void showInstruction4(object obj) { mPage.ClearAll(); CompCentralText text = new CompCentralText(); text.PutTextToCentralScreen( "下面练习判断图形是否对称", "KaiTi", 30, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, -100, System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompCentralText text3 = new CompCentralText(); text3.PutTextToCentralScreen( "在看完每幅图片后,请尽快单击 ", "KaiTi", 30, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, -50, System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompBtnNextPage btnOKexap = new CompBtnNextPage("看好了"); btnOKexap.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + FEITStandard.PAGE_HEIGHT / 2 - text3.OUTHEIGHT / 2 - 55, 200); btnOKexap.mfOnAction = doNothing; CompCentralText text2 = new CompCentralText(); text2.PutTextToCentralScreen( "然后判断给出的图形是否对称。", "KaiTi", 30, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 0, System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); //new FEITClickableScreen(ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, showBlankMask); CompBtnNextPage btn2 = new CompBtnNextPage("开始练习"); btn2.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470, 0); btn2.mfOnAction = showBlankMask; }
void showIKnowBtn() { CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("看好了"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 450); btn.mfOnAction = onIKnowBtn; }
void showInstruction2(object obj) { mPage.ClearAll(); //abc CompCentralText text = new CompCentralText(); text.PutTextToCentralScreen( " 后两侧图形可以重合,是对称的。", "KaiTi", 30, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 300, System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompCentralText text0 = new CompCentralText(); text0.PutTextToCentralScreen( "左右对折 ", "KaiTi", 30, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 300, System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0)); putPicAtCanvas("symmInstruction.bmp"); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("上一页"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470, -70); btn.mfOnAction = showInstruction1; CompBtnNextPage btn2 = new CompBtnNextPage("下一页"); btn2.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470, 70); btn2.mfOnAction = showInstruction3; }
void showInstructionPage() { mPage.ClearAll(); CompCentralText text = new CompCentralText(); text.PutTextToCentralScreen( "下面练习同时完成这两个任务", "KaiTi", 30, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, -100, System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompCentralText text2 = new CompCentralText(); text2.PutTextToCentralScreen( "请在做对称判断的同时", "KaiTi", 30, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 0, System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompCentralText text3 = new CompCentralText(); text3.PutTextToCentralScreen( "记住随后出现的红点的位置", "KaiTi", 30, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 100, System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("开始练习"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = go2PageNextStep; }
private void showFeedback() { mRTs.Add((mSW.ElapsedMilliseconds - 500)); mSW.Stop(); mSW.Reset(); CompCentralText ct = new CompCentralText(); CompCentralText ct2 = new CompCentralText(); //bool correctness = false; int correctCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mRealOrder[mGrandGroupAtIndex].Count; i++) { if (i < mAnswer.Count && mAnswer[i] == mRealOrder[mGrandGroupAtIndex][i]) { correctCount++; } } ct.PutTextToCentralScreen( " 这组属相(共" + mRealOrder[mGrandGroupAtIndex].Count + "个)中,", "KaiTi", 40, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 0, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); ct2.PutTextToCentralScreen( "你记对了" + correctCount + "个", "KaiTi", 40, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 42, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); if (mRealOrder[mGrandGroupAtIndex].Count == correctCount) { mCorrectness.Add(true); } else { mCorrectness.Add(false); } mAnswers.Add(mAnswer); mGrandGroupAtIndex++; if (mGrandGroupAtIndex == mRealOrder.Count) { mfNext = mPage.nextStep; } else { mfNext = showAnimal; } CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("下一练习"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = oneSecBlackScreen; }
