingDay &&
                                              x.Date.Month == month &&
                                              x.Date.Year == year)
                                .Where(x => x.Employee.RoleId == "QAE" &&
                                       x.Employee.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                       (x.Employee.EndDate == null ||
                                        x.Employee.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                        x.Employee.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            decimal qaUtil = 0;

            if (noDaysInMonth(year, month) * qaCount != 0)
                qaUtil = Math.Round((decimal)(qaWorkingDays / (decimal)(noDaysInMonth(year, month) * qaCount)) * 100, 2);

            //dev utilization
            int devCount = unit.Employees.Get(x => x.RoleId == "DEV")
                           .Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                  (x.EndDate == null ||
                                   x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                   x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            var devWorkingDays = unit.Days.Get(x => x.Type == DayType.WorkingDay &&
                                               x.Date.Month == month &&
                                               x.Date.Year == year)
                                 .Where(x => x.Employee.RoleId == "DEV" &&
                                        x.Employee.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                        (x.Employee.EndDate == null ||
                                         x.Employee.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                         x.Employee.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            decimal devUtil = 0;

            if (noDaysInMonth(year, month) * devCount != 0)
                devUtil = Math.Round((decimal)(devWorkingDays / (decimal)(noDaysInMonth(year, month) * devCount)) * 100, 2);

            //uiux utilization
            int uiuxCount = unit.Employees.Get(x => x.RoleId == "UIX")
                            .Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                   (x.EndDate == null ||
                                    x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                    x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            var uiuxWorkingDays = unit.Days.Get(x => x.Type == DayType.WorkingDay &&
                                                x.Date.Month == month &&
                                                x.Date.Year == year)
                                  .Where(x => x.Employee.RoleId == "UIX" &&
                                         x.Employee.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                         (x.Employee.EndDate == null ||
                                          x.Employee.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                          x.Employee.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            decimal uiuxUtil = 0;

            if (noDaysInMonth(year, month) * uiuxCount != 0)
                uiuxUtil = Math.Round((decimal)(uiuxWorkingDays / (decimal)(noDaysInMonth(year, month) * uiuxCount)) * 100, 2);

            //total working hours for every employee
            var totalHours = unit.Days.Get()
                             .Where(x => x.Date.Year == year && x.Date.Month == month)
                             .Select(x => (int?)x.Hours)
                             .Sum() ?? 0;

            //var totalHours = unit.Teams.Get().SelectMany(x => x.Engagements).Select(x => x.Employee)
            //                                                       .SelectMany(x => x.Days)
            //                                                       .Where(x => x.Date.Month == month && x.Date.Year == year && x.Type == DayType.WorkingDay)
            //                                                       .Select(y => (int?)y.Hours)
            //                                                       .Sum() ?? 0;

            int maxPossibleTotalHours = noDaysInMonth(year, month) * 8 * numEmployees;

            int missingEntriesTotal = 0;
            int daysInMonth         = noDaysInMonth(year, month);
            var allTeams            = unit.Teams.Get().ToList();

            List <CompanyReportTeams> overtimeTeams = new List <CompanyReportTeams>();

            foreach (var team in allTeams)
                decimal overtimehours = 0;
                var     employees     = unit.Engagements.Get().Where(x => x.Team.Id == team.Id).Select(x => x.Employee).ToList();
                var     projects      = team.Projects;

                int     missingEntriesTeam = 0;
                decimal hoursTeam          = 0;
                decimal hoursTeam1         = 0;

                foreach (var employee in employees)
                    decimal hoursEmp  = 0;
                    int     daysCount = 0;

                    decimal totHours = 0;
                    foreach (var project in projects)
                        var hoursPro = unit.Days.Get().Where(x => x.Date.Month == month && x.Date.Year == year && employee.Id == x.Employee.Id)
                                       .SelectMany(t => t.Tasks)
                                       .Where(x => x.Project.Id == project.Id)
                                       .Select(h => h.Hours)
                        totHours += hoursPro;

                    hoursTeam1 += totHours;

                    foreach (var day in employee.Days)
                        if (day.Hours > 8 && day.Date.Month == month && day.Date.Year == year && day.Type == DayType.WorkingDay)
                            overtimehours += day.Hours - 8;

