public override void SpawnSetup(Map map, bool respawningAfterLoad) { base.SpawnSetup(map, respawningAfterLoad); refuelable = GetComp <CompRefuelable>(); power = GetComp <CompPowerTrader>(); props = power.Props; fuelprops = refuelable.Props; fuelprops.fuelConsumptionRate = CryptoRestoreSettings.fuelRate / 60f; }
private static ThingFilter BaseFuelSettings(ThingWithComps T) { if (T.def.comps != null) { for (int i = 0; i < T.def.comps.Count; i++) { if (T.def.comps[i].compClass == typeof(CompRefuelable)) { CompProperties_Refuelable comp = (CompProperties_Refuelable)T.def.comps[i]; return(comp.fuelFilter); } } } return(null); }
//Removes comps if necessary //Explanation: Vanilla doesn't support conditional comps. Example: For the repair module, we only want mechs to have comp_refuelable when the mech has one installed. //So to support conditional comps like this, we first allow all comps to be loaded. Then we remove the comps for which the condition doesn't hold. In this case, the refuelable comp for the repair module is //removed when a mechanoid doens't have one installed. public static void RemoveComps(ref ThingWithComps __instance) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)__instance; List <ThingComp> comps = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("comps").GetValue <List <ThingComp> >(); List <ThingComp> newComps = new List <ThingComp>(); foreach (ThingComp thingComp in comps) { CompProperties_Refuelable refuelableProps = thingComp.props as CompProperties_Refuelable; if (refuelableProps == null || !refuelableProps.fuelFilter.Allows(WTH_DefOf.WTH_MechanoidParts)) { newComps.Add(thingComp); } if (refuelableProps != null && refuelableProps.fuelFilter.Allows(WTH_DefOf.WTH_MechanoidParts) && pawn.IsHacked() && ( { newComps.Add(thingComp); } } Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("comps").SetValue(newComps); }
public override void SpawnSetup(Map map, bool respawningAfterLoad) { base.SpawnSetup(map, respawningAfterLoad); this.currentMap = map; refuelable = GetComp <CompRefuelable>(); power = GetComp <CompPowerTrader>(); props = power.Props; fuelprops = refuelable.Props; // Require more fuel for faster rates. float fuelPerReversedYear = 1.0f * ((float)rate / 250); fuelConsumption = fuelPerReversedYear / ((float)GenDate.TicksPerYear / rate); // Log.Message("Fuel consumption per Tick: " + fuelConsumption); if (HasAnyContents) { Pawn pawn = ContainedThing as Pawn; this.configTargetAge(pawn); this.determineCurableInjuries(pawn); } }
private bool IsVehicle() { CompProperties_Refuelable props = parent.TryGetComp <CompRefuelable>().Props; return(props.targetFuelLevelConfigurable && props.consumeFuelOnlyWhenUsed); }
internal static ThingDef CreateNanoBedDefFromSupportedBed(this ThingDef bed, Action <ThingDef> fnAdditionalProcessing, List <ThingDef> linkableBuildings, List <CompProperties_Facility> facilities) { Type typeRimworldBed = typeof(Building_Bed); Type bedToClone = bed.GetType(); if (typeRimworldBed.IsAssignableFrom(bedToClone)) { throw new Exception("Type [" + bedToClone.Name + "] is not supported."); } FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(ThingDef).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); ThingDef nBed = new ThingDef(); foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { field.SetValue(nBed, field.GetValue(bed)); } nBed.comps = new List <CompProperties>(); for (int i = 0; i < bed.comps.Count; i++) { ConstructorInfo constructor = bed.comps[i].GetType().GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); CompProperties comp = (CompProperties)constructor.Invoke(null); fields = comp.