private void showCallingAttentionPage() { CompCentralText ct = new CompCentralText(); ct.PutTextToCentralScreen("记忆测试" + mCharNum, "KaiTi", 50, ref mPage.amBaseCanvas, 0, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("开始"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.amBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = showBlackPage; }
private void showTitle() { clearAll(); Title comp = new PairedAsso.Title(); amBaseCanvas.Children.Add(comp); Canvas.SetTop(comp, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + (FEITStandard.PAGE_HEIGHT - 600) / 2); Canvas.SetLeft(comp, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_X + (FEITStandard.PAGE_WIDTH - 800) / 2); //new FEITClickableScreen(ref amBaseCanvas, next); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("开始"); btn.Add2Page(amBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = next; }
//Timer mIKnowBtnShower; public void showSymmPage() { Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Hand; mPage.ClearAll(); //control component System.Windows.Controls.Image img_ctrl = new System.Windows.Controls.Image(); //uri resource loading Uri uriimage = new Uri(LoaderSymmSpan.GetBaseFolder() + "SYMM\\" + mContent[mGrpAt].Trails[mItemAt].FileName); //image BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage(uriimage); //set to control img_ctrl.Source = img; img_ctrl.Width = 600; img_ctrl.Height = 450; mPage.mBaseCanvas.Children.Add(img_ctrl); Canvas.SetTop(img_ctrl, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + (FEITStandard.PAGE_HEIGHT - img_ctrl.Height) / 2); Canvas.SetLeft(img_ctrl, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_X + (FEITStandard.PAGE_WIDTH - img_ctrl.Width) / 2); mfRoute = showDualDeterPage; if (!mPractise) { arrangeAutoIKnowAndAutoFlipperInSymmPage(); } else { if (mGrpAt == 0) { CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("看好了"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 450); btn.mfOnAction = nextStep; } else { arrangeAutoIKnowAndAutoFlipperInSymmPage(); } } //record mPage.mRecorder.symmOnTime.Add(mPage.mTimer.GetElapsedTime()); }
private void showInstruction() { mPage.ClearAll(); LayoutInstruction li = new LayoutInstruction(ref mPage.mBaseCanvas); //li.addTitle(200, 0, "", "KaiTi", 50, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); li.addInstruction(240, 0, 570, 200, " 下面先来练习一下记忆属相", "KaiTi", 40, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); mfNext = showAnimal; CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("开始练习"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = oneSecBlackScreen; }
public void ShowPic() { mWatch.Stop(); mWatch.Reset(); mWatch.Start(); if (mAt < mSymmItems.Count) { mPage.ClearAll(); putPicAtCanvas(mSymmItems[mAt].FileName); mRecorder.pracSymmPicName.Add(mSymmItems[mAt].FileName); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("看好了"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 450); btn.mfOnAction = blankMask200withShowJudge; } }
public void ShowCallingAttentionPage() { CompCentralText ct = new CompCentralText(); ct.PutTextToCentralScreen("下面开始呈现词对", "KaiTi", 32, ref mPage.amBaseCanvas, 0, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompCentralText ct2 = new CompCentralText(); ct2.PutTextToCentralScreen("请注意记", "KaiTi", 32, ref mPage.amBaseCanvas, 150, Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0)); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("开始"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.amBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = afterCallingAttentionPagesBlack; }
private void showEndPage() { PARecorder rec = new PARecorder(this); rec.outputReport(FEITStandard.GetExePath() + "Report\\pa\\" + mMainWindow.mDemography.GenBriefString() + ".txt"); clearAll(); CompCentralText ct = new CompCentralText(); ct.PutTextToCentralScreen("本测验结束", "KaiTi", 32, ref amBaseCanvas, 0, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); //new FEITClickableScreen(ref amBaseCanvas, close); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("结束测验"); btn.Add2Page(amBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = testForward; }
private void loadInstructionComprehensivePrac() { ClearAll(); mMeanRT = getMeanRT(mRTs); mLayoutInstruction.addInstruction(150, 100, FEITStandard.PAGE_WIDTH, 400, "下面练习一下同时完成这两项任务\r\n 请在做心算题的同时\r\n 记住随后出现的属相", "KaiTi", 40, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); mCurrentStatus = PageAttr.practise; //new FEITClickableScreen(ref mBaseCanvas, blank1000WithNextStep); CompBtnNextPage btnGO = new CompBtnNextPage("开始练习"); btnGO.Add2Page(mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 590); btnGO.mfOnAction = blank1000WithNextStep; }