                        if (day.Date.Month == month && day.Date.Year == year && day.Type == DayType.WorkingDay)
                            hoursEmp += day.Hours;

                    hoursTeam          += hoursEmp;
                    missingEntriesTeam += (daysInMonth - daysCount);

                int maxHours = noDaysInMonth(year, month) * employees.Count() * 8;
                var teamUtil = Math.Round(((double)hoursTeam1 / maxHours) * 100, 2);

                CompanyReportTeams teamToAdd = new CompanyReportTeams()
                    TeamName         = team.Name,
                    OvertimeHours    = overtimehours,
                    TeamMissingHours = missingEntriesTeam,
                    TeamHours        = hoursTeam1,
                    Utilization      = teamUtil

                missingEntriesTotal += missingEntriesTeam;

            var allProjects = unit.Projects.Get().Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                                        (x.EndDate == null ||
                                                         x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                                         x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            List <CompanyReportProjects> revenueProjects = new List <CompanyReportProjects>();

            foreach (var project in allProjects)
                CompanyReportProjects projectToAdd = new CompanyReportProjects()
                    ProjectName = project.Name,
                    Revenue     = project.Amount


            //creating a report
            var companyReport = new CompanyReport
                NumEmployees          = numEmployees,
                NumProjects           = numProjects,
                TotalHours            = totalHours,
                MaxPossibleTotalHours = maxPossibleTotalHours,
                MissingEntries        = missingEntriesTotal,

                PMUtilization = pmUtil.Value,
                PMCount       = pmCount,

                DEVUtilization = devUtil,
                DEVCount       = devCount,

                QAUtilization = qaUtil,
                QACount       = qaCount,

                UIUXUtilization = uiuxUtil,
                UIUXCount       = uiuxCount,

                OvertimeHoursTeams = overtimeTeams,
                RevenueProjects    = revenueProjects

コード例 #2
        public static CompanyReport GetCompanyReport(this UnitOfWork unit, int year, int month, ModelFactory factory)
            var AllTeams = unit.Teams.Get().ToList();
            List <CompanyReportTeams>    Teams    = new List <CompanyReportTeams>();
            List <CompanyReportProjects> Projects = new List <CompanyReportProjects>();

            var employeesWithMostOvertime = unit.Days.Get()
                                            .Where(d => d.Hours > 8 && d.Date.Month == month && d.Date.Year == year)
                                            .GroupBy(d => new { d.Employee, d.Hours })
                                            .Select(d => new OvertimeEmployees {
                Name = d.Key.Employee.FirstName + " " + d.Key.Employee.LastName, SumHours = d.Sum(w => w.Hours - 8)
            }).OrderByDescending(t => t.SumHours)

            var totalForProjects = unit.Tasks.Get()
                                   .Where(p => p.Day.Date.Year == year && p.Day.Date.Month == month)
                                   .GroupBy(d => new { d.Project.Name })
                                   .Select(t => new TotalForProjects {
                Name = t.Key.Name, OvertimeHours = t.Sum(w => w.Hours)

            foreach (var team in AllTeams)
                decimal?overtimehours = 0;
                var     employees     = unit.Engagements.Get().Where(x => x.Team.Id == team.Id).Select(x => x.Employee).ToList();
                foreach (var employee in employees)
                    foreach (var day in employee.Days)
                        if (day.Hours > 8 && day.Date.Month == month && day.Date.Year == year)
                            overtimehours += day.Hours - 8;

                CompanyReportTeams teamToAdd = new CompanyReportTeams()
                    TeamName      = team.Name,
                    OvertimeHours = overtimehours

            int      days        = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);
            DateTime currentDate = new DateTime(year, month, days);

            //taking into consideration employee/project who quit/ended in the given month/year
            var numEmployees = unit.Employees.Get().Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                                          (x.EndDate == null ||
                                                           x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                                           x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            var numProjects = unit.Projects.Get().Where(x => x.StartDate <= currentDate &&
                                                        (x.EndDate == null ||
                                                         x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                                         x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            //total working hours for every employee
            var totalHours = unit.Days.Get().Where(x => x.Type == DayType.WorkingDay &&
                                                   x.Date.Year == year && x.Date.Month == month)
                             .Select(x => (int?)x.Hours)
                             .Sum() ?? 0;

            int maxPossibleTotalHours = noDaysInMonth(year, month) * 8 * numEmployees;