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { field.SetValue(comp, field.GetValue(bed.comps[i])); } nBed.comps.Add(comp); } nBed.statBases.Add(new StatModifier() { stat = StatDef.Named("Ogre_NanoApparelRate"), value = 0 }); nBed.statBases.Add(new StatModifier() { stat = StatDef.Named("Ogre_NanoWeaponsRate"), value = 0 }); CompProperties_Power power = new CompProperties_Power(); power.compClass = typeof(CompPowerTrader); power.basePowerConsumption = 60f; power.shortCircuitInRain = false; nBed.comps.Add(power); CompProperties_Flickable flick = new CompProperties_Flickable(); flick.compClass = typeof(CompFlickable); nBed.comps.Add(flick); CompProperties_Refuelable fuel = new CompProperties_Refuelable(); fuel.fuelConsumptionRate = 0; fuel.fuelCapacity = 25.0f * bed.size.x; // same way it calculates in BedUtility fuel.consumeFuelOnlyWhenUsed = true; fuel.fuelFilter = new ThingFilter(); fuel.fuelFilter.SetAllow(ThingDef.Named("Ogre_NanoTechFuel"), true); nBed.comps.Add(fuel); Dictionary <string, int> cost = new Dictionary <string, int>() { { "ComponentIndustrial", 1 }, { "Steel", 5 } }; if (nBed.costList == null) { nBed.costList = new List <ThingDefCountClass>(); } Dictionary <string, ThingDefCountClass> current = nBed.costList.ToDictionary(x => x.thingDef.defName, y => y); foreach (string item in cost.Keys) { ThingDefCountClass count = null; if (!current.TryGetValue(item, out count)) { count = new ThingDefCountClass(ThingDef.Named(item), (cost[item] * nBed.size.x)); nBed.costList.Add(count); } else { count.count += (cost[item] * nBed.size.x); } } bool found = false; nBed.researchPrerequisites = new List <ResearchProjectDef>(); if (bed.researchPrerequisites != null && bed.researchPrerequisites.Count > 0) { foreach (ResearchProjectDef d in bed.researchPrerequisites) { if (d.defName == "Ogre_NanoTech") { found = true; } nBed.researchPrerequisites.Add(d); } } if (!found) { nBed.researchPrerequisites.Add(ResearchProjectDef.Named("Ogre_NanoTech")); } nBed.defName += "_NanoBed"; nBed.description += "\n\n" + TranslatorFormattedStringExtensions.Translate("NanoTech.Description.Short"); nBed.label = TranslatorFormattedStringExtensions.Translate("NanoTech.ModName.Short") + " " + nBed.label; nBed.thingClass = typeof(NanoBed); nBed.tradeability = Tradeability.None; nBed.scatterableOnMapGen = false; nBed.tickerType = TickerType.Rare; nBed.constructionSkillPrerequisite = bed.constructionSkillPrerequisite < 2 ? 2 : bed.constructionSkillPrerequisite; nBed.uiIconScale = 0.9f; nBed.techLevel = TechLevel.Industrial; nBed.shortHash = 0; // as of 1.3 without this, it wont // show the out of fuel icon nBed.drawerType = DrawerType.RealtimeOnly; nBed.designationCategory = DefDatabase <DesignationCategoryDef> .AllDefsListForReading.Find(x => x.defName == "Ogre_NanoRepairTech_DesignationCategory"); MethodInfo newBluePrintDef = typeof(RimWorld.ThingDefGenerator_Buildings).GetMethod("NewBlueprintDef_Thing", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); nBed.blueprintDef = (ThingDef)newBluePrintDef.Invoke(null, new object[] { nBed, false, null }); MethodInfo newFrameDef = typeof(RimWorld.ThingDefGenerator_Buildings).GetMethod("NewFrameDef_Thing", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); nBed.frameDef = (ThingDef)newFrameDef.Invoke(null, new object[] { nBed }); if (bed.building.bed_humanlike) { CompProperties_AffectedByFacilities abf = nBed.GetCompProperties <CompProperties_AffectedByFacilities>(); if (abf == null) { abf = new CompProperties_AffectedByFacilities(); nBed.comps.Add(abf); } if (abf.linkableFacilities == null) { abf.linkableFacilities = new List <ThingDef>(); } abf.linkableFacilities.AddRange(linkableBuildings); foreach (CompProperties_Facility f in facilities) { f.linkableBuildings.Add(nBed); } } if (fnAdditionalProcessing != null) { fnAdditionalProcessing.Invoke(nBed); } typeof(ShortHashGiver).GetMethod("GiveShortHash", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).Invoke(null, new object[] { nBed, typeof(ThingDef) }); return(nBed); }