void showInstruction1(object obj) { mPage.ClearAll(); CompCentralText ct = new CompCentralText(); ct.PutTextToCentralScreen("下面再来练习一下图形对称判断,", "KaiTi", 30, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, -40, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompCentralText ct2 = new CompCentralText(); ct2.PutTextToCentralScreen("先了解一下怎样判断\r\n本任务中的图形是否对称。", "KaiTi", 30, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 40, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); // new FEITClickableScreen(ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, showInstruction2); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("下一页"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = showInstruction2; }
private void loadMainTitle() { ClearAll(); mLayoutInstruction.addTitle(70, 0, "对称广度", "SimHei", 52, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); mLayoutInstruction.addTitle(133, 105, "Operation Span", "Batang", 32, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); mLayoutInstruction.addTitle(240, 5, "请你判断图形的对称性,并记住随后出现的红点位置。", "SimHei", 30, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); mLayoutInstruction.addTitle(290, 0, "下面先来练习一下记忆红点位置", "SimHei", 30, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); mStatus = StatusSS.singlePos; //new FEITClickableScreen(ref mBaseCanvas, nextStep); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("下一页"); btn.Add2Page(mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = BlankMask1000Next; }
private void loadInstructionPage2() { ClearAll(); CompCentralText cct = new CompCentralText(); cct.PutTextToCentralScreen("下面是正式测验", "KaiTi", 38, ref mBaseCanvas, -50, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompCentralText cct2 = new CompCentralText(); cct2.PutTextToCentralScreen("请在做心算题的同时\r\n记住随后出现的属相", "KaiTi", 38, ref mBaseCanvas, 50, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); mCurrentStatus = PageAttr.test; //new FEITClickableScreen(ref mBaseCanvas, nextStep); CompBtnNextPage btnGO = new CompBtnNextPage("开始测验"); btnGO.Add2Page(mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 550); btnGO.mfOnAction = nextStep; }
public void showEquation() { mWatch.Start(); if (mPage.mbFixedItemMode) { mExpression = mEquations[mPosMark].Equation; mResult = mEquations[mPosMark].Result; } else { if (mPosMark >= 0 && mPosMark < 8) { mOSEM.GenEquation(ref mExpression, ref mResult, EquationType.NonCarry); } else if (mPosMark >= 8 && mPosMark < 16) { mOSEM.GenEquation(ref mExpression, ref mResult, EquationType.Carry); } } mPage.ClearAll(); CompCentralText cct = new CompCentralText(); cct.PutTextToCentralScreen(mExpression + " ?", "Batang", 74, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 0, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); /*Timer t = new Timer(); * t.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(t_Elapsed2QuaterSecond); * t.Interval = 2000; * t.AutoReset = false; * t.Enabled = true;*/ //new FEITClickableScreen(ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, equationClicked); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("算好了"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 400); btn.mfOnAction = equationClicked; mfNext = showAnswer; }
private void loadTitlePage() { ClearAll(); mLayoutInstruction.addTitle(70, 0, "操作广度", "KaiTi", 52, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); mLayoutInstruction.addTitle(133, 105, "Operation Span", "Batang", 32, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); mLayoutInstruction.addInstruction(240, 0, 600, 200, "请在做心算题的同时,记住随后出现的属相(十二生肖)", "KaiTi", 42, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); mCurrentStatus = PageAttr.practiseChar; //test////////////////////////////////////////////////////for stage control //mCurrentStatus = PageAttr.instructCompreh; //test above////////////////////////////////////////////// //new FEITClickableScreen(ref mBaseCanvas, nextStep); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("下一页"); btn.Add2Page(mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = nextStep; }