            //pm utilization
            int pmCount = unit.Employees.Get().Where(x => x.Roles.Id == "MGR")
                          .Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                 (x.EndDate == null ||
                                  x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                  x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            var pmWorkingDays = unit.Days.Get().Where(x => x.Type == DayType.WorkingDay &&
                                                      x.Date.Month == month &&
                                                      x.Date.Year == year)
                                .Where(x => x.Employee.Roles.Id == "MGR" &&
                                       x.Employee.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                       (x.Employee.EndDate == null ||
                                        x.Employee.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                        x.Employee.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            decimal?pmUtil = 0;

            if ((noDaysInMonth(year, month) * pmCount) != 0)
                pmUtil = Math.Round((decimal)(pmWorkingDays / (decimal)(noDaysInMonth(year, month) * pmCount)) * 100, 2);

            //qa utilization
            int qaCount = unit.Employees.Get().Where(x => x.Roles.Id == "QAE")
                          .Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                 (x.EndDate == null ||
                                  x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                  x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            var qaWorkingDays = unit.Days.Get().Where(x => x.Type == DayType.WorkingDay &&
                                                      x.Date.Month == month &&
                                                      x.Date.Year == year)
                                .Where(x => x.Employee.Roles.Id == "QAE" &&
                                       x.Employee.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                       (x.Employee.EndDate == null ||
                                        x.Employee.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                        x.Employee.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            decimal qaUtil = 0;

            if (noDaysInMonth(year, month) * qaCount != 0)
                qaUtil = Math.Round((decimal)(qaWorkingDays / (decimal)(noDaysInMonth(year, month) * qaCount)) * 100, 2);

            //dev utilization
            int devCount = unit.Employees.Get().Where(x => x.Roles.Id == "DEV")
                           .Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                  (x.EndDate == null ||
                                   x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                   x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            var devWorkingDays = unit.Days.Get().Where(x => x.Type == DayType.WorkingDay &&
                                                       x.Date.Month == month &&
                                                       x.Date.Year == year)
                                 .Where(x => x.Employee.Roles.Id == "DEV" &&
                                        x.Employee.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                        (x.Employee.EndDate == null ||
                                         x.Employee.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                         x.Employee.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            decimal devUtil = 0;

            if (noDaysInMonth(year, month) * devCount != 0)
                devUtil = Math.Round((decimal)(devWorkingDays / (decimal)(noDaysInMonth(year, month) * devCount)) * 100, 2);

            //uiux utilization
            int uiuxCount = unit.Employees.Get().Where(x => x.Roles.Id == "UIX")
                            .Where(x => x.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                   (x.EndDate == null ||
                                    x.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                    x.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            var uiuxWorkingDays = unit.Days.Get().Where(x => x.Type == DayType.WorkingDay &&
                                                        x.Date.Month == month &&
                                                        x.Date.Year == year)
                                  .Where(x => x.Employee.Roles.Id == "UIX" &&
                                         x.Employee.BeginDate <= currentDate &&
                                         (x.Employee.EndDate == null ||
                                          x.Employee.EndDate > currentDate ||
                                          x.Employee.EndDate.Value.Month == month))

            decimal uiuxUtil = 0;

            if (noDaysInMonth(year, month) * uiuxCount != 0)
                uiuxUtil = Math.Round((decimal)(uiuxWorkingDays / (decimal)(noDaysInMonth(year, month) * uiuxCount)) * 100, 2);

            //var overtimeTeams = unit.Days.Get().Where(x => x.Date.Year == year && x.Date.Month == month)
            //                          .Select(x => new CompanyReportTeams()
            //                          {
            //                              TeamName = x.Employee.Engagements.Select(y => y.Team.Name).FirstOrDefault(),
            //                              //x.Tasks.Select(y => y.Project.Team.Name).FirstOrDefault(),
            //                              OvertimeHours = 0

            //                          })
            //                          .OrderBy(y => y.TeamName)
            //                          .ToList();

            var companyReport = new CompanyReport
                OvertimeEmployees     = employeesWithMostOvertime,
                NumEmployees          = numEmployees,
                NumProjects           = numProjects,
                TotalHours            = totalHours,
                MaxPossibleTotalHours = maxPossibleTotalHours,

                PMUtilization = pmUtil.Value,
                PMCount       = pmCount,

                DEVUtilization = devUtil,
                DEVCount       = devCount,

                QAUtilization = qaUtil,
                QACount       = qaCount,

                UIUXUtilization = uiuxUtil,
                UIUXCount       = uiuxCount,

                OvertimeHoursTeams = Teams,
                TotalForProjects   = totalForProjects
                                     //RevenueProjects = revenueProjects