private void loadFinishPage() { ClearAll(); CompCentralText cct = new CompCentralText(); CompCentralText cct2 = new CompCentralText(); CompCentralText cct3 = new CompCentralText(); cct.PutTextToCentralScreen("本次测验结束", "KaiTi", 50, ref mBaseCanvas, -100, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); cct2.PutTextToCentralScreen("请稍作休息进行其他测验", "KaiTi", 50, ref mBaseCanvas, -35, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); cct3.PutTextToCentralScreen("点击按钮继续", "KaiTi", 50, ref mBaseCanvas, 30, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); //new FEITClickableScreen(ref mBaseCanvas, exitOpSpan); CompBtnNextPage btnGO = new CompBtnNextPage("测验结束"); btnGO.Add2Page(mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 490); btnGO.mfOnAction = exitOpSpan; }
private void showInstruction() { mPage.ClearAll(); LayoutInstruction li = new LayoutInstruction(ref mPage.mBaseCanvas); //li.addTitle(200, 0, "算式练习", "KaiTi", 50, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); li.addInstruction(200, 0, 638, 400, "下面再来练习一下心算\r\n在完成每一心算题后请尽快单击 \r\n然后判断给出的心算答案是否正确", "KaiTi", 40, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("算好了"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 290, 330); btn.mfOnAction = doNothing; mfNext = showEquation; CompBtnNextPage btnGO = new CompBtnNextPage("开始练习"); btnGO.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 490); btnGO.mfOnAction = oneSecBlackScreen; }
public bool showReportPage()//only in practise { mPage.ClearAll(); CompCentralText ct = new CompCentralText(); CompCentralText ct2 = new CompCentralText(); CompCentralText ct3 = new CompCentralText(); ct.PutTextToCentralScreen("这组题(共" + mCurTrailsCount + "个)中,你", "KaiTi", 32, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, -30, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); ct2.PutTextToCentralScreen("记对了" + mOrderCorrectCount + "个属相", "KaiTi", 32, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 4, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); ct3.PutTextToCentralScreen("做对了" + mMathCorrectCount + "个心算", "KaiTi", 32, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 36, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); if (mGrpAt == mGroups.Count - 1) { //quit practise route = quit; } else { groupIterate(); route = showLongBlackPage2Equation; } //new FEITClickableScreen(ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, mPage.nextStep); //delayAndNext(2000); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("继续"); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 470); btn.mfOnAction = mPage.nextStep; return(true); }
public bool showEquationPage() { mPage.ClearAll(); if (!mPage.mbFixedItemMode)//if not fixed gen random { if (mPractiseMode) { mOSEM.GenEquation(ref mEquation, ref mEquationResult, EquationType.NonCarry); } else { if (mGrpAt < 2)//non-carry { mOSEM.GenEquation(ref mEquation, ref mEquationResult, EquationType.NonCarry); } else//carry { mOSEM.GenEquation(ref mEquation, ref mEquationResult, EquationType.Carry); } } Random rdm = new Random(); if (rdm.Next(0, 2) == 0)//set incorrect to show { mGroups[mGrpAt].mTrails[mTraAt].result = rdm.Next(0, 200).ToString(); mGroups[mGrpAt].mTrails[mTraAt].correctness = false; } else//set correct to show { mGroups[mGrpAt].mTrails[mTraAt].result = mEquationResult.ToString(); mGroups[mGrpAt].mTrails[mTraAt].correctness = true; } mGroups[mGrpAt].mTrails[mTraAt].equation = mEquation; } mGroups[mGrpAt].mTrails[mTraAt].equation += " ?"; CompCentralText ct = new CompCentralText(); ct.PutTextToCentralScreen(mGroups[mGrpAt].mTrails[mTraAt].equation, "Batang", 74, ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, 0, Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); route = showBlackPage2Determine; //record Timer t = null; //save rec mPage.mRecorder.mathOn.Add(mPage.mTimer.GetElapsedTime()); mPage.mRecorder.mathExpression.Add(mGroups[mGrpAt].mTrails[mTraAt].equation); if (!mPractiseMode) { //overtime! t = new Timer(); t.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(t_Overtime); t.Interval = mPage.mMeanRT * 2; t.AutoReset = false; t.Enabled = true; } //new FEITClickableScreen(ref mPage.mBaseCanvas, mPage.nextStep, ref t); CompBtnNextPage btn = new CompBtnNextPage("算好了", t); btn.Add2Page(mPage.mBaseCanvas, FEITStandard.PAGE_BEG_Y + 400); btn.mfOnAction = mPage.nextStep; return(true); }